Fairy Tail High:School of Mag...

By Agent_RPS

139 3 0

A school full of magic,adventure,and romance. The most prestigious school for Mages,Fairy Tail High. Vanessa... More

Chapter 1-First Day Of Class

Chapter 2:First Day Of Class Part 2

29 1 0
By Agent_RPS

Chapter 2:First Day Of Class Part 2

Ron's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and knock three times at the door before I opened it.I saw Aaron sitting in the last row.Wait,what is he doing here?Gramps said Aaron is in Class 5 Section-Fidelity.

I look around and saw 12 persons including me.I choose to sit beside the window at the last row.Aaron is just beside me.Our teacher is not here yet.Then,a tall girl with shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes entered our room.She is wearing a gray jacket,black jeans,and white converse.She look around,probably finding a seat.Then,she sit in front of me.

Then,a tall man who is probably in his 40s entered our room.Maybe he's our teacher.He went in front and he said," Okay,class.For now Class 5 Section-Fidelity and Class 6 Section-Purity is fuse because Class 5 Section-Fidelity's room is unprepared.And By the way I'm Raul Peters.Class 6 Section-Purity's adviser and their teacher in Controlling and Using Powers.And please introduce yourselves one by one.First row to last row"

Then,a boy with white skin but has average-height and black spiky hair (I'm taller than him haha!)stand up."Hey,guys!I'm Andy Carlo Dylan Travon,17 years old.That's all Thank you"he said and throw flying kisses and sat down.

Miss Univerese,dude?

An average-height beautiful girl with dark brown hair and tan skin stood up after Andy sat down."Hi!I'm Chrishelle Michaela(Mi-Ka-E-La) Vanguard.17 years old!"she said and sat down.

A short cute girl with red straight hair and violet highlights stood up after Chrishelle sat down.Wait,why there is a kid here?!Maybe she's lost or maybe not."Hi!I'm Ashley Marie Agatha Evans!17 years old!"she said and sat down.

I almost fell in my chair.Wait,what?!She's 17?!Tss.I see that the saying 'Don't judge people by their looks' is true.An average-height boy with spiky dark brown hair almost black stood up after Ashley sat."Hi.I'm Elmer Kiko Collins.19 years old"he said and sat down.

So,he's the oldest here?!Tss.Don't judge people by their looks.Then an average-height boy with spiky brown hair stood up after Elmer sat."Hi,guys.I'm Oliver James Lewis.17 years old"he said and sat down.

After he sat down an average-height chubby boy with dark brown hair stood up."Hi,everyone!I'm Chester Kurt Alonzo.17 years old!"he said and sat down.

Most of us here are probably 17.After he sat down a tall boy with spiky light brown hair and tan skin stood up."Hi.I'm Niño Daryl Lockwood.18 years old"he said and sat down.

After he sat down,a short boy with spiky black hair and red highlights stood up."Hi!Hello!I'm Cedric Eric Smith.17 years old"he said and sat down.

After he sat down,a boy with average height and spiky light blond hair stood up."Yo!Hi!Hello!I'm Clayton June Edwards,20 I mean 17 years old hehe"he said and sat down

Weird.And he has a small wound in his lip.After he sat down,Aaron stood up.


"What's your name?"-Sir Raul


Is he shy or something?Don't he know his name?




I look at Ashley,Chrishelle,and Andy who are laughing silently but I can hear them.You're wondering why I can hear them?Cause I'm a dragon slayer.What kind of dragon slayer?Secret.You will find out soon.

I hit Aaron softly and said,"Bro!Say your name!Don't you know your name?"


"Tss.By the way his name is Aaron James Dagger Infinity,my younger brother.He's 17 years old"I said,and I let him sit down.What's wrong with him?!

Then I heard some sobs.I look around and saw Aaron crying.




Am I imagining things?I slap myself and regretted it immediately.Ouch.My right cheek is now red.But when I look at Aaron,I feel like I had seen myself on him last year.Tss.Because Last year is I'm a crybaby.

I comforted him,and pat his back while he is covering his face with his palms.

"Take your hands away from me,my ugly big sister"he said and wipe his tears from his eyes

"Tss.Thank you for saying thank you to me KINDLY"I said and emphasize the word 'kindly'

"Tsk.Shut up"

I remove my hand from his back,and listened to the introduction.After I introduced Aaron,the tall girl earlier stood up and said,"Hi.I'm Ayana Daphne Evangeline Powers.18 years old"she said softly and sat down.

