The Street Fighter

By beebee12345678

381K 11.8K 3.1K

At the age of 17, Skylar Green is left to care for her 5-year old brother, Dylan. Her mother? Dead. Her fathe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

12.2K 370 69
By beebee12345678


I looked at Tyler to see him looking at me questioningly.

I whipped my hood up and tried covering my face with my hair but I knew it was hopeless. He had already seen my face.

I looked behind me to find the boys walking towards us.

My hand gripped Tyler's forearm and I dragged him towards another alley. I gripped his collar and pushed him against the wall. He was in the same position I was in just minutes ago.

"Sky, what are you doing here? Why did you-"His sentence abruptly stopped as his eyes widened, realisation dawning on him. "You're Stealth, aren't you?"

My hand covered his mouth and I looked around to make sure no one was here before taking it off.

"Yes Tyler, it's me. Keep quiet, no one was supposed to know. So you better keep this a secret."

He nodded and my grip on his collar loosened. His eyes dotted around and his rushed voice came out.

"The boys are coming. Quick."

My back hit the wall softly as our positions were swapped.

His body pressed against mine and he kissed me. My hands pushed at his shoulders and his lips left mine.

"What are you doing?" I growled.

"Go along with it." He whispered so closely I could feel his breath on my lips before he smashed his back onto mine.

Slowly, I moved my mouth. There was no need to be scared, Tyler wouldn't hurt me. I pushed down the need to freak out that was rising in my stomach, I would not hyperventilate this time. There was no need to. Nothing was happening.

Not everybody was like him.

To distract myself, my eyes looked behind Tyler to the boys jogging towards this alley.

They passed us, not even giving us a second glance. Most likely thinking we were just two ordinary people hooking up in an alleyway.

I kissed Tyler awhile longer until the boys were out of sight then I pushed Tyler away gently.

He looked around before speaking.

"Zach and the others are gone. Your secret is safe."

"Wait, that was Zach?" This time my eyes widened as everything clicked in place. The familiar blue eyes. Mystery person always hanging out with the boys. The same tattoo. "That was Zach. You're right."

Of course he'd be right idiot.

He nodded but then I remembered why we were even kissing in an alley. My secret still wasn't safe.

"I want to hear you say it. You have to keep this secret." I told him seriously.

"I promise that I won't tell anyone you are Stealth, Sky. I promise."

I held up my pinkie finger.

"Really Sky? Are you serious, a pinkie promise?"

Could he not tell how serious this was to me? I was dead serious.

I glared at him and held up my finger higher to get the point across. I wasn't letting him leave with my secret without getting him to pinkie promise on it.

His smallest finger wrapped around mine and I smiled before letting go.

"Oh yeah. Um, about earlier. The fight. I didn't mean to do that." I pointed to his face that had a big bruise by his temple as well as a few in other places and dried up blood by his nose.

He chuckled, "It's okay, it's all part of the fight isn't it? And well, that's the first time that anybody has beat me in a street fight. You can really fight."

This time it was my turn to chuckle. "I learnt from the best." I said remembering my Dad's technique.

He caught my small fist in his large hand. He smiled at me before slipping my thumb from inside my fist to the outside.

"Punch like this. Thumbs on the outside but tuck them in so they're not sticking out. Try again."

I punched the air again with my newly formed fist.

"There you go, now you've got it."

"Can I move onto the punching bags then?" I asked, showing my gapped teeth.

"Sure," he chuckled.

My nine year old self let out a little shriek of excitement as I ran over to the punching bags.

"Okay, let me see your hands." He said.

I held my hands out and he wrapped some material around my hands, my feet bouncing in anticipation.

"Now, let me see. Form a fist." I did as told as he inspected my fist.


My small fists punched the punching bag with all their might but it hardly moved.

I looked down at my hands, annoyed as to why they weren't working. They worked in the air.

Dad bent down to my height, the smile on his face still intact.

"Sky, can you promise me something?"

I nodded, "What is it Daddy?"

"Fight for your life because you never know, it could be your last. Promise me you'll always fight for your life."

"I promise Daddy. I'll fight for my life, no matter what."

He held out his pinkie finger and mine curled around his.

He stood up to his full height and ruffled my hair and stood to the side, letting me go back to striking the punching bag.

My fist hit it and it swung back a little but the movement of the bag was noticeable.

I gave another little shriek of excitement before punching again, one fist after another.

This could be the last time, so I would try my best.

"Hey Sky, are you okay?" Tyler snapped me out of the memories I was recalling.

"Yeah Ty, why wouldn't I be?"

He gave me a sad smile, "Because I've been calling you for ages and you look as if you're about to cry."

