Life As A Royal Princess (BTR...

By katelynchin

28K 246 36

Katelyn is living with her adopted family somewhere in a small town and she's dating BTR's Kendall! They met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 34

174 0 0
By katelynchin

Guest starring: Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson and Prince Michael II

Paris' POV
There they are! The royal siblings are here! Harry is so handsome while the newly crowned Princess Katelyn look so beautiful in person. I can hear my heartbeat at a very fast rate. The three of us and the royals share one thing in common- loosing a parent. As they walk over to our side, my heart beats even faster! Quickly, I gather myself up and let the inner Princess of me shine because there is a Princess in every girl's heart.

This is it! Prince hands the photo album to the royals. They both stop in track when they look a photo of their mum each time. After that, it's my turn to meet the young royals. "Thank you so much Prince!" Harry and Katelyn say as their way to me. Okay, Paris! You can do this! You have been practicing for weeks. "Hi, you must be Paris," say the Princess Katelyn as she shakes my hand. "Yes, I am Your Highness," I curtsy to the Princess. "Please, call me Katelyn!" Did she say I can call by her name?

Wow, she is down-to-earth! "Katelyn, these are the flowers for you. Daddy used to plant these in memory of your mother," I say as I pass the flowers to her. "Thank you so much! These are mum's favourite!" Katelyn says hugging me. I'm her biggest fan, I can't believe I got hugged by the Princess of the U.K. ! "Daddy said he would like to meet you," I add. "I'm sure he would," says Katelyn.

That went pretty well! No stammer, no nothing! Harry makes his way to me and we chat. "Your dad gave my mum the Bad jacket on my brother's and my behalf during his tour in Wembley in 1988," Harry says. I didn't know the Princes have the jacket. It's been 24 years since the Bad era. "Do you still have it?" I ask the Prince.  "I still have it until my sister secretly went in to my room and found it," he jokes while looking at Katelyn.

The royal siblings also reveal that listened to daddy's music while growing up.

Katelyn's POV
"Blanket, these are really beautiful! Thank you so much!" I hug the youngest Jackson sibling who presents me with a blue and green loom band. He is a such a sweetheart! "You're welcome! Can my siblings and I come to Kensington Palace for a visit?" Blanket asks. "Blanket, manners please. Sorry, Katelyn! He is just curious," says Katherine, the matriarch of the Jacksons. "It's okay Mrs. Jackson! Feel free to pay a visit to England. There is a huge garden at Kensington Palace,"

"Thanks for the invitation, Princess," says Mrs. Jackson. "It's my pleasure!" I say.

Under the escorts of the official, we play a few games like Wii. Harry and I are head on head for tennis and bowling. We play Bingo too as well! I'm so happy that I can carry on MJ as well as mum's legacies. As I mentioned on the previous chapter, they both had a passion on helping children.

The most scariest part is delivering a speech! I have been practising during the past few weeks prior the tour. Harry has been helping me a lot. I wrote the speech myself. "Now I would like to invite HRH Princess Katelyn of Wales to deliver her speech. Your Highness," the emcee announces my name. Everyone applauds as I step on stage. Oh boy, I'm so nervous right now but I know I can do this.

Taking a deep breath, I start to deliver my speech:
Thank you for inviting Harry and I to join forces with the Heal the World Foundation to raise awareness of children's rights. As we all know everyday, thousand of children around the world would be suffering sickness, pain and abused by their parents. Thousands of children are not so fortunate as we are. Some are living by the streets while some are put in an orphanage or been putting up at adoption centres. It breaks my heart every time, when a child's right is being ignored. As parents, we should give our children a happy childhood with love and care and as the younger generation of today, we should continue to care for the children who really need our help because they are leaders of tomorrow's world. One memorable quote from Michael was "No one would have suffer especially our children," . Heal the World, together we can make a better place for our children. Thank you.

*End of Speech*
After delivering my speech, the crowd gives a round of applause. I did it! My first foreign speech in the States. As I step down the stage, I walk over to Harry who has a big smile on his face. "Well done, sis! I'm so proud of you!" he whispers. "Thanks Harry, I couldn't do this without you," I whisper giving my brother a smile. We are invited up to the stage to receive a huge cheque from the foundation.

We head outside to greet kids who are standing outside for hours. We even take our royal selfies too! Tomorrow is a visit to the Memorial Garden and it's a wrap for our US tour.

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