And now it's my turn to introduce myself.I stood up and introduced myself,"Yo.The name's Eliza Ron Katana Infinity.18 years old.Just call me Ron if we're close and RonEl(Ron El) if we're not close,and if you call me Eliza or Katana.I'll kill you"I said and sat down.

I'm just kidding at the 'I'll kill you' thingy.It's just I don't like them calling me Eliza or Katana.Duh Cause we are not close.I only allowed my close friends and best friends to call me that.

"And because today is the First Day Of Class I will let you know about each other.And please behave because we teachers have a meeting.I'll be back"Sir Raul said and walk outside.

Ayana's P.O.V

I entered our classroom and look around to find a seat.Then I saw a gangster-like boy with chocolate brown eyes and black straight long hair (I can say he's tall)looking at me.I shivered a little and sat in front of him because it's the only seat left.And our teacher entered our room and introduced himself.

"Hey,guys!I'm Andy Carlo Dylan Travon,17 years old.That's all Thank you!"Miss Universe?

"Hi!I'm Chrishelle Michaela Vanguard.17 years old!"

"Hi!I'm Ashley Marie Agatha Evans!17 years old!"Wait,she's 17?!I thought she's 13 and she's lost and accidentally entered our classroom!

"Hi.I'm Elmer Kiko Collins.19 years old"So I think he's the oldest here.But he didn't look like the oldest here.

"Hi,guys.I'm Oliver James Lewis.17 years old"

"Hi everyone!I'm Chester Kurt Alonzo!17 years old!"You're chubby,man.

"Hi.I'm Niño Daryl Lockwood.18 years old"I already know you,Ño.

"Hi!Hello!I'm Cedric Eric Smith!17 years old"

"Yo!Hi!Hello!I'm Clayton June Edwards.20 I mean 17 years old hehe"


"What's your name?"

"..."Is he shy?Does he have amnesia?Don't he know how to speak?Is he deaf?




Why are they laughing?

"Bro!Say your name!Don't you know your name?"the gangster-like boy said


"Tss.By the way,his name is Aaron James Dagger Infinity,my younger brother.He's 17 years old"the gangster-like boy said

They really look-alike.Maybe they're twins?But why do Aaron has short spiky hair and the gangster-like boy has long hair?

"Take your hands away from me,my ugly big asdfghjkl"Wait,what did he said?

"Tss.Thank you for saying thank to me NICELY"

"Tsk.Shut up"

After listening to their conversation.I stood up from my sit and introduce myself."Hi.I'm Ayana Daphne Evangeline Powers.18 years old"I said softly and sat down.

The gangster-like boy stood up and said,"Yo.The name's Eliza Ron Katana Infinity.18 years old.Just call me Ron if we're close and RonEl if we're not close,and if you call me Eliza or Katana I'll kill you"


The gangster-like boy is a girl?!

I shivered when she threatened us about calling her Eliza or Katana.


Next Day



Ayana:Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!Sorry!I forgot!*runs*

Ron or Eliza or Katana:COME BACK HERE,WOMAN!*get knives and throws at Ayana*


Ron or Eliza or Katana:*no more knives so she get a shotgun*COME BACK HERE!



~End of Imagination~


"Hey,what happened?"

"Kyaaah!"I almost fell in my chair when I heard her voice

I started to shiver in fear.

"H-hi,E-Eliza"Wait,what did I said?!


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!Sorry!Sorry!I forgot!"I started running

"COME BACK HERE,WOMAN!"she shouted as she get swords and throw them at me.

It was suppose to be knives!

"Aaaaaah!"I dodge the sharp swords

"Sh*t!I don't have any swords left!*grins*but I have a............wahahahaha!*laughs evilly*"she laugh evilly and gets a shotgun

Wait,where did that came from?!

And why did my imagination become real?!



"Wake up!Wake up!WAKE UP!"I opened my eyes to see her waking me up.

Phew.Thank God that it is just a dream!



"Shotgun?Tss.By the way,it's already snacks so stand up and go to the cafeteria!"


Today I got fooled because I thought that the gangster-like boy is a boy but he's a girl!And I got scared because of the I'll kill you thingy.

The lesson for this chapter is "Don't judge people by their looks"

Haha.I hope you like Chapter 2!

I'll update soon.


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