Death Oracle

By KaranOlogy

252 2 1

King Tut died before the age of 18. Some say his advisers killed him,for power. Some say he had an infection... More

Suicide Art
Back to Earth

Answered Questions

33 0 0
By KaranOlogy

Chapter 2

“My name is Quillon Terramorre”,Quillon supplied, “Call me Quillon.” Tutankhamen’s mind swirled with questions. “ Where are we? Why am I here? What language am I speaking?”

Quillon looked impatient. He said,”Your questions will be answered in due order. For now, all you need to know is: You are a suicide artist.You have died before the age of 18, enabling this great honor. Before you begin your training, you must learn the true secrets of the afterlife. You are not on Earth anymore. You are on Orycul, land of the suicide artists. Tomorrow, your studies begin. Learn the secrets of Orycul and Thicyr. Then, your training begins. This training will take decades, but the time will pass quicker than you think.Then you will officially become a suicide artist. Your powers will be used for the good of Earth.Do not expect any badges or medals. The only reward you will get is guaranteed service. Anything you could ever want you can find here, if you know where to look. We will make the best of your afterlife.”

Quillon left the room, leaving Tutankhamen alone. So nothing I was ever told was true, he thought. All those fantasies of Anubis and Osiris and Ammit the Devourer after death, but all you actually got? Quillon Terramorre. And where are the riches? Unlimited Service? What does that even mean? Just then a short, pale skinned boy walked in. “I am your personal servant, sir”, He said in a small voice. Tutankhamen sensed that he had much more power over this young man. “State your name.” Tutankhamen said in an omnipotent voice. “O-Oliver” he whispered, “Who are you?” Tutankhamen replied, “Tutankhamen, Ruler of- never mind” Tut sighed, remembering his old life was destroyed. The boy cracked a smile. “Can I call you Tut?” Tutankhamen thought for a second. If all of his life was devoted to a false religion, his name meant nothing. “Tut sounds good”,he said, “Tut sounds very good.” Tut smiled.

The two boys talked for hours on end. Tut learned that the world was bigger than Egypt. Oliver told him of his homeland, France, and Tut shared his stories of Egypt.Oliver told him that they were speaking English, a language destined to become universal. Oliver explained to Tut that there was two places you could go after death: Thicyr and Orycul. Thicyr was a simple factory. You reached the place and they stamped with a number specifying who you would be born to. They would shackle you down so you couldn't escape, then you entered the Destroyer. The Destroyer was a machine that turned the souls of human being to a singular life source, with no power for itself, and no brain to think. They would then send the life source to their given destination, and a soul was reborn.

Orycul was much different. Here, only suicide artists, tech supporters, and servants stayed. Servants were those who had died too young to be suicide artists, but not old enough for Thicyr. Orycul provided everything to its dwellers.One thought, and anything you needed would appear before your eyes. Tut had already eaten two bowls of yogurt with this new power. Tut was happy with his new life.

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