Quiet Country

By tiffytrulyblessed

8 0 0

When her secret love is revealed, will she lose her family behind his own secret. More

Quiet Country

8 0 0
By tiffytrulyblessed

It was a cold November morning. The sun had just rose and Ann had made a fresh pot of coffee. The smell filled the small house almost immediately. She smiled and sang her way around to the sink, which sat only a feet behind her. She adored her small, country home. It was a one bedroom, and the only thing she could really afford in the small town. Ann had just gotten her a job at a loan company after moving out of her parents home. She tried her best not to bug them about helping her with her finances, but they helped with a down payment and also small home decors. Her mother was overly excited for her. The small house sat on the side of dirt road, away from the town. It was quiet and peaceful. Her neighbors were about a half of mile down the dirt road. Barely any traffic came by, which made her mother nervous because if she needed immediate help no one was there, but made her father happy because no creeps could stop on the side of the road and bother his only daughter.

Ann took out a pan and placed it on the old stove that was still inside in the house. The oven door was crooked and only stayed up with a piece of plywood, but Ann was grateful for everything. As she reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a cartoon of eggs and a handful of vegetables. She prided herself on eating healthy and exercising. She was the image of fitness. Living in the country mean she could take her morning run with no interruption. Once she ate, she would take a thirty minute run, not her usual hour. She slept a little later than usual this morning. A door slammed shut behind her. She jumped and turned to face her reason for sleeping so late this morning.

"You scared the shit out of me." Ann held her heart.

"Sorry baby. You should let me fix that door." Her boyfriend David said as he walked up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her soft lips. He smiled down at her.

"No. No. No." Ann shook her head and laughed. She knew that smile David had on his face.

"I did not say anything." David acted innocent.

"You did not have to." Ann said and turned back towards the stove. David moved to the side of her and begin to chop up the tomato, green pepper, and avacado Ann removed from the refrigerator. They both worked in the small kitchen like music. Moments later Ann placed two plate of vegetable omelets in front of them. David added sour cream, salsa, and fresh chopped onion on top of his. Ann scrunched up her face in disgust. He laughed to himself. They ate quietly mostly, occasionally asking each other a question or two about their schedule for the day.

"So." David said, wiping his mouth with a paper towel.

"So what?" Ann asked after taking a drink of her grapefruit juice.

"We still have not discussed this Thanksgiving dinner arrangements." David grabbed his plate and Ann's as well. He placed them in the sink of soapy warm water. He waited for Ann to respond as he washed their plates. She did not. He turned to her but she was by the front door grabbing her coat. He walked past the small dining table they ate from and towards her. He crossed his arms and stared at her. She finally looked up at him and smiled a little.

"Davy." She said. He put his hand up and turned from her.

"You know what, I don't get it." He stopped and faced her again. "We been together over a year now and your family know nothing about me. They don't even know I am moving in." He said. Ann walked up to him. She placed her hands on his arms and looked into his blue eyes. She loved David. Not only was he smart, athletic, funny, and charming, he was extremely handsome. Most women would love a man like David, to brag about, and she had him but she was hiding him. David was a country, Mexican man, with striking features of Johnny Depp. David was a loving man, a family oriented man. But he had a bad past. She knew her family would judge him because of that. Her mother and father would never want their daughter to be with an ex con with a record of distributing and theft. Her father would do a complete search on him and if he found that out, it would be bad.

"Baby, please understand." Ann said.

"Understand what? That you are ashamed of me?" He asked. This hurt Ann's feelings. She was not ashamed of him at all. His one feature would be the conversation of the dinner table and she was not ready to hear it from her nosey cousins, and judgemental aunts. Not alone her misunderstanding grandparents, and over protective parents.

"I am not ashamed of you David. Not even a little bit. How could you say that?" Ann asked.

"You are the love of my life Ann. You have met my parents, my sisters. Almost my whole damn family. Why the hell can I not met yours. I want to marry you Ann. I want to be with you. Are you going to hide me from your family for the rest of our lives because I am Mexican?" David asked. Ann knew how hard it was for David to introduce her to his family. They usually did not approve his dates because they were not Mexican. But his family took her in and loved her from the moment they met her. She often go to movies, or dancing with his sisters. She wanted him to meet his family, but not Thanksgiving. Not a big holiday, maybe after Christmas, she often thought.

"I want to marry you too David. And I promise you will meet them, I promise." Ann grabbed ahold of his hands, he held to his sides. "Just, just let me tell them after Christmas. Please?" Ann asked. David removed his hands from hers and walked back to the kitchen. "David!" Ann yelled to him. He did not answer but continued to finish cleaning the dishes. Ann put her head down and walked outside. The small porch held two rocking chairs, a gift from her grandparents when she moved. She zipped up her coat as the cold air hit her face. Turning the volume up on her headphones, Ann took off and jogged down the stretch of dirt road.

"Hola mama." David said into the phone. He made it his priority to call his mother every single morning. No matter what. His mother had the same sweet, welcoming voice.

"Hola mi hijo." His mother said.

"Are you eating?" David asked his mother.

"Si. Almonds."

"Almonds. You are going to have gas." David said and smiled when he heard his mother laugh.

"Apestoso. Stink." His mother laughed. "How are you?" She asked. A question they asked every morning.

"Bien." David said shortly.

"No bueno. What is wrong? You are my son, I know you better than you know yourself."

"Just...well." David hated to bother his mother with his problems, especially his relationship problems. He knew his mother loved Ann, and he did not want to taint that relationship between them two.

"Hablar hijo." His mother demanded.

"Ann doesn't want me to go to her parents for Thanksgiving." He blurted out. His mother was silent for a moment.

"I remember when you would not bring Ann around here. But, we met her and we love her. You are my only son, it was hard for me to met the woman who has your heart. It's hard for her parents to met the man who has their daughter's heart." His mother spoke.

"Madre, tienes mi corazon." David placed his hand over his heart and smiled.

"Shush. I am talking to you." She said, David only smiled. He tried to get his mother off the subject but he should know better than that by now. When his mother had something to say, she was going to say it. "Good. Now, Ann will introduce you to her family when the time is right. If Thanksgiving is not the time, then do not dread on her about it. De acuerdo?" His mother asked.

"Agreed." He said. They spoke about their day and got off the phone. Once David hung up, he heard Ann come back into the house. She headed to the bathroom for her morning shower. David grabbed his shoes and coat, after getting dressed while on the phone and headed out. David worked on an oil rig, but the times when production was stopped, he worked at a small diner as a cook. It did not pay near as much as the oil rig job, but he hated not having work. Plus he was planning on making enough to proposing to Ann, and having enough for a wedding and a starter home.

Ann got out of the hot shower about twenty minutes later, drying off her braids she washed in the shower. "David!" She yelled through the small house from the bathroom. She wrapped the towel around her and walked into the living room, out the big window she saw his car gone. She felt sad he left upset. She hoped later on she would be able to talk to him more about their situation. Ann got dressed in a pair of grey slacks, and black dress shirt, with a grey suit coat. A pair of heel, and her braids into a ponytail. She got into her Kia car and drove into town for work.

"Good morning Annalise." Her co-worker Brian said as he opened the doors up to the office. It was not a big office space, but there was enough space for three nice sized desks. A couch for waiting customers, and office equipments behind them. Brian was the comic relief in the office of three workers.

"Gina is late again." Brian said. Ann looked around noticing an extra office chair behind her desk.

"Oh hell." Ann said.

"Girl what?" Brian asked.

"Evilann is coming today?" Ann asked.

"Oh damn." Brian said. "I can't stand that bitch." Brian, being overly dramatic as usual said. He sat behind his desk and placed his hands over his face. "Girl I can not take this today."

"What's going on?" Ann asked as she started up her computer and placed her purse in her desk drawer.

"My boyfriend and I are having another spectacular fight." Brian said. "Nothing new." He laughed. Ann laughed as well. No one knew about her relationship status. She loved it that way. No one could judge, or try to tear them apart. Even though she was doing a good job of doing that herself.

"Sorry to hear that." Ann said as she typed in her password into her computer and watch it come to life. She pulled out her cell phone, but no new messages. She typed in David's number to text him but their manager came into the building at the time. She threw her cell phone into her desk and stood up. Brian let out a loud sigh and Ann tried not to laugh.

"Good morning Jones." Her manager Helen said Ann. Helen was around the same age as Ann, in her late twenties, and wore a short boy cut, always a pantsuit, and flats. Nothing fancy, always boring. Her attitude was just as annoying as the perfume she wore.

"Good morning Mrs. Helen." Ann said and walked over to the copy machine. She made a hundred copies of flyers to mail off to the town. Tomorrow was another hundred until most of the town had flyers. The hope of coming to sign up for a loan. Ann never liked loan companies, but she needed the job.

"Where is Ms. Hinex?" Helen asked.

"Gina ain't here." Brian said. Helen twisted her face in disapprovement.

"Mr. Thompson, can you please talk as if you have an education." Helen said.

"Excuse me?" Brian said in his "ghetto" tone.

"Gina called and said she was going to be just a tad bit late. She had no one to drop her children off at school." Ann stepped in before Brian said anything to lose his job.

"That is not the job's problem." Helen said, taking a seat behind Gina's desk.

"Actually, if you had children, you would know how hard it is to figure out how to do things when you are the only parent." Ann defended Gina. Gina was a single mother of three, and she worked to provide for them. She struggled, and often times Ann gave Gina a small loan of her own, sometimes Ann don't even worry about asking for it back. Thank God for David, who helped when she needed it the most. David was more than happy to help, now that he was moving in, Ann did not have to worry so much about bills and actually afford to fix up the small house.

"I guess that is something to think about before you spread your legs to someone who does not want something more than sex." Helen typed on Gina's computer.

"You right Mrs. Helen, this is not a discussion for work." Ann said. The sound of Helen's voice was annoying her, and she already had an headache from the conversation she had with David earlier. She knew she could not talk to him until lunch time, now that Helen was here.

The morning began and Helen began to make harrassing calls to customers who were not paying their loans, or who was just late on a payment. Ann hated that part of her job, she knew how hard it was and she did not want to play the roll of harrassing loan company worker. It was an hour after Helen stepped into the office when Gina showed up. Her face fell once she saw Helen sitting at her desk. Ann felt bad for her because she knew Helen was about to tear into Gina. Gina walked to Ann's desk once she saw Helen take a personal phone call.

"Girl, please tell me you died and came back to life." Brian whispered to Gina.

"No, my daughter was sick this morning. I had to rush her to the emergency room. I lost my cell phone, so I could not call. Is she mad?" Gina asked.

"How is your daughter?" Ann asked. Ann was worried more about the child than Helen.

"She has strep-throat. Bless her heart. My mother watching her now until I get off work." Gina said. "If I am not fired."

"Don't worry about that." Ann said.

"This is my only income." Gina said.

"You do know that white people can file for child support too, right?" Brian asked.

"Brian!" Ann said.

"I am just saying. Look, make that daddy pay for something." Brian turned back to her computer. Gina stiffened up once she saw Helen hang up from her phone call. Helen walked up to Gina, with no expression on her face.

"Get to work Gina. You have three customers that need to give you an answer today, if not then I will get them next week." Helen walked out of the office.

"What the hell was that?" Gina asked.

"Girl, do not complain, just be glad she let you off. Get your gingerbread ass over here and act as if you like your job incase she comes back." Brian said. Gina listened and did just that. Noon time came around and Helen did not return. Ann decided to call David. She hoped he would answer. She stepped outside and dialed his number. But he did not answer. She looked down to the ground, then back up into the glass window of the loan office. She stepped into the door and told Brian and Gina she was getting lunch.

"Bring me back what you getting." Brian said.

"Not me. I am going to run home and check on my baby girl." Gina got up from her desk and Ann walked her to her car across the street. Ann got into her Kia and drove a few blocks to the restaurant where David worked. No one knew about David and Ann, so her showing up meant nothing to no one else. She felt the butterflies in her stomach. David would often send meals to certain companies around town for lunch. Sun Tower Loans, where Ann worked, happened to be one of those businesses he fed for lunch.

Ann walked into the busy restaurant. It was filled with mostly construction workers from around town working on yet another project the town did not need. She walked past a table of sweaty, dirty men and to the front to order food.

"Can I help you?" David asked, as he looked down at a notepad with a pen in his hand. He wore a green shirt with gold lettering saying, "COUNTRY TASTE. A LITTLE BIT OF COUNTRY IN EVERY BITE." Ann looked at his silk black hair he had in a ponytail. His hair was as long as to the middle of his back. She loved him, and only wished the world could know. She had beads of sweat on his forehead, and even though he was Mexican, he was more country than the biggest redneck around town. He had a country accent, but with a Spanish twist. It always made Ann laugh when he pronounced certain words. That led to him tickling her, which led to kissing, and wild sex. She stood in front of him, mouth open, wishing she could kiss him right now. He finally looked up and the expression in his tired eyes changed into a look of love. He was upset at her, but one look at her changed all of that. He smiled. She smiled back.

"Yes, you can help me." Ann said and smiled. She loved flirting with him, and the feeling was mutual.

"With?" He leaned on the counter with his elbows, looking up at Ann. She felt eyes on her and looked behind David. A young woman, a little younger than Ann and David stared daggers at her.

"First, your little girlfriend back there." Ann nodded her head towards the kitchen.

"Blonde hair?" David asked without looking.

"Yup." Ann responded.

"Yeah, that girl getting on my damn nerves. I mean she all up on me."

"That is very comforting to know." Ann crossed her arms.

"Hey, it's not like anyone know who my woman is. I think if they knew I had one, then all that would change." David smiled.

"If you told them you were taken, then that would change it." Ann said.

"If they knew I was taken, but not know by who, then do you think they care?"

"Actually, it's your decision whether you act single or taken. By the stares at the girl over there, you been acting single."

"Everyone knows I am taken. No one knows about you. You still remain the ghost girlfriend." David said. His lovely expression changed into saddness, and frustration. Ann felt the pain in his heart. She wanted to change, but not yet.

"You need any help?" The blonde haired girl came from the kitchen.

"No. I got it." David said, without looking at her.

"What do you need? I do not see it on the pad." She said, still glaring at Ann.

"She wants the chili and cornbread. Veggie quesadilla, two green teas, and one lemon pie." David turned to the blonde. "You got that?" He said with an attitude. She looked at him, unaware of his attitude towards her.

'Sure thing." She said and went back to the kitchen.

"You want that all up on me?" David asked Ann.

"Try it if you want to." Ann laughed. David laughed along. He could never stay mad at Ann.

"I'll deliver it to you." David winked at Ann and turned towards the kitchen. She walked out of the restaurant with a new attitude. She drove back to the office where Brian was busy fussing on the phone, with his boyfriend Ann figured out.

"Everything okay?" Ann asked once Gina walked back into the office.

"My baby girl was sleep, I ate and came back. You guys eat yet?" Gina asked putting her purse down on her desk.

"Hell no." Brian said, covering the phone with his hand. "No I was not talking to you!" Brian said into the phone. Just then the door opened and the bell at the top rang. All three of their attentions went straight towards David as he strolled into the office. Brian said something soft into the phone and hung up.

"Good afternoon ladies." David said.

"Oh child, a man after my own heart." Brian said once David placed the food on his desk.

"Chili for you." David said to Brian.

"Got my-" Brian started.

"Cornbread. I never forget." David said. Brian smiled and opened up his tray. "Ohh, and he got onion on top. Marry me Puerto Rico." Brian called David that when they first met him because no one knew his name, it just stuck.

"Too bad I am taken." David smiled.

"Damn shame." Gina said as David placed the pie on her desk. David smiled and Ann got weak. Just last night she slept with this man, and now their secret was floating between them. She could hear the moans from last night replay in her ears. She could visualize him in between her legs as he has been for over a year now.

"Quesadilla for you Ms. Ann." He placed the tray in front of her. "Extra sour cream." He smiled. He knew she hated sour cream, a secret between them two. She glared at him and laughed.

"You better be joking." Ann said.

"Aren't I always? I believe I know you three well, some more than others." He said. Ann's breath caught into her throat. She could have choked if she was drinking something. That would have gave a lot away.

"I always remember your cornbread." David said to Brian. Brian gave a thumbs up because his mouth was full of food. Ann gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." Ann said to David. He winked.

"See you all later." David said and walked out of the office.

"I want him." Brian said.

"Me too." Ann and Gina said at the same time.

Their day went by smoothly. Full of laughs and gossip. Gina and Brian got into their cars and left, leaving Ann to lock up. Her cell phone rang. She smiled at the caller id.

"Hello granny. I was on my way over there. You need something?" Ann asked.

"No baby girl. Your father and I are actually at the store, I was fixing dinner and forgot something I needed. Hope you not still a vegeterian." Her mother asked.

"Granny, I told you I am not a vegeterian. I just watch what I eat. Tell daddy I said hello. I'll go see mama. Call me when dinner is ready."

"Okay baby. Anna said hi. How you hang up this damn phone. I can't stand this little thing. Take it John." Her granny fussed before the phone clicked off. Ann laughed and drove over to her mother's house. She expected her mother to be on the couch sleep. Something she usually does after doing her twelve hour shifts at work. Her mother is a supervisor at a local grocery store. She worked their all of Ann's life. She saw her mother sitting on the porch, talking on the phone. Something else her mother did not like, talking to on the phone. Her mother loved to be left alone once she was home. No company, no phone calls. Ann got out of the car and saw the familiar smile spread across her mother's face.

"Bella, I am going to have to get off this phone, my daughter just pulled up. Okay...okay. Talk to you later, goodbye." Ann's mother hung up the phone.

"I thought you hated to talk?" Ann joked.

"I do, but that was Bella. You know George fired Diane today from work. Bella was there to tell me all what happened after I left." Ann's mother said. George was the owner of the grocery store. A sweet old man, but when it came to his store, it was strictly business for him.

"About time. That girl been stealing them steaks for awhile." Ann added.

"I hate to see anyone lose a job, but if any one deserved it." Her mother said. She looked at Ann with suspicious eyes.

"What is it?" Ann asked. Ann knew her mother just as well as her mother knew her.

"Something bothering you?" Her mother asked.

"No-" Ann started.

"Think before you lie to your mother." Her mother said.

"You remember Brian, from work?" Ann finally spoke.

"Yeah, the black guy."

"Well, he wants to bring his...girlfriend to Thanksgiving but no one knows he has a girlfriend and he is scared that they will judge his girlfriend." Ann said, avoiding eye contact.

"He should be scared."

"Why mama?" Ann asked shocked and confused.

"Because you know damn well that man aint got no girlfriend. He aint no straighter than a circle." Ann's mother rubbed her hand on her aching knee. "The world today don't accept stuff like they used to."

"So, if I came home with a girlfriend, you guys would be upset?" Ann asked.

"As your mother, yes."

"But why mama? There is nothing wrong with a man loving a man, or a woman loving a woman."

"Nothing wrong with love. You right. Are you telling me that you are gay?" Ann's mother asked.

"If I was?"

"I would love you no less, because you are my daughter. Will I accept it? No." Her mother stood up.

"I am not gay mama. I promise."

"So why the conversation? I am sure his family know he is gay."

"His lover had a bad past. And his family is particular about dating a troubled person."

"Well, let him deal with his own family about that."

"What if that happened to me?"

"I would be happy that you are happy. But bringing someone so troublesome into your life, when you are doing so well, I would not like that. Especially your father."

"I don't get why though. It seems as if you guys should be happy for whoever makes the one you love happy."

"Ann, there is more to this story, isn't it?"

"No ma'am. Just think people deserve a second chance."

"You have one life to live. Choose how you live it." Ann's mother went back inside the warm house. The air outside didn't warm up no more than it was this morning. Ann's mother had hot flashes so bad, the cool air outside was a welcoming feeling. Ann took off her coat, and sat on the couch. Changing the subject they talked about their day, and the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner. Her father came into the house with a groan.

"Hey daddy." Ann stood up and greeted him.

