Bullied - Cameron Dallas

By punkrocklukeyy

108K 2.7K 500

Britney is a normal 17 year old girl living the life. Although she was bullied for 4 years by Nash Grier, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Hi guys!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21// pt.1
Chapter 21//pt.2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
DigiFest experience
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Shawn girls??
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Happy birthday Nash
Happy new years!
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
New chapter
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
chapter 57 // pt.1
chapter 57 // pt.2

Chapter 40

911 25 1
By punkrocklukeyy

Britney's POV
We continued talking about our excitement on the upcoming tour when suddenly I heard my phone ring

I looked at the called ID and excused myself from the room

"Hello?" I said nervously

"Britney, please come pick me up I don't wanna be here anymore," Michael said from the other line, and I could tell he was crying

"On my way. Wait for my outside." I ran to the kitchen and grabbed Cameron's car keys off of the counter and ran outside to the car

I drove as fast as I could, and when I got to my parents house I grew even more worried when I didn't see Michael outside like I told him

I got off the car running inside the house

A few seconds later my dad opened it and behind him I saw my brother on the floor and my mom on the couch laughing

I pushed my dad out of the way and ran over to Michael, I turned him so he can face me

I saw a bunch of bruises on his face that I wasn't expecting to see, he was bleeding from his bottom lip and his neck was almost purple

"What did you do to him?!" I yelled at both my mom and dad

They remained silent and I grew more mad

I turned over to look at my mom and shook my head

"What happened to you? Before this monster was here you were such a good mom, now he's turning you into a monster." She laughed and I felt my blood boil

"I'm taking Michael with me," I said and helped him get up

I walked him to the door but there was my dad blocking it, I tried pushing him away but instead he slapped me and I fell to the floor holding my face

The pain was so bad I couldn't help the tears

He walked over to me hovering on top of me and started choking me

I tried pushing him off, but I was too weak, I tried kicking him, but I was too weak

Soon the room started spinning and I gave up

I blacked out

Cameron's POV
I heard the kitchen door slam shut and I quickly got up,

I ran to the kitchen but nobody was there, then I ran outside and saw my car was gone

I relaxed and then realized Britney probably had it

But where would she go without telling me?

I called her and she didn't pick up, and that's when I started to worry

I ran into the living room and asked Taylor if I can borrow one of his cars, but he insisted he'd come with me 

He drove as fast as possible to Britney's parents house with me and once we arrived, I saw my car parked outside the house

I ran to the house, but didn't open it right away

Instead I pressed my ear up against the door to hear what was going on

I heard a slap and a body fall to the ground, I kept listening but didn't dear to open the door just yet

I decided to open it when the room got quiet, but that was a horrible idea

Britney was there lying on the floor, pale with her dads arms around her neck choking her

"Get off of her!" I yelled and pushed him off

I tried waking her up, but she wouldn't move

I looked up at her monster of a dad and did what I've been dying to do for so long

I punched him in the jaw and he stumbled back a few times

He tried to swing at me, but I dodged it and punched him again but hard enough this time for him to knock out

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911.

"Your gonna be alright, I promise" I whispered in Britney's ear

She's gonna be alright.

*still camerons pov*

A few minutes later the police and ambulance finally arrived, they asked a bunch of questions like

"Are you two related?"

"What happened exactly?"

"So he was choking her?"

On and on,

They put Britney and Michael in a stretcher, I went with Britney and Taylor went with Michael to give him company

When we finally arrived to the hospital, we had to wait in the waiting room and it felt like forever till the doctor came out to give us news on Britney and Michael

"You guys can visit Michael, but not Britney. She still needs a few more medications," she explained and we both nodded

"What room is Michael in?" I asked the doctor

She looked at her papers

"He's in room 204"

Taylor and I both walked in at the same time, and Michaels eyes lit up when he saw us

"Where's Britney? Is she okay?" He asked us

Taylor looked over at me waiting for me to talk

I sighed

"She's gonna be alright. Britney is the strongest person I know, she'll make it through this" I said rubbing his arm

We stayed in the room talking to him for a couple of hours, when Taylor decided he was going home

Since I didn't have a ride, I went home with him as well

I gave Britney's Doctor my number just in case she wakes up or is in better condition so I can come visit her

By the time Taylor and I got home, it was almost 1 in the morning and it just hit me that MagCon is in 4 days.

Before I went to sleep, I prayed that Britney gets better, and that her parents both get help because they need it


I miss Jack Dail :(

I was watching old videos of him and it made me miss him more

Come back Jack we miss you so much😞

But on the bright side, Christmas is 2 days away! (am I the only one not feeling the Christmas spirit this year?)

Also, thank you sooooo much for almost 10k reads!! It's almost been a year since I started this story and wow I didn't know It would come this far, so again thank you so much!!

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