Love Lost

By MzKnowitAll

24.2K 1K 114

Caroline was there in 1922 when Klaus and Rebekah met Stefan. She fell in love with Klaus and he with her. Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

764 41 2
By MzKnowitAll

AN: The POV changes a few times in this chapter. Hopefully no one gets confused. Enjoy, vote, comment.

Caroline POV


Even though I knew we had a plan, I was still terrified. I mean, who wouldn't be? I looked over at Tanisha, "Are you sure this will work?" She sighed, "Yes Caroline, I'm sure it will work." I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. My head was killing me, my memories coming back left me with a serious headache. "You do love him don't you? Or am I just wasting my time here?"

My head snapped up and I rushed at her, slamming her against the wall with my hand around her throat. She looked at me, shock and fear clear in her eyes. When I realized what I had done I quickly pulled my hand away from her throat and stepped back, "I'm sorry. Are you okay? I'm so so sorry." She rubbed her throat and coughed. "Don't be. You love him, I understand."

I nodded and she spoke again, "But if you want to stop Mikael and my mother you need to work with me. If we don't work together one of you, maybe even both, will die. Mikael is determined to kill Klaus, but he'll want to kill you before he does that just to make Klaus suffer, and my mother is determined to kill you so she can have Klaus. It all comes down to who finds you first."

I nodded again, "Okay, so I just want to make sure I have this right. You want me to allow Mikael to come here and compel me then when he takes me to Nik you'll be following us, then just as he is about to kill me you swoop in and everything is right with the world?" She slowly nodded, "Yeah, basically."

I groaned aloud. "And how do you know Mikael will get here before your mother." She smirked, "I put a few obstacles in her path to make sure she doesn't get you before he does."

This was crazy, but it was for Nik. I'd do anything for him. "Okay, let's do this."

Tanisha POV
I was currently hiding behind a bush. Yes, a bush. Mikael hadn't come with Caroline yet and I was starting to get a little worried. He wouldn't kill her before he got to Klaus, would he?

My question was answered when Mikael suddenly appeared, from my position I could see the stake he was hiding behind his back. I waited and when he brought Caroline out I was just about to make my move. But as I walked toward them, my throat suddenly started to tighten. I clawed at my throat out of instinct, trying, and failing, to help myself.

"I'm sorry that it had to come to this, but he is the love of my life and I need him." I fell to the ground, clutching my throat, and looked up at my mother. Tears trailed down my face, my own mother was going to kill me. The pressure on my neck disappears, but I can't move.

She shook her head, "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. I couldn't kill my own child. I'm just going to put you to sleep so that you don't try and stop me." I try to think of a spell to get me out of this, I try to mumble the words, but whatever it is she did to me keeps me from doing so. "Don't fight it, don't fight me Tanisha. Your friend Maddox made that decision and things didn't work out well for him."

Pretty soon I couldn't fight anymore and my vision was blurring. I fell to my side and just as my eyes were closing I could see Mikael about to stab a stake through Caroline's heart.
I'm sorry Caroline.

Klaus POV

It all happened so fast. I was running towards them and then suddenly Mikael dropped the stake and fell to the ground while Caroline just stood there, confused about what just happened. Before I could even move toward her she was thrown across the field, landing on her side with a loud grunt. I ran over to her, kneeling down, "Are you okay sweetheart?" I asked, as I tried helping her up.

She nodded slowly, "What just happened?" Before I could say anything a woman walked out from behind the trees holding a heart in her hand. She dropped the heart next to Mikael's body. By looking at his eyes I could tell he was dead, she must have killed him. But why?

She smiled at me, but when her eyes moved toward Caroline she scowled. I stepped protectively in front of Caroline, "Who are you and what do you want witch?" Her being a witch is the only way she could have killed Mikael like she did. Her face turned toward me and she frowned, "You don't remember me?" Caroline stood up, holding onto my arm for support, "Why should he?"

The jealousy in her tone made me look over at her, and I was glad I did. When I looked into her eyes I saw it. I saw my Caroline. I smiled at her, a real smile, and I was so truly happy that I wanted to grab her face and kiss her. But I knew I couldn't, I had to dispose of this problem first. The fact that this witch was getting in the way of my reunion with Caroline already made me want her dead.

The witch smirked, "Why I am the love of Niklaus' life, just as he is mine." I only scoffed, "Tell me your business here witch." She took a step back, almost as if I'd slapped her. She then looked at Caroline, the amount of hatred in her eyes was indescribable, "This is your fault! All of this is your fault! My firstborn daughter is dead because of you and my other daughter hates me! Then the worst of all, Niklaus," she looked at me again, a broken smile on her face, "he thinks he loves you, but he doesn't. I will not allow you to take anything else away from me!"

