The Bad Boy with the Black Bo...

By kim2495

94.2K 875 233

Scarlett is a good girl and has great grades; she works with her best friend in her mother’s catering busines... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty One.

592 17 8
By kim2495

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's a little shorter from the most recent ones so i do apologise for that but hopefully the next chapter will be longer :) 


Chapter Twenty One. 

At first I didn’t have any clue on how to find out what Will was up to…but then it came to me! I needed to speak to Iz and see if she would tell me. Now I knew that was going to be hard but I thought I could do it.

I dragged Aria shopping with me, well I only dragged her because we weren’t actually going shopping and she wanted to go shopping. There was a sale on at Paula’s shoe boutique and I knew she’d be there. What girl doesn’t like shoes? We walked to Paula’s boutique and stood outside, I peeped in through the window and spotted her; weird thing was she wasn’t alone. Standing next her was Will, they’re obviously got closer.

“Scar?” I heard a male voice say.

“Cooper?” I turned to see him standing there looking down at me.

“What are you doing here?” he said.

“Shoe shop…what do you think Cooper?” Aria said crossing her arms.

“Oh yeah, of course” he laughed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Will asked me to meet him here, oh there he is!” he opened the door to the shop and Aria and I followed him in.

Why had Will asked Cooper to meet him, if he was asking him to help him with his drug plan, there was no way I’d let him! Will took Cooper out of the shop; I turned to speak to Aria she wasn’t there. She was over by the killer heels. I shouted to her across the shop, a few people turned but I didn’t care, once I’d got her attention I flicked my eyes to the door as a signal for her to go watch them. I then made my way to Iz.

“Hey” I said standing next to her.

“What do you want?” she said bluntly.

“Uh, nothing” I said picking up a random shoe.

“It’s obvious you want something otherwise you wouldn’t have spoken to me, now tell me what you want before I get angry!” she turned to face me and gave me evil glares.

“I was uh just wondering what Will is saying to Cooper?” I said avoiding her gaze.

“Oh yes, your little boyfriend. He just wanted to find out some information of him, I have no idea what…he wouldn’t tell me, can you go away now?” she said shooing me with her hands.

“Uh sure” I walked away and went over to Aria, who’d moved from watching the boys and was purchasing a new pair of heels. “Aria!” I said right behind her, she jumped a mile.

“I’m sorry, they were calling out to me, look at them they’re so pretty!” she said showing me her shoes. Okay they were nice but we were on a mission! Cooper then walked back in the shop slowly followed by Will, he walked over to me while Will walked back to Iz.

“Hey, can we talk?” he said avoiding eye contact.

“Uh sure, Aria I’ll be back” I said leaving Aria with her shoes and followed Cooper out the door, we walked to a small coffee shop round the corner. We both ordered smoothies and sat down.

“I really don’t like asking you this Scar but I feel I need to” Cooper paused, “Are you still in love with Will?” I almost choked on my drink, I cleared my throat.

“No what makes you think that? I was never in love with him anyway!” I said defensively.

“Uh it doesn’t matter, oh okay” he looked down and took a sip of his drink. I’d had enough!

“Has Will said anything to you?!” I glared at him until he finally looked up at me. He paused for a good five minutes.

“What if he has? Does that make a difference?” he played with his drink as he spoke.

“Yes! He could be lying!” I said rather loud, but no one really noticed.

“Okay then, so you didn’t take drugs or lie?” he said glaring straight into my eyes.

“I didn’t lie, but I did take drugs on accident! I thought they were sweets” I said looking away.

“Why didn’t you tell me any of this? Why didn’t you tell me you used to go out with one of my mates? Why did you keep it all a secret?” he said hurt.

“I don’t know”

“I think it’s time I left” he got up.

“Where are you going?” I said getting up with him.

“For a walk, to clear my head, on my own” he grabbed his coat and left me in the shop all on my own. Why would Will tell him all that? Enough’s enough! I grabbed my phone and rung him.

“Scar?” he answered.

“Meet me at the fountain in the middle of town now, please” I said.

“Okay” he said before hanging up. I walked to the fountain and waited a few minutes, he finally turned up. I walked up to him.

“Why are you telling Cooper all of my past? Are you trying to ruin us?” I said pushing him.

“Guess it’s working then” he smirked.

“Why are you doing this?” I almost screamed.

“I want you back Scar…” he looked past me.

“And you think this is the way to go?” my brain was now splattered all over the wall, I had no idea what to think and I don’t think he even knew what he was thinking!

“Seems to be working…” he smiled and grabbed my hand, I pulled it away quickly.

“It’s not working! Leave me alone!”

“Yes it is, who are you with now? Me and I don’t think you want that Scar, you want me around. I caught you looking at me through the window earlier” he smiled to himself as if he’d won.

“I’m leaving, and I really don’t I’d be happier with you out of my life!” I turned to walk away; he grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him.

“Run back to your boyfriend, but I know you’ll come running back to me soon” he laughed and walked off. What is with him! I walked back to the shoe shop to find Aria; I couldn’t handle boys at the moment, I needed to talk to Aria before doing anything else.


So what does everyone think? Please comment, i love to hear your opinions :)! 

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