I Fell For A Gang Member [EDI...

By SimplyAmber96

1.6M 28.4K 4.1K

When Marco Millet, Kennedy High's bad boy, shows interest in Bailey Hartlem, an inconspicuous school nerd, th... More

Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
Chapter 2 (Rewritten)
Chapter 3 (Rewritten)
Chapter 4 (Rewritten)
Chapter 5 (Rewritten)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

26.6K 444 37
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 33

New Years

I walked hand-in hand with Justin through the mall. We went to Chic-fil-a to eat, then we just walked around.

"Why did you want to come here with me all of a sudden?" I asked him, referring to when he asked me to hang out.

"Don't get mad." I nodded. "My mom doesn't like that I'm friends with you because you're pregnant."

Anger rose in me, but I told Justin I wouldn't get mad. How could she think that? I stood in her living room and introduced myself, using my manners. It seems no matter what I do, people constantly criticize me. They either think I'm dumb, or I'm a slut. I'll never be seen the same way again.

Justin brought his hand up and wiped my cheeks. I then realized I was crying when he pulled his hand away, wet from my tears. Although I know I'm crying, the tears continue to flow.

"Please don't cry." Justin pleaded. "I didn't want to make you cry. I'm sorry, I wish I hadn't said anything."

"No, it's not completely what you said. I thought about what people think of me. They either think I'm a slut, or dumb, maybe even Bothe."

Justin pulled me into a hug, letting me cry into hid chest. He made comforting circles on my back, trying to sooth me.

"Shh, shh, no one thinks that."

"That guy at the rink and your mom does."

"Okay, let's change the subject. Uh.... Tell me what you're doing for New Years.."

I tried to calm myself so he could understand me better.

"I hadn't really thought about it." I managed.

"Okay, how about we hang out? We can go to that yearly party at Sadie's Bar & Grub. It'll be fun."

I looked up at him and smiled. "That could be fun. I'm in if my parents will let me go."

"Then it's a date."

Marco's P.O.V*

My heart thudded in my chest and my blood ran cold. This can't be happening. Two girls are having kids by me. I just kept getting myself into things.

"Are you sure?" I muttered.

"I took two pregnancy tests and they both came up positive."

"Shit! This can't be happening. I already have two on the way. I don't need another."

"Wait, two other girls are pregnant by you?"

"No. The girl I love is having my twins. But, anyway, go to the doctors to be confirmed."

Before she could say anything, I clicked the end button and looked back to see Bailey crying into Justin's chest. What had happened? My gang was gone off into another store. I crept closer to Bailey and Justin, trying to hear their conversation.

"Okay, let's change the subject." Justin said. "What are you doing for New Years?" He asked.

Bailey gave a few last sniffles before answering him.

"I hadn't really thought about it." She told him.

"Okay, how about we hang out? We can go to the yearly party at Sadie's Bar & Grub." She looked up at him and smiled. "That could be fun. I'm in if my parents will let me go."

I groaned. That could be me and her if I wasn't acting like a dumbass. But I'm sticking with my plan of being normal.

"Marco!" I heard Dustin call.

Bailey and Justin began looking around for me.

"I don't see him." Bailey said. "Let's go before he sees us. I don't want him to find out about us." Bailey pulled Justin off towards the other end of the mall.

I turned to see Dustin standing directly in front of me.
"What the hell? We've been looking for you." Dustin said, anger slightly in his voice.

"Sorry. I got caught up." I explained. "Let's go. I need to get us all something."

Justin's P.O.V*

New Years Eve

My mom was crying, begging me not to leave her alone on New Years. I love her, but after what she said about Bailey, I don't want to be bothered with her today.

"Please? Just stay for a few minutes?" she begged.

"No. I want to spend this new years with Bailey. I've spent all of my previous New Years with you and Dad. Let me go with someone else for once."

I slipped on my coat so I could leave. I can't wait to see Bailey. We've hung out a lot this week. I'm glad she gave me a chance. She disserves to be treated better with everything going on in her life. Marco should be ashamed and shouldn't get anymore chances.

"Fine. Leave your poor old mother alone on a holiday."

"You'll be fine. I love you." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left.

I drove to Bailey's house following her directions. She lives close to Marco which will make it easier to find her house. I wonder how she feels, living so close to Marco. They're within walking distance from each other.

I parked along the curb in front of the house I think is Bailey's. I get out and walked up to her door, and rang the doorbell. I waited a moment and the door opened, revealing Bailey. She wore a robe and her hair was soaked.

