The Unfortunate Tale of how I...

By Jeshhy

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A next generation harry potter fan fiction. The story of twins Evan and Elliae Thumbleton as they journey tho... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

897 49 44
By Jeshhy

Dedicated to the one and only J.K. Rowling for the amazing feat that is Harry Potter.

DISCLAIMER: J.K. Rowling owns this amazing world and characters. I only own Evan and Elliae, and the other OCs to come in later chapters.


 I stared at the parchment with great intensity. My eyes were watering with the concentration. I was absolutely still, entirely focused on my goal.

“Move,” I whispered. My dry lips formed the word slowly as they continued to mouth the word, over and over.

“Move,” I repeated softly. The parchment didn’t so much a twitch.

“MOVE!” I yelled at the object. I punched my fist into the spongy surface of my duvet. It had worked yesterday. And then it had been a book, not to mention I wasn’t holding a wand. Now I couldn’t even get a lousy piece of parchment to fly two metres across the room.

A brown cap suddenly whipped into my face. I pushed it aside and looked up to see my twin sister, Elliae, grinning at my doorframe.

“How did you do that?” I demanded, gripping the cap in my fist.

She twirled her brand new elm wand around her fingers, “Just a little something I picked up.”

“From who?” I inquired, eyeing her new wand enviously. I’d gotten stuck with my dad’s old wand. It had been in the family for generations, passed on from father to son. It was a stupid tradition, and one I was not happy to be part of. Mum had tried to convince him that it ‘maybe wasn’t such a good idea,’ as ‘wands are unique to their master, and Evan should find the wand that is meant for him,’ but dad wouldn’t listen. He gets like that sometimes.  So now I had this crappy hundred year old wand with ‘history’ and she had a fancy brand new one. So not fair.

She smiled and pretended to inspect her nails. “Toby taught it to me,”

I groaned. Toby was the most arrogant, self-important kid I knew. He was the sort of person who thought that his opinion was automatically correct and anyone different from him was inferior. He also happened to be my sister’s best friend.

“Elle…” I protested.

She poked her tongue out at me. She knew how I felt about him, and also didn’t care.

I looked at the dirty brown cap in my hand and tossed it at her. “Where’d you get this thing anyway?”

“Found it,” she said, trying to say it as casually as she could. But I knew her too well.

“Where?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

She tugged at the bottom of her shirt. “Just…around.”

“Elle, you know what mum says about-“

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” She rolled her eyes. “But your not gonna tell her about it, are you Evan?” She looked at me expectantly.

“Well…” I sighed. See, my sister had this habit of collecting things she found. Dirty things. Lost things. Muggle things. She had this whole collection hidden in her room where our mother couldn’t get to them. I had no idea why she did it. It wasn’t that she needed the stuff, she just wanted it for some reason. It was definitely not a healthy habit, and one our parents were doing everything they could to break. Unfortunately, that wasn’t much.

“Evan please,” she pleaded. “Don’t tell mum.”

I bit my lip. I didn’t want to rat her out, but it was partly my responsibility to. She had to stop this, and the more my parents lectured her the more she’d realize it was wrong. Or so we hoped. But looking at her innocent, pleading face, I knew I couldn’t tell on her.

“Fine. But Elle, you gotta promise to stop this,” I told her.

“Yeah sure, whatever,” She replied as she walked away.

“You're welcome,” I muttered.

“Thank you!” I heard her call. 

Damn the girl had good hearing.


We arrived on the Hogwarts Express early, so there we had no trouble in finding an empty compartment. I patted the cushion of my seat happily as I swung my legs back and forth. Finally it was happening. Ever since I’d gotten my acceptance letter I could think of nothing but learning to do magic. Now, sitting on the train that I would travel on for the next 7 years, it was finally seeming real. It was really happening. I couldn’t wait till we got there.

Sitting across from me, Elliae looked like she definitely could wait. She looked as if she was going to throw up. I knew she was nervous about all those new people. She was never a fan of meeting new people, or change in general. Whilst I’m sure a part of her was excited about going to Hogwarts, it was overshadowed by her fear of having to try and make new friends.

“Cheer up Elle,” I smiled her. “Hogwarts! Think of all the cool spells we are gonna learn!”

She smiled at me halfheartedly and looked out the window.

The door slid open and revealed a boy and girl that looked to be around the same age and Elliae and I. The girl had curly ginger hair and very red lips that stood out in contrast to her pale skin. The boy had dark hair that fell into his bright green eyes, which were staring awkwardly at his feet.

The girl turned to the boy and nudged him. When he continued to stare at his feet, she rolled her eyes and smiled at us.

“Mind if we sit here?” She asked.

“No, not at all,” I answered her with a smile. I looked over at my sister and kicked her lightly in the shins. She smiled and nodded at them but said nothing.

“Great,” The girl said, sliding her suitcase into the overhead shelf. She turned to the boy who was doing the same on the other side.

“Albus, I going to go watch the train take off. Want to come?” She asked him.

“No thanks,” He told her, twisting the front of his fringe with his fingers.

“Okay, see you soon,” She smiled at us before she left.

I looked over at the boy and cleared my throat. “I’m Evan Thumbleton,” I told him. “That’s my sister Elliae.” I nodded at her.

“Albus Potter.” He said, raising his head and managing a smile. “Are you –“

The door suddenly flew open and a mob of dark hair poked through the door way.

“Oi, I forgot. Al, dad gave us some money for the cart. Here,” The boy belonging to the hair tossed a few coins at Albus. Then he turned to us.

“Names?” He asked bluntly.

“Evan and Elliae Thumbleton,” I answered him.

“Hmm. First years?”

I nodded.

The boy stared at us for a little while longer, poking his tongue into the inside of his cheek. At least half a minute passed of him just looking at us and us glancing awkwardly around the compartment. Then he pulled back and shut the door, disappearing as quickly as he had appeared.

“What a strange boy,” Elliae breathed, speaking for the first time since we got on the train.

“Sorry,” Albus apologised. “That was my brother, James. He can be-“

The door slid open for a third time and the boy reappeared

“Oh, I forgot to mention. Albus has a tendency to fart in his sleep, so I’d keep him awake if I were you.” He grinned at as before disappearing again.

“I do not!” Albus protested. “I don’t! He’s just lying, to try and make me look bad. But I don’t, I don’t!”

“Whoa, it’s okay, we believe you.” I assured him.

“Yeah, I know what it’s like to have annoying siblings,” Elliae said, looking at me pointedly.

“I don’t fart in my sleep,” Albus huffed.

We nodded and we're silent for a bit, as we all thought of what to say next. Making conversations with strangers was never my strong suit.

“But how would you know?” Elliae said suddenly. “Being asleep and all,”

I sent her a look that said ‘shut up’ and the train jugged to life.

“Finally,” She said, looking out the window to wave to our parents. Albus leaped up to the glass and peered through it. He let out a sigh of relief as he spotted his own family and waved to them enthusiastically. He too was sad to be leaving his parents behind, but excited at the prospect that lay before him. Our new life at Hogwarts was about to begin.


Well, there's the first chapter of my brand new fan fic. I'm having withdraw symptomes from the end of the franchise, and being the nerd that I am this was the only solution. 

Now, this is just a side project of mine, so there won't be very frequent updates. My main focus is my original story, Blood, so if your a fan of that don't worry, I'm certainly not abandoning it. Speaking of which, the next chapter will be up very soon I promise! 

So yeah, I'm just writing this when I get a spare moment from Blood, or just need my fill of hp. The next chapter should come in about a week, after that, I'm not really sure. But enjoy it regardless! Vote, Comment, Fan etc.

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