"Hey baby girl." He hugged his daughter. He turned to Ann's mother. "Your mother gets more worrisome as the day goes by."

"Stop talking about my mama." Ann's mother laughed. Her mother and father made the perfect couple. After 32 years of being together, they made love look so easy. Her grandparents were married 60 years and made love look so complicated, and funny. Ann loved her family. She tries everything she can to make her family happy, even if it means making herself unhappy.

Ann talked to her family for awhile before leaving and going home. Her grandmother was still cooking so she decided to go home and relax before the food was done. She got out the car and slowly made her way inside her little house. The house was warm and inviting. For a little shack, this aint too shabby. She thought to herself. Ann house was always clean. The little time she been there, it was always flawless. She got out of her clothes and into the shower. She always took an early shower so she could relax the rest of the night. She loved going to her grandparents home in her pajamas where she often fell asleep in her grandmother's bed after a good meal. A knock came on the door. She tied her pajama pants and pulled her matching shirt over her chest and went to the door. She looked in the peep hole, but it was covered up. She smiled and opened the door.

"Damn." David said leaning against the door frame, biting his bottom lip. Ann got so turned on when it came to David. She loved everything he did.

"What?" She answered.

"Nothing turns me on more than cotton pajamas." He said and Ann laughed. She pulled him inside by his coat collar. He kissed her deeply. She moaned into his mouth as she russled to take off his clothes. He did the same. She wore a matching pair of pink bra and panties. Silk. His mouth wide open at her thick frame. He hardened against her hand as she rubbed his thickness in his boxers. He was hung like a black man, and Ann appreciated that in him. He walked with her to her bedroom and shut the door.

Ann sat on David's hardness, that was deep inside her, and rocked her hips in a circlular motion. David stiffened as she moved faster and faster. He had made her come twice already, and now she awaited his release. She felt him come inside of her, but she was on the pill so she was not worried about it. Ann leaned down and kissed David's lips. Passionately, and lovingly. She laid on top of him while he held her. She felt his heartbeat against her jaw. She heard the moan in his throat as he slept. Ann closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him the best she could. She fell asleep for only a few minutes before a knock came on her door. She frowned and slowly got up. Lazily walking to the living room she looked through the peep hole and saw her father and grandmother standing on the porch with a couple of plates.

"Shit!" She said to herself. David came into the living room.

"Who is it babe?" He asked as he yawned.

"My folks. Go hide in the bathroom." She said pushing him. His demeanor changed but he obeyed. He stopped before entering.

"What if they need to use the bathroom?" David asked. She didn't think about that. Her father loved doing check ups in the house.

"Go on the back porch. He barely looks out there." Ann said.

"Barely?" David asked.

"Help me out, please." Ann demanded. He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his coat on the back of the couch and dashed towards the back of the house.

"Ann!" Her father banged on the door.

"Daddy! Granny!" Ann greeted them with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Her father asked bursting through the door. "Someone here?" He asked.

"No. I am fine." Ann said. "I dozed off in the bedroom. Sorry." She was not totally lying.

"Whose truck is that baby?" Her grandmother asked. Her father finished checking the rooms and was satisfied.

"Gina. She was taking Brian out for a drink and she did not want to waste the little gas she had in her truck. So, they stopped by here." Ann lied. Something she hated to do.

"Why store it here?" Her grandmother asked. She was a detective no doubt.

"The bar was not too far from here." Ann sat the plates of food on the dining room table.

"I love this. This is nice. It's so clean and warm. Your carpet is so clean. I am so proud of you baby." Her grandmother reassured her approval of the house. The same conversation every time she comes by. Her grandmother walked back towards the front door. Ann walked with her to help her off the porch.

"Ann, you know your back door is unlocked?" Her father called from the back. He opened the back door to take a look. "What the hell!?" Her father yelled out. Ann's heart dropped. If she was going to introduce David it was not like this. Half naked, and hiding in her backyard for her father to catch, and her grandmother to see.

"Daddy, I can explain." Ann said running towards the back of the house.

"No need to explain." He said. Ann reached her father and frowned when she didn't see David.

"What is it?" Ann asked.

"This backyard needs to be cut. It's nothing for me to come and cut it. I'll do it this tomorrow since your mother and grandmother got me busy helping Wednesday. I sure can't wait for this Thanksgiving to be over with. I don't feel like company, or your crazy ass aunts." Her father said shutting the back door. Ann knew David was probably freezing so she tried her best to cut the conversation short. Her grandmother and father let shortly after and she ran towards the back to call David back inside the house. He shivered as he walked up the few steps.

"I am so sorry." Ann said, rubbing his shoulders as he sat on the couch. He shook his head and got up from the table.

"I guess your worth catching a cold over." He walked to the bathroom and started a hot shower. Ann sat at the dining room table and eyed the plates. She hated putting him through this, because she truly loved him. She had to tell her family. Whether they like it or not. But not this holiday. Not a holiday at all. But she was going to tell them.

The next morning when Ann woke up, David was already gone. He did not talk much that night. He ate Ann's portion of food and went back to bed. Ann did her usual jog, and shower. She was not going to eat breakfast at home since Brian promised to bring donuts to the office.

"Good morning." Ann greeted Brian and Gina when she made it to the office.

"Morning." Gina said, sounding tired.

"You look horrible." Ann said to Gina. She looked up and cracked a small smile.

"I think the whole house is sick." Gina said. She wore a sweater and a coat, with two scarfs. Ann and Brian was sweating.

"You need to go home because I am not trying to get sick for Thanksgiving." Brian said taking a bite of a sprinkled donut.

"I can't. I need the money." Gina said blowing her nose in a tissue. Their day went by fast. It consisted of mostly phone calls to customers whose payments were past due. Ann hated to remind people of their faults, but it was her job. Lunch time came around and Brian left to get his chili and cornbread. Ann a veggie quesadilla, and chicken noodle soup for Gina. Ann was a bit upset that David didn't come to drop their food off, only the blonde hair girl did. Her funky attitude was still towards Ann, and also to Brian this time. Brian did not let her leave without saying something about it. Ann ate and a few customers came inside to pay so she forgot about David for a little bit. Her phone rang and she answered.

"Hello." Ann answered.

"Hey baby girl. I am here at your house, cutting your backyard. Do you know you have a man's show in the backyard? Size 13." Her father said. No doubt that was David's shoe. She got weak at the knees knowing his shoe size fit his other size very well.

"The old owners did come by and cleared out that storage building." Ann said. It was not a lie, just a couple of weeks ago they did.

"Okay. No problem. Just making sure no low life was trying to get to my baby girl. Okay, daddy is on a mission. Goodbye." Her father hung up the phone. Low life? Ann thought. David was no low life. But ever since her father had to file disability from his job as a sheriff, he thought all criminals, or ex cons were low lives. Her father got shot during a drug bust, since then he had a hatred for drug dealers. Someone David used to be.

Ann finished work and headed over to her grandmother's house. Her grandfather was sitting on the porch enjoying a cigarette and his Bible.

"Hey papaw." Ann said once she walked up to the porch and gave him a kiss.

"Hey granddaughter." He said not looking up from his Bible.

"Reading the good Word?" Ann asked.

"Got to. Dealing with your grandma's crazy family coming tomorrow." He said taking a puff of his ciagarette. "Got to get sanctified and Holy to deal with them." He laughed. Ann laughed too.

"Papaw, why do we judge if we aren't suppose to?" Ann asked.

"Well, you should never judge the sinner, just the sin. We are in no position to judge anyone." He said. Ann nodded.

"So, if someone sinned in their past, and has changed his life around, asking for forgiveness, we should forgive?"

"Absolutely. It not only helps them to forgive, but it helps ourselves to be better with God." He looked up at her. "Why the interest?"

"I study too." She smiled. "Where is granny?"

"Your mama took her grocery shopping. I take her to nine hundred and ninety nine stores and she still forgets something." He said.

"Her mind isn't as fresh as it used to be." Ann said.

"No, but she sure can talk shit when she wants to." He added.

"Let me move before you get struck by lightening." Ann laughed. "When will everyone get here?"

"Hell, I hope they don't come. Your granny's sisters be here Wednesday. Your mama's sister be here tomorrow. Probably show up late just so she won't have to cook, but talk about the food."

"That's your oldest daughter." Ann laughed.

"I think I need to go to Maury and test that out." Her grandfather laughed. Ann and her grandfather talked a little bit more before her mother and grandmother pulled up in the yard.

"Come help me with these groceries." Her mother called out to Ann. Once all the food was in the house and put up Ann and her mother walked to her car.

"Aunt Camille be here tomorrow morning papaw said." Ann told her mother.

"Yup. Maybe her plane get delayed and she don't show up."

"Mama, that is your older sister."

"No kin of mine."

"Forgive mama. Papaw said you have to forgive." Ann said.

"If you had a sister, and she live Hollywood fabulous, but can't help take care of her parents, how would you feel?" Her mother asked. Her mother, Cindy, and her mother's sister, Camille, have not gotten along in awhile. Since their mother got sick, and their father got ill as well, Cindy had been taking care of them. Doctor appointments, spending every single night in the hospital if one was in there. Spending money she barely had on their medications. Camille lived in California with a rich husband, she barely called home and when she did, she left them with broken promises.

"I don't have a sibling, so I can not answer that. But seeing you go through it, its horrible. But you have something aunt Camille doesn't." Ann said.

"An amazing, beautiful daughter." Her mother hugged her.

"Awww mama that is so sweet." Ann said. "Well, I will be over after work tomorrow to help cook."

"Actually, I think we got this under control. Your father is even going to help." Her mother said and they both began to laugh.

"In that case, I will be here early to help." Ann said and kissed her mother. Ann drove home to find her father mowed the front yard and sides. Weed eater the edges, and sprayed poison for critters and snakes. He was the best father in the world.

Ann took her a shower and warmed up some left over meatloaf and mashed potatoes. She layed on the couch watching tv and eating ice cream for the rest of the evening.

It was late into the night. Darkness crept all over the small house. The hum from the refrigerator, and a small drip from the sink, was the only sound in the house. Ann tossed on the couch. A creak in the floor made her twitch in her sleep. It went away. A few moments later, another creak, loud enough to wake her up fully. She jump up from the couch with her arms swinging. Arms wrapped around her waist and she screamed. She kicked her leg up to back kick the prep in the nuts, but he caught her leg, as if he knew she were going to do that.

"Ann!" David yelled. Ann stopped screaming and pushed him away. She reached the wall to turn on the light.

"David! Have you lost your damn mind?" Ann yelled at him. He laughed, but she was not laughing.

"I was trying to secretly seduce you." He said.

"They call that rape." Ann said.

"Sorry I scared you." He said, taking off his coat.

"Where you been all day?" She asked.

"Devil's gold." David said. The name if the oil rig he worked for. She hated the name, but the check was so big it was devilish.

"You didn't tell me." Ann crossed her arms. He walked up to her.

"Are you mad?" He asked against her lips. She turned her face from his.

"Yes." She said. He smiled and whispered in her ear.

"Coloque conmigo." He said in her ear. She melted and kissed him so hard, he lost his balance. She did lay with him. Over and over that night, awaking the next morning sore. He sat in the kitchen, it was close to four in the morning.

"You want breakfast before you go?" Ann asked.

"No. I don't have time to eat you." David said and smiled. Ann walked over to him and kissed him. He was reading the paper that was left on the porch.

"Who still reads newspapers?" Ann asked.

"I do." David kissed her again. A horn outside blew and David grabbed his cup of coffee and sipped more.

"You not taking your truck?" Ann asked.

"Yes, just got a few of the fellas riding with me." He stopped and turned to Ann. "Don't worry, they think your my sister's girlfriend." He kissed her again and left. She hated he had to do that for her sake. Ann cleaned up the evidence of David, just in case her aunt Camille was coming by. She hoped her little house was uncomfortable for her and she leave. Ann finished, jogged, showered, and left for the morning to work. They were going to be closed Thursday-Sunday. A good vacation for Ann, with pay was icing on the cake.

"I am so happy to be away from here." Brian said with a bagel in his mouth. "And this bullshit is nasty." He spit it out. Ann laughed.

"It's healthy." Ann said.

"Who told you that lie?" Brian laughed. They started up their computers. Gina called and said she was not going to be able to make it. Once the open sign was put up, the building was flooded with people wanting loans for Black Friday. Ann and Brian was so busy they skipped lunch and gave as many loans as they could. Ann even went against policy to help a couple out who was trying to make Christmas special for their foster child. Ann's heart was full of happiness, until she got a phone call. It was about ten minutes before the loan company closed for the Thanksgiving holiday and her aunt Camille called.

"Hello darling." Camille said. Camille was a shade darker than black, but spoke as if she was the queen of England. Her voice was proper, and she did her best to hide her country accent.

"Hi auntie." Ann said unenthusiastically.

"You sound upset. What is the matter?" Camille said. Ann was an easy book to read. She was upset, she hoped Camille did not make it this holiday because she was tired of her mother and Camille fighting and upsetting her grandmother.

"Just a very busy day at work." Ann sighed.

"Work. Ha! I can't stand it. It's just too much...work. Well, I am at grandmama's house. Come by after that thing you call a job." Camille hung up. Ann got angry but it soon went away when the door opened at the office.

"Sorry, but we are almost closed." Brian said. Ann's back was turned from the door when she heard Brian speak. "But damn, you are more than welcome to come in." Brian said. Ann turned and face a dirt covered, muscular man. Her man. David.

"Sorry for the mess. I sure hated for you guys to leave without me wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving." He smiled. David placed a piece of coconut pie on each desk.

"You are dirty." Brian said. "But even more sexy."

"Cooking is my other job. I am a wielder on an oil rig. A rough neck." David smiled. "Where is the other lady?"

"She is sick." Ann added. He looked at her with a glimpse of a smile, but his eyes spoke something else. Ann frowned at him.

"Where are you going for Thanksgiving?" Brian asked.

"Texas." He looked over at Ann. This was news to her.

"Texas?" Ann asked.

"Yes, my family is there." David said. Ann knew that, but did not know he was going. "My mother invited me down, since I have no family here, it would be a bummer to spend the holidays at home alone." David said. That stung Ann, but she couldn't protest, she basically asked for it.

"Will you be back for lunch Monday?" Brian asked.

"Sure." David said. He looked at Ann once more. "Well, I better get going. If I leave now I may beat the ice storm." He shook Brian's hand and hugged Ann, trying not to linger too long. Ann wanted to cry, but she held it in. There goes her after Thanksgiving company. Most likely she will go Black Friday shopping with her ratchet cousins, and no good aunt Camille. Ann watched David walk out of the office, and into his truck, and watched him drive off.

"That man is too much man for me." Brian said laughing.

"Tell me about it." Ann said sadly.

"Well, Happy Thanksgiving." Brian hugged Ann. "Try to have fun." He smiled.

"Same to you." Ann smiled back. Ann locked up the office and left. The drive to her grandmother's house was full of tears and unanswered phone calls from David. She saw Camille's rental car, and two more cars in the drive way. She tried to swallow her sadness and walk into the house.

"Annalise!" Camille yelled. Ann braced herself as Camille grabbed her and squeezed her. She was putting on, and everyone knew it. There was her cousin Tyrone and his new girlfriend, which she had two children with her. Ann hugged them and made herself acquainted with Tyrone's new girlfriend.

"So, Lakeisha. What do you do for a living?" Camille asked Tyrone's girlfriend.

"Ima dancer." Lakeisha answered.

"It is 'I am'." Camille corrected her. "And a dancer, you say? Is that fancy for stripper?" Camille took sip of her coffee from a cup clearly she brought with her.

"Camille!" Ann's mother yelled.

"What? If she is ashamed of it, she need to change professions." Camille added.

"Umm..." Lakeisha said.

"Actually, Lakeisha, do you mind if we get some fresh air. It's hot in here." Ann said to Lakeisha.

"That would be lovely." Lakeisha grabbed her coat and her two children followed. Ann apologized all the way outside.

"Camille, do not come here and start that mess. I am not playing with you today." Cindy said.

"Come on sister. You can clearly tell she is a stripper. Probably a prostitute." Camille said.

"Stop it Camille." Their mother said. "Come help me." Her mother said, Camille frowned.

"Okay, one minute." Camille said.

"Forget it. Just sit there and look pretty." Cindy said.

"Awww thank you sister." Camille said and Cindy rolled her eyes.

Ann helped her mother and grandmother with the cooking and by ten o'clock that night everything was just set to go. The turkey was in the oven for over night cooking. Her grandmother was in the bed, grandfather was in his favorite chair watching westerns. Camille was changing sheets on the guest bed with ones she brought with her. Tyrone and his girlfriend went to an hotel, to avoid any more drama from Camille. Ann and her mother had left and went home.

The small house was warm, clean, and inviting. But it was empty. David was gone and he would not answer any of Ann's phone calls. This was not a breakup but it hurt just like one. Ann took a shower and cried herself to sleep.

The next day Ann woke up near noon. She did not plan on it, but she cried herself so late that night she caught up on her sleep. She skipped her jogging and promised herself to jog an hour Saturday. She looked at her phone and it was flooded with messages. She went through each one, none from David. She replied Happy Thanksgiving to them all, and placed her phone back down. Ann slowly got out of bed and into the bathroom where she washed up and put her hair up in a fancy ponytail. Her weave was still looking good, but she needed an upgrade for the Christmas holiday.

Once Ann was dressed she dialed David's number. No answer. So she text him saying she hoped he made it safely. That was the least he could do was tell her he was safe. She as worried sick. Ann locked up the house and got into her car. The road were slick and she hated to drive on it, but it was Thanksgiving. She slowly made it to her grandmother's house and the yard was filled with cars. She made it late, but just in time for eating. Ann made it inside the house and made her presence known to everyone. Camille and Cindy were arguing, her cousins was so happy to see her. And her grandmother and grandfather was watching westerns as children ran wild around the house. It was a zoo, but she loved them all.

"Mama, what do I do?" David asked his mother.

"You love her hijo?" His mother asked.

"More than I ever loved a woman before." David answered.

"Then go to her son. Let her know that no matter what you love her and want to be with her."


"When I met your father, my mother and father hated him. They knew he was a bad boy and wanted me to have nothing to do with him. But one day he pulled up in the front yard and got off that motorcycle. He walked up to me and grabbed me around my waist and kissed me. Oh, your father had that charm. My mother and father was standing right there and my father was angry. Beet red angry."

"What did pop pop say?"

"He said, 'Alexandria, if you get on that motorcycle I am done!' And son, I looked at my parents and told them I loved them no matter what. And I got on that motorcycle with your father and left. My parents eventually gave in because they loved me and saw how happy I was."

"Fairytale." David said.

"No, no fairytale hijo. Just love. So if you love her."

"Then I go to her. Thank you so much mama. Happy Thanksgiving." David said.

"...In Jesus name we pray, Amen!" Ann's grandfather said grace and everyone began to dig in. There was turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, potato salad, greens, pinto beans, cornbread, coleslaw, chitterlings, green beans, corn, fried chicken, and macaroni and cheese. Dessert was four different kinds of cakes, sweet potato pies, pecan pies, lemon pies, coconut pies, and fruit salad. Ann filled her plate with food and ate in silence. The house was quiet as everyone was eating. There was sounds of chewing and forks and spoons hitting plates, and occasionally a slurp from a cup. Ann heard a car outside but thought nothing of it as she continued to eat. The doorbell rang on the door and Camille got up to answer. Shortly after Camille left, she returned.

"Do anyone know a David Salgado?" Camille came into the dining room and asked. Ann choked on her bite of turkey and mashed potatoes.

"Baby, are you okay?" Her mother, Cindy, asked. Ann nodded.

"Sorry little boy, you got the wrong house." Camille said to David as he cornered the dining room with a arm full of red roses, and a plate of something covered. Ann's eyes fell on David as his eyes fell on her. He wore a black dress shirt tucked into dark blue jeans. His hair was slicked back into a ponytail. Ann, wore something similar, a black and white dress shirt with a dark blue jean skirt. If their souls weren't connected in some way, then something was completely wrong.