"Hey!" She greeted. "Come in. You can meet my mom while I get ready."

Bailey left me standing in the living room while she went to get dressed.

"Hello." A woman's voice greeted. I turned to see a woman with curly brown hair coming from the kitchen. She looked a lot like Bailey. She had a very friendly smile on her face that made her seem trustworthy. "I'm Mrs. Hartlem. I'm sorry my husband isn't here, he's working on a tough case. May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Justin Brown, a friend of Bailey's."

"I want to thank you for being there for Bailey. Marco is afraid, and she'll always have Kassia and Spencer. It's nice she has more friends to talk to."

"It's no big deal. She'll always be the same Bailey no matter what."

Bailey came downstairs wearing faded jeans and a red shirt.

"Ready?" She asked me with a smile.

I nodded. She came over to me and I took her hand in mine. "Let's go." I said. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Hartlem."

"You too. Have fun."

Bailey's P.O.V*

I was excited to be going out with Justin. I don't have to worry about him getting drunk since he's underage and he doesn't drink anyway. Justin is the sweetest guy anyone could meet. I'm lucky to have him in my life.

Sadie's Bar & Grub is in the middle of town so it took us longer to get their than any other place. We finally arrived and Justin found a parking spot. We ended up walking a distance to the restaurant. It was crowded, with people standing outside. I'd never been here for the New Years Parties, but people say they're fun.

We made our way inside the packed restaurant. There were about four TV's that each had the show from Times Square showing.

"Are you hungry?" Justin shouted over all the noise.

I shook my head. "Not really." I shouted back.

"The countdown will be starting soon."

"Can we stand outside? It's too noisy in here." He nodded and I followed him out.

We stood outside. Though it's cold, it's better than being surrounded by noise.

"Sorry, I can't handle all the noise." I apologized.

"It's alright. I was beginning to get annoyed by it too."

"What's your mom doing tonight? Ya know, because of the divorce and all."

"Uh... I'm not really sure."

"Maybe you should've brought her with you. I wouldn't have minded."

Suddenly people were counting backwards from 10. The countdown had started. We made our way inside and started to count backwards like everyone else.

"7...6...5...4...3...2...1! Happy New Year!" And the ball dropped. I was suddenly spun around and Justin was kissing me. I didn't kiss him back at first from the shock, but then I kissed him back wrapping an arm around his neck. He held my waist and pulled me as close as he could. He released me and smiled. "I've been waiting to do that for a long time."

"That was amazing, but what does that label us as now?"

"Friends with benefits?"

"I guess, but limited benefits?"

"Fair enough."

The door of the bar slammed open a woman ran in. She looked frantic and was sweating a lot.

"Someone call 911!" She screamed. "There's a violent fight just down the street. Looks like two gangs!" Everyone rushed out, no one bothering to call 911. We followed the crowd down the street until we came to an abrupt stop. We pushed to the front and I was shocked to see Marco and his gang fighting with another gang. They all had switch blades which made me wonder where they'd gotten them from. Everyone was cut up and bleeding. The sidewalk was stained with blood, but no one seemed hurt enough to stop.

"Marco!" I screamed. He turned to face me, his face and arms cut up. He gave me a small smile and then something unexpected happened. A guy with blonde hair stabbed Marco in the leg. Marco yelled in pain then dropped to the ground. He held his leg to try and stop the flow, but it was doing no good. Blood gushed from his leg with no sign of stopping. I stared in horror at the scene before me. But the blonde guy didn't seem satisfied and stabbed Marco in the chest, causing another yell. The rest of Marco's friends seemed to finally realize what was happening and threw the guy on the ground, kicking and punching him.

I looked at Marco who now lay unconscious. I let go of Justin's hand and rushed over to Marco. I pressed on the chest wound, trying to slow the blood flow.

"Someone call 911!" I screamed. I saw Justin pull out his cell and call 911. He told them where to come then he rushed over to us and tried to stop the bleeding in his leg. Marco's gang surrounded us after running the others off. We were all now sitting in a pool of blood. I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes. I can't believe this is all happening. He may have done a lot of terrible things, but he didn't disserve this.

The ambulance finally arrived and they brought out a gurney. They loaded Marco up and I got in the back with him along with Justin. The others would meet us there. I just hope Marco will be okay. It's all my fault. I should never have called his name. I might've killed the man I love.