I blinked away the tears before looking at the time, 3:28. I really needed to get going.

"I've got to go but I'll see you later. Don't forget, you can't tell anyone."

He nodded, "I won't Sky. See you at school." He assured me.

I turned my back before leaving and jogging to the path. I slowed down to a walk as soon as I found the path and walked the ten minute journey home.

My keys rattled as I fumbled to unlock the door. Finally, the key slid in place and I turned, successfully unlocking the door.

I closed it behind me, about to go straight to the bedroom to check on the boys when I noticed Shaun on the sofa with Dylan curled up with him.

A glass of half empty milk stood next to the sofa. A small smile made its way to my face as I looked at the both of them.

I crouched down beside them, wondering if I should leave them and put a blanket over them but decided otherwise once realising the uncomfortable positions they were lying in.

I certainly didn't want to be dealing with Shaun's complaining in the morning of how his neck hurt.

One hand touched Shaun's cheek whilst the other lay on his shoulder. He shifted slightly but showed no signs of waking up. Gently, I shook him and his eyes opened to find my eyes staring right back at him.

"Sky." He smiled lazily.

I hummed a response. "Come on. Let's get you two to bed. Are you too tired to carry Dylan or do you want me to do it?"

"I'm fine to do it." He picked Dylan up, who was laying half on his lap, half on the sofa, like a baby.

Smoothly, as not to wake him up, he stood up slowly. He walked to the bedroom and lay him down, him following right behind him, laying on the bed as well.

I quickly stripped off the clothes and put on some underwear, laying down next to Shaun. His arm naturally wrapped around my stomach and I relaxed into his back. He pecked my bare shoulder and his lips stayed there as he fell asleep.

Exhaustion soon took over my body, my eyelids becoming heavier by the second and sleep overcame me.


"Hello. How may I help you?" The voice came through the phone.

I stifled a yawn before speaking. "I am calling to inform you that Dylan Green will not be able to attend school today due to a fever."

"Okay and what relation do you have with Dylan Green?"

"I am Mrs Green, Dylan's mother." I lied.

"Thank you for calling, Dylan's teacher will also be informed. Have a nice day and I hope Dylan gets better soon."

They hung up and I turned to look at Dylan who was in bed, cheeks red and covers all the way up to his chin.

His hair was matted to his forehead with sweat.

"Dylan," I said softly, crouching down next to the bed. "You're not going to get better if you have the duvet covering you. You're already too hot."

"But I feel so cold."

I smiled sadly at him. "Okay, I'll get a little heater here but you'll have to uncover yourself just a bit."

He nodded.

I walked to the kitchen and found what I was looking for on top of a cupboard. A portable heater.

Getting it down, I plugged it into the bedroom and put it on, letting it warm the room up.

He uncovered slightly and I smiled at him. Progress.

I made my way back to the kitchen where Shaun was making some breakfast for all of us.

"Sky, go to school. I'll take care of him."

I shook my head "No Shaun. You go, we'll be fine. School will still be there tomorrow, it's just one day."

He sighed in annoyance, "If only you weren't so stubborn."

I smirked at him, "But that's another thing you love about me."

He rolled his eyes, "Mmm, you keep thinking that."

I let out a chuckle, "So, how did Dylan get on the sofa with you last night?" I questioned.

He flipped the blueberry pancakes and spoke. "I was waiting for you last night and Dylan woke up asking where you were. I told him and then he couldn't go to sleep. So I made him some milk and he fell asleep. I suppose I joined him afterwards."

A guilty feeling set in my stomach.

"Um, does he wake up often when I'm gone?" I asked nervously.

Shaun shook his head, a small smile on his face. "Don't worry about it Sky."

I gave Shaun a pointed look making him continue.

"This is the second time he's woken up without you here. It's okay Sky, you're doing it for him."

The guilty feeling settled lower in my stomach.

"Yeah, I'm definitely not leaving him now. You go and I'll look after Dylan."

Shaun sighed again knowing I wouldn't back down. He put two blueberry pancakes onto a plate and I added the rest of the strawberries to the plate before putting the packet in the bin.

I carried the plate to Dylan with a glass of orange juice. He sat up and I placed the plate in front of him. He ate then I gave him some medicine to help his temperature go down.

He cringed slightly and I handed him some juice quickly to get the taste out of his mouth.

He lay back down, falling asleep shortly after.

I made my way to Shaun and found two more pancakes for me on the table. I ate them with Shaun, talking with hushed voices before he left.


A couple of hours later, a knocking on the door stopped the knife in front of me from slicing the leek.

I walked to the door, looking through the peephole and sighed in relief at the sight of Zach.

I opened the door and he came in.

"I heard Dylan wasn't well so I decided to come over. You know keep you some company."

