-I N S A N I T Y- sterek fanf...

By ThePhoenixAshes

194K 7K 899

(under editing) "You Really Have To Learn Not To Trust A Fox. They'l... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Seventeen

6K 220 31
By ThePhoenixAshes


I was driving my jeep to the school, all of us quiet and some still crying. Scott in the passenger seat, Kira and Lydia in the back trying to calm down.

Scott looked over, with a look of concern on his face. I spoke up first knowing what he was gonna say and what they all were thinking, "I know what you're all thinking. That if this works it might kill me too. But even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan.." I said with a stern voice.

"The plan is to save you. That's the plan I'm going with." Scott replied firmly. I didn't reply we walked in the school, and as soon as we stepped inside the door the scenery around changed and we entered the garden at the yakuza compound, covered in snow. The door closes behind us. "Well, this is definitely not part of the plan," I  said to the others.

In any other moment I would of though it was a beautiful place to be, snow falling around us, ice and frost clinging to the pine trees near the frost covered brick walls, a fountain ice frozen inside of it, a vibrant green moss covering the top, a beautiful arc way tangled with vines and ropes with fresh snow on top. It was breathtaking. But all the beauty vanished as the Oni appeared around us.

A black mist surrounding them, the silver black sword in they're hands as the stance for each one is the same.

Footsteps were heard behind us, I turned around and saw a bandaged man walking out from behind a wall and stood under the arch.

They haven't seen what it looks like, now they have, they now know what's been haunting my nightmares. Kira drew her sword and the nogitsune hissed, then looked to me. "I am going kill all of them stiles, one by one." Then the two Oni behind them stepped forward.

"Where are we!?" Scott shouted at the Nogitsune. "We are between life and death. We are alive and dead at the same time." This caught Kira's attention. "We're in Bardo.." She whispered, loud enough for all of us to hear.

"There are no peaceful deities here, none. You know this,Stiles. You know you are dying Stiles. And everyone you care about is dying too.I've captured almost all of the territories on the board, Stiles. The hospital. The sheriff station. And now the animal clinic."

At that moment in the clinic, two Oni appear and corner Deaton. He attempts to fight by using one of the Oni's swords against the other, but they eventually get a slice in.

The Nogitsune looked back to me, "Tell me Stiles...do you know the ritual of seppuku. It's when a samurai disembowels himself with his own sword to maintain his honor. But that's not what kills him. He is killed when his kaishakunin cuts off his head. Scott is your kaishakunin. I'm going to make your best friend kill you, Stiles. And you're going to let him. Everyone touched by an Oni's blade is going to die unless Scott kills you first, Stiles."

I start shaking and Scott's eyes are wide with horror at the thought of killing his brother. 

"Why..why are you doing this?" I asked trying not to collapse. "To win the game, Stiles, to win the game."

The Oni that are actually left swing their swords. Lydia and I draw closer together, to protect each other. Scott wolfs out and dodges the sword, and Kira prepares to fight as the Oni sword barely misses her.

Lydia and I sneak back away from the fight and huddle together as Scott and Kira fight. The two back up to one another and Scott asks, "how is it even possible were in Bardo?!" She looked back at him for a second. "You're asking me? A month ago I never even touched a sword."

Me and Lyds continue to watch the fighting. Lydia shakes on the verge of tears, "this can't be real, God, Stiles this can't be real.."

The Oni attack and swing at Kira again, her sword goes flying near my feet. I make a grab for the katana and hold it against my stomach. Scott yells over to me, "STILES STOP!"

I held the katana tighter and licked my dry lips before replying with a hoarse voice, "What if it saves you? What if it saves all of you?" I ask. "What if it's just a trick!" Lydia replies. The nogitsune growls, "No more tricks Lydia." I gets ready to do it, to jam the sword in my stomach, but as I look at the sword, i see a reflection of items in the school. Realization flashed over me. It's all an illusion.  

The nogitsune looks at me, "You have no moves left Stiles." But I think I do. "I do have one move left. The divine move." I toss Kira's sword back to her.

In the snow garden, I  tell everyone to stop fighting. "It looks real and it feels real, but Scott, you gotta trust me, it's an illusion." Scott turns toward the nogitsune and the door out. The door looks old and beaten but the blue shows through, the school door in disguise. The Oni line up in a gauntlet, and as Scott walks between them, they cut him and slash his chest and stomach. It's a mirror of Christ going through the gauntlet on his way to Calvary. Kira takes a beating as well getting cut, the swords cutting through her skin, but the both of them press on until they reach the door.
While me and Lydia walk behind them not getting hurt.

We emerge into the school without a mark on us.

Scott looks at himself and Kira amazed. "We're okay," he says. "We're--" But the nogitsune smacks him into the lockers and quickly does the same to Kira. Not the bandaged one, the one that's looks like me. "This was my game. Think you can beat me at my game?"

The nogitsune stalks forward toward me and Lydia, pissed off. Were huddled close and walking backwards as she holds me up. "Divine move. Divine move. You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me!" Lydia stops running. "But we can change you!"

The nogitsune just stares at her. "What?" "You forgot about the Shugendo scroll. You can't be a fox and a wolf," I say right before Scott leaps up and bites the nogitsune on the arm. While he's reeling from that, Kira runs through him with the katana for good measure.

The nogitsune fly escapes the dying host, flying out if it's mouth and Isaac, coming from out of nowhere, captures it in the triskele urn. The nogitsune jerks around, face cracking, before falling to ground and on impact dissolves into smoke.

I start feeling dizzy and woozy, then I pass out.

A while later I woke up to everyone gathered over me. They sighed in relief. "Oh my god I passed out didn't I?" Scott laughed and nodded, "We're alive. We all alive?" I asked. I had momentarily forgot about Allison. Scott thinks of Allison but replies anyway, "Yeah. We're okay."

After that we all went to different places, Kira, Scott, and Lydia were at the station, Isaac was at Chris's place, Ethan was with Danny, Aiden was waiting for Lydia.

And I was in a hospital room. Melissa had told me I was free to go and see was getting my papers. I had been there for a few days now. No one had visited yet, I don't blame them. They have stuff to figure out. I just hope they don't hate me for Allison's death.

I sighed not hearing the door open until I felt arms wrap around my waist. I jumped before realizing its Derek. I smiled and hugged him, "Thank God your safe Stiles." I sighed, "I'm fine now, I'm gonna be okay. Are you okay, Der?" I asked looking back at him.

"I'm fine, Stiles don't worry.." I hugged him, "I can't believe Allison's dead.."

"She was a great girl. And a amazing shot. I know." Tears welled in my eyes. Right before I could say anything Melissa walked in and smiled sadly at the scene, "sorry if I interrupted. Stiles you can leave now. Feel better kid." She walked back out.

I got up not saying anything, Derek right beside me. We walked outside and as he drove me home. I fell asleep hearing him say something that warmed my heart even in this dark time, "I love you Stiles Stilinski.."

Hey so this is the longest one I've written. And I know Aiden is dead, but I really didn't think he should have, cause I don't understand why he died. He was stabbed by the Oni yeah but so was Scott and a few others. So he's alive.

Don't worry it's not over yet!! ;)

Hope You Enjoyed!

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