Negatively Charged.

By BritishKissXx

363 5 5

When Daisy and Harry meet, will their worlds collide to form a bigger and better world, or will both of their... More

Negatively Charged.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4.
Hey guys!
Chapter 5.

Chapter 3.

35 1 2
By BritishKissXx

I woke up the next morning and did my usual routine that consisted of taking a shower, getting dressed, and doing my hair and make up. I lightly curled my hair today and put in a headband. I looked down at my outfit. I had chosen a Starwars tshirt and high waisted shorts. I grabbed my high top converse and slipped them off before walking out the door with my purse in my hand. I walked to the car and it came to life. I went to school and got to the classroom early. I decided to pull out Looking For Alaska. I started reading about Strawberry Hill (a wine they drink in the book) and lit cigarrettes. I've valways wondered what Strawberry Hill tasted like. Strawberries, I would hope. But, I wonder if it's as good as they make it out to be. I was interupted by a light cough. I looked up at the person making the noise.

"Hello, Daisy." this girl with bleach blonde hair said to me. I didn't know who she was, but by the looks of it, she knew me.

"Uhmmm hello?" I asked and she smirked to herself before sitting next to me. I noticed the way her makeup was darkly placed around her eyes and how her eyes almost glowed because of it. She looked at me up and down and laughed a little.

"Why the hell would he be interested in you? You're definitely different from the others." she said while taking out her nail polish and fixing the chipped nails.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked while putting my book away and back into my bag.

"Harry, of course. He asked us all if we knew you. And I said no, but I then did my research on you. Straight A's with an occasional B+, perfect attendance, and you read the same book over and over again... You are not Harry's normal project." she says while looking at me in the eyes.

"How do you know all of that?" I asked her while biting the inside of my cheek.

"Lets just say, I'm good with computers. And the book looks like it's going to tear in half any second now. I suggest you get a new copy."

"What did you mean when you said 'project?'" I asked her and she stifled a laugh.

"You must not know much about Harry. When Harry finds a girl that he is... attracted to or whatever the hell goes on in that boys mind, he always gets the girl. Always. He is a bad man, Daisy. And although I don't know you very well, I'm here to warn you. He has done some very bad things in the past, and he may sweet talk you into thinking he's a great guy and all, but trust me... He's not. But I gotta go. I'll meet you at Panera before you go to work. Catcha later." she got up and ran out of the classroom. I sat there completely flabbergasted. How did she know all of that stuff!? She practically memorized my entire schedule! I'm a bit creeped out by this girl, but I feel like she knows Harry a lot better than I do, so why not trust her?

I kept wanting to take the hands of time and pushing them forward to 1 oclock, so I could ask her all of my questions. The day dragged on and I was practically ripping the hair out of my head in frustration. I kept looking up at the clock in the front of the classroom and even though it felt like it had been twenty minutes since the last time I checked it, it had only been about 3 or 4. I finally made it to my last class and she ended up letting us out early.

I threw all of my books back into my backpack and practically ran out of the classroom. I went to the parking lot and threw all of my things into the passengers seat. I sped out of campus and made my way to Panera. I parked my car and grabbed my purse. I got out of the car and made my way inside. I ordered my food and looked around for her blonde hair.

"Boo." she said right in my ear making me jump and gasp. The giggled to herself before linking arms with me. I noticed that she was a bit shorter than me. She grabbed my food from the man at the counter and brought me to a booth in the back.

"Okay. Go ahead and ask me whatever you want." she said while placing my food in front of me and resiting her elbows on the table and putting her chin to her fists.

"Okay. First off, how did you know I come here after school?" I asked her and she smiled to herself.

"Harry and I talked the night of the party and he told me about you. So then, when I got home I looked you up and saw you went to the same UNI as Niall. So, I found pictures of you on Sydneys facebook and I printed them out. I know your friend Tom and so when they called you yesterday, that was to show me who you were. So, I then waited in the parking lot all day until classes were over. I then followed you here and to work. How was Harry yesterday?" she asked while grabbing my drink and taking a sip.

"Oh my god... You make it sound so simple!" I said while laughing and taking another bite.

"To be honest, it was!" she said while laughing.

"Okay. Why am I not one of Harry's regular choices?" I asked while taking another bite.

"Have you seen him? He is covered in tattoos and he usually goes for girls like me. Girls with different colored hair and dark makeup. You're so... normal." she said while crinkling her nose. I giggled a little bit and took a sip of my drink.

"You also dont drink do you?" she asked while playing with her purple lip ring.

"No, I dont." I said while pushing my bowl to the side and looking straight at her.

"Yeah, Harry told me that." she said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Lacey. But, call me Lace." she said with a smile.

"Okay. It's very nice to meet you, Lace." I said and then our conversation sorta died down.

"Oh! Expect Harry to be at work when you get there." she said before getting up and brushing off her pants. I started looking through my bag.

