That Bites

By Gay4WeskersSunglases

5.8K 117 17

I should probably tell you about myself. So I'm Artemis Stump (no relation to Patrick Stump). I just moved he... More

New Beginnings
Brothers! Can't Live without them
Family Problems
Stiles Is A.........Vampire......
Die Or Be Undead
Are You Ready To Rock!?

Training Session 1

315 5 0
By Gay4WeskersSunglases


My eyes flutter open and I start to panic when I don't recognize my surroundings, when I feel a soft body in my arms the memories of last night come back to me. I'm at Artemis's house so that she doesn't freak out, being alone in with her brother here. I look down and see her head on my chest and a warm feeling spreads through my stomach. I squirm and she starts to wake up. She looks at me and squeals, jumping back and falling off the bed. I jump over to her. "Are you okay!" I exclaim.

"Yeah. I'm fine. You just startled me. It's not every morning I wake up and there's a guy sleeping next to me." I smile apologetically.

"Sorry." I say. She smiles at me.

"It's fine. I had to wake up anyway. We have our first day of training." Oh, fun.

"Awesome." I say. I'm don't sound very enthusiastic. She rolls her eyes and walks into her closet. "Wait. Today's Thursday. We have school."

"Yeah, no. We're skipping. This is a bit more important." She says coming out of the closet. She's holding a towel and a pair of clothing.

"What are you doing?" I ask, although it pretty obvious.

"Skydiving, Stiles. I'm going to jump of a plane. This towel is just so I can see what'll look like falling from thousands of feet."

"Touchy, touchy." I say. She playfully glares at me and I smile.

"Don't make me hurt you. I have 739 years on you." She says. I laugh. She walks out of the room and I hear the shower turn on. I take this time to take out my phone and text my dad where I am, when I remember that I didn't tell Jim. But instead of him being grateful to know that I'm not dead (technically) he says he already knows. That my friend came in and told him that I was staying at her place. Huh. The shower turns off and ten minutes later Artemis comes back in the room, fully dressed with her wet hair in a neat braid.

"Hey did you go to my house last night?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Nope. I got your clothes from a heavenly angel." I roll my eyes.

"No need for sarcasm." I say. She scoffs.

"Umm... There's always a need for sarcasm."

"Whatever. I need to shower." I say. I grab a pair of clothes and she gives me a towel. I take a quick shower, get dressed and leave the room. I'm about o walk into her room when I hear a noise. A slow melody coming from a guitar. I pause and listen. A voice sounds along with the guitar.

'But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Words in my head

Knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

Cause I'm only human'

I take the pause as a chance to come in the room. She almost jumps ten feet in the air, the guitar in her lap going with her. "Hey! That was really good! You should perform that." She glares at me and I sit down next to her.

"Why were you listening." She says, almost growling. I ignore her question.

"What's it about?" I ask. She looks at me quietly before sighing.

"My sister. In a way. I'm my sister protector. This song is something I wrote a while ago because we had a fight. I had made a stupid mistake that almost got us both killed. Basically I'm saying that I'll try everything I can to please her... To protect her but I'm still human. I may drink blood but my Ming still works the same way as a humans and I'm gonna make mistakes." She says. She gives me a shy smile and I grin at her.

"It really good. Think you'll let me hear the rest of it?" I ask.

"You can on Friday night." She says. I give her a confused expression. "I'm performing at the AntiMatter. You and the guys all have backstage passes. I'm performing three songs. So now you just have to wait."

"Well, look at you! Gettin' all social. I feel so proud." I say, wiping away a fake tear. She pushes my shoulder. I laugh.

"Come on. It's time to train. Today's topic. Speeding and jumping." She says as she walks out of the front door.

"Jumping?" I ask.

"Yeah, jumping." She jumps and the next thing I know, she's in her roof."

"Woah! That's so cool!" I exclaim. She laughs.

"Come on." She says, have come back down. "We're off to the woods. Follow the black, concrete road." She runs ahead of me and I station to catch up.

'Were off to see the witches!

The wonderful witches of Beacon Hills!' She sings, laughing.

--Ten Minutes Later--

We've reached a small empty space in the woods. "Here we are." Artemis says.

"How did you know how to find this place?" I ask. She shrugs.

"I explore. Come on. Well start with speed." I nod.

"So what do I do?" She grins.

"It's pretty simple. You have to let go. Don't be uptight or anything. You have to let your body move gracefully yet don't be lazy. Watch." She says. She takes a breath and runs. Next thing I know she's gone in a complete circle around my in a split second.

"Cool" is all I can manage.

"Now you try." She says. I take a breath and start to run bit I'm run at normal speed. I frown.

"When you breathe in you don't breathe out. Make sure you exhale. Let your body relax." She grabs my stuff arm and pulls it. I relax my body and try again. This time it works. But I can't stop and I hit a bush. Artemis is laughing so hard she falls to the ground. I get up, brush myself off and glare at her.

"Shut up. It's not that easy."

"Sorry. To stop, just do the exact opposite. Make your body a little less relaxed and a little more stiff. But not like a statue. More like what you do on a regular basis. Try again." I do and I am able to stop myself, though it's not so graceful. After a few dozen tries I finally have mastered it.

"Whoo! Yeah! Finally. I'm a super speeding vampire." I say. I hear laughing behind me and remember that Artemis is there. I immediately stop. "So, jumping. How do you do that?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Same way." I try and she's right. It's the same. It takes me a few tries to get it but I finally get it. I look at her.

"Anything else, Ms. Henderson?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"No. Now we go to school."

"School! We've missed like half the day. There's no point!" I exclaim. She scoffs.

"It's only third period. I can compel the other teachers. We're going to school." She says. She crosses her a and cocks her hip. I sigh.

"Fine." Yay! School.

The two of us super speed to school

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