He walked over to her, avoiding the stares from everyone in the room. It was silent in the house. It got hotter to Ann. She stood up. David was six feet, three inches tall. Ann was five feet, ten inches. His height was another turn on to her.

"Ann." His deep voice said. He put down the plate and handed her the roses. She took them, not taking an eye off of her. David lifted her face more towards his own, and softly kissed her lips. The room gasped. This made David smile, but it made Ann nervous.

"Hey mister." Ann's father interrupted.

"Daddy, please." Ann said.

"I apologize to you all. I don't want to ruin your dinner, but I couldn't let another hour pass by without being by your side." He told Ann.

"Ann, you know him?" Her father asked. Ann licked her lips and took a deep breath. He showed courage. She loved that. He was brave, and strong, but mostly, he was in love. She smiled at him and faced her family.

"David, this is my mother Cindy. My father Greg. My grandmother Carol, my grandfather Charles. My aunt Camille. My cousins, my little cousins, my grandmother sisters, Verna and Bertha." Ann introduced David to her family. "Everyone, this is David. David is my..." Ann stammered. This was going to make or break their relationship David thought. He built up courage to do this, and if she did not tell, then he was leaving for good. He was about to protest when Ann spoke. "David my boyfriend. The love of my life for over a year now." Ann turned to him and smile. She pulled an extra chair up next to him and told him to sit. He hesitated for a moment but Ann took his hand and they both sat down.

"Damn, you can pick them cousin." Her cousin Valarie said.

"He is fine as hell." Her other cousin said. Ann shook her head.

"So, you thought it was best to hide this from me?" Her mother asked.

"I didn't hide, I just wanted to wait and see where it was going with us before I brought you guys into it." Ann was not completely lying.

"Well, we do know what happened to the last one." Camille added her opinion into it.

"Stay out Camille." Ann's father added.

"This is my niece, I care." Camille said.

"Where do you work?" Ann's father asked.

"I am a chef at the Country Taste restaurant." David said. Her father frowned.

"Don't be modest." Ann told David.

"I also work on an oil field." David added.

"You're a rough neck. Well I be damned. That is hard work son." Ann's father said. He seemed to perk up at the talk of hard work. Her father was known for working hard, but lost his enthusiasm ever since he got shot.

Ann and her father and David talked for awhile, while every other woman in the room stared at David. Ann was proud to say that was her man. David would occasionally grab Ann's hand and kiss it. Her father seemed to be happy with their relationship. Everyone seemed to be taking a liking to David, except Camille. Her greed for drama was evident.

"So, Donald." Camille said to David.

"It's David. You know that." Ann's mother said.

"Yeah. Right. So, how many girls are after you?" Camille asked.

"Excuse me?" David asked.

"How many hussies you sleeping with other than my niece?" Camille asked.

"Aunt Camille!" Ann yelled.

"You pushing it Mill." Ann's grandmother said.

"I beg your pardon. I am not "sleeping" with any hussies." David put in quotations. "I make love to one. That is your niece." He said. The room fell quiet except the "oohs" from Ann's cousins. Then laughter erupted from the younger adults.

"Just saying. You are a very handsome man, and women fall to men like you. Plus you work hard, and earn an substantial amount of money." Camille grabbed her personal coffee cup and sipped her coffee.

"I do well. I do well for myself, my family, and Ann." David took a bite of dressing. It was something he was not used to but could get used to.

"So, you have children?" Camille raised an eyebrow. Silverware hit plates out of frustration.

"Camille, please eat and shut up." Ann's mother said.

"So you invite this complete stranger in my mama's house, who has been dating your daughter, and you are not going to find nothing out? What if he has her under hostage and we don't know?" Camille asked. David gripped tight to Ann's hand. She felt the circulation slowly cutting off. She knew he was mad, but she was proud of him for taking it so lightly.

"I believe that is Charles and I area as her mother. Not yours." Ann's mother said. The grip on Ann's hand lightened up.

"So, do you date many black women? Men?" Camille asked. That was it. The grip David had on Ann's hand was dropped completely.

"Where is your husband or children?" David asked Camille. Camille's face fell as if she was hit by a ten ton truck. Everyone gasped and Ann's father burst into laughter.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" He asked Camille in laughter.

"Anyone need a refill?" Camille stood up from the table.

"Go ahead Camille. Tell the boy where your husband and children are." Ann's father pushed.

"Stop it Charles." Ann's mother said.

"Stop it? You allow your sister to strut in here and act as if she is the damn queen, but when the tables turn on her you quick to defend her ass. No. I am sick of her always telling you when to jump and how high." Ann's father said.

"This is why I love holidays here." One of Ann's cousins said in the background.

"We are waiting." Charles folded his arms and stared at Camille. Ann's grandparents sat silently eating, ignoring the commotion as if it happens every day. The room fell silent.

"For your information, unlike you, my husband works. He doesn't sit at home on his fat lazy ass and make his wife work, like you." Camille stormed off to the kitchen.

"Did she call me fat?" Ann's father asked around the table.

"You have gained over the years cousin Charles." Another cousin of Ann's said. Ann's mother ran off to the kitchen to check on Camille. Ann knew her mother and aunt didn't too much get along but when it came to feelings, Ann's mother was always going to have her big sister's back.

"Could you please excuse me." David said and got up from the table. Ann ran after him.

"Could you please pass the gravy." Ann's grandfather said.

"Baby I am so sorry." Ann said once she caught up to him outside.

"No, I am sorry. It's obvious I should not have came. I was trying to be a hero and ended up a fool." David said.

"You are not a fool. No one has ever done something so brave as to stand up to my aunt. Or show up to a family event and make his presence known. David." Ann grabbed his face and kissed him. He hugged her and kissed her back. "I love you. More now than ever before." She smiled. That made all the trouble worth while. "You want us to go back to my place now?" Ann asked.

"No. You enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving." David said.

"And you stay and enjoy to." Ann's father said from behind him. David turned to face Charles. Charles was a large set man, even larger since he stopped working. He stood a little taller than David and was almost the shade of black. His voice was heavier than David's voice. Ann's father was a very intimidating looking man. This scared off most people, but David held his own.

"I really shouldn't." David said.

"You know what, you have something no one has around here. You have heart." Charles said. David straightened up to that. "I know it's cold, but take a walk with me." Charles said. David squeezed Ann's hand and walked off the porch with Charles. Ann watched them walk off. Her mother came outside and sat next to her.

"Aunt Camille okay?" Ann asked.

"She fine. Over dramatic." Cindy, Ann's mother said.

"Drama queen." Ann laughed. Cindy laughed too.

"You know, she was sort of right. You been dating this man without saying anything. What if he did something to you and we have no leads to knowing who and why?" Cindy asked as a concerned mother.

"It was a risk. I know. But I knew him from the restaurant that brings lunch to the office. Remember the storm that knocked down the pole around the house?" Ann asked and Cindy nodded her head. "Well, he was one who was there helping. We talked for awhile, exchanged numbers and from there it was on." Ann said. Her mother smiled.

"You like him?" Cindy asked.

"No." Ann said. Her mother frowned. "I love him." Ann looked at her mother, who was teary eyed.

"I wished I would have known sooner." Cindy said.

"Better late than never." Ann said. Her mother nodded.

"Cousin Camille in here cussing out the children." Ann's cousin yelled out the door.

"Break over." Cindy said.

"Time to calm down the big baby." Ann said and her mother laughed. Ann sat on the porch, enjoying her hot coffee before going inside. Almost an hour later, after Ann's grandparents were in the bed, the food put up, David and Charles arrived back. Ann's herd of cousins was leaving and saying their goodbyes. David got close to Tyrone the little time they chatted outside.

"I see you later man." Tyrone said to David and hugged Ann. "This one right here, she is going to be the glue that holds the whole family together like her grandma." Tyrone said about Ann. "So make sure you treat her good man. It's a lot of us, and one of you." Tyrone said and laughed. David laughed nervously.

"He is intimidating like your father." David said.

"You have to tell me all my father said to you when I get home." Ann said. David laughed.

"Its confidential. But I can tell you I think he likes me." David smiled a wide smile.

"Well, that sounds like it needs to be celebrated." Ann kissed David as her mother and father walked up to them.

"There are rooms for that." Charles joked.

"Sorry." David said.

"No biggie." Cindy said.

"I am sorry about earlier." David said one again.

"Oh please. My sister is nothing to lose sleep over. Trust me."

"I think it's jealousy." Charles said.

"Whatever it is, she doesn't need to treat people like that." Ann said.

"Your right." Cindy said.

"The wicked witch of the world." Charles said and Cindy hit his arm.

"Where are you two headed?" Cindy asked.

"Well." David started.

"Back to my house. David is going to help me set up a tree." Ann said.

"Why? No one comes out there to see it." Charles said.

"You know I love Christmas daddy." Ann said.

"Indeed. Well, you two behave yourselves. I'm going home myself. It's cold as shit, and I am fuller than a pot belly pig." Charles hugged and kissed his daughter, and shook David's hand. Cindy gave her love as well before David got into his truck and followed Ann back to her house.

On the ride home, Ann thought about how wonderful her Thanksgiving ended. Even though her aunt could have completely ruined it, she did not because David made it all perfect. Once inside her small, but clean and comfortable home, Ann took off her clothes and got into the shower. Moments later, David walked into the bathroom and got undressed and into the shower as well.

"It's occupied." Ann laughed.

"Dos." He said. Ann washed him, as he washed her. They kissed passionately in the shower until the hot water ran cool. David dried off Ann's wet body as she moaned when he dried between her legs.

"Your hands are like magic." Ann said as she laid in bed naked. David rubbed lotion on the bottom half of her body after he made her come twice to his fingers and to his large erection. He was now rubbing her back and shoulders. She turned to face him. He was a sight to see. His chiseled body, broad shoulders, and tight abs. His silk black hair was still wet from the shower and sex sweat.

"I love touching you." David said softly. His mind was always on Ann, but something else was on his mind.

"What is it?" Ann asked. She noticed it too.

"What you mean?" He asked. She faced him now and he ran his finger down her face.

"I see something in your eyes. It's bugging you." Ann also ran her hand down the side of his face. David took a deep breath.

"Today was a breakthrough. You think?" David asked.

"Of course." Ann answered.

"Well, we got the hardest critics out the way."

"Right. What is it?"

"How about we stop hiding our love for each other?" He asked. Her stared Ann in the eyes. He saw her tense up and that made him angry.

"I don't think-" Ann started. David removed his hand and turned on his back letting out another deep sigh.

"You know I am so sick of this Annalise." David said. Ann knew David was mad because he only used her name unless he was angry. Like that time she threw away his favorite jersey because her parents showed up unannounced. She since then bought him an even better one.

"David. It's just that this little town is all about being in your business."

"So? It's not like we out there telling them what goes on under your house, or mine. I don't give a damn, no. I don't give a fuck about what they think." David was angry. The vein in his neck stuck out and throbbed.

"Once people know who you are dating, they take their miserable lives and try to break you up. I don't want people to break us up David." Ann leaned over him and said. He faced her.

"They can not break up something that is truly meant to be Ann." He said calmly. He rolled out of bed and walked his naked body into the kitchen.

"David!" Ann called after her. Her phone rang and she leaned over to answer.

"Hey mama." Ann said.

"Uh oh. I know that voice." Her mother said.

"It's nothing. What's up?"

"Camille wants to know if we are going to midnight Black Friday or day time Black Friday?"

"Mama, you invited her?"

"Well, she overheard me and your father earlier and called and asked if she can ride. Said er husband was sending us all some money, and I am not refusing free money child." Ann's mother laughed.

"Me neither. Well, it's almost ten and I am beat. So I guess day time Black Friday." Ann said.

"Great. Seven a.m. it is." Cindy said. They gave their love and Ann hung up the phone. She laid in bed thinking about what David said. Sooner than she thought, she was fast asleep. Sometime in the night she felt David get back into bed and wrap his arms around her. He could never stay mad at Ann. He loved her too much.

Five o'clock came before she knew it. Her cell phone rang loudly as if it were set to over the max volume this morning. She saw it was her aunt Camille. Ann lazily answered the phone.

"Good morning." Ann said sluggishly on the phone.

"Morning. I thought you guys were going to be woke earlier than this. We are missing all the sales." Camille said loudly into the phone.

"Aunt Camille, it only started five hours ago. It lasts all day long. We have plenty of time." Ann dragged herself out of bed. David was gone. She wished he would tell her when he worked and did not work. She thought more about what he said. She wasn't ready to share him to her family, she was really not ready to share him to their small town.

Ann listened to her aunt complain about many things that had nothing to do with her, as she made coffee and enjoyed the first hot sip.

"Aunt Camille, I will be there in fifteen minutes." Ann said and hung up before she heard her aunt complain about fifteen minutes being too late. Ann got dressed in a pair of gray slacks, a cashmere, a gray and black t-shirt, and a hoodie over it. She wrapped a gray and black scarf around her neck and put on her boots. She looked comfortable and warm. With her hair in a lazy bun she grabbed her coffee cup with lid, her purse, and car keys. She took her time getting over her grandmother's house. The main roads were full of sand because of the ice that formed over night. She wished she could have stayed inside her warm, cozy home, and curl on the couch with coffee and T.V.

"Come on slow pokes!" Camille said running out the house towards the car. "Oh. Umm...were we not taking the Rover today? You know, shop in style." Camille said.

"Either you get in my daughter's car, or you go on your own." Ann's mother said.

"My car is clean, and safe auntie. Please, let's try to enjoy this day." Ann pleaded. Camille smiled.

"Just for my favorite niece." Camille hugged Ann.

"Your only niece." Cindy said. Ann smiled and shook her head. They got into the car, Ann driving, her mother in passenger seat, and her aunt in the back.

"Before we go, where is our money uncle Ronald gave us?" Ann said with her hand hanging out.

"It's here. I got it this morning. Just take me to the ATM." Camille said sweetly. This was going to be a good day. Ann thought to herself. When Camille handed Ann eight hundred dollars, and her mother another eight hundred, Ann thought to herself, this was going to be a wonderful day. She text David and hoped where ever he were, that he was safe and she loved him. No reply. But that did not stop her day.

They rode out of town to the city and stopped at their first mall. JCPenny was extremely full. Ann and her mother went to Ross, as her aunt when to Macy's.

"She always got to be fancy." Cindy said. Ann laughed.

"I am actually getting along with her today." Ann said.

"Me too." Cindy laughed. Hours past as they shopped. Ann mostly for others, other than the occasional pair of shoes on sale, or outfits for work. Cindy bought mostly for her husband and her parents. Camille bought nothing for anyone but herself.

Ann saw TJMaxx and decided to make that a stop before going to lunch. Inside was full, as the rest of the stores. Ann went down a aisle looking at bedroom items. She never got a chance to actually come up with a theme to her bedroom. Her bathroom was purple, her kitchen was red. Her living room and dining room were both beige and brown, with hints of orange and green. She saw so many options to her bedroom. She loved the yellow, it was different, but the green was pretty too.

"What about the blue?" David said from behind her. Ann jumped to the voice and turn to face the man she loved. He did not wear his dirty oil rig clothes. He wore a sweater and jeans. His hair back in a ponytail. The store was full and women stared at him with flirting eyes. Ann almost felt jealous but realized that was only her fault for making him look single, instead of being in a relationship with her.

"Blue is your favorite color." Ann said.

"It's all about you though." David said, standing a distance from her. He knew she did not want people to know about them, but he wanted to grab her and kiss her. Ann looked at him. His eyes were brown and inviting. His lips thin, the hair around his face trimmed to preciseness. His muscles showed through his sweater. The bulge in his pants only showed that he was packing something major and only she knew. She looked back up into his loving eyes as he smiled at her.

"How did you know I was here?" She frowned as she thought.

"Your mother called your father at every store you guys been too. Boss let us go early, so I called your father and he told me you guys were towards the city. He called me back and told me here." David smiled. "It's not stalkerish when your mother told the stalker your location." He laughed.

"Her and daddy tell each other every single thing." Ann laughed. A young woman came walking towards them. She came in between Ann and David and turned her back towards Ann.

"Hello handsome." The woman said to David. David was stunned for a moment. The nerve.

"Hello. Can I help you?" David asked.

"You are the sexiest man I have ever seen. If you work her, I need your help in the dressing room. If you do not work here, come with me to the dressing room." The woman smiled. Her breath was funky as if she drank for Thanksgiving and sobered up during black Friday shopping. Obviously she lost her mind, David thought. Ann could not help but think this was her fault. She wanted privacy and these things were going to happen. She looked at the girl push her breasts up to David. He backed away, obviously very uncomfortable.

"Excuse me." Ann said to the woman.

"What?" The woman said to Ann rudely. Ann smiled and grabbed David's hand.

"We were having a conversation." Ann said then she turned to David. "Now. I think we should go with blue for our bedroom since it is your favorite color." Ann said. David smile was so big Ann thought he was going to bust a vein. He grabbed Ann by her waist and kissed her deeply.

"I would love that baby." He said. The woman walked off in a huff. Ann and David laughed.

"I am so sorry David." Ann said to him.

"You sure you want to do this?" David asked Ann. She smiled hard.

"I have never been more sure. But you got to promise me that if anyone comes towards us with drama, that we avoid it. I am yours and I will never do anything to mess that up." Ann said.

"I promise you. I trust you like you trust me. No one will break this up. Okay?" David asked.

"Okay." Ann kissed him again.

"Oh wow!" Camille came around the aisle with a basket full of clothes. "Nice to see you two in public."

"It really is." Cindy said.

"Just let's wait about the news of us moving in together." Ann said.

"Agreed." David whispered back. Ann's Friday was even better than her Thanksgiving. David followed Ann, her mother, and aunt around all the stores. When Ann's car was too full, they used David's truck to fill up. Even at the restaurant they stopped by for lunch, Ann showed more affection in public than she ever had in privacy. It just felt right to her, and he was loving every second of it.

After a long day of shopping, Ann stored some of her mother's gifts to her father, and her own gifts to David. Ann and David both took another shower. Making each other dirty in the shower, they finally washed themselves and laid on the couch. It was cold outside and the news warned of an winter storm moving into town in about an hour. Ann was nervous for those outside if caught into it.

David's phone rang and he answered.

"Hola." He said. "Si. Yes, I will be able to." David hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Ann asked. The tea pot whistled and she got up to take it off the stove. It was a house warming gift from her aunt Camille. After asking a million times if the house was a joke, she finally sent this high price tea kettle as a gift.

"Boss man. Mr. Mercer. He wants me to make sure the gate is locked and everything is covered before the storm hits." David put on his boots, then his heavy coat.

"The storm is getting closer, can someone else do that?" Ann asked.

"Baby I am the manager. It's pretty much my job." David kissed Ann on the forehead.

"Wait, I'll get my coat and ride with you." Ann ran towards the coat rack.

"No ma'am you will not. I'd rather get caught in this mess, than you with me stuck."

"I'd rather be with you incase instead of stuck here worried."

"My cell phone. Right here in my pocket. If I need any help, I know who to call. Ann, it won't take but half an hour."

"David it is already starting. Look." Ann pointed out the large living room window. The sleet was slowly starting, and if she knew her state, it would soon pour down with it.

"Baby. I promise I be right back. Keep it warm for me." He kissed Ann. "Ann the house too." He winked. She gave a faint smile and watched David leave. She made a cup of hot tea and added some sugar, honey, and lemon. It was the best remedy for a cold evening. She watched the severe alerts that kept cutting into her Judge Judy time.

