Friends With One Direction (p...

By Hamashma

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It all started out with Kat's birthday party. Her sister, Hazel, wants Kat to be satisfied with the gift she'... More

Friends With One Direction
Chapter 2: Niall Horan?
Chapter 3: Starstruck
Chapter 4: What Makes You Beautiful
Chapter 5: Explaining Kat
Chapter 6: Better Than Words
Chapter 7: The Towel
Chapter 8: The Towel #2
Chapter 9: Up All Night
Chapter 10: I Wish
Chapter 11: Tell Me a Lie
Chapter 12: One Way Or Another
Chapter 13: I Want
Chapter 14: Irresistible
Chapter 15: Alive
Chapter 16: 5/5 Of One Direction.
Chapter 17: The Almost First Kiss
Chapter 18: Who Likes Whom.
Chapter 19: I'm Sorry.
Chapter 20: Time To Leave.
Chapter 21: Texting Spree.
Chapter 22: Skype Time
Chapter 23: The Dream.
Chapter 24: Your Song.
Chapter 25: I Would
Chapter 26: Sirens.
Chapter 27: Cat Fight.
Chapter 28: Heart Problems.
Chapter 29: Broken Down.
Chapter 30: Story Of My Life
Chapter 31: Moments
Chapter 32: Last First Kiss
Chapter 33: Meet And Greet.
Chapter 34: Paparazzi
Chapter 35: The Date.
The Files.
Chapter 36: Niall's Twitcam.
Chapter 37: Eavesdroppers.
Chapter 38: I Don't Swim.
Chapter 39: The Date #2
Chapter 40: Midnight Memories
Chapter 41: Detective H. Styles.
Chapter 42: I'm Not Friends With One Direction
Chapter 43: She's Not Afraid
Chapter 44: 4 Months.
Chapter 45: 3 Years.
Chapter 46: Little Black Dress
Chapter 47: Karry
Authors Note
Chapter 47: Live While We're Young
Chapter 48: Does He Know
Chapter 49: Over Again
Chapter 50: Cheating?
Chapter 51: Loved You First
Chapter 52: Change My Mind
Chapter 53: You and I
Happy or Sad?

Chapter 1

1.7K 34 10
By Hamashma

Chapter 1:

Hazel Starr

I heard my alarm clock beep like a siren, so I hit the "alarm off" button and saw the time.


I just loved getting up this early... Not. But that's just my morning routine for school, since I showered every day. Yes, I was a clean freak. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I walked to the bathroom. Twisting the knob of the shower, I stripped off my pyjamas and stepped into it, feeling the hot water pour onto my skin.

When I walked out of my white-tiled bathroom, it was 6:52am. As I scurried back to my bedroom, my younger sister walked past. Her name was Katherine, but her nickname for Kat, in which everyone called her. She had just gotten out of bed, looking quite tired, with her eyes droopy and her face relaxed. Her normally straight, long blonde hair was all frizzy and tangled. Sheesh, she needed a hair brush as soon as possible.

"Hey, I heard that!" Kat turned to me and yelled.

Whoops, I kind of had a thing with accidentally speaking my mind. "Sorry," I slammed my door on her and searched through my clothing. Ending up with a black tank top with a loose white collared shirt over the top, it looked nice. It composed of denim skinny jeans with black converse shoes, too. It was the typical "me" look.

I brushed my wavy brown hair and put on my mascara. Staring into the mirror, I was slightly disappointed. Ever since entering high school, it's been tough with the other girls around me, criticising each other. They judged most people, including myself. I'd always ignore them, but sometimes it got to me.

Shaking off the doubt, I searched for my phone in mess I called my room. Finding it on the bed full of blankets, I looked at the time. "8:00am" it read.

Fifteen minutes before I needed to leave, so I hurried myself up. Walking out of my room and down the stairs, discovered my four year old brother playing with his Lego.

"Hey, Tommy," I called his name, so his sandy blonde head turned around and smilies at me.

