The story of Feyoncé(chayley...


981 57 31

This is what really happened back at warped tour in 2007 when Paramore were touring with New Found Glory Więcej

1 Baby are wo over now? Maybe I can change your mind!?
2 We are broken
3 When you swear it's all my fault
4 Bamboozle


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Luckily we didn't go to the kick off party that year because we had a show. So one day, on a beautiful Thursday, the 28 of June to be exact, our adventure should begin. As I found out, New found glory are only going to selected dates so I won't have to deal with them all the time.... gladly. Ready in the morning our bus stands in front of our hotel in California. From here we're driving to the first venue. Everything is great. The people the crowd everything. We play on the second biggest stage and pretty late.... we're kind of one of the headliners I guess... The first shows are amazing. Like more then amazing. I've never seen such a great crowd. One day there even is a storm and it rains like hell (that kind of happened.... not like this but let's imagine it) but the crowd still dances along and knows every single lyric. It's perfect. After the shows we're mostly just hanging out with the other bands. Getting to know each other and talk about the business.

The fist week is over and I already forgot about why I was so worried about warped. But one day it all just gets up in my mind again....

We're currently sitting on a little fire we made talking about what we think of warped. I'm sitting in josh's lab while Jeremy sits across from us and wiggles his eyebrows and does other things to uncomfort us. Left to us sits zac who's clearly half asleep. That's totally normal. I mean we don't get much sleep on warped because there is so much to discover and mostly were driving at nights. Sleeping while driving is... complicated. And only people with a deep sleep (like Jeremy ) can do it. So since it's Monday now and we just had three dates and drove every night we all hadn't have much sleep. And with zac been only 17(but he kind of is younger in his minds) he's mostly sleeping before we drive. But right now we're at the venue for the next day since the ride wasn't far so we could sleep in a standing bus without the noises of driving.

"Zac come on bro go and sleep!" Josh says shaking him.

"Mmmmmh" Zac says. Clearly not hearing Josh.

"I'll take him in and go to sleep too" Taylor says standing up. He puts Zac's arm around his shoulder and drags him into the bus. "Good night"

Jeremy looks confused and raises an eyebrow." NO JER! Just no!" Josh almost shouts getting up and sitting me back in the chair." Why are you always thinking like this?"

"You're all teenagers finding out what love is and how it is. One part of this is discovering your sexuality and that mostly happens when you sleep with somebody. Or at least it helps you. So I'm just wondering..."Jeremy just shrugs.

"Zac isn't gay! And so is taylor! I'm going to get something to drink and guess what I'll see in the bus? Two sleeping guys in their own bunk!" With that josh walks away. Angrily.

"Why Is he so upset about it?"

I just shrug. Too tired to answer. As I'm about to sleep in, a honk scares me and I jump up. Jeremy just laughs but stops when he realises which bus it is.

I'm just standing there in shock. Three busses down from ours parks this new bus. It scares me and I somehow think that it looks dangerous.

A bit later there are guys walking out the door. That's the moment where I loose my mind and seconds later I find myself in the bus bathroom panicking. I can't breathe. I can't see clearly. I can't think. I can't hear. It's all just too much. It takes a few minutes until I start to be myself again. When I see this horrible looking reflection in the mirror I finally hear the knocking. There banging on the door as if to break it.

"Hayley open the door"

"hayley are you alright?"

I flush water in my face and the coldness calms a bit. I look at my reflection again and the face looking at me looks a bit better. I slowly walk over to the door and breathe for a moment to get ready for whatever comes next. Then I open the door. Stepping out and ignoring the two worried people that try to talk to me. I walk straight to my bunk take my pyjamas and go in the bathroom again. Locking the door and changing. When I'm changed I just step out again go to my bunk and lay down. Closing the curtain. Aber a few more minutes of laying there quiet Josh and Jeremy give up on talking to me and go outside again. "What did you do hayley?" Taylor asks sleepily. Dammit the guys woke them up. "Sorry" I say. Zac groans in response. Now it's quiet. If I'm honest then am tired as heck bit I can't sleep. My puffy eyes fall close but my mind keeps me awake. Every possible Szenario of what could happen on the next days rushes through my head. In the end everything I imagine doesn't seem so bad.... so eventually I fall asleep.

When I wake up its already bright outside. I look at the clock on my phone: 5:30 am. Dammit more like 4 hours of sleep would have been great..... but okay.

Since its so early nobody of the boys is awake. So I get up and get dressed. When I'm finished I get out the bus. It smells great like water and fresh air. I guess it must have rained tonight... I walk around for a bit until I'm in the catering tent. When I get there I'm greeted by Paul who is the catering guy and always looks that we get enough to eat which must be a really hard job. I mean I sometimes try to look that we have enough food for the guys and it's really hard. How hard must it be to look for so many people? All the bands,manager,the crews,bus driver, the people that build the stage everyday. These are quite a few!

"Hey hayley! You're up early! The same as usual ? " Paul asks. I nod. "Didn't catch much sleep... the rain on the roof was just to loud.. " he nods in agreement. "I know what you mean. It kind of reminds me of last year..."

I've known Paul since our first warped tour. Back then I was this little 16 year old girl that didn't know what was going on. But at that time I met him on warped and he showed me everything. We've been friends since then and I'm really thankful for him. Over the years our friendship grew stronger and by now we're really good friends. And since I am a creature of habit I'm eating the same. Every year. Everyday. He thinks it's strange but I don't think so.... I just like my breakfast...

He hands it to me and I thank him. Sitting down on one of the benches.
We sit there in silence for a bit. "So everything alright so far?" I ask. "Yeah... it's all a bit more complicated since there are on off bands and by now lots of people go vegan or something so it's difficult to find something to eat for them but in general it's okay... and how's my favorite band paramore?" He asks with a wink. The piece of cereal gets stuck in my throat and I caught. "You okay?" He looks worried. "Yeah" I laugh. "Just choked on my breakfast... as usual. But we're fine." I laugh. Even when it's just weak because of being reminded that he's here....

A/N:hey guys! So I finally wrote a new chapter... I know it's all crap and boring and just a filler and you wonder why you had to wait for this shit for like an eternity... and im really sorry. But right now depression is hitting me really hard again and at home it's just a war with my family so it's really hard to go on Wattpad or to do something at all... paramore helps a bit but right now it's not enough since they are having bad stuff themselves and I'm afraid that they might break up... so thank you all for reading and being so patient and wait for the new chapter. I'm going to update as soon as I feel better and it's possible. Thank you again!
Love Sparky

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