I placed my hands on my hips.

"You're supposed to be at school Zach."

"School? Why would I go there when I've got someone who needs my help more?"

"I don't need your help Zach so go. You might get a fever too."

He gave an 'aah' as if he had only just realised something. "So you're worried about me. If that's it then I can assure you I am immune to all of this. I never catch fevers or anything."

I chuckled, "Anyway, why would I need your help?"

He scoffed. "Why wouldn't you need my help? But seriously...You need my help."

He picked up a bag that I hadn't noticed was there before and sat down on the sofa, putting his feet up.

Make yourself comfortable, why don't you?

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him. He pulled a laptop out of the bag, three movies and food.

"I'm guessing you haven't had lunch, have you?"

I shook my head, "I was just about to start cooking some soup."

"Well, since I am so amazing I brought some soup. Enough for all of us."

I woke Dylan up and he had some soup. His temperature was close to normal and he wasn't tired anymore so he watched a movie with us.

And can I just say Zach's Mum did an amazing job cooking this soup.

I sat curled up, clutching my stomach as Zach made us laugh.

"It's not that funny, the jam dripping down my back was really cold."

I burst into another fit of laughter as I heard this.

Zach grumbled something under his breath and pressed play on the movie.

I felt Dylan's forehead and it seemed like he was all better.

"Well Dyl, it seems like you're going to school tomorrow." I spoke as the ending credits of the movie rolled down the screen.

He smiled up at me and nodded.

"So Sky, there's a party coming up this Friday. All of us are going and you should as well. This one is usually the best one of the year. Everyone goes, you can't miss it.

"I'm fine but thanks for asking."

My partying days were over.

"Okay then. Come to the party with me. Now I'm not asking."

"No. No way am I going to a party. Don't even think about, you can't make me." I stated, crossing my arms.


My hands felt all the materials as I walked through the aisle.

"This one?" She held a piece of skimpy material up and I cringed in disgust. She let out a snort of laughter before turning around and looking through more dresses.

"What about this one?" I looked at the dress in awe.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I spoke breathlessly.

"It is isn't it?" Lyla asked whilst I looked at the price. £304.99 for a dress?

I nodded, "Yeah but this is too stunning for some teenage party. It would get ruined."

She nodded, a sly smirk on her face. "You're right. Let's look for something else.

We were looking for dresses. For the party. The party that was tonight.

I wasn't going to go but Shaun's forcing me. Forcing me. And I thought I was stubborn.

He told me I 'wasn't allowed to come home until three in the morning. Or better yet don't come home and stay at the party. What kind of human would say that, isn't it usually the opposite?

I suppose he just wants me to have fun. Be a normal teenager.

"Why don't you go check over there? I think I saw some nice ones there earlier."

I nodded warily. She was planning something but I still moved. I looked through the racks of clothes.

I looked back to find her on the phone with someone and putting the elegant dress back.

I turned back to the clothes and finally found something I liked.

I swivelled round to find Lyla directly behind me. I nearly jumped in surprise but quickly composed myself.

"No." She quickly said. "You are not wearing shorts."

I crossed my arms, "You're lucky I'm even going. So yes, I am wearing shorts."

I hadn't been to a party in a long time, wearing a dress wouldn't be a good idea. It's too easy for men to slip their hands up my dress.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. But that means that I pick the top. And I do your makeup."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm okay with that."

She nodded before going through more aisles whilst I held the shorts in one hand.

She picked something out and she paid, saying something about someone else paying for the both of us.

We grabbed some food for us to eat and after finishing we bought some more to take home for the boys.

We climbed into the car and Lyla drove us to her house, where everyone was including Dylan and Shaun. They would be going home just after we left.

The car stopped at her house and we went inside. The amount of people in here made it noisy and we walked into the living room where we found all the boys and Faith.

I sat down next to Dylan and he climbed into my lap as we watched TV. That fever was just a one day thing, he was better the next day.

Not long after, it was time to get ready for the party so we all dispersed into different rooms. Lyla and I went into her bedroom.

I showered and dried myself off. I put some underwear on then pulled the shorts out of my bag followed by the other clothes. I put them all on, checking my outfit in the mirror afterwards.

The denim shorts had studs on one pocket, the hem was frayed and there was a white belt to complement it. My wrist held a silver bangle and I wore a grey top with thin straps.

The cream leather jacket brought the whole look together. In fact this was a look that I would wear normally. It was simple, not really a party look.

That was why I liked it. Because I couldn't care less that we were going to a party and that meant I didn't care how I looked.

It was just some party anyway, probably not as good as the ones I've been to. I mean it's a teenage party not a college one.