"We are here in Boontown. As you can see, the sleet is coming down even harder than we expected. This is the winter storm we have been warning you guys about for almost a week now. This is no time to be stuck outside of your home or establishment. If you can avoid travel, please do so. If you are in and near these areas, please stay exactly where you are. Try your best to get some place close from outside. We here at the News Station have given this winter storm the name, Bully. It is stronger, and powerful than any storm that has hit near here in awhile. Unfortunately, this December may be another repeat of this storm, if not stronger. We will keep you updated, as the storm comes barging in, and slowly leaves our state during the early morning hours. Please be smart, and stay safe. With the Local News 8, this is Mike Ronson." The weather man held on to his jacket as the sleet hit his face. Boonstown was the next big town over from the small town of Dansville. Ann was scared now. She called her grandparents and made sure they were okay. Then she called her mother.

"Your aunt Camille isn't here." Ann's mother said.

"Where is she?" Ann asked.

"She said something about going back home immediately. She caught the very next plane out and left hours ago. She was boarding a plane the last I talked to her."

"Wow. Hope everything is okay." Ann was sincere.

"Everything is fine. Camille did not want to be stuck inside the house with her own parents. Just sad." Ann's mother said. "Speaking of, I called mama and daddy, they are okay. In the bed waiting out the storm."

"Yeah, grandma said they have plenty of food and fire wood. Are you and daddy okay? You guys need anything?" Ann asked her mother.

"We have plenty. Don't you try to come out in this mess."

"No ma'am. I am good here."

"David?" Ann's mother asked.

"He is at home. Doing good himself." Ann lied.

"I wished he was there with you. You shouldn't be alone. Do you need your father to come and get you?"

"No mama. I am fine. I have food, hot tea, and TV. I am fine." Ann laughed.

'Okay baby. Well if this ice knocked out the power, you remember how to use that generator, right?"

"Yes ma'am. I remember. Daddy and grandpa taught me a lot." Ann smiled.

"Good. Okay well, I love you and if you need us, just call."

"I will. I will most likely sleep the storm out." Ann said. They shared their love and got off the phone. Ann sat back on the couch constantly looking at her watch. An hour past before she tried to call David where there was no answer. She got worried. The storm made the skies darker than gray. Ann kept calling every ten minutes. Two hours past and the streets were covered in sleet. Ann stepped on her porch and almost slipped off the steps. She got back inside and sat on the couch with her hands over her face. She thought for another half hour before calling again with no answer. She picked up the phone and dialed her father. Before he could answer a truck sound pulled into the driveway. She saw the headlights in her window. The sleet was mixed with snow now, and the air was colder than before. She thought about sitting on the couch and being mad, or running outside and kissing him.

"Honey I am home." He said as he came through the door. He had both hands full of sacks.

"Where the hell have you been? Its been almost three hours David!" Ann yelled. He walked past her laughing lightly. He sat the sacks down on the kitchen counters and unzipped his coat. The way he moved made Ann want to jump on him and make love to him, but she was still upset, although relieved.

"All the stores around here were closed. So I made my way to the town over and got some groceries." He hugged Ann to him. "I was only thinking about you and I stuck in his cozy spot for the weekend." He kissed her.

"Not entirely." Ann said.

"Oh. Do I have to hide outside again?" He laughed.

"Church. But soon as I get home we can cuddle again." Ann walked past him and looked through the sacks. David bought soda, tea, milk, chips, fruits, sweets, meats, and canned goods. David also made another trip to the truck for more sacks. He filled the cabinets and the freezer. Ann had a deep freezer full of food but that was her emergency stash, which this would have been a case, but David came to the rescue.

"This is too much food David." Ann admired her cabinets and refrigerator.

"Nothing is too much when it comes to you." He said putting the water bottles into the refrigerator.

"Thank you baby. So what is for dinner?" Ann asked looking into the freezer. He had hamburger meat, pork chops, steaks, roast, chicken breasts and wings.

"You do not worry about dinner. I got this. Kick your feet up." David said. Ann smiled at him.

"You would cater to me?"

"For the rest of my life." He kissed her. "Now go sit and let the cook do his thing. It's about I cook dinner. You always cooking for me."

"Well, you always bring me lunch."

"Technically, I cook for the town and I just happen to bring you guys lunch a lot. But I have never had a chance to cook personally for you. With my own recipes and magic."

"Your own magic?" Ann laughed.

"Get out the kitchen." He laughed. Ann obeyed and grabbed a fresh hot cup of tea with sugar, honey, and lemon. She heard David in the kitchen humming a song and the smell of food filled the house immediately. He would take quick breaks to watch a crime show with Ann. Over an hour later David called Ann to the dining room table. There before her was a smothered steaks, mashed potatoes, rice, sweet corn, and rolls.

"How in the world you do this much food?" Ann looked down at the table. He set the table and poured two champagne glasses of something white. "You even bought wine? You know I don't drink." Ann said, confused.

"I know you better than that." He laughed. "It's white peach grape juice." He smiled. Ann took a drink and closed her eyes.

"Wow! This is amazing. It's better than Welch's." She smiled.

"Dig in." He said. They ate and talked about anything that came to mind. This is something Ann loved about David. She could talk about anything and he could pick up on it and put in his opinion.

"Would you go back?" Ann asked. They were now in the bed watching Scarface. Ann loved the movie, David was a fan as well.

"Never." David replied. They got on a conversation about their childhood. David was born in Texas, but lived in Mexico for years. He talked about the home he was raised in, and the living conditions.

"What was the best thing about there?" Ann asked. She held his hand, rubbing her finger across his knuckles.

"Well, my family was there. They kept me from running away. They needed me. My brother had gone to America at the time." David talked slow. Ann thought he was getting sleepy, but his face said otherwise.

"You hate talking about it. I can tell."

"It's not a big deal. You learn not to let your past determine who you are. If that is the case, I would be in bad condition." David said.

"Was there nothing else you could do there for money?"

"My cousins set a name for themselves there. The Salgado trio. The Salgado brothers. The Salgado gang." David said. The name sounded familiar to Ann, but she could not place it, other than it being David's last name.

"Salgado gang?" Ann asked.

"Yeah. Not my best decision. They moved the activity up into Texas. That is why I moved here. Out of that world. Made work and doing well. But enough about that. Make love to me." David said. Ann laughed, and did just that.

The next morning Ann woke up to a house scented of bacon and biscuits. She saw the dining room table with waffles, syrup, bacon, and eggs. Also a bowl if fresh fruit salad of her own. She smiled.

"This is for me?" She asked.

"No, my other woman. She not here yet. You weren't suppose to wake up yet." He laughed. Ann shook her head.

"Let me brush my teeth." Ann walked to the bathroom.

"Please do, you was melting the paint off the walls with your breath."

"Shut up!" She said with a mouth full of toothpaste. Moments later she came back refreshed. She kissed David and began to eat. They talked shortly and Ann cleaned up the kitchen and dishes.

"I have a surprise for you." David said.

"What is it?" Ann asked. David placed a blindfold over her eyes. "Fifty shades of grey? Because I would love that." Ann said. David laughed.

"Sit right here and don't move." David placed Ann on the couch. She heard David return from outside with sacks of stuff, and then a struggle with something she assumed was heavy. She heard the scuffle finally decease and he came behind her, slightly out of breath.

"Are you done fighting a moose, or whatever you was doing?" Ann asked. David took off the blindfold.

"Surprise!" David shouted. In front of Ann was standing a 8 ft tall Christmas tree. Well groomed and shaped. Ann thought it was fake until she touched it. The smell was divine.

"Where did you get this?" Ann asked.

"I got it while you were sleeping. You like it?" David asked.

"I love it!" Ann hugged David and kissed him all over his face. He laughed. The sacks where full of decorations. Ann looked through the sacks and put her mind to decorating. David took the outside lights and made himself useful and put them up. It was slick outside, but he got the job done in less than an hour. David came back inside as Ann was putting decorations around the living room.

"Done outside." David said. She smiled. "Need help with the tree?" David asked.

"After a nap." Ann laughed. This weather got me feeling sluggish." Ann said and fell on the couch. She wore a pair of cotton shorts and matching t-shirt, with thick fuzzy socks. She was warm and comfortable. She cuddled with David's cold body as he warmed up. Moments later they both were sleep.

A few hours later David's phone rang. He slowly reached over and answered.

"Yo." He said. Someone said something that triggered him to sit up straight. Ann woke up to his moving and listened in. "Si! Si!" David said enthusiastically. "Mi hermano! Mi hermano!" He yelled with joy into the phone. Ann sat up looking at him. David had the smile of a child on Christmas day. The whole conversation was in Spanish, except a few words Ann could comprehend. Such as: "It's been awhile." "How have you been?" "When?" I am so happy." The conversation went on for awhile. Long enough for Ann to set out the decorations for the tree, and make a pot of coffee and kettle of tea for herself. Once David was finished with his conversation he grabbed Ann and hugged her tightly.

"You seem happy." Ann said.

"Overjoyed." He said.

"Why so?" Ann smiled. She hoped he had this same joy when he saw the Christmas gifts she bought for him.

"Mi hermano. My brother. My oldest brother called me." David said.

"Your long lost brother?" Ann asked.

"Yes. He was telling me how he couldn't come back home because he got into some trouble around these areas. He is off in Arizona, but is coming back home for Christmas. For good. Mi madre is so happy."

"That's great. Oh honey, you have to go home for Christmas now." Ann said.

"Well." David said. "I brought these decorations for a reason." David said.

"What reason did you?" Ann asked.

"My family wanted to bring Christmas here." David winced after he said it.

"That is so great!" Ann said. "Your family will finally get to meet my family." Ann said. David thought he heard wrong. This was the same woman who held him secret for over an year, now want both of their families to meet.

"Seriously?" David asked.

"Of course. Once your family and my family meet, then you moving in here with me, wont be such a big deal anymore. We have to get that bedroom fixed up. Where are they going to stay? I mean your sister and mother can take our bedroom. You and I can sleep on the couch. Your hotel room could possibly hold a few of your cousins and your brother." Ann tried to plan out the Christmas event.

"Well, I thought about gathering together at a venue." David said.

"Sweetheart, most black people like their holidays at home, or the house of an older member. We all can fit in my grandmother's house."

"It was crowded when it was just your family. Black people run deep, but not deeper than Mexicans." David laughed.

"Well, we will figure something out. I am so happy David." Ann said and kissed him. The rest of the evening went into decorating, and fixing up a quick meal. A movie marathon, a marathon of sex, and sleep. Sunday morning came and Ann was up checking the roads. Saturday it heated up unexpectedly and cleared most of the main roads. She hoped this Christmas was easier.

Ann dressed in a purple skirt with a matching shirt. She wore purple heels, and grabbed her Bible. David came out of the bathroom, freshly out the shower.

"Well, the work day begins tomorrow." David said drying his long hair with another towel. He had one wrapped around his waist and by the bulge, she knew he wore nothing under the towel.

"Yes. But today...it's church." Ann said looking for her keys.

"Why you act sinful six days of the week, then be holy a few hours on Sunday?" David asked.

"Excuse me?" Ann asked.

"We have amazing, lustful sex on Monday through Saturday, then Sunday is cuddle day, which we never really just cuddle." David laughed.

"Okay from now on, we are celibate. You could try to be Holy some time." Ann said and left out the house. Ann could hear David laughing when she slammed the door. That laugh was contagious. She almost let the devil win and go back in that house and have sinful sex with him. She got into her car and watched for slick spots. The roads were pretty good she could see.

Ann pulled up to the church just as Sunday school was over, and church began. Her mother, grandmother, and grandfather sat in the third row of the Baptist Church. Ann sat next to her mother and whispered to her.

"Where is daddy?" Ann asked.

"Said he was sick." Her mother whispered back.

"Cowboys play today, mama." Ann whispered to her mother. Her mother's face froze, then frowned.

"Don't make me cuss in this church." Her mother said. Ann held in her laugh. If there was any way her father was going to miss the Dallas Cowboys football game, he would go to the ends of the world to not make that happen. The pastor came to the microphone.

"Can the church say Amen!" The pastor said softly.

"Amen." A few members said lightly. Others only nodded their heads.

"I said, Let the church say Amen!" The pastor said loudly. The church let out in a roar a round of 'Amens'. The pastor was pleased and begin with his sermon. The lesson of the day was not to be ashamed of God no matter where you are. Ann listened and every word hit close to home, as it always does. This time of day, people can not talk about religion unless it is in church. People are so sensitive about religion. Ann believed in God and caught herself in an argument at her last job because some woman told her to shut up about religion. She was livid.

The choir stopped the preacher for a song. It was beautiful. Once the choir stopped singing and sat down, Ann's attention, with others inside the church, went to the back of the church when the door of the church opened. She felt her heart stop, then pound twice as fast.

"Amen! It's always a blessing to see a new face come to the Lord. Come on in!" The preacher said. "Come on up and tell us your name and what brings you here." The pastor held out his hands. David walked up to the front of the small church and spoke with his deep voice. He wore a black suit with red accents. Ann never knew he even owned a suit. Just a moment later, Ann's father came inside the church and sat between Ann's mother and Ann, leaving a spot next to Ann for David. David stood in front of everyone with all eyes on him. He looked calm, but inside he was bubbling with nerves.

"My name is David Salgado. What initially brought me here was to get brownie points." David smiled his famous smile. The older people in the church did not find it amusing. Ann put her head down, feeling embarrassed. Only her grandmother, mother and father knew about David, so she did not understand why she was embarrassed. No one else knew who he was talking about.

"But..." He started again. "I was a little boy in Mexico, throwing rocks on a Sunday morning. I refused to go to church with my madre. My abuelo, my grandfather, asked me something, he asked, 'If you lose everything, then what do you have left?' I didn't think twice when I answered. I simply said, 'nothing at all.' My grandfather shook his head and never said anything else about it. I was confused by his question for many years after his death. 'If you lose everything, then what do you have left?' I finally know the answer after losing my home. I lost my family, and at one time I had nothing. I prayed one night very sincere and two days later my mother called me and told me she was moving to Texas, close to me. Sooner than I knew it, I had a job, my family was with me, and I met my girlfriend. I realized that the whole time I had God. He helped me through a lot." David looked around the crowd and all eyes were on him, some teary eyed, including Ann. She never heard this from him before. David never talked about his life back in Mexico and Texas. "I came here today to thank Him for everything He has brought me through." David finished. The pastor walked up to David and shook his hand.

"Amen. Amen. Let the church say Amen." The pastor said. The whole church applauded and tears were cried.

"I can not believe you came here." Ann stood up and hugged David. He smiled at Ann's mother and grandmother.

"I actually brought your father out the house and over to her." David whispered. Ann and David sat through the sermon and ignored the occasional looks from the church. Over an hour later church was dismissed and David was introduced, as Ann's boyfriend, to most of the church members.

"Let's go woman. The game coming on soon!" Ann's father yelled at Cindy, Ann's mother.

"I have to take granny home, where is your truck?" Ann asked David.

"Your father brought me here. Mind if I get a ride?" David asked and smiled.

"I guess you can. I can't have you walking home. Someone might snatch you up." Ann laughed. David helped her grandmother in the car before getting in himself.

Later that evening David came over to Ann's house. They both fixed tacos for dinner and sat and watched television together.

"Well, I had the best time today. I better head back to the hotel." David got up from the couch.

"Why?" Ann asked.

"Your church knows about us, so we better act right now." David laughed.

"No." Ann stood up and hugged David. He reached grabbed her around her waist. She looked up in his eyes. "Quedate conmigo." She smiled at him.

"Your learning. Damn that's sexy." David kissed her deep. She reached the band on his jogging pants and slid her hand inside and gripped his half erection. She smiled on his lips when she felt him grow harder in her hand. He smiled knowing where this was leading to.

Later on that night, Ann laid in bed fresh out the shower after their last round of sex. David was climbing into bed next to her. She laid on his chest and spelled her name on his chiseled chest with her finger.

"David." Ann said.

"Yeah babe." David said.

"Why you never tell me about your childhood?"

"I don't want to bring up the past." David ran his fingers through her hair. "It hurts too much." David said.

"I understand." Ann said. With that she fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning David was up in the kitchen, fully dressed with one hand holding a cup of coffee and another running through his hair.

"David? What are you here?" Ann asked. She was fully dressed for work.

"My truck won't start. Damned thing. I don't have time to figure what's going on with it right now." David said.

"You want my father to look at it?" Ann asked.

"I just need a ride into town." David grabbed his phone.

"Take my car." Ann said to him pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Excuse me? That is risk people will see us." David said. He wore a slight grin on his face.

"The old women at church know about us, so the whole town should know by now." Ann laughed.

"You really want people to find out?"

"Yes baby. Especially that blonde headed hussy at the restaurant." Ann kissed David's lips. He smiled at her.

"Trust me. She is no problem at all. I am yours, and you are mine." David kissed her again.

"Okay let's go, you can drop me off then take the car." Ann said, grabbing her purse and cup of coffee. Downtown of the small town was busy. The court house was full, the small offices around were open, including the loan company she works. David pulled up to the loan company to let Ann out. Brian and Helen stood in the office. Ann put her head back and closed her eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" David asked.

"Helen. Our supervisor is here." Ann said.

"Oh yeah. La perra." David laughed. He placed his hand on her thigh. She wore a skirt, with a matching suit coat. She smiled at the warmness of his touch. His hand ran up her leg and she laughed. Ann placed her hand on his own hand and stopped him.

"No sex in the car in front of my boss." Ann laughed and leaned into him.

"The man is looking at us." David said.

"So." Ann said. David smiled and kissed Ann's lips. "Bring us lunch." Ann said.

"Of course." He said. Ann shut the car door and went into the office. Ann saw the face Brian was making. He was in shock about seeing Ann and David. Helen was her most stuck up.

"Where is Gina?" She said. No good mornings or anything. She was ignored eye contact and Ann shrugged her shoulders.

"You do know technically it isn't time to clock in." Ann said.

"I do expect my employees to have respect and show up on time, if not early." Helen said blankly. Ann put her purse down and sat at her desk. She typed in her information and gave Brian a look. Just then Gina walked through the doors. Ann and Brian gave a sigh of relief. Gina looked refreshed and relaxed.

"Good morning everyone." She sang. "Hello Helen." She said and sat at her desk.

"You were almost late." Helen said.

"Almost. But not." Gina typed on her computer. Brian stared at her.

"You got laid." He said bluntly. Gina laughed.

"Yup, she did." Ann added. Brian turned to Ann.

"She aint the only one." He smiled.

"You too?" Ann asked.

"So we all three got some. But that one, need some." Brian said about Helen.

"Excuse me. Get to work." Helen said. "And Gina, if you do not get at least three loan payments today, it is coming out of your check."

"Can you do that?" Ann asked.

"I will do whatever I need to do to save this business." Helen said. Ann saw something in Helen's eyes. An emotion? Helen has a heart? Ann wanted to know more. They worked on phone calls, and flyers for the Christmas holiday. Lunch came around and Ann almost forgot about not having her car.

"What's for lunch?" Gina asked.

"It's coming to us today." Ann said. Brian was in the back on a phone call. Gina's phone rang and she smiled from ear to ear. Ann saw Helen sitting in her car with her head in her hands. Ann swallowed hard and went outside.

"Helen." Ann knocked on the car window. She rolled it down.

"What is it Annalise?" She asked annoyingly.

"Are you okay?" Ann asked.

"I am fine. Now leave me alone." Helen said rudely.

"Excuse the hell out of me. I just thought I would be nice to you since not many people care about you." Ann said and started to walk away.

"Annalise." Helen called after her. Ann stopped and pulled her coat closed. The air was cool and the wind picked up a little more. "Get in." Helen said. Ann was almost too afraid to but she walked around the car and got in the passenger side of the car. It was nice inside. 2015 Benz, color red.

"Sorry I went off on you." Ann said.

"No. I apologize. My nerves are so bad lately." Helen said. She lost the meanness out of her voice.

"If you don't feel like talking then you don't have to." Ann said.

"Mark and I aren't together anymore." Helen said. A tear fell down her face. Mark was the owner of Sun Towers loan company. Helen and Mark were married for many years.

"I am so sorry." Ann said.

"He left me for a younger woman. Told me I could have this store, but the other stores was his and his new girlfriend." Helen cried.

"How long have you known this?" Ann asked.

