The Prince and the Maid

By unnatural_Red

186K 2.1K 133

So the idea behind this story came to me in a dream. And then I couldn't stop thinking about Prince Harry and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chaptef 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 40

2.1K 22 0
By unnatural_Red

Grace pov
Harry helped me off the bed. I went into the closet and was faced with the same problem I'd had two weeks ago. "Harry, nothing fits." I wined. Harry stood in the doorway. He starred at me for a moment, "I'll ask Kate for cloths." He said. I went over to the chair and sat down. Kate and Harry came in, I got up and Harry had a few dress with him. "I'll need the cloths back. And I'm taking you shopping this afternoon, so you won't have to steal my cloths." Kate said. She came over and hugged me the best she could. "Alright, Bye Kate." I said as she left. I picked up a plum colored dress. Harry helped me get dress, well he kept me from falling. The dress fit perfectly. "You look lovely." Harry said. I went to the bathroom and finished getting ready.

Harry drove to the doctor's office. He helped me out, "day one of being eight months," I said. "And you still look lovely." Harry said kissing my cheek and put his arm around me. We went in and just like last time we were taken back as soon as we signed in.

A nurse gave me a hospital gown to change into. Dr. Hill came in, "how are you today, Grace?" She asked. "I'm well." I said. "So let's see how she's doing." She said as I lifted the gown, there was a blanket on my lap. She squirted gel on my swollen stomach. Diana came on the screen. "She looks alright, I'm going to clear you to travel." Dr. Hill said. "Thank you," I said smiling at Harry. Dr. Hill wiped the gel off me stomach. "So at your next appointment, we'll do a 3-d ultrasound." She said as she got up and left. I changed back into the dress, when I was dressed we went and scheduled my next appointment, we were looking at our busy calendars trying to find a time for my next appointment. We finally found we were both free January 30th at 2 o'clock.

We went back to Kensington. I had just sat down when Kate came in. "Ready?" She asked. "No, give me a moment I just got back." I said. Jeffry, Harry and I's publicist, came in. "Grace are you going to The States or what?" He asked as he was on his phone. Harry looked at me. "Yes, I'm going. I want to be with Harry." I said. "Alright, thank you." He said as he left. "So now you definitely need clothing." Kate said. Harry helped me up. "Let's go," I said. "Leave money in the bank accounts." Harry said. "Will do." Kate said. I laughed. "Mummy," George yelled as he ran down the hall with Will chasing him. Will caught him right before he got to us. Will kissed Georges neck making him Squeal and squirm in his arms. "Mummy," George said reaching for Kate. "Hi, sweetie," Kate said. "You remember what I told you, Mummy can't hold you." Will told George. "Cause Mummy's having a baby." George said. "Is Aunt Grace having a baby too?" George asked. "I am," I said with a hand on my stomach. "Well we'll let you two head on to your shopping. Come on George let's find Uncle Harry." Will said. "Yay," George said as Will put him down and George darted down the hall.


When Kate and I got back from shopping, I went to my room and laid down on the bed. I was exhausted. Harry came in followed by Jeffry, Micah, and Joel. Micah was my stylist, and Joel Harry's. I sat up. "Grace where's the new cloths you bought?" Micah asked as she went into my closet. "In the closet, I didn't even bother hanging them up." I said. Harry helped me up. And we followed our stylists into the closet. I sat down because we'd be in their for a while. "Grace did you not get anything for DC?" Micah asked. "I did, the long dark green dress." I said getting up. I waddled over to Micah. "Grace this looks like a lounge dress." she said. I crossed my arms. "Kate and I both thought I'd be alright to wear." I said. "We then put it on," Micah said. "alright," I said. Micah unzipped the dress and I took it off and put the dark green dress on. Micah zipped it up. "Maybe I was wrong, but something about it I don't like." Micah said. "What do you think Harry?" I asked. "It suits you wonderfully." Harry said. "Thank you, Harry." I said. "Welcome love." He smiled.

When Harry and I's bags were packed. They were taken to the car. I sat down on the bed. Harry came over and sat next to me. "How do you feel?" He asked. "Tired," I said. "You can sleep on the plane." Harry said as he helped me up.

We went down to the carport an Harry helped me into the backseat. He went around and climbed in next to me. He put his arm around me. His hand resting on top of my hand resting on my stomach. I smiled as I felt Diana move. "Is she active?" Harry whispered, his lips tickling my ear. "She is." I said, as I leaned away. I rested my head on his shoulder.

Harry woke me up when we got to the airport. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep. We got out and walked to the jet. I sat down on the couch. Harry sat next to me. "Grace you know there's a bed back their if you want to sleep," Jeffry said. "Yay," I said struggling to getting up. "But not till we're at crushing altitude." He continued. "So I got up for nothing." I said sitting down. Harry leaned on me. "Harry please stop," I said pushing him off. Harry pouted at me. "Harry please stop, I'm not in the mode." I said leaning on him. "Oh you can lean on me but I can't lean on you?" He asked. "Yep," I smiled.

When the plane was at cursing altitude, I got up and went to the back of the plane to lay down. Harry followed and helped me into the bed. He laid down next to me. "Are you hungry?" Harry asked. "I'm eating for two, what do you expect?" I said. "Any requests?" Harry asked my stomach. "Toast, she wants toast. and a glass of sweet tea." I said. I hadn't had sweet tea since my days at university. "Sweet tea?" Harry asked. "South-eastern drink. Popular in the south. Liv and Becca made me try it a few times, it's not that bad." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. "So toast is what Di wants," he said kissing my swollen stomach. He got up and left me for a moment. I pulled myself up to the head of the bed. I laid against the pillows. Harry brought my request back and he watched me eat. He laughed for some reason them kissed my cheek.

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