My Sexy And Possessive Alpha...

By Possess_Me

892K 16.2K 1.3K

Brooklyn Is A Teenage Girl That Has Been Abused By Her Father.She couldn't take anymore of the beatings so sh... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

33.8K 1K 78
By Possess_Me




 Edited It The Best I Could :/

Brooklyn POV

My eyes Slowly flipped open to a dim room.I tried speaking but my throat was dry and raspy.I looked to my right and saw John.He had a five o'clock shadow along with dark purple bags underneath his eyes.His clothes were dirty,like he hadn't took a shower in days.

I lifted my half dead hand and touched his leg to wake him up.He didn't budge so i sighed and put my hand back underneath the cover to warmness.

"John" i bearely whispered.

He jumped up from his seat and looked around the room.

'Down Here Idiot" i said sarcastically.

It's funny how i just woke up and im already being sarcastic,I scolded myself.

He turned and looked at me like I wasn't really there,like I was his imagination.He got down on his knees and looked me staright in the eyes.

"I missed you so much" he said lightly tracing lines on my face.

He was about to kiss me when i pushed him away.

"You Smell Like shit! Go Take a shower!" I yelled at him.

He growled at me.He was about to say somethig but i cut him off.

Do it or I'll never kiss you again with a smirk on my face.

He was about to say something but stoped himself "Fine" he growled walking out of the room like a toddler.

I stilll felt sore from the incident at my fathers house.I Mean what kind of father can do that to there own flesh and blood.He still can't get over his mate's death,I love my mom and miss her dearly but she's in the past.I turned to my side a started crying from the pain and memories.

I felt the bed dip and two pairs of arms wrap around me.I turned around and saw it was my bestfriend Nikki.

"Brooklyn,why did you run she whispered".

"H-he threatend me and the pack.He siad if I didn't come he will kill everybody one by one slowly.

I didn't get to finish because u was cut off my Nikk's rude laughing.She had tears coming out her eyes from laughing so hard.She feel off of the bed and landed on the hard cold floor.

"Ow!" she screached like a child.

"Karma on you" I said with a smirk on my face.

She stood back up and smoothed down her dress with her hands.

"Brooklyn Richards What The Hell Is Wrong with You!?" She yelled."This is the most powerful pack in the world nobody could touch us" she said getting on her knees.

"Your honestly stupid if you don't know that,i\I mean you shoud! It's you own pack-

I had tears in my eyes.

"Get Out!".

"Brooklyn i didn't mean to-"

"Get out" i said louder also in my Luna Voice.

I heard her whimper and bow her head in submission.She walked out of the room and closed the door behind.I suddenly felt hot and  threw the blankets off of me.I looked down and stared at my legs with wide eyes.I had finger prints and bruise marks going all the way up my legs and under my dress.

The tears that were in my eyes before had now fallen out.I got out of the hospital bed and tried to walk to the bathroom but failed.I fell to the ground as soon as I put my legs on the floor.The pain between my legs was unbearable.

I tried calling out for help but my voice would'nt come out.I couldn't call out for John because we havent mated yet.I had no chocie but to lay there on my side waiting for somebody to come.

I layed on the floor replaying the memories of when my mom was alive.Those were the happy moments of my life I thought to myself.

Everybody always said I looked like her when I smiled or laughed.

My happy train of thoughts were interupted when I heard loud voices outside.

"Alpha,i mean no disrespect but you should let her sleep!".

I heard something slam against the wall with a crashing voice.

"You will never keep me away from my mate! do you understand that?".

"Yes,Alpha i heard a submitting voice.

The door opened and i saw John standing there looking angry,but when he looked at me his face fell.

"What happend!?" he said rushing over to me putting me on his lap.

"I tried going to the bathroom to take a shower because I f-felt used" I said qiuetly.

"I failed to protect you he whispered".

"I'm your mate and your Alpha,I'm suppose to keep you away from danger,but i didn't".

"John,it's not your fault it's mine.I was the one who ran away instead of telling you".

"Now he's going to to come back with rogues".

He layed me back on the bed and the covers over me.I couldn't help but feel my heart drop becuase he wanted to hide the horrible sight of my legs.He rigidly walked across the room and sat down in the chair.He stared at me like he was debating something,and finally after probably 10 mintues of silence he choose to speak.

"I killed Him" he said coldly.

"K-k-killed who?" i said with a nervous feeling in my stomach.

He sighed and runned his hands through his hair with a worried look on his face.I could smell the fear coming off of him in waves.Whoever it was it must of been a bad choice.

He came up to me and got onto his knees.My faced scrunched up in confusion,why was he on the floor?.He took a deep and  stared at the ground.


"Your Dad".


This Was Just A Quick Update For You Guys :)

Song Of The Day Is...

Al Green-Let's Stay Together.

Don't Forget To Vote!


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