We made it to the hospital and they rushed Marco out. He never woke up or gave any sign that he could hear us. We tried to follow him to the emergency room, but since we weren't family they wouldn't let us. I fought against the nurse, but she wasn't giving in. Then a pair of strong arms grabbed me from behind and pulled me away. I didn't have the strength to fight anymore so I just slumped, the arms holding me up. My shirt was soaked with my own tears.

"Shhhh." Justin shushed me, trying to calm me. Then I realized he's the one holding me. I turned around and buried my face in his chest, sobbing more. "Deep breaths. Everything's going to be okay. He's going to be fine." He held me close and kissed the top of my head.

The emergency doors to outside opened and Marco's gang was running in. They came over to us, looking for news.

"They won't tell us anything since we're not family." Justin told them since I couldn't bare to talk.

"F**k this shit." Dustin said, going over to the receptionist. He seemed to be yelling at her. She nodded and said something. Dustin came back over to us. "They don't know anything yet. We just have to wait it out." He explained to us.

"What did you say to that lady?" Justin asked him.

"I told her we're brothers since we practically are."

I suddenly started feeling sharp pains. It felt like cramps but worst. I decided to ignore it since Marco's in worst condition. We sat down and waited for news. The pains began to get worst. I winced and Justin noticed.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just nervous." The pain came again and I winced.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm having sharp pains. They're not cramps because I'm pregnant. They really hurt."

"Do you want a nurse to look at you?"

"No, no, I have to wait for news on Marco."

About an hour passed and the pains only got worst. I was beginning to cry from the pain.

"We're getting you checked out." Justin said sternly, forcing me up and pulling me over to a nearby nurse. "Excuse me." He said, tapping the nurse. "She's been felling sharp pains and doesn't know what they are. I was wondering if you could check her out and make sure everything is okay."

"Sure, follow me."

It turned out I was going into an early labor. I had stressed myself out and caused myself to go into labor. They were giving me meds to try and stop it, but nothing was working. I was beginning to panic. They're way too early to be born. I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow. They have to be at least 26 weeks to survive, and even then they'd be hooked up on machines.

"I'm sure it'll stop." Justin said.

"They're too small." I said.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. You and Marco will be fine. Think positive. I'll go and see if there's any news on Marco. I'll be back."

Justin left and I was left alone. Another contraction hit me but it wasn't as bad. I think the meds are beginning to work. I rubbed my stomach in circling motions.

"Come on babies. Stay in there for 5 more months. I'm sorry I got so stressed. Just do this one thing for mommy." I stared at the speckled, black and white ceiling. I'll never forgive myself if I lose Marco and these babies. I won't be able to handle it.

Justin came back into the room with the others behind him. The girls had shown up too, but I was in this room at that time. The girls got the chairs in the room and sat down, while the guys sat on the floor. They were all cut up, but the nurses didn't think anything was serious. Justin stood by my side, holding my hand.

"There was no news yet." Justin told me. I sighed.

"This would've never happened if it weren't for you." Dustin accused me. "If he wasn't so hung up on you, he would've just ignored you. But you had to call his name and distract him. Advice for later... don't interrupt someone while they're fighting."

I was about to sat something but I didn't need any more stress. I took a deep breath and ignored him. I know this is my fault, and I fell guilty. That's all the weight I can take on my shoulders.

"Leave her alone." Lacey scolded. "She going in early labor. No more stress. Besides, where were you when he got stabbed, twice?"

"I was trying to save my ass from ending up like Marco."

"Hey, calm down. We're all stressed in here. We just all need to take a breath and relax." Lance tried to calm us.

After about an hour, my contractions had stopped and I was free to go. We were all waiting in the waiting room again. Finally the doctor walked up to us. We all stood and waited for some kind of news.

"Is there family here?" The doctor asked.

"Well we're all pretty much family." Dustin said.

"Immediate family only."

"I'm his brother." The doctor looked him over then they walked off, out of sight.

The waiting was beginning to get unbearable. Finally Dustin came back, his face not giving anything away. He stopped in front of us and we looked at him expectantly. His mouth opened and he began to tell us...


Cliff hanger! I gave you something special! Justin's P.O.V. The end of this chapter (what happened with Marco) wasn't planned. I wrote hald of this chapter on plane back home and did the rest on what came to mind. Anyway, what do you think is going to happen to Marco? I know you all probably hate him again. I also wanted to show how close Dustin and Marco are. Oh, and does anyone read this? (Just wondering)

Please, please, please COMMENT!!! Vote, and/or fan. Thanks! ;-D

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