His Baby ~ j.g

By KinkyJB

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'You're going to fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever. So think of it th... More

Chapter 1 - The start
Chapter 2 - hidden relationships
Chapter 3 - problem
Chapter 4 - The locket
Chapter 5 - Getting along
Chapter 6 - Break ups
Chapter 7 - This weekend
Chapter 8 - Apologies to kisses
Chapter 9 - sister justin time
Chapter 10 - mistake
Chapter 11 - parties
Chapter 12 - the day before
Chapter 13 - birthday
Chapter 14 - Sam I Am
Chapter 15 - together
Chapter 16 - no school
Chapter 17 - Broken
Chapter 18 - ready
Chapter 19 - nothing but love
Chapter 20 - bad influence
Chapter 21 - stuck in between
Chapter 22 - alone
Chapter 23 - us
Chapter 24 - gifts
Chapter 25 - just frieands
Chapter 26 - kaitlin
Chapter 27 - moving
Chapter 28 - right & wrong
Chaper 29 - taken
Chapter 30 - thoughts
Chapter 31 - happy moments
Chapter 32 - sorrow
Chapter 33 - decorating
Chapter 34 - where she is
Chapter 35 - couldn't find her
Chapter 36 - little secret
Chapter 38 - away for a while
Chapter 39 - Reunited
Chapter 40 - seeing him again
Chapter 41 - wrong turn
Chapter 42 - leaving
Chapter 43 - alone
Chapter 44 - Talking it out
Chapter 45 - another one
Chapter 46 - leaving? Again?
Chapter 47 - forgiving once again
Chapter 48 - His proposal
Chaper 49 - Telling things
Chapter 50 - Going Away

Chapter 37 - seeing the family

181 7 0
By KinkyJB

*two weeks later*

"Jack?" I called from the living room couch


"Can we go see my mom and bubba, I miss them?" I pouted, holding Michael on my arm as he ate.

"Uhm-" I cut him short

"Please, no one will be mad at you I promise" I told him

"Fine...get ready" Jack sighed

I cheered, carefully standing up and walking upstairs. I placed Michael down in the bed, turning to my closet to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt with my grey vans. Pulling my hair up into a big curly ponytail, I picked up Michael and carried his to his room. I looked through his cubby drawer for something to put on him. I found a light blue onesie that said 'mommy knows best'.

I picked him up again and carried him downstairs and placed him into his carrier.

"Jack we're ready" I told him

He nodded, picking up Michael's carrier. We walked out the door and over to the car. I got in, as Justin put Mikey in the back seat then hot in on his side. Jack pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street.

I listened to Michael make spit noises then laugh after, causing me to smile.

"He has your laugh" Jack chuckled "and your eyes"

"Jack, stop it" I giggled

We pulled up into the driveway of my parents house. I got out, waiting for Jack to grab Michael. "Cameron I don't think this is a good idea" Jack whispered

"I know, but I can't ignore my family. I'm just telling them you're helping me out, okay?" Jack nodded his head

I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Once the door swung open, it revealed my mom. Her eyes grew wide as she engulfed me in a big hug.

"Oh my god Cameron you're back. I missed you so much. What happened?" She looked behind me seeing Jack holding Mikey.

"I didn't know how to tell you, so I just...you know, left" I told her

"Jack's the daddy?" She asked

"Please don't tell anyone, cause they think he kidnapped me" I whispered

My mom wrapped her arms around me again smiling when she pulled back. "Can I see him?" Mom asked

I smiled, taking Mikey from his carrier and handing him to my mom.

"He's beautiful" she cooed, stroking his hair back

"His names Michael" I smiled, leaning back on Jack "where's John?" I asked

"He's at work, but he should be home in an hour or two" she told me

I looked down but knowing what to do. Jack took me hand in his, I looked up and smiled at him.