"Okay, but how will I talk to you again?" I asked while looking up and seeing she was already gone. I sighed, but when I looked down I saw she wrote her number on one of my napkins. I laughed at how slick she is. I stood up and brought my bowl back. I wlaked out of there and got into my car. I started driving and pulled into the back. I clocked in and put my purse on the hook. I felt my phone buzz, and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Hey Daisy... I just wanted to let you know that I won't be making it into work for the rest of the week. I came down with a really bad stomach bug while I was visiting my parents and I'm still not over it. Don't have to much fun without me ;) -Flynn

Oh darn... We got a new shipping in today and I was hoping to go through all the good ones with you and listen to them :/ oh wellll... Feel better and I'll see you next week! :) -Daisy

I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket. I remembered what Lace had said about how Harry should be stopping in today. I looked out of the office and saw that no one was in there. I grabbed my book and walked into the store. I didn't feel like putting anymore records up today, especially alone. I went and sat up in the front in the comfy spinny chair. I can remember going to furniture stores with my parents when I was little. We would all go and spin in the chairs until a manager asked us to stop. I had always asked my mom why they did that. She just told me that sometimes there are rules that you can push to the limit but once you do, you get in trouble.

I started reading again and got to the part with the "motherfucking fox." I always laugh at that part. I can imagine them running at night dressed in all black with fire crackers in their hands. They're so adventurous that it makes me somewhat jealous. I've always ahd a schedule; a sructure of some sort. I heard the bell ring and I barely looked up from my book to see Harry staring down at me. I looked back down at my book and continued to read.

"Well, hello to you too, Daisy." he said with somewhat of an attitude.

"I'm looking for more records." he said while rocking on his heals.

"Why can't you just go and choose some other girl. Why can't you just leave me alone." I said while closing my book, setting it on the counter, and pacing to the back of the store. All of a sudden, he put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around.

"Because. You're just so... Intriguing." He said while taking a couple steps forward making me walk backwards until my back touched the wall. He put his hands on the wall, blocking me from getting out. I kept my eyes on his as he looked down at me.

"Like the way you look at me with a mixture of annoyance and intimidation." He said while towering over me.

"And your love for vinyl And books. It's strange. And different." He said while leaning in to whisper the last part in my ear. Goosebumps rose on my neck.

"Or how you get goosebumps from small gestures of affection." He said while taking a finger and running up my arm like he did the first night I met him.

"I just want a chance to be your friend. Nothing more.... Yet." He said with a small smirk on his lips.

"And what happens when I say no." I said with annoyance.

"That's not an option, babe."

"Don't call me that." I said while staring into his eyes with anger starting to boil up inside of me.

"Okay, I won't. I just want to be your friend, Daisy. We've got more in common than you know." He said while taking his arms off the wall and walking away from me.

"Like what? Name something other than having a collection of vinyl records?" I said while pacing back to the counter.

"Like how both of our parents are dead." He said behind me, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"How did you know that." I said in barely a whisper.

"Doesn't matter. But our parents died when we were both young. I was eight. How about you?" He asked while grabbing a pile of records and started putting them back in their spots.

"Uhhhh, I was seven. And you don't have to do that, you know." I said while sitting in the desk chair.

"It's called being helpful. Let's see what all we know about each other, shall we? I'll go first." He said.

"Your favorite book is the book that is on the counter in the front. Am I right?" He asked while peering his head around the shelf and smiling a little bit. I smirked and picked up the book. He was talking about Looking For Alaska.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked.

"It looks like it's been read a lot." He said.

"Okay, keep going. What else do you know?"

"Well, I know you're from America, you live with Sydney, you play guitar, you like quotes, and you prefer a big city." He said making me a bit confused on how he knew all this stuff.

"How do you know this stuff?" I asked again while standing up and smiling.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter. But you've got a pretty smile." He said while winking. A blush crept onto my face and I mentally smacked myself for it. I don't want him thinking he's winning at this stupid game he plays.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be surprised when I give you compliments because I'm probably gonna give you tons of em'. So what do you know about me?" He asked while grabbing another stack and putting them away. He was a lot quicker at that than I was.

"Well... You always get the girls and seem to never have a problem with it, you've done very bad things in the past, and you play with girls emotions like its a game." I said bluntly. He had been in the squatting position by the bottom shelf, but when he heard those things, he set the stack down. He looked up and I could see his back muscles rippling underneath his shirt. He stood straight up and didn't turn around. And when he did, his teeth were clenched and he was breathing heavily. I started to become afraid and I didn't exactly know what to do. What do you do when a guy starts getting angry like this?

"Who told you that." He snapped.

"Some friends of mine. Why do you care? If you cared about your reputation so much, you wouldn't exactly do that, now would you." I snapped back.

"Do you really think I care about my reputation? The only reason I'm pissed is because you know about me. I just want to be your friend and I was afraid that if you knew you wouldn't want that." He answered.

"Why are you so fixed on being my friend I asked while tilting my head.

"Cus we've got things in common and I like the idea of new friends. Especially innocent ones like you." He said while biting his lip and looking me up an down. I scoffed and walked away. I could hear that the record I had put in earlier had stopped and I went and changed it.

"Can I pick a record to play?" He asked while going through my collection and taking out my copy of the album Hot Fuss by The Killers. I shook my head and he put it in the record player. The song that started playing was called All The Things That I've Done. It was a great song and I found myself humming to it while walking away from him.

"How about this- I promise to never touch you in that kind of way without your permission. Deal?" He asked while holding out his hand for a handshake. I put mine out and shook his hand.


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