Two Quarters and a Heart Down

By bulletthewords

7.6K 371 179

Patrick is the new kid at Winona High, and he doesn't quite know how to fit in. Dropping by a dance party hel... More

This May Call For A Proper Introduction
Chapter 1 - Joke of a Romantic
Chapter 2 - Swear To Shake It Up
Chapter 3 - You Put My Head In Such a Flurry
Chapter 4 - Best Friends, Ex-Friends Till the End
Chapter 5 - Why Don't You Show Me
Chapter 6 - Nothing Comes As Easy As You
Chapter 7 - More Than you Bargained For
Chapter 9 - This Was No Accident
Chapter 10 - Crazy=Genius
Chapter 11 - I'll Be Your Best Kept Secret And Your Biggest Mistake
Chapter 12 - The Best Part Of Believe Is The Lie
Chapter 13 - We'll Deal
Chapter 14 - Fixes Fixed
Chapter 15 - We're Friends, Yeah We're Friends
Chapter 16 - This Ain't A Scene, It's A Dance Dance
Chapter 17 - Where Did The Party Go
Chapter 18 - Oh Marjorie
Chapter 19 - It Just Feels So...
Chapter 20 - Dance, Dance
Chapter 21 - Bring It!
Chapter 22 - One Night Can Change It All
Chapter 23 - Seven Minutes In Heaven
Chapter 24 - Spike The Punch
Chapter 25 - Saturday
Final Author's Note!!

Chapter 8 - It's Better If You Do

353 17 44
By bulletthewords

Pete's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night, checking the clock to see it read 4:11 am. Shit. School in 2 hours. I roll onto my side, pulling the blankets up to my bare collar bones. I shift my legs, feeling a hard erection in my underwear. Now that I think of it, I was deep in sleep and dreaming about things. Certain things, with certain people. Crap that sounds creepy. But it's true.
I groan in annoyance then get out of bed, the cold clinging to my bare body as I only sleep in my underwear. I head to the bathroom, grabbing my phone on the way. I check any notifications, hoping for a text from Patrick or something, but then realizing I didn't even give him my number. I have multiple from Brendon, and I roll my eyes as I read through them.

12:03 am: hey, you awake?
12:47 am: helloooooo
1:33 am: bro did you die?
2:14 am: sorry, I just can't sleep. Bored as fuck. Text me later
4:04 am: meet me like an hour before school under the cork tree

I sigh and I pull up his chat, my fingers moving slow as they press the letter buttons.

4:13 am: ok mert u there
wats th rush?

I type out the message, shortening words and making a few spelling mistakes but I'm sure he'll get it. Within a seconds time, he messages back

Camisado Kid (he entered his contact, not me) 4:14 am: I have some things I want to talk about ;) and want your opinion

Me: k sounds good :D

I don't get how he types so well, all of us have these shit phones with tiny ass buttons and no spell check. But I guess making faces with letters and punctuation is cool, they turn into cool little faces. I really like the little faces. (AN: MEME PETE AF)

I hop in the shower, wash up and change into my clothes for the day. I let my hair dry, then heat up my straightener (not like it ever works, every day I still wake up bisexual af) then swing into my regular routine. I slip on a pair of black skinny jeans, then straighten out the ends of my hair, standing shirtless in front of the mirror. I've always thought a tattoo right above my crotch would look cool as hell. Maybe I'll get one someday. I pull out my black pencil eyeliner, pulling down my eyelid and rubbing it around my eye in a line as straight as me. Looking at my finished product, I smirk and put the makeup away. I then pick up the hot straightener, running it over every inch of my charcoal colored hair. My layered bangs lay in front of my face, draping over my eye as they fall down, freshly pressed. I flip my hair to the side, keeping it straight and somewhat fluffed but not ruining the flat appearance.

Now I've spent half an hour getting ready, it's nearly 5 am. School starts at 6:50, so I might as well head over now to meet Bren so we have some time to talk about his 'stuff.'
I grab what I need for school and shove it my backpack, write a quick note for my mom and leave it on the kitchen counter. I quietly head out the door, bag slung over my shoulder as I fumble through the contents for my MP3 player and earbuds. Jamming the earbud jack into the slot, I scroll around my downloads and attempt at select a Green Day song, the music filling my ears instantly. I walk down the block, turning on Gerard Way, passing Winona High, and heading to the cork tree that Brendon and I hang out at and where he had planned to meet.

A few songs later and a readjustment of my hair, I arrive at the designated meeting area, peering my eyes through the dim lit morning in search of Brendon. I walk over to the large cork tree in the corner of the park, spotting a dark haired figure behind the trunk, facing away from me. I take out my earbuds and shove my music player into my bag and quietly approach the tree, trying not to make noise so Brendon doesn't notice my arrival.

"HEY BREN!" I shout, launching my arms at his shoulders from behind. He jumps up from his position, turning around in terror and running a few feet from the tree trunk.