Jack and I talked while my mom played with Mikey when John walked into the house. I got up and hurried to hug him "Cameron? Oh my god, what happened?" He asked hugging me back

"I'll explain later, can you call bubba and see if he'll come over?" I asked him

John quickly took out his phone calling his son. I stood there watching as he talked to him.

"Jack, guess who's here.....Cameron. Yes, get here now" John hung up "he's on his way now it shouldn't take him long"

I smiled taking a seat next to Jack again. He placed his hand on my thigh giving it a light squeeze. I took his hand in mine, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I love you" I mouthed

A smiled appeared on his lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Bubba walked through the door, looking for me I guess. I stood up and ran into his embrace.

"Cam, I am so glad you're okay. I missed you so much" he mumbled holding me tight

"I missed you too"

"What happened, where'd you go?" He asked me

I pulled him into the kitchen, making sure no one was listening.

"So I was dating Justin at the time and the night before.....we kinda had sex. Then the next day he was so mad at me and I didn't know why, that day I found out I was pregnant..." I lied, I can't let him know the truth

"What happened then?" Bubba asked

"I didn't think Justin would want a baby at such a young age, so I left without saying a word to anyone"
I looked down

"Where'd you go?"

"I went to Jack's. He helped me through the whole thing. I named my baby Michael" I smiled

Bubba wrapped his arms around me once again "I'm just glad you're okay"

We walked back out into the living room, bubba smiled at Jack patting his back. "Thank you"

Jack looked over at me, I just smiled at him.


The day was coming to an end and we need to get home. "Mom, we're going to head home" I told her pointing at the door

"Okay, I love you, be careful" she smiled

"I love you too mom, we will" I picked up Mikey and put him in his carrier.

Jack and I walked out to his car, I buckled Mikey in, then got in on my side. Jack started the car and backed out of the driveway.

"Hailey and my mom are the only people who know the truth" I told Jack

"I'm still not sure, what if ur mom tells John, then what?" Jack glanced at me

"Nothing is going to happen to you Jack" I spoke

"What if they take you away from me?" He asked me

"Jack you're being rediculous"

"How am I being rediculous?" Anger hinting in his voice

"Because nothing is going to happen to you me or Mikey!" I exclaimed

"How do you know for sure, you may think you can trust someone people, but you really can't"

"What are you trying to say?? I can't trust my own best friend?" I asked

He stayed silent "I can't fucking believe you" I mumbled

Jack pulled up into his driveway, I got out grabbing Mikey from the back seat and going into the house. I carried him to his room, changing him out of his clothes and putting him on some night clothes. I took a seat in the rocking chair and began breast feeding him. His eyes started to close and his sucking slowed. Once he fell completely asleep he let go with a pop. I stood up and laid him in his crib, turning off the light and leaving.

I'd seen Jack sitting in our room as I walked past. Walking downstairs, I sat on the couch in the living room. I was so aggravated with Jack at the moment.

"Fuck!" I groaned

"Are you coming to bed?" Jack startled me

"No" I bluntly stated

He took a seat next to me "I'm sorry Cameron, I just don't want anything to happen"

"What's going to happen Jack? That's what I want to know. I didn't even tell my mom everything that happened, Hailey won't remember, and bubba thinks that Mikey is Justin's. I've been lying to everyone so that you and I can stay together!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Cam-" "I don't want to hear it Jack" I interrupted

"Why are you being so fucking stubborn? I know you've been lying to everyone, but if it's such a big deal, I'll go tell everyone the truth" Jack stood up and began towards the stairs

My eyes widened "why would you do that to yourself?" I asked

"Because apparently, I'm in the wrong. It's my fault you have to lie to your friends and family, so why don't I just clear your conscious and let everyone know the truth" Jack put on his clothes along with his jacket and his shoes

He walked downstairs grabbing his keys "Jack no!" I tried grabbing his hand but he yanked from me

"I don't deserve you Cameron!" He yelled walking out the door.

I hit the wall as tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably. Why would he do this to me, he knows I love him and he does this. Why?


See there sometimes pressure can get to people.

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