The Stepbrother / Cameron Dal...

By CrazyWolfGirl13

185K 2.8K 611

The most popular boy in school, is in my house. How did this happen? I don't know and I don't care. He is a s... More

The Good Begining to a Bad Day
The Worst
Dress Shopping and The Festival
The Festival part 2
Birthday Cruise
Birthday Cruise part 2
Birthday Cruise part 3
Character Q&A!!!
Found Secrets
Give Me A Break
All About You
My Everything
New Beginning
Good Times
spin off?

The Party

13.8K 251 34
By CrazyWolfGirl13

Chapter 3

To say I'm nervous in an under statement. I haven't been to a single party since the beginning of summer break. Let's just say I'm feeling to revealed right now in this outfit. (a/n Outfit at the top. The names tells you who is wearing that outfit. Just so you know.)

I walk into the party and people are everywhere. Dancing in the living room on tables and chairs. Also all through the house smells like throw up and alcohol. Disgusting. I hear someone calling for me so I look around and I found Kat standing with everyone. Well everyone except Annie and her boyfriend. I walk over and high five the boys and hugged the girls. But I stood in front of Austin and I gave him a peck on the lips.

"When the clock strikes 9:00 meet me downstairs for the first official meeting of The Dare Club. And after the meeting we will see who will be the new leader after this year. Kapeesh?" We all nod. I grab Austin's hand and drag him out to the dance floor when a slow song came on.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he places my hands on my sides. I sigh and lean into him resting my head onto his buff chest.

"What's wrong princess?" He asks. I just shrug and he stops moving grabbing my face into his hands to make me look at him. "Tell me what's wrong princess, you can trust me."

"Well I'm just.....I don't know. Its my first party since summer break started and I guess......I'm just nervous. And what about the Dare Club? I was thinking about dropping out but I love that club. It keeps my mind off of very stupid things like obsessing over a stupid band craze, or something people saw in a magazine." I sigh again and wait for a response from Austin. He just nods.

"I understand how you feel. I've been thinking about going out of the club for a while now but in not so sure anymore. I mean I've been in it since 9th grade like everyone else. Like you." I nod and he hugs me.

Skip to meeting

"Welcome people, to the first official meeting of the Dare club.
Today we will be discussing the dares and the person who will take my place as leader next year. Remember that a junior gets chosen to be the leader for the club only for a year. I was the leader for two years. But that was different because my brother was in this exact club." Everyone in the room gasps except for me, Austin, Kat, Ari, Liam, Jake, Annie, Camelia, Louis, and Cameron. Ugh I hate him so much.

"Here is the list of dares with your name next to it. You have twenty-four hours to complete it. You must have prof in any form you like. The leader for next year will be a first for the history of the Dare Club. The leader is very respectful, completes the dares within twelve hours, and is a girl." Everybody gave a confused look. Even our group. A girl. That has never happened before. "Her name is Janet Stones. Congratulations, on your achievement." A girl with bright blue hair stands up. I guess that that's Janet.

After the meeting is over everyone dispersed one at a time out of the basement door. Everyone knows about us but they don't know where we meet so we have to keep it a secret most of the time. Austin is the last one to exit the basement.

I'm nervous for my dare. I have to jump off of a moving train at midnight. Wow. I'm not gonna break an ankle or anything. I will be fine. Hint the sarcasm there. Its only then I drag Austin up to his bedroom to ask him about my dare.

"Babe, can I change my dare please?" I give him the puppy dog eyes because he is a sucker for them.

"Uh..I-I am not sure princess." I just smile and walk over and sit in front of him. His expression changes from nervous to excited back to nervous again. He starts to lean in for a kiss and when he does I put my hand up to block it. He groans.

"Ugh, princess. Please let me kiss you?"

"Not until you change my dare." I give him a sly smile.

"Fine. I'll give you my dare which is to get Cameron to cheat on Annie. What's your dare?" I smile at this, it is the perfect revenge.

"You have to jump off of a moving train exactly at midnight." His face scrunches up as if in pain.