"HOLY SHIT GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" He shouts, not realizing it was me that scared him.

"Bren, it's me." I say, walking into clear view of him.

"Oh. Sorry. But dude, don't scare me like that." He replies, walking back and playfully punching me in the arm. I laugh with a smirk as we walk back and sit down at the base of the tree. I sit down across from him, tossing my bag to the floor next to me.

"So, what's the stuff you wanted to discuss." I say, breaking the few seconds of silent.

"Oh yes. That stuff." Brendon begins with a smirk. "So, you know I'm bi." He starts.

"Duh, we're both bi, you won't shut up about how gay you are." I smirk. He rolls his eyes and continues.

"Yeah, so, well. Um. IthinkIhaveacrushonRyan." My eyes grow wide as I realize what he just smashed into one sentence.

"WHAT YOU LIKE RYAN OMG BREN." I yell enthusiastically. He blushes and looks to the ground, looking more embarrassed than shy about it.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He shrugs off.

"No, that's great. I didn't know you liked him. You're always making fun of him for staring at you, so I never put it together." I explain. He lets out a slight laugh as if I was supposed to understand something obvious.

"Yeah. I've liked him for a little while now, I just didn't want to admit it to anyone so I rubbed it off with complaining about him staring at me. Although I never minded the staring. He's very cute when observant." He trails off. "But anyway, yeah. That's what I wanted to tell you. Because I wanted your advice on how to like, you know, talk to him and, uh, maybe ask him out ?" He explains. My eyes light up, as I'm always very excited to hook people up or help with dating advice.

"NICE OKAY I CAN HELP. So, just kinda go chill with it, listen to your instincts. You look great today, so that's also helpful. So, instead of just letting him stare at you, you should go over to his table for lunch, just introduce yourself like you don't know he's been watching you the last semester. Act casual, just be yourself. It's better if you do." I advise him, trying to think of all the things I know off the top of my head.

"Awesome. I also know how to make a mean milkshake. Maybe he likes milk." He smirks.


"Yeah, he always seems to get cartons of milk at lunch. Maybe he likes milkshakes. It's worth a shot." Bren suggests. I shrug in confusion but I figure he knows what he's doing.

I check the time on my flip phone, the little pixelated numbers reading 6 am. "So, we have like 50 minutes til school, what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Hm. Let's talk about your love life." Brendon says with a smirk. I blush at the thought of my own "love life," instantly having a name pop into my head. "Who do you have a crush on?"

"Oh, uh, no one really at the moment." I say, shifting in my position on the ground.

"Come on Pete, I know there's someone."

"No, really, it's nothing big. I don't think he even likes me."

"Oh so it's a he now is it. Tell me more." Brendon scoots closer to me in excitement.

"Okay fine. Don't you dare tell anyone though okay?" I demand, finally giving into his curiosity.

"Yes, I swear."

I take a deep breath before answering. "Patrick." I say in one quick word.


"Pat. Trick. Stump. The new kid."

"OH. Him? Okay, nice. He really fell for you didn't he." He says, making a joke.

"Stop. Your jokes are terrible." I say, gently kicking his leg.

"Not as bad as yours." He throws back.

"True, true. I've taught you well."

"So, anyway, are you gonna do anything about it?" He questions, moving onto the next topic.

"Nah, nothing right now. I'm trying to leave hints, but he barely knows me, heck he barely knows anyone. I invited him to Hayley's party though." I explain.

"Great idea, I should invite Ryan." Brendon pipes up.

"Yes! A double date. Let's do it. I dare you to ask him at lunch. Or in class."


"Yes today, doof. If you wait any longer he's gonna get tired of waiting." I point out.

"He's been watching me for the past few months, that's something we call patience. I don't think he's gonna get tired of me. Who wouldn't?"

I roll my eyes and start picking at the grass surrounding us. I lay on my back, looking up at the top of the cork tree. 'Lie in the grass...' I think to myself, humming a random tune in my head.

"Uh, Pete, what are you doing?" Brendon asks. I shoot back up, nearly colliding with his gigantic forehead in the process.

"Oh, just thinking. Random lyric ideas coming to mind. Just sorta zoning out."

"Nice. I do that too when thinking of lyric things." We sit in silence for a few minutes before I break the quiet again.

"Have you ever written any full songs? Like have the notes out and the lyrics and all that?" I ask out of curiosity, knowing we both enjoy writing music.

"Nah, nothing really. I've gotten parts here and there, but I just feel like I'm lacking something. I'm not exactly the lyrical type, I'm more of an instrument kind of kid. I'll sing, but I need that something special to get me lyrically inspired. How about you?" He replies thoughtfully.

"Sort of. I'm not much of a singer, not much of a musical writer, but I love coming up with lyrics. I guess we're sort of the opposite." I point out.

"Cool, yeah. Maybe we should work together in some music thing sometime?" He suggests.