"Hi, Hazel. Is mummy up yet?" His cute light brown eyes stared back at his task of building a Lego truck.

"I'll check," I and walked around the corner to my mothers room. Knocking on the door, there was no answer. I woke her up and went back to Tom.

"She is now. So, have you had breakfast?" I asked.

He shook his head. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist.

I sighed, "What do you want?"

"Can I have some cereal?" He pleaded.

"Magic word?" I asked.

"Potatos!" He laughed.

"Na-uh. C'mon!" I smiled.

"Please?" He asked.

"Good enough for me." I went ahead and made it.

"Thanks." he smiled and ate at the table.

I made myself some toast as Kat came down the stairs.

She looked a lot better. Her hair was straight and brushed, she wore a floral dress with white converse.

We were practically different in every way.

She was blonde with straight hair, while I had mine brown and wavy. I had blue eyes, and she had brown, she likes dresses, while I hate them. She was tall for her age and I was just normal, so we were about the same height, and we were both thin.

Oh, and she was into the hot trend of One Direction. She is obsessed with the band, all the way.

She has posters and photos all over her walls, with 1D merchandise everywhere, and she's in love with Harry Styles.

I don't love them, I don't hate them. I just don't mind them.

And while she loves Harry Styles, I prefer the blonde one.

What's his name...?

Niall Horan.

He just looks so cute and sweet.

I only know this because she keeps showing me loads videos of them. I blame her for all the knowledge I know about them.

She tries to get me to like them but I'm just to busy with school.

Or I just don't want to waste my time with a boyband that I'll never come in contact with.

"Hey, Hazel, do you think you could make some for me?"

"Umm... As much as I'd love to make you toast..." I said sarcastically and checked the time, "I need to go." I started to walk away.

"Aren't you gonna wait for me?"

"If your ready. Are you?" I asked.

She grabbed an apple and nodded, so I gave her a thumbs up.

"Be good, Tommy." I said and started to walk out the door when my mum came in.

"Leaving now, Hazel?" She said as she started to make her coffee.


"Okay, I'll see ya after school."

"Bye, mum." I heard my sister say as I waved and we both left the house.


As me and my sister parted ways when got to school, I saw her walk off to her group of friends.

And I walked off to, well, nowhere in particular.

I still had 10 minutes spare until class started, so I just started to walk around the high school.

I had headphones in and was listening to Change Your Life by little Mix. My personal favourite band at the moment.

I was thinking about my sisters birthday. It was tomorrow, on Saturday.

I had completely forgotten- and I didn't even have a gift yet. Kat was going to turn sixteen... wow. Sixteen. Maybe I should get her the perfect present. But what? Maybe I could... I don't know... Give her something to do with One Direction.

But what? I'll have to think about it and buy something after school.

Then I started thinking how my sister had more friends than me.

I know, I know, older siblings normally have more friends than a younger sibling, but I'm just shy, and people don't even like me.

I mean, I get bullied by these popular girls. They're always bugging me.

Jessica is the leader of the group of five girls and she always says a lot of rude things to me like; "Your so fat" and "Ew. Gross" Or "You ugly bitch".

I pretend to my mum that it doesn't bother me and I ignore it, but it actually hurts me mentally.

I think about it all the time. My mum says I'm beautiful and shouldn't listen to them, but when I look in the mirror, I wonder if the girls are right. I mean, I thought I was skinny, but... I don't know what I am anymore.

I know I'm not a bitch, because I don't even say enough words to people to assume that I am.

I don't have any friends, just to clear that up.

I do have the odd person I talk to, but we're not close. We only talk about school work and not much else.

Finally I heard the bell ring as I walked to class.

Authors note:

I know it sucks, but it gets better!

One Direction comes in at CHAPTER 2.

But do please read all, until then, so it makes sense for you...

Anyways... Please vote/comment, and do keep reading! :D

~ Hamashma

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