Most teenagers make everything out of nothing. Only the ones that have seen how cruel the world can really be know how irrelevant most things are.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find Lyla there in her outfit. She wore a white dress, her arms and back were covered with lace. The only accessory was the watch wrapped around her right wrist. She looked gorgeous.

Her hair was left down in beach waves and her makeup was amazing. All the focus was on her blue eyes that seemed brighter, bluer even from her golden eyelids. Her long eyelashes just added to her look.

Before I even had time to compliment her, I was spun around and my bum was seated in a chair in front of a vanity.

She pulled the loose bun out of my hair and just as fast I was squirming away from the hot wand attacking me. I understand that I've curled my hair with a hair curler before but I swear this girl was crazy. She wasn't aiming for my hair, she was targeting my scalp.

She stepped back admiring her work and I sighed in relief as I realised she was finished with my hair and I came out with no burns.

That would have been a disaster.

My face was next and I was surprised at how gentle she was with the mascara and how her hand carefully glided the eyeliner across my eyes.

She concentrated so hard she was squinting and her mouth was left partly open. I chuckled slightly.

"This eyeliner better be on fleek." I joked.

Her mouth that was ajar quickly turned into a smile.

"Shush it you." She said, standing up and clapping her hands together. "Great, eyeliner's done. Now for the lips."

She rummaged through a draw before standing up, holding a lipstick in the air and grinning widely as if she had just been told she didn't have to go to this party.

Well, maybe she wouldn't do that but I know I would be jumping for joy if I found that out. Or just said I told you so. Either one.

I suppose we don't always get what we want.

She quickly bent down in front of me ready to apply the lipstick when I stopped her. A lip balm was fine, if she didn't have to wear lipstick I wasn't either. It would most likely be ruined by the end of the party anyway.

She stood up sighing and I couldn't help but feel bad. She did my makeup, my hair, the least I could do was make my appearance she worked on for so long look complete. I sighed before putting on the lipstick.

When I looked back up in the mirror I couldn't help but feel like it finished the whole look off.

There was a knock on the door. It opened slightly before a head peeked out, it was Carter.

His eyes raked Lyla's body before landing back on her face.

"Wow. You look gorgeous Lyla."

A shout from downstairs sounded, "That's my sister you're talking about. She might be beautiful but she's off limits to my friends." His voice gradually got closer and eventually he entered the room.

"Wow. You look stunning Sky." He said as soon as he had finished looking me up and down.

Another body entered the bedroom, it was Shaun.

"That's my best friend you're talking about. She might be beautiful and she is so she's all yours." Shaun finished, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Now I'm glad I invited you to the party otherwise I would not have been able to see this." Zach commented and I fake glared at him.

"Anyway," Carter coughed gaining our attention. "I originally came to tell you that we're going to be leaving now. So how about we go now?" He asked, pointing at the door.

We all nodded and started going before I was pulled back by Shaun.

He spoke before I could even ask him what he was doing.

"Sky, go to this party and have fun. Go get drunk, dance, be sick, and get high. The works. Just go and have fun, I'm not stopping you. Just don't come home early, Dylan will be fine."

I nodded before questioning him, "Don't parents always say the opposite?"

He smiled cheekily, "I guess I'm not a normal parent." He winked at me.

His smile slowly dropped as he saw my serious face.

I pulled him in for a hug and mumbled into his shoulder, "Thank you Shaun."

His arms wrapped tightly around me as he rested his chin on my head.

He pulled me away but held me at arm's length. "Go, have fun," He chuckled.

I gave him a smile before running down the stairs and climbing into one of the cars.

I was next to Carter and Chase, Zach was in the front and Tyler was driving.

Once the car stopped, everyone piled out of both cars. I could hear the party before I could see it.

We started walking to the house whilst Zach went over the rules.

"No receiving drinks from friends unless it's one of us."

"No stripping on the table," he said, staring pointedly at Chase.

"That was one time," Chase whined and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

Zach carried on with his rules unfazed by Chase. "And no starting fights." This time he gave everyone a look.

By the time his short rules were finished, we made it to the front of the house.

"Everyone's phones on? Good, now go have fun. It's a party." Zach said and we walked inside.

The smell of sweat, sex and alcohol hit me like a brick and I was surprised that people were already drunk off their asses.

This was going to be some party.



This chapter skips time periods so much so I'm sorry for that but I had started writing a party scene for the next chapter before this and needed the transition for it so... yeah.

And if it helps, the last chapter's cliff hanger has been revealed only to end in another one.

But a lot is going to happen in the next chapter. I think anyway, I haven't written all of it, only the ending which is pretty stupid but oh well.

Leave a comment and tell me if you're liking the story so far and what you think should happen next...

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