"Hm. Maybe. Or maybe we just need to find the missing parts to us."

"Sounds like a good plan to me."

Out of the blue, I hear fast paced trotting on concrete. Brendon and I turn to face the main streets and see a silhouette of someone running by the park. I recognize the light brown hair and dark clothing, long skinny legs, tall figure. Brendon immediately stands up, grabs his bag, and starts running towards the boy's direction. With his unexpected retreat, I quickly grab my stuff and follow him, struggling to keep up with his pace.

"Hey Ryan!" Brendon calls out. The boy looks behind his shoulder at where he heard his name being called, and in the process slows his pace as Brendon catches up. Ryan turns around and stops completely as his foot gets caught in a pothole of the cement. He trips in the process and falls over, hitting Brendon in the head with his bag and landing on top of the younger boy.

"Jesus, I'm sorry." Ryan mumbles frantically, trying to recover and gain his belongings. Brendon scuffles around on the floor and helps Ryan, his cheeks growing red while doing so.

"Oh, uh no worries Ryan. Uh I mean random dude, psh I totally don't know your name." Ryan's face lightens a little as he blushes, standing up and helping Brendon up while doing so.

"That's alright Brendon, I kinda peep in on conversations you have, so I know your name too even though we never really talk." He says trying to comfort me but coming off awkward and slightly stalkerish sounding. "Oh damn, that sounds bad. Uh, I'll just be going."

"No, Ryan wait. Are, uh you alright?" Brendon asks, holding onto Ryan's arm so he didn't leave. Ryan glances down at Brendon's hand on his arm and pulls away, then looks back up at Brendon.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be going now." Ryan replies, more stern this time. Brendon's face sinks slightly and he follows Ryan as he moves along.

"Okay sorry, I just felt bad you fell down because of me. You don't have to be a jerk about it." Bren retorts back.

"Listen. I said I'm alright. I bumped into you, big whoop. Another mess up for me. Now if you'd leave me in peace, I'll be on my way, thank you very much Brendon."

"Damn you sure have an attitude. I was trying to be nice. I was actually going to invite you to a party thing, since you don't seem to get out much. I wanted to ask if you wanted to, uh, come with me?" At this, Ryan turns around and faces Brendon again. I stand a few feet away, watching this all go down.

"Brendon, you know why I always sit in the corner and watch everyone? Because I don't like people. I don't like going places and I don't like hanging out with 'friends' and I'm not like most kids. I'm always the 'depressed emo' or 'that gay over there' or whatever. I'm done with people. And I know you're trying to be nice. I know you're nice. You're just about the only nice person I kinda know. I appreciate the offer, but the answer is no. Now Brendon, leave me the fuck alone." Ryan nearly yells at Brendon.

"Okay fine fuck you too." Brendon replies, storming off, walking back towards me. I stand up from my position on the floor and walk towards Brendon as well.

"Geez what's up with him?" I ask, wrapping an arm around Brendon's shoulder.

"I dunno, maybe he's in a bad mood. I thought he wasn't like that." Brendon shrugs, his eyes getting slightly watery.

"Yeah, maybe it's just a bad day. It's alright, there's plenty of people in the school. You'll find someone. You're a great person okay Bren?" I try to comfort him. He wipes his nose on his sweater sleeve and rolls his shoulders.

"True. That one girl Sarah is pretty cute. I'll try with Ryan some other day. But I'll admit he's kinda cute when angry." Brendon pipes up, trying to look at the positive side of things. "I do kinda feel bad that he doesn't want to socialize. I understand all the rude remarks, everyone here are pretty big jerks."

"Very true. Don't take it too hard."

"Psh. Take it too hard." Brendon smirks, making an innuendo out of what I just said.

"Your jokes are awful Brendon, stop." I laugh, hitting his hip with mine. He bumps me back, nearly making me fall over, but I recover. I pull out my phone and check the time, reading 6:40 am. "Shit, we're gonna be late!" I shout, almost taking off sprinting.

"What, no, it's only 6:30." Brendon replies. I mentally facepalm myself, remembering I set my phone clock early 10 minutes.

"Ha, well I set my clock early cuz you know I'm always late." I shrug.

"Nice. Well let's get to school regardless. I wanna see what Lynn has in store for Hayley today." Brendon smirks, running in front of me. "Beat you there!" He calls out. I swing my bag over my shoulder and take off running after him. He may be interested in watching Hayley and Lynn, but I have someone else on my mind. 

(AN: HI GUYS IM FINALLY UPDATING AGAIN!!! I'm almost out of school, I'm waiting around to take my last final right now as I write this. I should be updating more often while on break, I've missed writing this fic. So, yeah, a long chapter for you guys since I haven't updated in forever. It's good to be back :3 I can't wait to get to the  main action, which should be coming soon. Stay tuned!! Leave your votes and comments on this chapter and go read the others if you haven't!)

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