"Since before Thanksgiving. He told me he wanted a divorce and I better not ask for a dime. Can you believe this?"

"Helen, I know what heartbreak feels like. It's not a good feeling. But you take it out on those who haven't done anything to you."

"I know. I don't have control over my life, my feelings, my emotions. So I try to control my work and that isn't even helping because no one respects me."

"We respect you. We just can't stand you." Ann said. That brought a little laughter to Helen.

"I don't know what to do. I have loved this man, and still love him. But he wants nothing to do with me." Helen wiped her face.

"You have no children, so no one else suffers. You do have a successful business here. You are the only loan company in town, plus 97% of your customers are good on payments." Ann tried to make Helen feel better.

"I guess you are right." Helen said.

"Mrs. Towers, I really mean it when I say I am sorry for what you are going through. But you can not take it out on us." Ann said. Helen cleaned her face and forced a smile. Ann knew she was still hurt, but tried to make an effort.

"Let's eat lunch so we call these 3% of people who aren't paying." Helen even laughed. It was a shock to see someone who was always so domineering and mean, be so chill and laid back. Ann got out of the car and walked back into the building. Helen came in just after.

"May I please have your attention." Helen said. It was only three people, but she spoke as if there was a room full. "I just want to apologize for the way I have been treating you all. When I came to take over this office, I came in like a...a..." Helen tried to find the right word.

"A meanie." Gina said.

"A prick." Ann added.

"A bitch." Brian said.

"All true." Helen even laughed. "But I think it is time that I grow up, and show you guys that I am neither of those. Please give me another chance?" Helen asked. She looked at all three of them.

"If you think for one second, you are going to treat us like shit, and an apology is going to forgive all of that." Brian said, standing up from his chair.

"Can you speed it up Brian, I have Christmas bonus checks to fill out." Helen said. Brian looked at Helen and smiled.

"You are forgiven girl. Come give me a hug." Brian held out his arms. Helen laughed and hugged all three of them. The office was finally at peace. A Christmas miracle, Ann thought. All four of them stood in a small circle laughing over Thanksgiving stories when the bell on the door opened. In walked David. The dip in his walk made it seem as if his penis was too large to carry. Ann knew that was true. He walked in the office with a smile across his face. Helen stared with her mouth open.

"Good afternoon ladies." He said in his deep voice.

"You are late Puerto Rico." Brian said.

"Lo siento." David said with a sad face.

"Speak that shit to me again." Brian said. David laughed.

"Foot long chili dog for senora Gina." He pulled out a tray and sat it on Gina's desk. "Lemon pie and Coke." He placed next to it.

"Thank you so much." Gina smiled at him.

"Chili and cornbread. Iced tea and lemon pie, Senor Brian." David placed his food and drink on his desk. David looked at Helen. "Lo siento, I did not know you were going to be here." He apologized to Helen.

"I...I ate already." Helen stumbled over her words. She never paid attention to David until today. Ann smiled seeing Helen stumble with her words. David nodded and turned to Ann. The smile on his face showed he was happy to see her, but the look of desire in his eyes, only Ann knew, meant he wanted hot sweaty sex. The look he was giving her, made her want it just as bad as he did. He walked up to her desk and removed her tray and drink.

"Taco salad. Raspberry green tea, and fruit said. Amor de mi vida." He said seductively. He was only inches from her mouth. Ann heard the gasp of Helen, and a choke from Gina. Brian hummed in humor.

"Gracias. Hombre de mi corazon." Ann smiled. David smiled as well.

"Your learning." He said and placed a light kiss on her lips. "See you after work." He said. Ann nodded. She probably would need to start bringing extra pair of panties to work now if David was going to do this everyday. David walked out of the office and back into Ann's car and drove off. Ann sat down at her desk and started eating as if nothing happened. She felt eyes on her and finally looked up.

"What?" She asked. They all stumbled over their words.

"He kissed you!" Helen yelled in enthusiasm.

"He driving your car?" Brian asked.

"I know corazon means heart. I know amor means love. I am not the brightest white woman in the world, but I know love when I see it." Gina said.

"You guys are nosey." Ann laughed.

"Spill it." Helen said.

"David and I are dating." Ann said.

"You fell in love in a week?" Gina asked.

"We been together for almost two years. Dang, are you happy?" Ann smiled. The office was loud, but it was only the four of them.

"How? I mean, when? Girl, what is he like?" Helen asked, sitting in a chair across the desk from Ann. Helen grabbed a fork and took a few bites of Ann's food. Ann loved this Helen.

"I met him around March, almost two years ago. The last snow storm that season. He came out to fix something in my mother and father's house. I saw him a lot at the restaurant and in the grocery store. He spoke before, but that day we actually talked. Then we exchanged numbers, and started going out. From there, you get the jest." Ann said.

"Congratulations." Gina said. Ann laughed and the rest of the day went beautifully. David was not at the time Ann got off.

"You need a ride?" Helen asked.

"If you don't mind. It's freezing out here." Ann said. "Just to the Country Taste." Ann said.

"Listen, I want to thank you for helping me today. You helped me see light in my dark time." Helen said when she pulled up to the restaurant.

"No problem. Just know that not every one is the enemy. You have friends, okay?" Ann said getting out of the car.

"I know now." Helen smiled and drove off. Ann felt like she was on cloud nine today. She walked into the restaurant and immediately saw the blonde headed girl standing by the register.

"Sorry we are closed for lunch. We re-open for dinner at six o'clock." She said, annoyingly popping gum.

"Actually I did not come for lunch or dinner." Ann said walking up to her. David came from out the kitchen, removing his apron. Ann smiled. "I come for dessert." Ann said looking at David. He put his apron up and started to clock out.

"You think you going to get him? Think again. I got him wrapped around my finger." The blonde haired girl smiled crookedly.

"See you later Megan." David said to the girl. She smiled hard.

"Bye Davy!" She snickered. "Oh, chocolate pudding." The girl laughed. David only smiled and walked from around the register.

"You ready baby?" David asked Ann, putting his arm around her shoulders. Ann turned to smile at Megan.

"Yes babe." Ann said and walked out the restaurant with David. Into the car on the way to Ann's house, she stared at David.

"Okay, why are you staring at me?" He finally asked when they pulled up.

"Chocolate pudding?" She asked.

"It's a kitchen thing." David joked. Ann frowned. "Are you mad?" He asked.

"She told me she has you wrapped around her finger."

"Did she now?" He asked.


"Ann, you have nothing to worry about. I promise baby." He leaned over and kissed her. "Now get out and get in the house and fix me food woman." He said and Ann laughed.

For the next couple of weeks, Ann and David was the town's perfect couple. Megan backed off once he told her to, and they went out more together as a couple. Ann was more in love than ever before. David, did not think it was possible to love any harder, but he did.

It was a few days before Christmas and Ann's aunt flew back into the town. Ann's mother and father were gone grocery shopping, and Ann was busy decorating her grandmother's home.

"We will not be having a white Christmas this year, but we do know that Texas will be hit hard this Christmas. A blizzard warning is in effect for the following counties, in Texas." The weatherman talked more about Texas, than the state of Oklahoma.

"Looks like a bad one." Ann's grandfather said. He was sitting in his big chair as Ann finished the dining room.

"I see that." Ann paid close attention. David's family was suppose to leave in the morning to make it here by tomorrow evening, on Christmas eve. From the looks of it, they won't be able to make it.

Later that evening Ann laid in bed. She helped her mom and grandmother prep a few things, but the real cooking began on Christmas eve. Ann's cousins were coming in and staying all night at her grandmother's house, a few at her mother's home.

"Have you spoke to them?" Ann asked David.

"Phones are down." He said. "I should heard something by morning." He said. David hugged Ann and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

"You get on my nerves!" Camille yelled into her cell phone.

"Who is she talking to?" Ann asked her mother.

"I have no idea." Ann's mother replied. It was Christmas eve and Ann's grandmother's tree was full of gifts for the little ones, and a few for the adults. Ann and David's gifts to each other were at her house, under the tree. Moments later Camille returned as calm as she could be. Neither one of them asked questions.

It was late when Ann made it home. All the cooking was done and ready to be heated and eaten. Ann was wore out but she made time for David. When she got out the shower he was sitting on the couch watching the weather channel. San Antione was covered in snow.

"Are you hungry?" Ann asked David as she sat next to him. She knew he was upset, she could see it in his face.

"Out of all the years it want to motherfucking snow in Texas." David tossed the remote control on the coffee table. With any more force, Ann knew it would probably have broke it.

"You talk to them?" Ann asked.

"Yeah. My brother said they were snowed in. He said they spent the money on food to prepare themselves. I could send them more money. It's nothing."

"Maybe when the snow goes down." Ann said. David looked over at her.

"You right." He smiled. "It's almost midnight." He said.

"Two minutes until. You get one of your gifts then." Ann said. She tried to make him feel a little better. It seemed to work.

"What am I getting?" He asked with a smile. Ann leaned over and kissed him. A long, seductive kiss. They lost track of time.

"Merry Christmas baby." She said.

"Feliz Navidad mi amor." He kissed her again. Ann disappeared into the bathroom and a few minutes later she returned into the living room in a red, silk nightie. Her wide hips, large breast, and round ass filled the nightie. All the blood in David's body rushed to his privates. Ann danced around in a circle, showing him the whole view.

"You like?" She asked.

"You see my dick?" He laughed. He was fully erect. Ann smiled and got on her knees in front of him.

"Let me take care of that." She said. David put his head back on the couch when Ann's warm mouth surrounded his erection.

"Merry Christmas!" Ann yelled at David when he opened his eyes. It was ten o'clock in the morning when they finally woke up. He grabbed Ann and kissed her.

"Merry Christmas." He smiled.

"You ready for your gifts?" Ann asked.

"You mean like last night? Damn, I don't think I have any energy. You sucked and fucked me dry last night." He laughed. Ann shook her head.

"Open, silly." Ann said handing him four boxes. One box were a new pair of work boots. He been talking about for awhile. The other box were an outfit by Ralph Lauren. The next box was a Playstation 4. He have been raving on and on about it. With it was about six games Ann bought. He was the happiest Ann think she ever seen him.

"You are simply amazing." He kissed her. "Open this." David pulled a small box from his jogging pants pocket. Ann grabbed the box and her heart pounded. She always dreamed of marrying him, but she was not quite ready yet.

"What is it?" Ann asked.

"Just open." He said taking his phone and recording her reaction. She slowly opened the box and there sat a single diamond ring. It was not extravagant, or spectacular. It was simple, and perfect. But it was no engagement ring, Ann saw.


"I want to spend the rest of my life, making you happy, and loving you more than anything in my life. You have changed me into a man I am proud to be and I thank you so much. Please accept this promise ring, as a token of my love, and guarantee that no matter what, you will always be mine, and I will always remain yours." David said. Ann shed tears and grabbed David's face, smothering him with kisses.

"I would absolutely love to rock your promise ring." Ann said and David slipped it on her finger. Ann admired the ring. It was simple, but the rock was a little bigger than a normal promise ring.

Ann and David set up the PS4 before leaving to go to Ann's grandmother's house.

"Uncle Bobby!" Ann yelled when she walked through her grandmother's door. Camille's husband, Bobby, was sitting in the living on the couch. His face said a million words, and neither word seemed nice. Bobby was older than Camille. He was white, and short, bald head, and rich. Bobby was always nice to the family, Camille was opposite. He got up from the couch and smiled.

"Little Ann." He said and grabbed Ann in a big hug.

"I am not little anymore." Ann laughed. Out of the back room walked in two men. One was white, and around Ann's age, the other was light skinned, around her age as well.

"Cousin Ann?" The light skinned man asked. Ann squinted her eyes and smiled.

"O-M-G!" She said and ran to him. "Cousin Andy!" She hugged him tightly. He laughed as a couple of tears fell from his eyes.

"Ann, it's been too long. You look amazing." He said holding Ann at arm's length to look her over.

"Uncle Bobby and Andy, this is my boyfriend David. David, this is aunt Camille's husband and son." Ann introduce him. The rest of the family already met David.

"David this is Gavin." Andy introduced his friend.

"Gavin goes to school with Andy. They are best friends." Camille interrupted. Camille interrupted quite a few times as Andy was talking. Everyone started finding it pretty annoying. Soon Ann's mother called everyone for dinner, and the whole family piled into their places to eat. Bobby and Charles talked mostly of football. Andy and Ann, including a couple more cousins, caught up on old times. David found it pretty amusing about Ann's childhood.

"I didn't think you were such a trouble maker." He laughed.

"I was not." Ann said.

"You got more lashes than a disrespectful slave." Tyron said. The group of people laughed.

"I showed out a few times. But I was not as bad as you Tyrone." Ann said.

"She is right about that." Ann's mother said. "Nephew you were the worst child." Cindy said and everyone laughed. Ann's grandmother had three children. Camille, Cindy, and Clinton. Clinton had a son, Tyrone, who Cindy raised after Clinton passed away in a car wreck. Tyrone was only four years old.

"I know that is right." Camille said. Tyrone rolled his eyes at Camille. Camille left at an early age, and disowned herself from the family because she thought she was better than everyone there.

"It is really nice to see you uncle Bobby and Andy." Ann said.

"I been trying to get these men to come back home for the longest." Camille said. Neither Bobby or Andy said a word. She continued. "You know. We been talking about trying to get a place here. Just for good measures." Camille said. "Baby wants a mansion built here. I keep telling him, this is a country, that just does not match." Camille chuckled. Ann noticed Bobby and Andy were particuarly unpleased.

"So, Bobby, what are you up to these days?" Charles asked.

"Business is slow. You know, the recession really messed us up these past couple of years. So I have been keeping my eyes on the stock. What is in, and what is out." Bobby worked in real estate. He bought houses on foreclosure and fixed them up, and flipped them for double, even triple the price. He sold homes to many celebrities all around the world. Not just United States.

"Hell of a job you been doing." Charles said.

"Yeah, dad just sold a home to Elton John." Andy said.

"No shit?" Charles said.

"Charles. How rude of you." Camille said.

"Excuse my language Princess Camille." Charles shot back. Andy giggled.

"So what about you Andy?" Ann asked Andy.

"My son is doing very well. College is great. He is close to opening up his own line of business. As soon as Bobby can find the right office space." Camille smiled brightly.

"Oh yeah? What kind of business?" Ann asked.

"Construction. Building those tall skyscraper buildings. A man's job. Like his father." Camille answered again.

"Mom, it is not construction. I design buildings." Andy said.

"Architect." Ann said. "That's great. You can build a house for Prince now." Ann laughed. Andy laughed as well.

"Prince?" Andy's friend, Gavin, asked.

"When we were little, Andy always wanted to be Prince." Ann said.

"My son will build a house for the Prince." Camille said proudly.

"Not a prince, the artist formely known as Prince." Ann said. Camille's face fell flat.

"My son will not waste time designing for meaningless people." Camille shook her head.

"Gavin and I are going to try our best to have our own business." Andy said.

"You know dear, I think it is best that you two do your own separate businesses. That way if you two fall out, as some friends do, then you both have your own businesses." Camille once again interrupted.

"Mother, there won't be a falling out between us." Andy said.

"He is right." Gavin said. "I think we are in this for the long run." Gavin smiled and Andy smiled back.

"Oh, I get it." Tyrone said.

"Shut up boy." Charles said.

"Hey, so what do you, David?" Andy asked.

"I work in a restaurant, part time. Then I work on an oil rig." David said.

"Oil rig? You don't say." Bobby said.

"Same thing I said. You don't find many young ones these days willing to do such hard work." Charles said.

"Niece, you got a good one." Bobby said, pointing at David.

"I know I do uncle." Ann reached over and squeezed David's hand.

"OH MY GOD!" Camille yelled out. Everyone jumped.

"Woman, what the hell is wrong with you?" Ann's grandfather yelled.

"Are you engaged? You just met the man!" Camille yelled at Ann. Ann's mother looked down at Ann's finger. The diamond glistened against the chandlier above them.

"Ann?" Cindy asked.

"It is not an engagement ring, okay?" Ann asked. "It is an promise ring. I got the video to prove it." Ann said.

"Actually, I forgot to push record. It is a promise ring. I promise to one day marry her." David kissed the back of Ann's hand.

"See there. You always in people's business Camille." Bobby said.

"Well, good. Because she is not ready." Camille said.

"How do you know what is best for my daughter?" Cindy asked her sister.

"She still doesn't have herself together. She sure can not raise a family in that rabbit hole she calls a home." Camille laughed lightly.

"Excuse me?" Ann asked. Her face was angry. David squeezed her hand but that did not faze her.

"Camille, that is enough." Bobby said.

"I am only looking out for the best interest of my niece."

"How about you look at what is happening in your own yard before you travel to others." Bobby said.

"My yard is fine. It is clean, neat, and wonderful. What are you talking about?" Camille asked.

"Us. You have your own problems." Bobby said.

"We do not have any problems." Camille said.

"I am gay!" Andy said out loud. The whole room was silent. Andy slowly stood up from the table and held Gavin's hand. "Mother, Gavin is not just my best friend, but my lover too. We have been together for the past three years. The reason I do not invite you over to my house is because it is our house. He lives with me. This is not just any jewelry, it is our engagement ring." Andy took a deep breath. Camille looked around and laughed.

"Funny. Very funny." She applaud.

"I think you need to listen, Camille." Bobby said.

"What is there to listen to?" Camille said laughed. She looked over at Andy who was still holding Gavin's hand. Then she looked at her husband Bobby. "What is this?"

"Camille, we have been trying to tell you thing but you refuse to listen. You refuse to think of your family." Bobby said.

"Mom, I still love you. But you have not been a mother to me. You always gave me to a nanny so you could do what it is you wanted to do. Dad was always gone too. I had neither one of you really. Atleast dad stepped up. Mom, you won't even accept the fact that I want to design clothes, not just buildings." Andy said.

"No son of mine will be a fashion designer. Or a gay." She spat.

"Camille." Cindy said. "Now I know how we were raised, but we were also taught to never judge the sinner, just the sin." Cindy said.

"Grandma loves you no matter what baby." Ann's grandmother said to Andy. Andy smiled.

"We all do cousin." Tyrone said, and everyone nodded in angreement. Camille stood there, angry.

"Excuse me. This is my son, and I say no." Camille said.

"It is said and done mother. Nothing you can do to change that." Andy said.

"Like hell it is. You want to be with him, then we do not want you in our lives." Camille stuck her chin in the air. She placed her hand on Bobby's shoulder.

"Actually, I knew about this too. Our son is happy, Camille. Out of all the hell you put us through, you should at least be happy for him." Bobby said.

"Hell? What hell?" Camille asked.

"Do tell." Charles said, smiling. Cindy nudged him in his side. "Ouch." He said out loud.

"You spend money we do not have. You buy things, we can not afford. Camille, we are broke! But I can't tell you anything because you love and care about no one but yourself." Bobby said.

"Sounds about right." Charles said under his breath.

"Shut up you fat hog!" Camille shouted at Charles. "Oh that's right, you cant get anything up, so I heard." Camille said. Charles looked over at Cindy.

"She just speaking non sense." Cindy said. Charles crossed his arms, giving himself away.

"Camille, calm down." Bobby said.

"Don't tell me to calm down. My son is going through a phase. My so called husband telling me he is broke. What the hell kind of Christmas is this?" Camille said.

"So called?" Bobby asked. "Have I never been good to you?" Bobby asked. He was a white man, but his voice was deep like a brother, Ann always thought.

"Once before Andy came into this world. You used to put me first." Camille said.

"How long have you been unhappy with me Camille?"

"Ever since you started putting other things first."

"Have I never put my family first?"

"What about me? It was always Andy this, Andy that. What about Camille?" Camille shouted.

"I was a baby. How the hell was I going to tell you to think of me?" Andy asked. Everyone was a little confused by the argument. So much so that others began to eat again and talk about their own lives.

"You were spoiled." Camille said.

