FlyErs: The Lift Off (Discont...

By Silenthilllz

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A tale of two brothers. One lost and the other a hardworking young adult in the land of Blackroot town. There... More

FlyErs: The Lift Off
Chapter 1: Daily Days

Chapter 2: News

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By Silenthilllz


Darkness takes the world in every day’s life. The darkness sucks your energy out of you leaving nothing but an empty shell.




Awaking in the real life




“Is he alright? What happened?”


“I told you a big unidentified Maput swooped down and knocked him out!”


Three or more people were in the room as a door opened to Ace’s hearing.


“The lad is alright, but that wound is very unique. Only one type of Maput could do that. I won’t go into detail, but the Bozi that saved him, he’s been badly injured.” A professional voice spoke.


Ace shifted as he sat up, groaning in pain. He put his hand on his neck, feeling a bruise. “Ow, where am I?”


“Ace! I was so worried about my future husband! How are you?” asked a high pitched voice of a woman.


‘Crap!’ Ace thought as he knew that voice anywhere. It was Maylee! “What does it look like?!” Ace growled.


Maylee was a skinny pale woman, age of 19, with black hair tied in pigtails. She had grey eyes and an annoying personality. She got struck with Cupid’s love arrow since she bumped into Ace when he was working. Might I say that Ace was currently shirtless when she bumped into him? Now, she has her eyes set on him and declares that Ace and Maylee are going to be married!


“It looks like you’re hurt.” She stated.


“Duh! Why are you here anyway?” Ace asked, opening his eyes.


“Once I heard the new, I had to see if my husband was alright!” Maylee answered, hugging Ace despite his protests.


“Oi! I’m not your husband! I’m not even dating you, and I will never consider it even if I was chosen as the next ruler of Aurora! So BACK OFF!” Ace threatened, trying to pry the jaws of death offa him! He was already sore!


“Hey, Maylee, give Ace some space. He’s had a rough time since his incident.” Marco spoke gently to her.


“No! Acey-kun is mine, and you’re just jealous since I’m the one hugging him and you’re not!” Maylee replied, sticking her tongue out.


“What?! That has nothing to do with this?!” Marco spat out flustered.


“Uh-Huh! You hate me cuz I’m marrying him and you’re not!” Maylee retorted.


“Heck no! I’m a guy and he’s a guy as well! That’s so totally wrong on so many levels! I’m straight!” Marco growled at Maylee. She crossed the line today and now Marco was going to blow a fuse.


“Yeah right! Tell me the last time you’ve gone on a date with a girl?” Maylee sneered, crossing her arms.


“A week ago!” Marco yelled.


“What was her name?”


“Anna. Anna Luna!”






“Hair color?”


“Strawberry blonde!”


“Eye color?”


“Oceanic blue that reflects small yellow orbs of sunlight every time the moon or sun lights it.” Marco answered, smirking.


“Hmmm…. Fine. As of today, you’re not gay. But in my book, you’re still gay.” Maylee stated, getting ready to hug Ace again.


Ace flinched in pain when something hugged him.


A yelped emerged from Maylee’s lips as she stepped back.


Ace looked to see Mera on his lap, snarling fiercely at Maylee. “Mera?!”


Mera’s body was bandaged up and some blood was seeping through! He was banged up from who knows what! But, he still lumbered on as if nothing happened to him. He was so loyal.


“What is that?!” Maylee yelled, holding her injured arm. It was not bleeding, but she wanted to get it into trouble.


“It’s a volcano Bozi.” Answered Makuto as he made his way in. he was talking with the doctor. Something flickered in his eyes, making Ace shudder.


“A what? It bit me!” Maylee yelled. She glared at the mutt in scorn. It stole Ace-kun away from her!


“They’re domestic dogs. Actually, Volcano Bozis are rare, and so how Ace was able to adopt one beats me.” Marco shrugged his shoulders.


Mera snarled at Maylee. If he had to battle again, he would. Ace was his ally. Mera was about to bark when he felt a calloused, yet gentle hand pet his fur. He closed his eyes.


“That’s a good boy. Now, how long has it been since I was out?” Ace asked, still petting Mera. Ace was thankful for someone finally giving Maylee what she deserved!


“Um… for about 2 weeks.” Marco stated.


“Two weeks?!” Ace yelled. This caused Mera to jerk up. “Woah, sorry Mera.”


“Yeah, for some reason the press showed up and started investigating the scene. They said the same thing happened to a kid in Azule Town. Yet, the lad vanished after he was released from the hospital.” Makuto responded after forcing Maylee out. He looked troubled the moment he came back from the doctor’s room.


“A kid? What happened before he was attacked?” Ace asked.


“He was training for something. Oh! He was training with his Kumos.” Marco remembered.


“Kumos?!” Ace asked, more like yelled. He was interested in how the heck a kid could get something that rare as his partner!


Mera lifted his head up.




“Yeah, Kumos. Odd, Kumos don’t let people become their owners unless the person beats them fair and square.” Makuto pondered the thought of a young kid beating an adult Kumos fair and square.


“Must be a pretty strong lad.” Ace said, as he stopped petting Mera.


“So, the press…. Are they still here?”


“No. They left after Mera burnt the head reporter’s butt.” Marco snickered.


“Good Boy!” Ace chuckled, ruffling Mera’s fur.


Mera barked. He wagged his tail happily.


“Ace, I want to talk with you alone.” Makuto sternly said.


Marco left the room sensing a tension between the two, as he maneuvered his way out as he forced Maylee out. He didn’t answer the questions she asked; he simply ignored it. “MAYLEE SHUT THE HECK UP! GO AWAY! KEEP AWAY FROM THE ELDERLY OLD COUPLE NOW!” He shouted from the other side of the door.


There was a large CRASH and screaming occurred before a CLUNK silenced the area.


“Uh… Marco? Are you alive?” Ace asked.


“Yeah… Don’t worry about Maylee. She’s fine. Just knocked out. I’m lock her in the down town nurse’s office and lock her up nice.” Marco replied. His foots steps faded into the halls.




“So, what’s up?” Ace asked casually. He looked at his right arm to see a large cut. He flinched when Mera’s tail lightly grazed it.


“Ace, the doctor said that the animal that attacked you was a ‘Raptros’.” Makuto sternly said, gripping his chair.


“You’re kidding right? Those are extinct!” Ace laughed off the answer as his fingers clenched his bed sheets.


“Ace, a Raptros is trying to kill you!” Makuto growled, walking up to Ace Spitfire. He was fuming with an unknown emotion.


“Makuto! They’re extinct!”


“Ace. I saw it.” Makuto sighed before roughly grabbing Ace’s collar and pulling him up. Face to face. “Ace listen to me. They’re sizing you up! They want to kidnap you like they did to that….” Makuto couldn’t even finish the darn sentence.


Ace was confused about the certain bringing up of the child until he realized it. “Did he?”


“The child was assumed to be taken for food.”


“How?! Did he have any relatives?”


“Ace, I didn’t wanna tell you this but… that kid was….” Makuto began as he loosened his grip on Ace’s collar.


Mera whimpered. He began to shake.


“Mera! What’s wrong with him?!” Ace yelped, ripping out of Makuto’s grip. Ace was worried about his buddy. Dude! He saved Ace’s butt! He looked at Mera.


“Mera?!” Makuto worriedly yelled. ‘Nice distraction’ He sighed.


Mera’s body shook with pain as he convulsed. He heard his master shout out his name, but another as well.




“Get…. Help!”


“Don’t die on me!”


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