By BreeLizet

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"You think you know me, but sweetheart the chances of you knowing me will be never." Was all he said when he... More


Chapter One.

376 28 16
By BreeLizet

                       Colette Point Of View.

   "Alejandro Montes." Was all he said when he left the kitchen table. Silence filled up the room, mother got up and went after father, while leaving me and Dylan at the kitchen table with a blank expression. Clearing my throat in order to get Dylan's attention, after a couple of minutes he looks up. "Hey, want to go somewhere?" Grabbing the car keys that were in the kitchen counter, as a respond he just nodded.

Turning on the engine of the car, I start to make my way  to the local library. "So, where are we going?" Dylan ask while looking down at his lap. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I know he was afraid of what was going to happen. "We are going to the local library to get some research done." Letting out a sigh from what just happen a while ago. Killing the engine of the car, we step out of the car and start to make are way to the main entrance of the library.

"Hello dear, what can I do for you?" The reception gave us a sweet smile. Giving her a force smile, "We are here to use the computers." After her knowing the reason why we were here, she gave us some numbers in order to enter to the computers. Walking up to a random computer, we start to make are way into it. Our research started by typing his name.  Articles after more articles, murder after more murders, drug dealing, everything came out.

 Clicking on the first link that came out, it talk about how Alejandro was sent to juvenile just when he turned twelve. Checking on Dylan, he was reading something else about Alejandro life, as well. My eyes look at every word carefully, not missing a word.

After, Alejandro Montes put his step-father in concussion. His mother, Anna Grace reported her son to the local police station. She gave all the details that happen that night. Since then, Alejandro was out in the loose, nobody knew only his "gang" that he suddenly join after getting kick out of his own home. Joining this "gang" Alejandro start to come out in the news more and more. Drug dealing, by selling drugs to the border line of Mexico. Making murders too making it seem like a accident.

Reading half of the article, knowing this kid had the guts too do all this. Shutting down the computer, looking at Dylan, he had a ghost expression. "Hey, Dylan ready?" Asking him with the sweet voice. He nod and shut down the computer. Leaving the local library, Dylan grabbed my wrist pulling me to stop. "I'm afraid." Was all he said when he start to hug me.

 "Cole, remember John. How he committed suicide because he couldn't take all the bullying." Suddenly, it hit me. Before the summer, a tragic accident happen to our city. John Walk, was a sweet innocent boy, that had a lot of problems during his freshmen year. Many of us, didn't know him as well as my brother did. John would never party or go out, all he would do was read books and more books. Giving him a respond for him to continue, "Well while I was reading a article. John didn't commit suicide, that night John went out with some of Alejandro friends and he took a pill and more pill. Those pills that everybody takes at party's."

Giving him all my attention, now the wind start to hit us like a brick. "Alejandro and his friends killed him. They saw he was stress so what they did they gave him all the pills that were in the container. They open the window of his room, and made it seem like he committed suicide." Tears were now falling from Dylan tan's skin. "Alejandro killed a innocent person."

Grabbing Dylan hand's too mine. His eyes were lock into mine, he was afraid; my little brother was afraid and scared. "Dylan, listen to me. Nothing will ever happen to you no matter how I protect you. I'll keep you safe." After my statement, I hug my brother not letting him go. That's a promise that I'll make. Making are way too the car, a comfortable silence filled up the car while soft music would come out of the radio. Both of us, didn't know what was going to happen to us. As long as we stay away from Alejandro Montes, we will be safe.

             Alejandro Point Of View.

Finally, all my years I was out of the death hole. A smile form into my lips, finally free yet I have to catch up with my boys. After hours and more hours, I arrive to the house. Giving them a hard knock on the glass door, a loud noise came from the other side of the door. The door finally flew open, leaving everybody with their mouth open. "Hello boys." A smirk start to make its way from the corner of my mouth.

Travis, my "best friend" was in shock. "Alejandro, I thought you weren't coming until next year." All the boys nodded right after his statement. Taking my seat, in order for them to stop looking at me like I came out of my own grave. "Well, boys you see if you behave. You get out early and that's what I did." Taking a sip of a beer that was on the coffee table. "Now, have you guys miss me. Or at least did some unfinished business." Putting both of my hands behind my head.

"Alejandro. Yes, we did some unfinished business and also we were talking how we saw the old man." Luis, the right hand. Luis, use to be a bright student until I meet him. Now the old man, it's been a while since I've seen him. Every since I put him concussion. A chuckle went out of my mouth, the old man would always go to the bar downtown and would order the same thing. Yet, he made business with us and still he has to pay the price.

"Let's just say, we warned him to pay us or we visit him at his house." A corner of Luis mouth turn into a smirk. Luis and I, we would make all the plans and the visits while the others would make the business and convince the clients to buy some drugs. Our little friend, John Walk such a bight kid also, everyday at school we would see him stress out or be bullied.The other boys convince him to hang out with us, and the plan went well.

"How much does the old man owe us?" Furrowing my eyebrows. Last time I check it was almost too a grand, but that's been a while. Luis looked at his phone and his business planner, clearing his throat. "About two hundred grand." Was all he said, while everybody eyes were on me. "Well, we have to visit somebody don't we." Was all I said when I took my last sip of my beer.

And they thought this was the beginning.

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Hello darlings! So this was chapter one. It's not edit, yet. I will be updating every Thursday, but since tomorrow is 4th of July, I can't update. I will be making another story as well. This is just the beginning. Also feel free to make banners and etc, and any suggestion on the cast.  Feel too leave this in the comment.

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Thanks, Brenda xo

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