"Ouch that's gonna hurt. Oh and by the way you have about a month or two to complete the Cameron dare because of how complicated it might be. Even though you usually are allowed twenty four hours to complete it I can give you a exception. " I jump up from excitement and lean forward to kiss him.

So far this is the best night ever.

"Hey Kat, Ari, let's go dance!" I grab both of their hands and drag them out to the dance floor. I just now noticed I've been dragging people around a lot. Oh well.

We go crazy to My House by Flo Rida. After the song is over everyone decides to go grab a drink.

"Hey Jake toss me a root beer!" I holler across the kitchen.

"Here ya go Lia." I jump into the air and catch it as a fall back into some people. I wasn't on the ground though. I turn around to see Cameron eating Annie's face off.

"Ew, ew, ew." I mumble. I start to walk backwards but I bump into someone again.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going next time." I know that voice.

"Hey Louis. Well maybe you should watch where you're going text time. Liam can you go see what time the party ends I have to start working on my dare tomorrow."

"Sure." Liam turns and walks away from the kitchen where everybody I knew was at right now. Its weird though. Nobody was in the kitchen except for the kind of popular and the popular. My group.

"You know Lia that smart mouth of yours can get you in trouble sometimes. So be careful I don't want my little sister getting hurt."

"You got that right big bro." I'm like family to all of them except for Austin and Cameron.

My 'sisters' are Kat, Ari, Camille, and Annie. While my 'brothers' are Liam, Louis, and Jake. We are one big happy family. Except none of us are related, I'm an only child.

I look up from my thoughts to see no one in the kitchen. I walk over to the fridge to get a cup of ice for my root beer. When I bend down I fell something touch my butt. I look and there is a very smelly guy standing behind me.

"Um excuse me please don't do that again." I shut the fridge and start to walk away only to be pulled back by the guy and pushed against the door of the fridge. His face is so close to mine I can smell his breath. It reeks of alcohol, I gag a little bit. He starts to trail kisses down my jaw line when I try to push him off of me. I'm not successful though. I close my eyes and try to pretend its not happening. But that doesn't work out too well.

I feel the weight of the guy being pulled off of me. I open my eyes and to my surprise Cameron is standing there with the guys collar in his hands holding him up.

"If you ever touch her again you won't be able to move for a year. Do I make myself clear?" Cameron says through gritted teeth. The guy just nods. Cameron releases him and the guy just scurries away. Cameron walks over to me.

"Are you okay?" The expression on his face is undescribable. He just brings me into a hug and I feel wetness on his shirt. My tears. I haven't noticed that I was crying.

"Let's get you home Amelia." I nod and he let's go of me and takes my hand. We walk out of the party and got into his car. Luckily I came with him in his car or my car would be left here over night.

I got in on the passengers side and sat in silence. Halfway through the car ride I could finally speak again.

"Thank you for doing that Cameron. Even though you didn't have to."

"Yes I did. That guy, I think his name was Tommy, was doing something to you that it hurts seeing for anyone. Something like that should never happen to anybody."

It was just quiet for the rest of the car ride home.

I get out of the car and walk up to my room holding Cameron's hand. I get into bed, not worrying about my clothes, and snuggle up under the covers.

Cameron kisses the top of my bead and whispers,

"Sweet dreams Amelia." When he tries to walk away I grab his hand.

"Stay with me please?" I mumble. The look of shock is written all over his face.

"No, I don't think I should."

"Please just this one night?"

"Ugh, fine." He crawls under the covers and lays next to me in my queen sized bed. I cuddle next to him. I can feel he's body tense up then relax.

"Good night Cameron."

"Good night Amelia."

With that I fell asleep with Cameron's arm wrapped around my waist, his face in the crook of my neck, and his warmth surrounding me all around.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Awe they are getting along with each other how sweet.

Tell me how you liked this chapter in the comments.

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Sometimes I feel like nobody likes my books because I never get feedback. :(

Well that's it for today.

With love,

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