Caroline growled, "Do not blame me because you cannot handle rejection. Tanisha hates you because you murdered her sister. Niklaus does not love you because you are a psychotic bitch that needs to be put down." I was a little shocked, but proud.

The witch screamed and her eyes turned black. She reached out her hand and Caroline's body gravitated towards her. She was choking, blood coming out of her mouth, eyes, and ears. "Stop!" I screamed, but she didn't. I jumped up and landed on the witch, knocking her down. Caroline's body fell to the floor, but all my focus was on the woman under me.

"Tell me you love me." she pleaded, tears in her eyes. I took my hand and slammed it into her chest, breaking flesh and bone. She screamed and I smirked. "I hate you with everything I have witch." I wrapped my hands around her beating heart and squeezed. I wanted her to die slowly, painfully. A few tears fell down her cheek, "I'll always love you. And it is because I love you that I must do this."

She raised her hand and mumbled some words, Caroline collapsed onto  the ground. I squeezed her heart tighter, "What did you do?" She smiled, "If I can't have you," her voice was weakening, "no one can." She grabbed my arm and yanked on it, pulling out her own heart. The shock of what she did held me in my place. Hearing Caroline's whimpers pulled me out of my trance and I dropped the dead witches heart before running over to her.

Her body was convulsing in pain and she was whimpering. "Please Nik, make it stop." she begged as she cried. I picked her up and ran to my house, not caring about all the dead bodies I'd be leaving behind for anyone to discover. I saw my car and for a split second considered using it, but it'd only slow me down. When I finally arrived at my house I ran upstairs, placing her on my bed, "You'll be okay sweetheart, I promise."

She began mumbling, "Say that again love, I can't understand you." She took a breath, "You have to-" she coughed, blood coming out of her mouth, "You have to go get Tanisha. She was-she was hiding in the trees." I shook my head, tears clouding my vision as I grabbed her hand, "I'm not leaving you." She squeezed my hand, "You ha-have to. She can h- help."

Rebekah and Elijah walked in, "We'll go." I looked over at them, unshed tears in my eyes. They nodded at me, "Hurry."
Caroline was getting worse by the second and they still weren't back with the witch yet. "Damn it!" I screamed, as I punched a wall, the force of my hit leaving a hole. "Nik." I heard Caroline call me. Her voice was so weak, it was killing me to see her like this. I rushed over to her and brushed her hair from her eyes, "It's okay sweetheart, I'm right here."

Her eyes were closed but she smiled, "I missed you. I didn't know because of the compulsion but something was always off."

I nodded, grabbing her hand and kissing it, "I missed you too, every second of every day."

She opened her eyes and her smile faded, "I'm sorry." I shook my head, "You have nothing to be sorry for." She nodded hers, "Yes I do. I-" she coughed again, "I wasn't strong enough. If I was stronger we wouldn't be in this situation. We never got our forever, and that's my fault."

She started coughing, blood came out. I grabbed a towel from the side table and wiped her mouth, "I made you a promise remember? I promised to take you away, show you the world."

She nodded, "Rome, Paris and Tokyo right?" I chuckled.

All of a sudden Tanisha stormed into the room, Rebekah and Elijah following her. She walked toward Caroline but I stepped in front of her. She looked at me, "Let me pass Klaus, I can save her." I looked over at Elijah and he nodded. "If she dies, you die." Is all I said before stepping aside. She walked over to Caroline, placed her hand on her forehead, and started mumbling some words.

I walked closer to them, making sure she wasn't harming Caroline. She suddenly stopped and stood up. Turning towards me she said, "I know what my mother did." She paused, "Well then tell me!" I screamed at her. She sighed, "Werewolf venom is running all throughout Caroline's body. It's everywhere, and it's killing her, slowly and painfully."

I exhaled in relief, "Then I can save her." I said as I whooshed myself next to her. Just as I bit into my wrist Tanisha grabbed my arm, I growled at her. She removed her hand from me, "It won't work." I turned my whole body toward her, "What do you mean it won't work? My blood is the only thing that can heal a werewolf bite." I said, trying to reign in my anger. She shook her head, "There's too much in her system. It won't be enough, it-"

I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the nearest wall. Her hands clawed at mine, but I only squeezed harder. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Let her go brother, do not do this in front of the ill Miss Forbes." I looked back and saw that Caroline was sleeping. At first glance you would think that she was dead by how pale she was and how her chest moved so slowly it was barely noticeable. But I could hear her breathing, she was still with me.

I released Tanisha's throat, "Tell me how I can save her." I demanded, gritting my teeth together. She shook her head again, "It's too dangerous-" I tightened my grip, "You will tell me. Tell me!" She looked defeated, "To save Caroline you have to die."

AN: They just can't seem to catch a break. Shame. Vote or comment.

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