"How do you know, you were never there." Andy said. Gavin held on to Andy's hand.

"I never wanted children." Camille yelled out. Andy's face fell. The room was quiet and Ann could literally feel Andy's heart drop down to his stomach. Gavin stood up from his seat and grabbed Andy's face. Andy pushed his hand away and ran out of the dining room. Camille stood with no facial expression. What she said, she really meant it. Ann heard her mother say on numerous ocassions that Camille did not deserve Andy. That was the reason Cindy helped raised Tyrone, because Camille never liked children. Ann could count on one hand the many times Camille came to see her, or even baby sit her.

"Camille, now you have lost your damn mind." Ann's grandmother got up from the table and went after Andy. Ann also got up and went with her grandmother.

"That is your son. You gave birth to him." Cindy said to her sister.

"Because I had to." Camille said coldly. "No son of mine is going to be gay." Camille grabbed her special cup and held it to her lips.

"No wife of mine is going to be so...so-" Bobby was searching for words.

"So what?" Camille asked.

"So evil." Bobby spat out. "I have been with you for twenty eight years, and not once have I ever felt you actually loved me." Bobby said. Tears almost in his eyes.

"Leave that sad shit alone. Of course I love you." Camille said with no meaning.

"No. I think I am going to leave." Bobby said.

"Our flight isn't until tomorrow." Camille said.

"Camille, I am leaving you. I want a divorce." Bobby said and got up from the table and walked to the back where his son was being comforted. Camille stood in shock. Not saying anything or moving.

"Camille." Cindy said. Camille looked over at Cindy, and turned and ran out of the house.

"Sorry you had to witness yet another fucked up holiday." Ann's grandfather said to David. David just shrugged his shoulders.

"What is wrong with you?" Cindy asked Camille once she came outside.

"Divorce. Can you believe that?" Camille asked laughing.

"I would divorce you too. What was that about?" Cindy asked.

"What do you care? You have the perfect life. A husband and a daughter who has a perfect man. My life was suppose to be perfect!" Camille pouted.

"You think this my life is perfect?" Cindy asked. "I would love to not worry about a cut off notice every now and then. I would love to go shopping to relieve stress. But I can't." Cindy said.

"I would love to be in love with my husband, and have that unconditional love from my child." Camille said in tears.

"Why you don't show that?"

"Andy isn't Bobby's real son." Camille admitted.


"Bobby wasn't paying me much attention, so I found it in someone else. Anderson, was his name. I thought I was in love, I mean, I was in love. He showed me attention, and compassion. All Bobby ever did was just hand out money. I loved that, but it still was something missing. Well, I got pregnant by Anderson, and I planned on leaving Bobby. But when I told Anderson that I wanted to have this baby, and we be a family, he laughed at me. He said that he did not want to be with me, other than he just wanted sex. He admitted that everything he told me was a lie and that he had his own family. He was married with children." Camille started to cry. "I hated him and I had to bring in this baby by a man who I hated, to be raised by a man I did not love."

"Why did you not leave Bobby? Why drag him down with you?"

"Because if I did not have Bobby to stop me, I would probably have gotten rid of Andy." Camille shed fresh tears.

"You really think you was capable of giving Andy away?"

"Not giving him away, Cindy. Getting rid of him. Period." Camille said flatly, and walked off. Cindy dropped down to the chair outside and replayed the cold words repeated in her head. She knew her sister did not like kids, but that was an all time low. Even now that Andy was grown, Camille still thought about it.

"What a day." David said. Ann and David made it back to her house and fell to the couch, after a hot shower together.

"Tell me about it." Ann said. David got up to hook up his new gift to the T.V. Ann curled up on the couch and watched him play. "Are you sure you want in on this family?" Ann asked. He chuckled.

"If I get to come home to you everyday, then the drama is worth it." He leaned over and kissed Ann. The rest of their Christmas evening consisted of them playing video games, and laughing about the dinner.

"You know what? This feels so right." Ann said to David before drifting off to sleep. David ran his fingers through her hair.

"Because it is right." David said, and he also fell asleep.

For the next couple of months Ann and David grew closer together as more people found out about their love. No drama came to them, and no one tried to break them apart.

It was the beginning of spring, mid March. The weather was warmer than usual, but no one complained. The grounds finally dried up from the snowfall that happened just a week before. Cindy and Charles were planting a garden on this spring day.

"The phone is ringing." Charles said. Cindy looked up at him.

"Then go get it." She said. He frowned.

"I would love to, but the way my back is set up." Charles started.

"Oh, shut up." Cindy laughed and went inside to grab the phone.

"Run!" Charles laughed, egging her on.

"Hello!" Cindy answered.

"Hello sister." Camille's voice was low.

"I can barely hear you." Cindy said.

"Are you busy?" Camille asked.

"Just working in the garden. What's going on? Why you calling us country folks?" Cindy laughed.

"I need help." Camille said. Cindy could barely hear her, but she heard the word 'help'.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Cindy was worried.

"Do you love me?" Cindy asked.


"Do you love me?" Camille asked again.

"Of course I do. Even though you are psycho. You are still my sister."

"I am leaving some place, and if Bobby ask, you do not know where to." Camille said.

"What are you talking about? You are scaring me."

"I am so sorry for everything. But, I promise I will be better where I am going." Camille said and hung up.

"Camille. Hello! CAMILLE!" Cindy shouted. The number was blocked so she could not call back. Camille's cell phone was shut off. Cindy spent the next few hours calling around with no luck, she could not get in touch with Camille.

"Call Bobby." Charles said.

"I can't. I promised her I wouldn't."

"Damnit, you women in this family got hard damn heads." Charles said. He did not like Camille much, but she was his wife's sister. So he cared more than he would ever admit.

"Just a two more weeks." Ann squealed and hugged David around his waist. They were boxing up his things at his apartment.

"Are you sure you ready for this?" David turned around and hugged her.

"I have never been more sure." Ann smiled. David's lease was up the beginning of April and he was moving in with Ann. Not only were they taking their relationship to another level, that meant more money on bills and food. David was paying bills at his apartment, plus helping Ann on what she needed help with. With the extra money they both are going to save, David planned on fixing up the small house. Ann had other plans.

"I sure hope so. This is a lot of work." David and Ann laughed. Ann's phone rang.

"Hey mama." Ann said cheerfully.

"Your aunt is tripping. She called talking some mess about where she going will be better for her, and she is sorry for everything, then she hung up and I can not get in touch with her." Cindy talked fast.

"Mama, slow down. Did you call uncle Bobby?" Ann asked.

"She promised me not to. I need to hold on to that promise. For some reason I feel like I need to." Cindy said.

"Aunt Camille is too self centered to do anything crazy to herself. So try not to worry but stay close to the phone." Ann said.

"Okay. You're right. Let me try to relax. Where are you?"

"At David's apartment."

"Okay. Tell him I said hello." Cindy said and hung up. Ann put her phone away.

"What's the drama for today?" David asked. He was used to Camille calling every other week with something new.

"She wants to be alone." Ann said, folding a drawer full of shirts and placing them in a box. She looked over at David who was throwing clothes in a box. She shook her head and laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"You can't do that neatly?"

"What's the point? It's all going in another drawer, that will used and worn. Waste of time to fold it." He said and Ann laughed. Once he walked out of the bedroom, she folding the clothes he put inside the box.

"You need more clothes babe." Ann yelled to him from the bedroom.

"I'll give you money, you can buy me some." He yelled from the bathroom. A knock came on the door. "Who is it?" He yelled. No one said anything. Ann came from out the bedroom.

"I'll get it, lazy." She laughed. He was in the bathroom throwing things in another box.

"Oh. Hi." Megan, the blonde from the restaurant was standing at the door, in a short skirt and opened shirt that showed her cleavage.

"May I help you?" Ann asked.

"I came to see Davy. Not you." Megan said.

"Well, Davy is busy." Ann said.

"He will make time for me. He always does." Megan smiled. David came from out of the bathroom with his shirt off. Ann saw Megan bite her bottom lip and she turned to see David, not paying them any attention, in the living room.

"David." Ann said. He finally looked up at her, then behind her at Megan.

"What's up?" David said to Megan.

"Damn." She said.

"Excuse me, please" He said, and went to get him a t-shirt. Ann knew what Megan felt. He returned instantly, standing next to Ann.

"My car stopped on me. I need your help." Megan pouted.

"I apologize, but I am extremely busy." He said.

"It shouldn't take you long at all. Please. My peanut butter cup." She smiled at him. Ann could see that David was annoyed, so she didn't have to say anything.

"I have a friend who works at a shop nearby, I can give him a call." David suggested.

"Actually, I would have to wait, all alone." Megan put her finger in her mouth. She flirted with David right in front of Ann.

"Baby, come with me." David said.

"Well, she can stay here, and pack your things. Save you time." Megan said.

"I love for my woman to be with me, all the time." David said shortly. He grabbed his shoes and locked up behind Ann. They walked down the street, it was not even a block, so no need to drive his truck. David walked behind Ann, with his arms wrapped around her shoulders. She leaned her head back on his chest and he kissed her forehead. Megan was annoyed and walked faster in front of them.

Once they made it to her car, David tried to start it. Everything came on, but the car did not start. David looked at the gas gauge. He looked in the side mirror and saw the gas cap sitting on the hood of the car. She forgot to place it back after she cyphered out the gas. He got out of the car and slammed the door. He was sure Megan knew what she was doing and this made him angry. He walked past Megan and grabbed Ann's hand and walked off.

"Well?" Megan asked. David stopped.

"The next time you call me for some dumb bullshit, make sure you plan it better. And be prepared to be cussed the fuck out." He said in her face. Her mouth dropped open.

"I have no idea-"

"You forgot to put your gas cap back on. The line of fluid trailing from it and behind your car. I bet, if I lit it up, we all will go into flames." David said. The vein in his neck was throbbing. Ann knew he was mad so she tugged on his hand and he followed her. Megan stood there looking dumbfounded.

"Can you at least help me?" Megan yelled out.

"I'll call my friend to bring you gas. Be ready to pay." He said and walked off. David was not a quick tempered man, but when it came to his intelligence, or messing with Ann or his family, he held nothing back.

"What does this one mean?" Ann circled his tattoos with her finger.

"I told you." He said.

"Yeah, but you never really talk about it. Why you still so secretive to me about these things?" Ann asked.

"It's a part of my life I am trying to forget. " David said. Ann stopped circling his tattoo and turned her back to him in the bed.

"I know your past hurt you." Ann said. David laid there in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"When I was six, I saw my brother slang coke. He hid in the bathroom and counted money. Wads of money. One day, my mother walked in on him counting and she slapped him across the face. He left the house that day. He didn't come back until a week later." David spoke as if he was putting himself back into those little shoes. Ann listened. "He promised her he was done. But he wasn't. I saw his tattoo. SG4L was writing on his wrist. Then when I turned eleven, he told me about the money he makes. My brother would always put it on a bill, and tell mother he had a job doing yard work. Drug money bought our food and everything. My cousins showed me how much money they had and what all they bought with it. I wanted to be that cool. My mother was always working, and taking care of my younger sisters, so she barely paid me any attention. Our father died, so I had no one. I ran with my brother and cousins for the first time at age eleven. I felt invisible. No one could see me, no one expected anything, because I was the good kid." David said. Ann turned to face him.

"Was?" Ann asked.

"When I was twelve, another local gang shot and killed my cousin Loco. Crazy. He was crazy, because he feared nothing. The Demacus crew retaliated on the Salgados because we slanged on their turf. My brother was a target too. After the DMC started a turf war with us, my cousin made me join, officially. I was ready. Young, dumb, and hot headed. I got tatted, got my gun, and was fearless. Gun fire was heard almost every night. My cousins would shoot and kill, then they would shoot and kill. We eventually added more to the gang and were bigger than the Damacus crew. They finally stopped after awhile. There was a target on my brother, and they took me one day. Trying to get back at him. They said if they couldn't get to him, they would kill me. So I took them to my brother's house, after my mother kicked him out. They shot up his house and let me go. I knew my brother was not there, so I tricked them. They thought he was dead."

"Do they know he was still alive?" Ann asked.

"No, they were young and dumb too. They never tried to look for the body. I told my mother everything and she packed up one day when I was gone and left. My brother fled after they shot up his house because he did not want nothing to happen to me, or our mother and sisters. I was left alone. I couldn't get out of the gang, even though I tried. I had nothing. They robbed me and told me not to slang on their turf. With my brother and Loco gone, the gang fell apart. But I could not back out of it. So after years of being left alone, I got in contact with my mother and she let me come stay with her, until I got on my feet."

"They beat me. Threatened me every single day. I had no idea when my last day was going to be. I was homeless, starving, broke. I got desperate, so I left. Then when I talked to my brother once when I made it to the states. He was in Oklahoma causing trouble. He organized the SG4L here and in Texas. Last I heard he was in big time trouble, so he fled. That was years ago. He starting to come back around now that the limitations should be up. He said it wasn't him, it was a cousin of ours, but I don't put nothing past him." David took a deep breath. Ann started circling his tattoo again. She fell asleep as he played in her hair.

"I will get U-Haul tomorrow to get my things." David said to his former landlord.

"Everything is clean and in perfect condition. I suppose I have no choice but to give you your deposit back." The old man said. His wife was standing next to him. They both were old, and shaky, but very sweet people.

"For being such a wonderful landlord, how about you keep that deposit." David said. The man and woman smiled brightly.

"That means so much to us. The tenants in 4b will not pay their rent for nothing in this world." The old woman said.

"Listen, you need to stop being so nice and tear into them." David said. They said their goodbyes. Ann was waiting on David outside in his truck.

"They cry?" Ann asked. David took a deep sigh,

"Yeah. You won the bet." He said smiling.

"I told you they loved you there." Ann said rubbing his back.

"My first place all alone."

"The first cut is always the deepest." Ann said. David smiled and cocked on eyebrow up.

"You quoting country songs?" He laughed.

"How you know it was country?" She asked and they both laughed. David's cell phone rang and he answered.

"Hola." David said. He connected his phone to his truck's wireless bluetooth.

"Como estas hermano?" A man said into the speakers. His voice was a thick accent, deep, and filled with eager.

"Jr?" David asked.

"Si!" The man said loudly. David's face lit up with joy.

"What's going on?" David asked.

"I am at madre's house. We are coming to see you soon." He said.

"How soon?" David asked.

"Let's see, today is Thursday, so we will leave tomorrow morning and see you Saturday morning." Jr said.

"That gives me just enough time to finish unpacking."

"You moving?" Jr asked.

"SI. Con mi novia." David said.

"Que seria?" Jr asked.

"Si hermano. That serious." David kissed the back of Ann's hand. "I can not wait for you to meet her. The family loves her.

"I can not wait either. We have so much to catch up on." Jr said. "I will call you later." Jr said and hung up.

"The infamous Jr. Salgado." Ann said.

"That name should be in history books." David laughed. Helen closed the office for a couple of days, Ann did not ask why, all she knew it was a couple days of paid vacation. David and Ann went by her mother and father's house.

"Mama. Daddy." Ann called out when they stepped through the door. The house smelled of candles and was so neat and clean. Ann got her cleanliness from her mother and grandmother.

"Back porch." Ann's mother, Cindy, called out. Ann and David made their way towards the back of the house.

"Hey mama." Ann kissed her mother. David also hugged her mother.

"David, you looking good." Cindy said. David had on a wife-beater shirt and a pair of jeans. The weather was nice enough for no sleeves that day. David's muscles could intimidate anyone, without being over powering.

"Thank ma." He said. Over the months Ann's mother and father made him get more formal with them. "Where is Charles?" David asked.

"Over there in that shed again. I swear this car is driving me crazy." Cindy said. David laughed and kissed Ann on the cheek before going over to see Charles.

"I love that man." Ann said, admiring his walk and the way his back muscles showed in his shirt.

"I am so happy for you." Cindy said.

"His family be here this weekend. We going to go home and fix up the place." Ann said.

"His family? We get to meet them?"

"Well, I think I want to get a fill of them first before you guys scare them off." Ann laughed.

"I'm sure we going to get along just fine. As a matter of fact, how about we have a dinner at my house? Is tacos a racists thing?"

"It is if you expect for them to fry chicken for us." Ann laughed.

"Sorry. You are right." Cindy said.

"Hello. Hello." David called before he entered into the shed. Charles looked up from the hood of the car.

"Good to see you." He said and wiped his hands before shaking David's hand.

"What's the problem?" David leaned over the hood to see.

"Alternator." Charles said. "This damned thing."

"For the price of an alternator, you can put a down payment on a new car." David said.

"You right, but this is sentimental. You know, it's one of those things that you know you don't need, but you can't detach from it." Charles smiled.

"Need a hand?" David asked.

"Sure. I can't get down there and Tyrone won't be here until tomorrow." Charles said. David nodded his head and got down under the car.

Ann went around the shed to check on the men. David's shirt was full of oil and dirt, his face the same. It was sexy to her. She smiled once he looked up at her. He was tired, but David never gave up on a project. Charles sat next to the hood telling stories of his police man days.

"Daddy, I think you talking him to death." Ann said.

"He tough. Others would have made up a lie to leave by now." Charles laughed.

"Can I get you guys anything?" Ann asked.

"A cold drink." Charles said.

"Soda." Ann said.

"Beer." Charles said.

"Two beers, coming up." Ann said and walked off. David got up from the ground and wiped his hands on his shirt. Ann brought two beers and they drank before starting back. Not an hour later, David got back up from the ground.

"Okay. Try it." David said. Charles got into the car and started it up with ease.

"Well I be damned. You are a rare breed, you know that." Charles laughed. David laughed as well. "You better get cleaned up." Charles said. Ann and Cindy were sitting on the front porch waiting for David and Charles to appear from the shed.

"All done." David said, coming from around the house. He was dirtier than before. Ann frowned a little, but he was still sexy.

"The man is a genius." Charles said.

"Ann told me about your family. I would love to meet them. How about dinner Sunday?" Cindy asked. "Barbeque and a picnic outside. It's suppose to be nice like today, but not much sun. Perfect for an outside eating." Cindy said.

"That would mean a lot to me." David said.

"Take him home and clean him up." Charles said to Ann. David stood next to Ann and removed his shirt. Underneath he was clean and the tattoo SG4L was written on his chest. Charles acted as if all the breath was knocked out of his body. David got into the truck, and Ann followed. They drove off leaving Cindy frowning at Charles.

"What is wrong with you?" Cindy asked.

"Did you see that?" Charles asked.

"How buff he is? Yes." Cindy chuckled.

"The tattoo. That specific tattoo." Charles almost fell back. He held his heart. Pain crept up his back.

"Charles!" Cindy yelled.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I just need to lay down." Charles walked into the house and Cindy followed.

Ann and David finally got all of his belongings into Ann's house. It was not their home. He signed his name on the lease and it was finalized. Ann and David were so happy. They stayed up late, putting things away, and fixing up the small house. Not to mention the many times they stopped for sex.

"Charles. It is late." Cindy walked into the dining room where Charles sat. He was looking through a stack of papers.

"Sorry." He managed to say.

"What is this?" Cindy asked.

"That tattoo. I know it from somewhere. For the love of me I can not remember." Charles said.

"Come back to bed. I think your pain tonight is making you delusional." Cindy tugged at Charles.

"In a minute." Charles said. Cindy went back to bed.

A knock came at the door Saturday afternoon." Ann ran to look through the peep hole. She stepped aside when David came beside her. He looked and took a deep breath.

He opened the door and fell to his knees. An older woman stood there holding her purse. She dropped it and hugged the boy in front of her.

"Mi HIJO!" She cried. Two beautiful girls, stood next to their mother went past them and came to Ann with hugs.

"We missed you." The girls said. They were younger than Ann and David, and flawless.

"I missed you guys too." Ann said to David's sisters. Maria and Telsa were their names. Maria was twenty, and Telsa was only seventeen. David finally got up from his knees and hugged his sisters. Ann hugged his mother.

"This is so comfortable." His mother said.

