Bullied by Harry Styles

By prettylouiss

220K 4.6K 1.4K

Will she get her Harry back? More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
Authors note..ugh
Authors note!! (SORRY)
I love you.
Last chapter
Sequel Information.
Chapter 1 (sequel)
Chapter 2 (sequel)
Chapter 3 (sequel)
Chapter 4 (sequel)
chapter 5 (sequel)
Thank you.

T h i r t e e n

6.3K 124 14
By prettylouiss

Haylee's p.o.v

I open my eyes. When I look around a jolt of fear gets to me. Just then flashbacks of last night come to me. I'm at Harry's house. As in Harry my bully! I was looking around my eyes still adjusting to the light.

When my eyes make its way to the other end of the bed Harry is lying next me. What the hell!? Doesn't count sexual harassment? He then stirs and looks up to me.

"Morning beautiful" he says in deep raspy voice.

"So now I'm beautiful? What happened to ugly slut? Or ugly bitch?" I snapped at him.

He sighs before opening his mouth to say something

"listen Haylee you were always beautiful, I was just being a; monster I want to make this all up to you I know it's going to take time but I don't care how long it takes as long as, you forgive me I won't be able to live without you forgiving me I'm willing to make you forgive me no matter how long it takes; I'm going to try and have our close friendship come back. All I need is your permission to make you forgive me. But knowing your stubborn self you will say no so I won't take no as an answer" he says all in one breath adding a smirk at the end of his long speech.

I roll my eyes at him.

"So do I get your permission?" He asked with hope in his eyes. Should I let him? But what I I regret it? Should I trust him already?
"Umm okay but small steps yeah? I'm still tiny bit scared" I said in normal voice. It is one of the few times I use my normal voice I'm always quiet.

" okay love all do what you say but the first step is; for you not to be afraid of me anymore okay?" He mentions

My cheeks flush at the mention of the word 'love'.

"And I know it's going to be difficult but I'm willing to try okay?" He continues

"Okay" I mumbled.

"Okay I'll pick you up at around 7:00pm today to go somewhere,let's start off as friends yeah?" He asked

"mean if that okay with you?" He asked nervously.

"Sure Harry" I said looking at him with confidence. The corner of his lips twitch.
"And if this isn't to quick can I have your number? I need it to text you" he asked nervousness and hope both clearly in his voice.

I just take out my phone and hand it to him. This time a smile grows on his lips. Then he hands me his phone. The coldness of the screen tickle my finger as I type in my number.

"Here" I said handing him his phone back.
"Well I best get going Harry I'll see you later" I said walking out his room.

"Wait Haylee" he said running down the stairs. "Yes?" I question "I have to drive you home remember I brought you" he informs me.

I mentally slap myself for being so stupid.
"Right" I mumbled. We walked out towards his car.

He got in and as if in cue the engine roars.

The car ride partly quiet just a little conversations Harry tried to make. As he made it to my drive way he got out on his side to walk me to the door. As we got there he leaned in for a hug before I stopped him. "Small steps Harry small steps"

I Remind him.

He nods before saying "i'll see you later Haylee I'll pick you up at 7 bye" he said waving at me without a word I wave back.

I walk into my house. As I walk in I see him. I miss him so much I feel tears forming in my eyes. Cameron is home. My older brother is home.

"CAM!" I scream while running towards him and attacking him in a hug. Tears rolling down my eyes.

"Hello cupcake I missed you" he said using the nickname he had for me when we were younger.

"Don't cry love" he said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He is the only one that knows about Harry bullying me. He always understood me that's why when he left I was the one that suffered the most. I fell into hard depression and never came out of my room. But eventually I made it out..

"I missed you so much Cam" I say with a warm tear running down my cheek.

"Me too love me too but we have to talk about you know" he says referring to Harry. I nod and we walk towards the kitchen table.

" okay I actually just came for Harry's house." I mention his eyes widen. "Let me explain please" I begged looking at him directly in his eyes.

"Go on" he says nodding his head.

"Okay recently we had a project and I had to go to his house. So I went he started punching me in the eye and it got bruised he send me to the bathroom but instead I ran out of his house here. I-i took out my blade and I cut" I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. "Let me see" he says I pull up my sleeve. And all I here is a gasp. "No comments please let me finish" I pleaded. With a sigh and a nod he agreed.

"Okay so I cut but the somehow he got in and came towards my room he kept on knocking then he threatened me to break down the door he was so angry, I was scared Cam. Then I opened the door and he rushed in and he held my wrist tightening his grip on them. He then noticed my scars and he asked why I did it. I got so pissed and I started yelling at him how couldn't he know why if he was the reason. Before I knew it he ran downstairs and I yelled 'rot in hell' I wasn't thinking Cam I was mad.

The next day at school he sat by me before class and he apologized I of course being stubborn I  said that couldn't fix anything. Just then a slutty whore walks in and insults me in front of everyone and I run out. I was so done Cameron I was down with everything. I ran to a building and I was on the roof.

That was it Cam I was going to kill myself and you know what's crazy I had a smile on my face. Then he came;harry. He took me in his arms and cried. Cam he clearly saved me I was a second away from ending my life. He then said something that got me mad and I ran away from him.

Later that night mom wanted Alison and I to meet her fiancé after about an hour or so they were here I heard the doorbell and I got up and answered it hoping it was you but it wasn't it was him;Harry he asked me to go with him to his house he said he would be nice and stuff so I agreed and left. We watched a film and I needed up falling asleep.

I woke up and he said he wanted to try and make me forgive him and we would take small steps." I inform him.

"Did you agree with him? Did you let him?" He raised his voice.

I nodded and he stood up and threw the stool he was sitting on.

P.s guyssss in some of the other chapters they don't start with a P.O.V sorry! I hope you don't mind!- k 6/16/16

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