The D Games

By Nicole565

27.1K 1K 450

The word game is defined as an activity providing entertainment or amusement. I can't help but wonder if the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
And Then.....

Chapter 12

775 36 18
By Nicole565

I hadn't spoken to Mr. D in almost a week. It wasn't that I didn't want to, well it wasn't just that, but I was busy. I had boys to follow around and score, and I wanted to avoid him. 

The more he pushed for me to date him, the more I tried to hide away. I couldn't date him. I have hated him since the day he saved me from getting arrested. I don't know what switch in my head flipped, but I refused to act on it. He would always be that guy, no matter how different he tries to act around me.  

Yes, I was attracted to him and found his kissing very pleasurable, but it didn't change that fact that he was in charge of an annual game that consisted of praying on girls. I know, I know I'm a part of that same game, but Mr. D graduates this year, so I won't ever have to do it again. My debt to him is done.  

The only reason I was even in these games was because he said I owed him, and I did. My father wasn't one to mess around. He was a hard ass, and he would have killed me if had found out that I had got arrested. For the past three years I had been repaying Mr. D for helping me, and he had never shown any sort of interest before. I wasn't sure what he was playing at, but I refused to fall for it.  

Had I somehow become a supermodel over the summer? Hmm, I think not. Something else had to be going on.  

"Earth to Carlie," Blane sang from beside me.  

We were sitting together in the back row in the music auditorium where we held our rules meeting a few weeks back. With my whole avoiding Mr. D thing, I didn't get to see Jason, and I began spending more time with Blane and James, who was sitting on my other side.  

Apparently Mr.D told Jason what happened, and he wasn't too happy with me. I'm fairly certain that Mr. D added some fiction into his story, but I didn't care. I didn't want to have to worry about either guy. Although, a lot of my thoughts were plagued with images of Jason, who was sitting in the front row, ignoring me. Obviously I was worried about him.  

I had tried to speak with him right after it happened, but he would just blow me off. He would walk around and away from me like I didn't even exist. It hurt me a lot more than I like to admit. So there I sat, like a crazy love sick puppy, staring at Jason like he was my long lost bone. It's so much fun being pathetic.  

"Carlie?" Blane said again. 

"Sorry, I was zoned out," I smiled. Blane still liked me, and he still hit on me. He was constantly trying to take me out on a date, but I constantly refused.  

It was like he knew the other two boys were mad at me. He showed up the next day, after not speaking to me, and acted like nothing had happened. He went right back to the way he was before. Now see, this is why I don't understand how boys can say that we girls are confusing. I'm thinking it's the other way around.  

"I wonder what we're doin?" James asked beside me.  

Mr. D had called a fundraising meeting. He had finally figured out what he wanted to do and now it was time for us to get to work. We had to get in two fundraisers and he liked to have them both done before the games were over, that way we had tons of help.  

"Who knows," I said, shrugging my shoulders.  

I went back to staring at Jason's head when Mr. D entered the room looking amazing. He had on a black tuxedo and an exquisite mask that covered most of his face, except his nose and lips. The mask was a flat black, the sides curved around his face like wings. He looked like batman, only better.  

If he hadn't looked so damn good, I would have openly made fun of him. I mean seriously, c'mon, was it necessary to get all dressed up to tell us we were have a masquerade ball? No, me thinks not. That was the one thing that drove me up a wall, his dramatics. What guy does that?  

Not Jason.  

"As you can see, I have decided that our first fundraiser will be a masquerade ball!" Mr. D said. His voice carried like he was speaking into a microphone. I could tell he was very proud of himself. "It will be held in two weeks. We will be selling tickets and masks."  

I was excited for a split second, and then I realized the shit I would be in. Three guys, in masks, messing with my head. Yay!  

"We will be teaming up with the Ballroom Dancing Club, so we only have to sell ten tickets each." Mr. D said.  

"Yes!" I accidently yelled, interrupting his big speech. I really didn't mean to, but I was excited. It was the Ballroom Dancing Club. I want to be in that club! 

"Carlie?" Mr. D asked, sounding unsure.  

"Oh, um, I just really love fundraising," I lied horribly, "best idea ever. Yes!" I had accomplished making myself look like a total idiot in five seconds flat. That was a new record for me. 

"Alright," Mr. D said slowly, like he was talking to a small child. "Well, the dance will take place in the great ballroom in the main hall on September 25th. Dinner will be served by the cooking club at six, so yes, we will be splitting our profit three ways. Tickets are 100 a piece and masks will be sold for 50. Now come up here, I have a bag for each of you with your tickets, tickets to sell, and masks."  

"I'll grab yours," James said as he climbed out of his seat. James and I had become pretty good friends over the last week. I wouldn't say that I trusted him with my life or anything, but he wasn't bad to be around. He never hit on me, and he was always available when I was bored. Plus with him on my side, I could slack on my duties, he knew everything.  

I don't know how he did it, but he always knew what guy was going after which girl, and what buffers were buffing. I was so lucky to have him because I couldn't pull my head out of Jason's ass to save my life.  

I watched as all the boys stood in line, waiting for Mr. D to give them their bag of shit. The only one who wasn't waiting in line was Jason, and he was headed right for me.  

I sat up a little straighter, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I watched him until he plopped down in the seat next to me and then I looked forward. I was acting like such a stupid girl!  

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, looking straight ahead. 

"For?" I asked calmly. On the inside, I had a cheerleader doing flips because he was finally talking to me again.  

"For not talking to you." 


"Acting like a jerk," he laughed.  

I rested my head against his shoulder, "All is forgiven." Damn I was easy. Not a good quality in a girl. 

"I got something for you," he said surprising me. 

"What?" I asked. I took my head off his shoulder and turned my body towards him. 

"Well I overheard Jameson talking about this ball thing, and well, I got you this," He said pulling what looked like a shoe box out of his back pack. It had a pink ribbon tied around it and my name was written on the box in calligraphy.  

"What is it?" I asked excitedly as I snatched the box away from him. I get excited easily, and then I act like a small child on Christmas. Don't judge me.  

"Open it," he laughed.  

I pulled the ribbon off quickly and threw it behind me, causing Jason to laugh more. I then pulled off the lid and threw that behind me too. I had to dig through some tissue paper, which I piled up on Jason's lap, until I found the prize. 

"Holy shit!" I breathed out. It was a mask, and it was beautiful. It was extremely light and delicate made with thin black and silver metal. It had a thin black ribbon on each side to secure it to my head. The shape was almost a butterfly, with cat like eyes. Beautiful crystals lined above the eyes and around the forehead. I had never seen anything like it.  

"Carlie, will you go to the dance with me?" Jason asked.  

"Of course!" I answered without even thinking. In reality I couldn't have said no, even if I wanted to. The mask was so much, he must have dropped a good amount of money on it. If I said no, I would be the world's biggest douchebag. I couldn't have that, and I wanted to say yes anyways.  

I stood up with Jason and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He did the same, but pressed a kiss to my forehead. It was a nice moment. 

When we broke apart and I realized that the whole room had gone quiet. I looked up to see James with a huge smile on his face, Blane shooting daggers with his eyes at Jason, and Mr. D scowling at me. 

Aw shit, I forgot about the other two.  

Lesson Number twelve ladies: Don't be the girl in between three guys. Hell don't even let your feelings get mixed up between three guys. Just pick one guy and roll with it. Learn from me!

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