The Past or the Present?

By wisdomgirl_22

303K 8.4K 574

(Recently: I am the Second Mate of the Alpha) Selena Colosel sometimes have flashbacks concerning her painful... More

Eleven... (Special)
Fourteen... (special #2)
Sixteen... (Special #3)
Nineteen...(Special: Finale)
Twenty Five...
Thirty- Four


7.3K 212 16
By wisdomgirl_22

Dylan Colosel

To say that I'm angry, is an understatement. I'm so pissed off right now that I can kill another werewolf on the spot.

But when I saw her standing beside Selena, with fear in her eyes. I can feel myself softened and sighed. Instead, I walked in her direction carefully. But my sister blocked my way.

"Before you go near her, you need to calm down first." She tells me seriously.

I glared at her, "Get out of the way Sel, my wolf isn't recognizing you as his sister right now. My wolf wants my mate before it calms down."

She looked back at my mate but before Katarina could answer I growled, "Now."

So Selena did.

I walked towards my mate and touched her face. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I cannot bear to lose her, not now, not ever.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." She apologized with that soft voice of hers. I can really see the regret in her eyes making me shake my head.

"You did nothing wrong, my wolf was just agitated that he doesn't know where you were."

She smiled at me, making me feel a huge weight of happiness. Finally I don't need to hide the urge to hug or kiss her. Now she knows I am her mate, I can have her with me.


She is MINE

Selena Colosel

I smiled slightly while watching my brother and best friend hug each other. I know it's cliche, but I really don't care.

I'm happy that at least two important persons in my life found happiness with each other. But deep inside, I envy what they have.

Their love for each other isn't tainted with doubts, regrets or even guilt. All they have with each other is love and hope. They might meet challenges along the way of their story but at least they are sure of each other. All that matters to them is that they have one another.

You don't need to envy them, soon my dear human. Our mate will soon accept us and give in. My wolf whispered to me with so much confidence. I shook my head and sighed.

I wish you're right...

I walked back to Thaddeus and I's room, when I saw him staring at a picture. Then I realized it is his and Rosalinda's picture.

"Forgive me Rose..." I heard him whisper still staring at the picture that may held many memories of the two. "Forgive me for betraying you."

I wanted to runaway but I can't, something is stopping me from doing so. My feet were frozen and I can't move.

"My wolf kept on convincing me to move on and forget about you. But I can't Rose, you are too precious to be forgotten. If I did what my wolf demanded me to do, won't it be unfair for you?" I saw tears fall from his eyes. It breaks my already broken heart. "You told me you are mine right? Then why did you leave me?"

Then he whispered that totally shattered me, "How can I forget someone, unforgettable?"

I closed my eyes to stop the tears falling and put up a smile entering the room. He's head snapped in my direction and I can see in his eyes swimming with a lot of emotions. But I caught one: Guilt.


I smiled even though in the inside I wanna cry, "Thaddeus, I just wanna ask if you could come with me to the mall?"

"Sure, just let me change." He stood up from where he was sitting. But before he can change, I stopped him.

"No need, we're just going to the mall."

He looked at me but nodded, "Then let me get my car keys." I nodded at him.

I wish that someday, you will be able to love completely. Without doubts, I'll be yours and you'll be mine.

Thaddeus Dalton

When Selena invited me to go to the mall, I was quite surprise. But I know she's trying her best...

What did I ever do to deserve to have two mates? Only the moon goddess knows why, but sometimes I really wish to know.


I turned and saw her wearing shorts and tee shirt. Which made me pissed, she's showing too much skin!

I can feel myself losing control, "Change."

"What?" She asked looking puzzled.

"Change clothes, into jeans and long sleeves!"

Her eyes widened, "Are you crazy?! It's so hot!"

I glared at her. She returned the gesture but suddenly she stopped short as if she was arguing with herself. Must be her wolf talking.

"Fine, I'll go change." She sighed and turned to walk back inside the pack house with her shoulders slumped.

What was that?

Her wolf, Artemis is convincing her with something that I can't tell you my wolf answered.

My eyebrows furrowed at what she said, What do you mean you can't tell me?

He answered me with silence.

Wow, nice talking. I told him sarcastically.

You know we can't interfere Thaddeus! It's one of the most sacred laws of the moon goddess.

I frowned, Of course I know. But at least give me a hint so I don't hurt Selena continuously.

Sorry, but I really can't do that. I sighed in defeat.

Suddenly, Selena's walking towards me in jeans and a shirt.

"Can I at least wear the shirt? I really can't bear the heat. At least let me have this, please Thadd." She begged doing her puppy dog eyes.


She smiled at me and jumped inside the car. I can't stop looking at her, she's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Then suddenly I realized what I just said and shook my head. She's one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

You're an idiot Thaddeus. My wolf growled at me, but I ignored it. There's no use if I even argued with him.

If he's stubborn, how much more am I?


I turned to look at Sel, "Yes?"

She smiled at me, "Aren't you gonna turn on the car?"

I almost banged my head at the steering wheel, because of my idiocy. "Yeah, I was about to... Do that."

I can hear my wolf laughing at me at the back of my head, Shut up Orion!

Idiot. He answered smirking at me.

How much more can this wolf of mine annoy me?

Hey pups!

Sooo things are starting to get complicated when it comes to our characters. So what do you think?

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