"Thank you. It isn't very big." Ann said.

"It is perfect for you two." His mother said. David frowned.

"Hijo, he forgot something at the hotel, he is on his way." David's mother said. David was worried about his brother Jr. His mother sat down on the couch and began to talk. Ann loved talking to her, she was so wise and funny. Reminded her of her own mother. A knock came at the door and David jumped up to answer. A man, older than David, and if it were possible, even more good looking than David stood there smiling.

"Mi hermano!" Jr. said with tears down his face. He grabbed David in a grip so tight, Ann lost her breath just watching. After a long hug, and eyes freshly wiped from tears, David introduced Ann, to his brother.

"Jr. this is my girl Annalise." David said, smiling as he was proud to show her off. Jr stepped back, taking a look at Ann. Ann smiled and put her hand out.

"Nice to finally meet you, Jr." Ann said and smiled.

"It is my pleasure. Eres hermosa." He kissed the back of Ann's hand. Jr's accent was deeper than David's, his Spanish was more fluent. Ann could have passed out with all the sexiness that stood before her. Jr. was a little shorter than David, and not as much muscular as David. On the other hand, Jr's facial expression could be deceiving and very intimidating, if you did not know him. His presence is feared, his name is feared, but yet, he is so sweet and kind.

"Back away." David laughed. Jr also laughed. There was the family resemblance. Their smile, those deep dimples, that laugh, those perfect white teeth.

They all sat around and David's mother even cooked dinner. It was good, Ann thought. His mother was heavy on salt, just like her own mother. Sunday morning, Ann was up and ready for church when his mother stood in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." Ann said. His mother stood in a purple dress with her purse on her arm. "You look great." Ann said. The woman smiled.

"David said you attend church here." She said.

"Yes I do. You go to church?" Ann asked.

"I love it. I never miss it." She smiled.

"Would you like to come to church with me?" Ann asked.

"I would love to." The woman put her coffee cup in the sink and washed it. "Where is David?"

"He is still sleeping." Ann said, grabbing her keys.

"No." The woman went back to the bedroom and shortly after emerged her and a half dressed, half woke David. Ann tried to hide her laughter. David got dressed and brushed his teeth, pulling his long hair in a ponytail, he slid on his shoes and met Ann in the car.

"Don't say a word." David sat in the back with his two sisters, fixing his tie. Ann held in her laugh. His mother got into the car, with a wide smile on her face.

"Vamonos!" His mother said. Ann knew what that meant, and they were on their way to the small church. Ann walked inside and sat next to her mother and David's mother sat next to Ann. David and his sisters sat in a pew behind them.

"This is David's mother." Ann said to her mother. Her mother looked over and shook her hand.

"My name is Cindy."

"My name is Tina." His mother said. The pastor smiled when he saw David's mother.

"I love to see new faces." The pastor said. "Stand up and tell what brought you here today." The pastor said. His mother stood up, smiling bright. Tina Salgado was big sized woman and 55 years old. She was about 5'6 in height, with long brown hair, and did not care what others said about her. She was tougher than leather, and a firecracker when it came to her children.

"Hola. My name is Tina. These are my daughters Maria and Telsa. Mi hijo, my son, David lives here. I come, we come to visit him. It's been years since I last seen his face. And what brought me here was God. No one can stop me from praising him. Most people think because I am Mexican, that I do not believe in God or worship him. I am a Christian woman and I am happy to be His child." Tina said with a bright smile. The church applauded and shouted with "Amens". Tina sat back down and gripped her Bible tightly.

After church, Ann introduced David's family to everyone. They were so friendly, and non judgmental of them.

"Dinner should be done in a few." Cindy said.

"It is such a lovely day for a picnic." Tina said. Ann's grandmother and grandfather were out of town for the weekend. Tyrone invited them to his house to treat them to a nice getaway. Ann was happy they got to do something other than sit around the house.

"My husband can cook some on a grill like nobody's business." Cindy laughed.

"He is good for that." Tina laughed.

"If nothing else." Cindy laughed harder. Ann was happy to see the two women get along.

"You must be the woman that gave birth to such a great guy." Charles hugged Tina, and she giggled. Tina's eye glinted and if Ann didn't know better, Tina thought her father was attractive.

"I am. I am. Four children. Well, five. Descansa en paz." Tina said. Charles did not know what that meant, so he changed the subject.

"Well, have a seat. Food is done." Charles said.

"Ann, where is David?" Cindy asked.

"Him and his brother are coming. They wanted to catch up before dinner." Ann said.

"Well, we can wait a few minutes for them." Charles said. Tina, Cindy, and Charles talked about things. While Ann, Maria, and Telsa caught up. Moments later, David and Jr pulled up and got out of the truck. They both were dressed in wife beaters and jeans. Almost like twins, only Ann couldn't tell which one was more sexier. She had to go with David, since that was her man.

"Mr. and Mrs. Golden, this is my brother Jr. Jr, this is Ann's mother Cindy Golden, and her father Charles Golden." David smiled. Cindy shook his hand.

"It is so nice to meet you. You are a handsome one as well." Cindy said. He smiled.

"Gracias." He said. Charles stood up and shook Jr's hand.

"Nice to meet you." Charles said. He noticed Jr hesitated for a moment, then shook his hand. Charles looked down at Jr's hand and noticed his wrist. SG4L. Charles frowned.

Everyone sat down and ate. They each got to know each other a little better. Charles bombarded Tina with questions about David. She answered each one, in defense of her son. Ann was happy to see everyone getting along.

"I think it's time to tell you mama and daddy." Ann said as she stood up from her seat.

"You are pregnant?" Cindy squealed.

"No mama." Ann laughed. "David and I are living together now." Ann said. Her mother was excited and happy, but Charles held back.

"I am glad you got someone to watch over you when I can not be there." Charles smiled. His cell phone rang and he stood up to answer it. When he returned shortly, his facial expression was anger. Ann noticed it.

"Jr." Charles said.

"Yes sir." Jr said. He looked nervous at the sight of Charles, and the tone of his voice.

"What do you do for a living?" Charles asked.

"Well, I am unemployed at the moment. I just moved in with my mother and sisters until I get myself planted." Jr. said.

"What about before you were unemployed?" Charles asked. The tone in his voice made the whole table stare at him and Jr's conversation.

"I was into some business that I should not have been in. Growing up, I learned my lesson. I have a little girl now, so I had to change my ways so I can start being in her life." Jr said. Ann did not know David was an uncle. Apparently, David did not either.

"You are a father?" David asked.

"I was going to tell you that." Jr said smiling. "She reminds me so much of Telsa." Jr laughed.

"Where does she live?" Charles asked.

"In Arizona."

"Any reason why you came back this way?" Charles asked.

"Daddy, can he eat his food?" Ann said.

"I know, you keep asking the man questions." Cindy said. Jr took a bite of some beans.

"You know, these beans are really good Mrs. Golden." Jr said.

"Thank you so much." Cindy said.

"Why did you leave Texas, Jr.?" Charles asked.

"I really don't think I feel like talking about that." Jr. said.

"Why not?" Charles asked.

"It's apart of my life I am trying to forget." Jr said. Ann heard the familiar words from David.

"Trying to forget, or trying to wait for time to pass?" Charles said.

"I don't understand." Jr. said.

"Now you don't understand fucking english?" Charles said.

"Daddy!" Ann yelled.

"Mr. Golden, what is going on?" David asked. Jr stood up from the table.

"Thank you for dinner but I think I better go." Jr said.

"Charles." Cindy said. Charles ignored everyone and stepped from around the table. David stood between him and his brother, and Ann grabbed her father's arm. They stared each other in the eyes.

"You got a problem with me?" Jr asked.

"You know damn well I do." Charles said.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Ann shouted.

"Ask your little boyfriend." Charles said. Ann looked over at David. He shook his head.

"I have no idea." David said.

"Go ahead Jr, tell them our little secret." Charles said.

"What the hell is going on damnit?" David yelled.

"Your brother here, is the reason I lost my job. He is the reason why your daddy almost said goodbye for the last time. You son of a bitch is the same punk mother fucker that shot me and left me to die." Charles spat. Everyone was quiet. Ann shook her head.

"No way. Daddy, just because a Mexican shot you, does not mean it was him." Ann said.

"She is right. I am so sorry about all of this." Cindy said to Tina.

"SG4L. Salgado Goons 4 Life." Charles said. You were the last face I saw when I closed my eyes and took my last breath before they revived me. You were the same sick fucker."

"Jr." David said.

"Yeah, I was there when you got shot. But I didn't shoot you. I am the one who called for help. If it weren't for me, you would have been dead." Jr said.

"Get the fuck off my property, and disappear before I kill you." Charles said coldly and limped back into his house. Jr stormed off.

"Salgado." Cindy said. "I knew it sounded familiar, but never this close to home." Cindy excused herself and ran into the house after Charles. Ann stood there dumb founded. She looked up at David.

"I remember that day." Ann said softly. David reached out for her. She stepped back. "Ten years ago, on my 21st birthday. I waited forever for that day. Daddy worked late the night before just so he could have that day off. We planned so much. He worked the border of Oklahoma that night. The next morning I woke up, around 4 in the morning to my mother screaming. We drive to the hospital they flew him in at. They lost a pulse twice. He fought through it. Years of rehab and he finally stopped crying himself to sleep because he felt worthless."

"Anna." David said.

"You knew about that didn't you, David?" Ann asked. "You never spoke about why your brother was in so much trouble, because you knew." Ann had tears down her face.

"Ann, if I knew my brother would harm you, or your family, I swear I would not have brought him around you. I swear it." David walked up to Ann. She allowed him to cup her face in his hands. "Please, believe me." David said.

"I need to check on my father." Ann turned away from him and ran into the house. David got into his truck and drove his family back to the house he now shared with Ann.

"Fuck this. I am not going to stay here or take this shit. I saved his life that night." Jr. shouted.

"You need to tell them that. If you did not do it, then why did you run?" David asked.

"I had to. Staying was going to put me in risk with the SG4L."

"And still?" David asked.

"Yes. The loyalty doesn't end." Jr said.

"Until you end up dead, or locked up." David shouted back.

"You turning your back on the SG4L?" Jr stepped up to David's face.

"I been turned my back." David said. "Look where it got me. Look where your so called loyalty has gotten you." David said. This hit Jr more than he would ever admit.

"I saved him." Jr said getting inside the van, waiting on his mother and sisters.

"We have to go hijo." His mother shed tears. David kissed them all and shed his own tears once they drove off.

"Call John." Charles said. "Call him and get that wetback locked up!" He shouted.

"Charles Andreas Golden! There is no need for you to say racist shit like that. Now I am hurt just as you are, but we are not going to do that." Cindy said getting up from her chair.

"That boyfriend of yours is history too." Charles said.

"No." Ann said low.

"Excuse me?" cHarles asked.

"I said no." She said louder. "Just because his brother did something does not mean he did it too. David is not your enemy."

"I don't ever want him on my property again." Charles said. "And if you are going to affliate yourself with him, then I don't want you over here either." He got up and walked off.

"Daddy." Ann said. Charles never stopped until he slammed the door to his room. Ann got up and stormed out of the house.

"Ann. Please come back!" Cindy yelled after her daughter. Ann kept going. She cried on the way to her house. Tina's van was gone, and so was David's truck. Instead of Ann calling David, she went inside her house, and cried herself to sleep.

"My name is David. I need information on a case." David said to a man who was sitting behind a desk at the precinct in the next town over.

"Sir, does this look like the FBI office? Are you a cop? Are you an agent?" The plump man asked.

"No sir, neither one." David said.

"Then I can not help you." The man said, turning his attention to the small T.V. next to him. A game show played, David could tell.

"If I needed information on a case, how do I go by getting that?" David asked. The man sighed heavily as if he was annoyed.

"Start with public records. If you find something that can be any help to the police department, then you may share and we may be able to help you more." The man took a big bite of his cheeseburger, then turned his attention back to the T.V.

David did not return home last night, and he did not call Ann. As bad as he wanted to, he figured they all needed a little space. David drove from the precinct to a library near by. The librarian instructed him about their internet rules, and helped him look up public records. David searched under Jr's name, but nothing came up. He then widened his search.

"Salgado Goons. 2005. Cop shooting. Officer shot." David typed in the search and only a few articles came up. David knew his brother was in trouble 10 years ago. He knew there was a shooting, and he was involved somehow, but never did he know it was Charles, Ann's father.

"May 12th, 2005, at 1:46 am, Officer Golden was shot and is in critical condition after an involvement with a drug bust near Idabel, Oklahoma. Officer Golden, 45, who have been with the police department for 25 years, was shot three times. A member of the Salgado Goons was identified as being the last person on scene once the gun fire died down. Officer Golden was waiting on the local police department, also SWAT to issue a warrant bust to a known gang and drug crime area. The house in particular belonged to one of Julius Salgado. Julius, 22, is a leader of the Salgado Goons, including numerous family members. SG4L was tattooed on the wrist or chest of all members. Officer Golden spotted two members leaving the home before SWAT could arrive. He was instructed to do a routine traffic stop, until backup arrives. Once Officer Golden pulled over the car, the two men extracted from the car, and began to fire their weapons. An anonymous person called in on Officer Golden's radio calling for help. Near by witnesses spotted Officer Golden laying, lifeless on the ground and a young Mexican boy running from his body. Officer Golden was pronounced dead, but revived after rigorous attempts. He is now woke, but unable to function mobile as of right now. The Salgado Goons are still on the run."

David read the article. Chills crept over his body, and his was sick of the stomach. David got into his truck and drove back into town. He missed work today, nothing he ever did before. He couldn't think straight. He just got his brother back, to lose him again. He finally found the love of his life, to lose her. He felt himself losing everything again. He wanted to curl up in a corner and drink his troubles away.

"Anonymous." David kept repeating to himself. He remembered his brother kept saying he saved is life that night. Jr was the anonymous caller. David did a U-turn in the middle of the street. He sped down the side road, and back downtown.

"Okay, that will be $53.25" Ann said. She was taking a payment from a customer when she heard screeching tires outside. Everyone looked up and saw David whip into a parking spot. Ann hurried up and tried to print off the receipt before David came inside. She was too late.

"Anonymous!" He yelled as he ran into the office. He walked up to Ann. She frowned at him. It was a office full of people today, since the office been closed for a few days.

"What?" She shook her head in confusion.

"The anonymous caller. I know who it was." David said. Ann put on a fake smile.

"David, I am busy, as you can see. Please, how about we talk about this when I get off work." Her smile was a lie, David could see in her eyes. She was angry at him, but she wanted to know what he knew.

"No. It can't wait. I need your help." David said.

"Please excuse me." Ann said to her next customer. She walked outside with David. "Are you crazy? Coming into my job like you Clint Eastwood!" Ann yelled.

"I may be crazy. I am on the verge of losing everything again, so excuse me if that makes me crazy!" David said. Ann saw in his face that he was upset, so she calmed down and tried to keep it that way.

"What is it? What is anonymous?" Ann asked.

"The article said that there was an anonymous caller that called for help after your father was shot."

"Yeah. And?"

"A witness saw a young male running away from his body."

"Can you get to the point?" Ann rushed him on.

"My brother said he helped save your dad that night."

"Some help." Ann crossed her arms.

"Ann please. I need your help to convince your father to listen him out."

"My father is already trying to disown me for being with a Salgado. What makes you think I am going to convince him to listen to your brother?"

"Think of something. Please. My brother did not do this, and I believe he tried to stop the worse from happening."

"Why run then? Why he couldn't stay and tell his side?"

"SG4L may be family, but loyalty is proof, blood isn't." David said.

"If that is true then why are they not after you?" Ann said.

"Are you going to help me?" David asked.

"Why not answer my question?" Ann asked. David put his head down.

"Fine." He said and walked off.

"David!" Ann called after him. He got into his truck and sped off. This family and their damned secrets, Ann thought.

David wouldn't answer any of Ann's call or texts. She got sick of the stomach and ran to the bathroom. Ann got off work and headed straight to the doctor's office. She been feeling like she had the flu lately, and needed to get it checked about. She finally made an appointment.

"Ms. Golden, your blood pressure is extremely high. Any stress lately?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, quite a bit. None I want to get into details about." Ann said.

"I understand. Well, let me go read these results and I be right back to you." The doctor said. Ann nodded and pulled out her cell phone. She tried calling David again, but no answer. A moment later the doctor came back inside.

"Do I have the flu?" Ann asked. "I figured I did. You have medicine for that, right?" Ann asked.

"You do have a UTI, nothing severe, but I would like to prescribe you something for it. But no flu." The doctor said.

"Oh wow. I just knew it was the flu." Ann kind of smiled. "So, the UTI been giving me this trouble?" Ann asked.

"No ma'am. Ms. Golden, you are 6 weeks pregnant." The doctor said. Ann looked at him for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"No way." Ann said, laughing.

"Yes. You are. This is no joke." The doctor handed Ann over a piece of paper and explained the results to her. After explaining, Ann laid back on the table. Tears ran down the side of her face. "Ms. Golden, I am going to give you an ultrasound, okay?" He asked. Ann only nodded.

This is the last thing Ann needed was to be pregnant. She had too much going on. She barely paid attention to what the doctor was saying.

"Ms. Golden." The doctor interrupted her thoughts. He was cleaning the gel from her stomach. "I am going to have to have you to take it easy. The way your pressure had been running today, this is not good for the baby."

She had a baby to think about. She had a living being, growing inside of her. This baby who did not asked to be apart of all this drama. Ann made a decision.

"You right doctor. I have my baby to think about now." Ann smiled. She was keeping this baby. She was going to love this baby and give it everything she ever wanted, and everything it needs. Butterflies floated around her stomach. She cried, but this time, tears of joy. Ann took her ultrasound and drove to her grandmother's home.

"Your father is upset, but we tell him to get over it. He is alive and well, and going to be a grandfather." Ann's grandmother said.

"And you are going to be a great-grandmother, again." Ann said, smiling.

"I can not believe my baby girl is going to have a baby girl." Her grandfather said, hugging her as he walked past.

"Or a baby boy. Just try not to tell any one yet." Ann said.

"Your granny will be on that phone is a heart of a beat, I tell you. Damned woman can't hold water for nothing in this world." Her grandfather said.

"Shut the shit up." Her granny told her grandfather. "I promise not to say anything." Just then her grandmother's phone rang.

"Watch this." Ann's grandfather said, pointing at her grandmother.

"I ain't doing nothing. Just sitting here with Ann. She told us a secret, I can't tell." Ann's grandmother said.

"See, what I tell you." Her grandfather said and Ann laughed. Her granny never told the secret while she was there, what she said when she left, Ann will never know. Ann made it home later than usual. It was eight o'clock. Her grandmother fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn. It was dark in the house when she stepped inside.

"Sit down." David said, scaring Ann half to death. Ann reached over and switched the light on. He sat on the couch with his elbows on his knees and he was running his fingers through his hair.

"Don't do that!" She yelled. Instead of grabbing her chest, instincts were to grab her stomach. Ann hurried and removed her hand before David got suspicious. David did not say anything, so Ann sat next to him. Not close to touch him, but close enough to hear the pain in his voice as he spoke low.

"Loco was my cousin. He started the SG4L. Loco recruited most of my cousins, their friends, my brother and myself. At first we just busted a few heads around town. We were bullies. Then robbed a few gas stations. Then graduated to sell drugs. Loco and my brother were close. Like brothers, than cousins. Loco started selling drugs after Mark, a member, got caught trying to rob a store by himself. We had to stop that so attention wasn't brought to us. So we started slanging. A member of the Damacus gang roughed up one of ours, so Loco popped him. Killed him. Took him in abandoned house, and tortured, killed, cut him up, and then burned him. Left his hand to send a message. Damacus still didn't take us serious, so Loco grabbed two more of their people. This time, he left an eyeball, an ear, and a tongue. 'See me, fear me. Hear me, run. Talk of me, regret. Touch me, die.' He wrote on a piece of paper. Damacus backed off. Loco wanted more. Bull, was the leader of Damacus. Loco kidnapped Bull's little sister. She was about 11. Tied her up in a building and demanded stuff from Damacus. Bull gave him everything he asked for, but Loco was crazy. Hence the name." David closed his eyes tight. He did not want to talk about it, but he felt he had to get it off his chest. He continued. "Loco beat on the girl for a couple of days. The day before he let her go, he raped her. Raped her bad enough to where she couldn't walk. He left her in an cold wet alley. Someone found her, two days later she died. It was said that my brother knew about it, so Damacus had my brother and my family on their hit list. In order for them to leave my brother and family along, they wanted Loco. SG4L agreed that what Loco did was uncalled for, so we made a deal with Damacus. We gave up Loco. They killed him. I was out of the gang after that. Damacus told me they was going to kill each member, including me if I didn't leave SG4L. Since they thought my brother was dead, I was next in line. So I did, for their lives. No one knew I made a deal with them. I came up this way shortly after I lost everything." David sat back and took a deep breath. As if everything was lifted off his shoulders.

"You saved a lot of lives, by leaving, including yours." Ann said. She leaned over and grabbed his face. "You are more brave than I ever thought."

"I knew my brother was into some trouble, but I never knew it was with your father. My brother may be a thug, a drug dealer, but he is no killer." David said.

"My father wants nothing to do with us." Ann said.

"Tell your father that I will leave. If he can please hear my brother out." David said.

"Wait...your willing to leave me just to get a story straight between your brother and my father? Forgive me for being selfish, but damn." Ann said.

"I don't want to leave you."

"But your are?" Ann asked.

"I don't want you to lose your family over me."

"I won't." Ann said.

"It looks like you have a choice to make. Your father made that very clear." David said. Ann looked down at her purse. The papers confirming she was pregnant sat on the top of her wallet, and cell phone inside her purse. She stood up and went to her room and laid down.

It was almost midnight when Jr called David.

"Hermono." Jr said.

"What?" David asked.

"You were right." Jr said and hung up the phone. David looked down at his phone at the caller id. It was a private call. No way he could call back. David sat on the couch, and sat. And sat.

Ann was sitting at her desk, half listening to Brian and Gina talk. Her mind was on her own problems.

"Girl, get out of your head." Brian said, passing by her desk. Ann shook her head, as if shaking loose her thoughts.

"Sorry." She said. Her phone rang. "Sun Towers Loan, Annalise speaking." She sounded cheerful despite her inside feelings.

"Ann." Her mother answered. Or Ann thought it was her mother. Her voice was low, and shaky. Distorted almost.

"Mama?" Ann asked. Cindy sniffed, and inhaled hard. "Mama, are you crying?" Ann asked.

"I need you to come to grandma's. As soon as possible." Cindy said and hung up the phone. Ann sat for a moment wondering what that was all about.

"You guys, I seem to have a family emergency. I be back in a few." Ann said. She grabbed her purse and keys and left the office. Ann did not contemplate on what could be wrong. She was not in the mindset to think of anything.

Outside of her grandmother's house sat her father. He looked up and her and stood up. She wanted to hug him, but she could tell he was still upset.

"Your mother is inside." He said. The look in his eyes wanted to give in to his stubbornness. She could tell he wanted to give in. Ann walked past him and into the house. No one was in the living room. Then she heard her mother cry out. Ann dropped her purse and ran to her grandmother and grandfather's bedroom. Her mother sat on her knees, crying. Her grandmother laid in the bed, holding her grandfather. He laid in the bed. Lifeless. Ann dropped to her knees. She couldn't make a sound, she had no idea why. She couldn't stop looking at him. Her mother looked over at her.

"Oh, Ann. Sweetheart, you shouldn't be in here." She cried. Ann walked on her knees to her grandfather. His skin was so cold. His eyes were closed. He looked peaceful, and Ann was happy about that. Her grandfather was 76 years old, he took his last breath, April 4th, 2015. A day before his 56th year anniversary to his wife.

The day went by in a blur. She never called David, even though her cell phone was full of missed calls and text messages. Her father finally grabbed her and hugged her. She needed that more than anything. He loved his daughter, and she knew it. Ann sat on the porch with her mother. Her grandmother was sitting in the living room with some family members, and a few friends. Her grandmother was taking it easier than anyone would have guessed. She laughed at talked about all the good times, only shedding a tear every once in a awhile.

"Remember papaw teaching me how to change a tire?" Ann said. Her mother laughed.

"You were two years old. He said, 'she need to learn this stuff now.'" Cindy laughed.

"I could never imagine loosing daddy." Ann said. Cindy nodded her head.

"It doesn't feel good." Cindy said, tears flowing down her face. "It's like a piece of your soul has been ripped out."

"He told me he was going to walk me and David down the aisle." Ann smiled.

"Your father loves you." Cindy said.

"But he do not accept my love for David, because of his brother. That's crazy." Ann said. She looked over at her mother. Cindy was rubbing a medal between her fingers.

"Aunt Cindy." Tyrone came on the porch. "Granny said she wants to lay down."

"I'll help her. I'm going to stay with her tonight." Ann said. She got up from the seat and walked into the house. She helped her grandmother up off the couch and walked her into the bedroom. Cindy and Tyrone decided to also stay the night.

"Your grandfather said he wants to slow dance." Her grandmother laughed. Ann laid in bed, next to her grandmother. In the spot her grandfather passed away in, in his sleep. Ann held her grandmother's hand.

"He still had the hots for you granny." Ann smiled.

"Yeah he did. I was still a hot thing." She laughed.

"You taking it so well." Ann said. Her grandmother was quiet for awhile. Ann thought she fell asleep.

"Every night, whether sick or mad, he would kiss me. Times, I didn't even want to be touched, he would wait until I feel asleep and he would kiss me. Every single night. He said, because you never know." Her grandmother said. "When you know that someone loves you until the day either one dies, you would want the best for them. Your grandfather was in pain a lot. I know it. He suffers no more, and with that, I know I can rest." Her grandmother turned over. "David is a good man, and your father will see. He needs to stop being stubborn and listen to them." Her grandmother fell asleep. Ann laid in bed, crying most of the night until she fell asleep.

The following Sunday were the funeral services. Ann had not talked to David, nor seen him for a week. He called her day and night. She ignored every call, and every text. Even his family's attempt to call her failed. As bad as she needed his support, she just could not deal with him and her father at the moment. Ann spent most of the past days with her mother, and grandmother. Camille came the next and tried to boss everyone around. Ann's grandmother only shut herself up in her room, away from Camille's drama.

"We are not to mourn the life of Richard Dalton III. Because he did not live a life to mourn for. He lived a life to celebrate. You are not to cry for the sad times, but rejoice in his happy times. Mr. Dalton taught me something as a friend. He used to tell me, 'You mourn for those who haven't made an impact. Because they need to be remembered. You celebrate those who made a difference, because they accomplished so much." The pastor was a friend of Ann's grandfather. He gave a wonderful eulogy.

"I need some air." Camille whispered as the choir sang a song. Ann began to cry. She felt herself about to loose her composure when a familiar grip wrapped her around him. David slid next to her as Tyrone smiled and scoot down the pew to give him room. David wore a black suit, with white accents. He looked delicious, although Ann couldn't think about that right now. He leaned over and kissed her head. She sobbed into his arm. Ann's father looked over at David and gave a frown. He turned his attention back to the casket.

At the cemetery David walked Ann to the gravesite. David avoided Charles, even though he shared his sympathy with Ann's other family members. The pastor said his final words and the casket was lowered into the ground, and covered with dirt. Ann watched as her grandfather became buried and no longer seen. She placed her rose on top of the dirt and blew him a kiss.

"I am going to go to granny's to make sure she tries to eat." Ann said avoiding eye contact with David.

"Entiendo." He said. Ann shook her head and got into the family car.

"I think you better get out of my sight." Charles said from behind David. David only looked down to the ground. David felt upset, hurt, and angry. He drove back to the house Ann and him shared. He saw that Ann must have been there earlier. There was a cup out, and coffee in the pot. He took a deep breath and plopped himself on the couch. He did not move the rest of the day.

The next morning David woke up near 8 o'clock in the morning. Ann was getting dressed to leave. She came home just an hour before David woke up. She hoped he wouldn't wake up to see her. The office opened up at 9 this morning, which gave Ann time to get over her morning sickness. She did not speak to David as she walked past him. He wanted to say something, but he did not know what. She opened her purse up on the kitchen table and grabbed her phone. A piece of paper fell out on the cabinet. She didn't notice it. She grabbed her purse and left. David drank the rest of his coffee and picked up the piece of paper. Before he balled it up and threw it away, he unfolded it and read. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. He saw Ann grab her stomach last night, he noticed her mood swings, her appetite, and her sickness. He sat down in the chair, and cried. Tears of joy. Then something came over him. He got up from the chair and stormed out of the house.

In his truck, David sped through town to Ann's mother and father house when his cell phone rang. The area code was 405. He answered.

"Hello." David said. He was speeding, and his adrenaline was rushing.

"Hermano." Jr said.

"It is not a good time." David said.

"Come down to the police station. 9 in the morning. Bring Ann and her father." Jr said.

"First of all, they will not talk to me. Thanks to you. Second, what police station?" David asked.

"In town. 9 o'clock." Jr said and hung up the phone. David sped past downtown, he saw Ann at work. The police station was only down the street. Once he got Ann's father to listen to him, he could get Ann.

Cindy was outside on the porch and Charles was in the garden.

"Charles." Cindy said. He looked up at her.

"What?" Charles asked.

"Don't freak out." Cindy said. Charles looked up and saw David rushing down the street. He stood up straight when David jumped out of his truck and marched up to the yard.

"Go get my gun." Charles said. Cindy walked off the porch and up to Charles.

"Now David, I do not think today is a good day." Cindy said.

"I am so sorry, but I need to speak to you." David said to Charles.

"The only thing you better be saying is that you are leaving town. For good. You damn Salgado boys mean no good. I know who your people are. I know what your uncle and your grandfather were capable of." Charles said.

"So because of my grandfather, that makes me a killer too?" David asked.

"SG4L was not the first Salgado gang." Charles said. He was right. Salgado was a feared name where David came from. His grandfather, and his uncle, his grandfather's brother, were cold blooded murderers. They killed any one who disgraced them, or tried to make themselves more highly. They were ruthless, careless, and sadistic.

"Charles Golden Sr. was a wonderful cop, I heard." David said. This got Charles attention. "Your grandfather did great work. He was good at what he did. But when he shot those three unarmed men, and that woman, that was cold blooded." David did his research. Charles grandfather suffered from schizophrenia. He snapped one day going on a killing spree before he was gunned down.

"My grandfather was sick." Charles said.

"So was mine." David said. David's grandfather suffered from an illness, no one knew. But he was not in the right state of mind either. "Did that make you a killer?" David asked Charles.

"Why are you here?"

"My brother needs to speak to you."

"No." Charles began to walk off.

"He turned himself in." David said out loud. "He wants to tell his story and get all this over with." David finished. This got Charles attention.

"His story? The attempt of murder on an officer?" Charles questioned.

"Mr. Golden. All I ask is that you listen to him. After that, I will leave. I will take my brother and you will never see us anymore." David regretted saying those words, but he knew this might work. Charles stood still for a moment.

"Fine." Charles said. David was relieved, and also hurt. How was he going to explain leaving to Ann. He thought, maybe Ann would go with him. She loved him enough. But not more than her own father. Charles pulled off his gloves and walked to David's truck. Cindy locked up the house, and followed along. The ride to the courthouse was quiet. The occasional grunts from Charles. He still suffered from chronic pain. A bullet in his knee that tore away some bone. He rubbed his knee.

Pulling up to the police station, Ann stood outside. The office was just across the street from the police station. She wore a pink skirt with a white and pink blouse. She was the vision of beauty to David. Her skin tone was dark, but she was sunshine to him. David got out of the truck and stood staring at her. She looked at him with a look of confusion. Seconds later, Charles got out of the truck, Cindy followed. Ann looked at her father and back at David before running to her father. David knew she would probably do that.

"What is this all about?" Ann asked David.

"Just follow me. Please." David said walking into the police station. There was a huge desk in front when you walked into the station. It was full of people, an officers walking around. Charles was greeted by every cop that walked past.

"I need to know where my brother is." David told the officer sitting up front.

"You again?" The over weight officer said. David remembered him from when he asked about files for Jr's case. David did not say anything. The cop took a pen and paper. "The name?" The cop asked.

"He isn't in custody." David said.

"Sir, can you please help me out here." The cop said irritatingly.

"My brother came here to speak to an officer. His name...is...Jr."

"Jr?" The cop asked.

"Julius Salgado." David said. He always loved his name, but in this case, he was scared to use it.

"Oh yeah. The cop killer. He is in room 13. Down the hall." The officer said. David began to walk. Charles, Ann, and Cindy followed. He reached room 13 and stood outside the door. He stared at the door as if he was looking straight through it.

"Move." Charles finally said and walked into the room.

"Can I help you?" A man asked as he stood up. Jr sat on the opposite side of the table. The man was dressed in a suit, Charles took him as being an investigator.

"My name is Charles Golden. I believe this man has something to tell me." Charles stated.

"Yes sir. He does have a confession." The man said. He moved to one side of the room as Charles took a seat in his chair. An officer brought in a couple of more chairs. Ann said on one side of Charles, and Cindy sat on the other side of him. David pulled up a chair next to his brother. Jr was not in handcuffs, but he kept his hands in his lap.

Jr looked over at Charles, who was avoiding looking at him. Cindy looked at her husband. David watched Ann, who was only looking down at the table.

"Can someone speak, please." David finally said.

"Hello Mr. Golden." Jr said.

"Get to the fucking story boy." Charles said.

"Do you have any questions for me?" Jr asked.

"Yeah, I do." Charles said. Jr sat straight up. "What will it take for me not to reach over this table and kill you with my bare hands?" Charles asked. Jr leaned back into his chair.

"I guess if I tell you what really happened."

"Get to telling. I don't have time." Charles said.

"Okay." Jr said. The man reached over to the table and pressed a button on a recorder. The red light blinked.

"What is that for?" David asked.

"Every word in this room is recorded. Especially for confessions." The man said. Jr sat up in his chair and leaned closer to the recorder.

"May 11th, 2005 I was sitting at my house, that I recently bought that year. I was watching some bullshit, I don't know what it was. My homeboy Duke came over. I've known Duke for years. We caught up and chatted for hours. He wanted to pick up some keys and drop it off for a profit. I refused to move weight. I was trying to get my head on straight. I had a job for a couple of years. No one believed me. I seemed to been have getting harassed by police. Random traffic stops and shit. I always came up clean. This particular night, Duke came over, we decided to go get us some late night snacks. I smoked some weed, had the munchies." Jr sort of chuckled.

"Duke got into the car and we left the house. I noticed behind me these headlights followed me around. We stopped for gas, food, then back home. Later on that night Duke wanted some beer. I stopped drinking, so I decided to take him. This time when we made it to the car, an officer stopped us in the car." Jr said. Charles looked down at the table. This was the turning point of his life.

"Duke freaked out on me. He kept saying, 'I can't go back. I won't go back.' I kept telling him to chill. They won't find anything on me. I reached over to get my driver's license and insurance verification. Duke started sweating bad. I looked over at him and asked him what was wrong with him. He said, 'I got powder on me.' So I told him try to get rid of it. The officer took awhile to get to the car, but before he could Duke snorted a bunch of it. I tried to stop him without bringing attention to us. His whole demeanor changed quickly. Whatever it were, it was some good shit. Duke's mind became evil. He kept talking about killing. I was hoping the officer hurried up and got to the car by then, but he wouldn't never come. Duke said, 'Man, let's kill him. It's only one.' I told the fool no, but kept talking about it. I didn't want anything to happen to Duke. He was a good kid."

"So that is when you two planned on killing me, then leaving. It was dark, no one else seemed to be around at the moment." Charles said still avoiding contact with Jr.

"No sir, let me finish." Jr said. "When the officer opened his car door, Duke said, 'Fuck this.' He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. I couldn't tell you what kind it were, but I know a gun when I see it. I talked him out of it, at least I tried. The officer asked us to get out, and I did. Duke got out after me. His hand was behind his back. The officer kept yelling to put his hand up, but Duke wouldn't. I ran over to Duke and held his arm up, but when I did, Duke pulled out the gun and shot at the officer. The officer fell to the ground. He was not able to get his gun. Duke ran up to the officer and shot twice before I was able to push him away." Jr said. Charles had his eyes shut.

"When I pushed Duke away, he fell back. I grabbed the gun out of his hand. I guess he was in shock because he looked at me, the gun, the cop, and at his own hands. He stood up and took off running. There was two people coming down the street at the time. I crawled over there to the officer and checked for a pulse. He was not breathing. I did CPR. He started breathing short breaths. I reached for his radio and called for help." Jr said.

"If you called for help, then what did you?" Charles said.

"I said, 'If anyone can hear me, I do not know how to use this.' Then I waited for a response. A woman asked who was I. I told her, 'I am a man who saw a cop get shot. Please come and help, I think he is dead.'" Jr said. "I gave them the location."

"Is that true, Mr. Golden?" The man in the suit asked.

"I was bout dead, how would I know?"

"The dispatcher told you after your recovery." The man said. Charles nodded his head.

"If you did not know who called in, how could you be sure he was the one who tried to kill you?" The man asked.

"The witnesses." Charles said.

"Mr. Golden." Jr said. "I was the man who took the gun away from the man who tried to kill you. I was the man who gave you CPR and not let you die. I was the man who called for help. I was the man who took off my shirt to-"

"Wrap around my head." Charles said slowly as if he remembered something.

"They said you had a shirt around your head." Cindy said. "No one knew where that came from."

"It helped the hemorrhaging. Without it, I would have bled out before they came." Charles finally looked up at Jr. Jr's face was still fresh despite his thirty plus years on this earth. Charles saw sympathy in Jr.

"The witnesses that came saw me running away with the gun. If I was there, then I could have been killed. They was after me, and this was ammo enough. I couldn't go down for a murder, especially an officer. Mr. Golden, I did not shoot you, or try to kill you. I tried to save you the best I could. I swear to it." Jr said. He looking Charles in the eyes. David sat back in his chair. Ann mocked his moment.

"You saved me." Charles said. "Your wetback ass actually saved my black ass life." Charles chuckled.

"It's been ten years. Cases around here close after an amount of time, so yes I did hide out until then. Only because I had to. I couldn't go down for that." Jr said.

"So my attempted killer is still out there?" Charles asked.

"No. Duke was killed during a home invasion years ago. Heard the story on the news." Jr said.

"You have no idea how this makes me feel." Charles said.

"I am sorry. I should have told you sooner. Please, don't hate my brother for this." Jr pleaded. Charles looked over at David. He stuck his hand out and David smiled and shook his hand back. Ann smiled and cried as she ran around the table to David. Cindy cried and kissed her husband.

David hugged Ann as if he had never hugged her before. He was so much in love with her.

"Jr." Charles said. "Thank you." Charles also shook Jr's hand. "No, I won't be mad at him. Not the father of my unborn grandchild." Charles said smiling at Ann and David. Ann frowned.

"How did you know?" She asked her father.

"Your grandfather told me before he past. I wouldn't have never actually let you leave David. Not now, not ever." Charles smiled.

"I found out too." David said.

"How?" Ann asked.

"You should be more careful where you lay your stuff." David smiled and hugged Ann again.

David proposed to Ann on May 12th. It was her 31st birthday and he gave her a five karate diamond ring. They sold the small one bedroom house, and bought a three bedroom with a fenced in yard. A husky puppy, and swimming pool made for a perfect home and life. October 31st Ann gave birth to a baby boy. 8 pounds and 13 ounces. They both were proud parents of Dalton Salgado. Named after her grandfather's last name. Life was almost perfect for Ann and David. It all started in the small one bedroom house, in the quiet country.

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