You bump into George while Ch...

By listentothewords

350 8 0

You and your best friend are out Christmas Shopping when you bump into George, an old school friend. More

You bump into George while Christmas shopping

350 8 0
By listentothewords

- “What about this?” Your friend asked holding up a red skater dress. 

- “No, it's too bright. What do you think of this one?” You asked holding a pale pink dress against your body. 

- “I like that, why don't you try it on?”

- “One step ahead of you there.” You replied already walking in the direction of the changing rooms. 

It was a Saturday, and you were spending the day shopping with your best friend. Originally you planned to do Christmas shopping but so far you had 5 shopping bags in your hand, none of which contained Christmas presents. You were currently looking for a dress for a Christmas party next weekend.

You tried on the dress and loved it. You changed back into your jeans and top before exiting the changing rooms. You headed straight for the tills to buy the dress. You were too busy admiring your dress to notice the guy heading towards you who also happened to be distracted by a conversation with his friends when you crashed into the boy dropping your dress. You apologised to the boy before bending down to pick up your dress. It was only when you looked up that you actually looked at the boy and realising that he seemed familiar. 

- “Hi, um sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay?” The boy asked concerned. 

- “Yeah I'm fine...” you answered still staring at the boy trying to work out where you recognised him. “I'm sorry I don't want to be rude but do I know you from somewhere? It's just you seem really familiar.”

The boy looked at you for a minute as if he were trying to work out if he did know you. Suddenly his face lit up with recognition.

- “Oh my gosh, you’re Y/N aren’t you? It’s been a long time since I last saw you.”  

You didn't reply but merely looked at him confused still unsure where you recognised him from. The boy noticing your confused expression continued.  

- “I'm George, George shelley. We used to go to school together.” 

Of course, you thought, you hadn’t seen him in several years and he had changed a lot.

- “Oh my god, Hi George. How are you? Sorry I didn't recognise you at first, you've changed a lot since I last saw you.” 

- “So have you. How many years is it now? 5?” He smiled. 

- “4.” You corrected him. 

- “Do you- maybe want to get a coffee? By way of apology. It would be nice to catch up.” He asked. 

- “Well” you hesitated, “I have to go and pay for my dress and find Y/F/N but I'd love to some other time.” You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. “What's your number?” You asked passing him your mobile to type it in. He typed in his number and passed back your phone before handing you his allowing you to type in your number. 

- “I guess I'll see you soon then.” You said. 

- “Definitely, it's been way too long since we saw each other.” 

- “Tell me about it. It was nice seeing you again. I’ll look forward to that drink.” You smiled.

- “Goodbye Y/N” you heard George say before you turned towards the queue so you could finally pay for your dress. 

- “Who was that?” Your friend asked coming up behind you in the queue. 

- “Oh just an old school friend.” You paused. “You remember George Shelley?” 

- “THE George Shelley…? as in the guy you had a crush on for absolutely ages?” She asked. 

- “Well...” You stammered feeling the heat rush to your cheeks. 

- “He looked very different, I wouldn't have recognised him.” She said ignoring your blushing. “So what did he want?”

- “Nothing, we just bumped into each other talked a bit and swapped numbers to arrange to go for coffee.” You shrugged. 

- “Sounds like someone has a date.” Your friend teased. 

- “It's not a date Y/F/N, just two old school friends meeting up for coffee and a catch up.”  You told her blushing even more. 

- “If you say so.” She winked not believing you for a second.

You returned home a couple of hours later and pulled out your phone noticing you had a text from George as he had promised:

Hi y/n sorry again about before. Was good to see you again. When do you want to go for that coffee? ;) Gx

Hey, don’t worry about it. It was as much my fault as it was yours. I'm free tomorrow or Tuesday? Xxx 

 You clicked send wondering if saying you were free tomorrow sounded a bit desperate but you weren't left wondering for long as not even a minute later your phone buzzed again. 

Tomorrow sounds great! What about 11 at Costas in Westfield? Gx

sounds like a plan. See you there. Xxx

*the following morning*

You woke up at ten o'clock not giving you much time to get ready and get to Costas on time. You quickly showered and put on a red skater skirt, leggings and a top before doing your hair and make-up. By this point it was quarter to eleven giving you just enough time to put on your boots and coat and walk to Costas. Your stomach rumbled desperate for breakfast so you grabbed a belvita and headed out the door.

You arrived just after eleven and saw George already sat in the corner on the comfiest chairs. You smiled and walked over to the table. 

- “Sorry I'm late.” You apologised.

- “No problem, what would you like to drink?” He asked getting up to order the drinks. 

- “You stay sitting, I'll get the drinks.” You told him. 

- “No, I will buy the drinks.” He insisted. “Think of it as an apology for making you drop your dress, which looked lovely by the way.” He smiled. “So what would you like?”

- “Well if you're sure...” You hesitated. 

- “I am.”  

- “A gingerbread latte please.” 

- “Good choice, they are very nice, especially on a cold Winter’s day like today.” He smiled again showing off his beautiful dimples before disappearing to order the drinks. 

He returned a few minutes later with two gingerbread lattes. 

- “One gingerbread latte for you.”  He said placing the drink in front of you. “And one for me.” He said placing the other cup on the table and taking a seat opposite you. 

- “Thank you George. So what are you up to nowadays?” You asked him interested to hear what he’s been doing since you last saw him.

- “I'm loving my job at the moment.” He told you. “I'm in a band and love spending time with the boys just making music. I know it sounds cliché but it really is a dream job.” 

- “That sounds amazing. If I remember rightly, you always did want to be a singer. What's your band called?”

- “Union j.”

- “No way! Oh my god. I love Carry You, I had no idea you were in that band.” 

- “Thank you Y/N.” He said blushing. “And how about you? What are you doing now?”

- “Nothing as exciting as you. I'm currently at university but I hope to go into magazine editing. I think it would be a really interesting job.” 

- “I bet you'd make a great magazine editor, you were always really creative at school.”  

You giggle at that comment and take a sip of your gingerbread latte. 

You carried on talking for nearly an hour and a half just catching up with each other and you were really enjoying George's company. You couldn't help but notice that the feelings you used to have for him had returned and every time he smiled that adorable smile or laughed his beautiful laugh, you got butterflies in your stomach. You could have stayed talking to him all day but you had to get home and finish a paper. 

- “It really has been lovely seeing you again George.” 

 - “You too Y/N. Maybe we could do this again?” He asked shyly. 

- “I'd like that.” You replied calmly even though inside your stomach did a full flip. As you replied, you made the mistake of looking into his eyes. The most gorgeous eyes you’d seen. Dark brown, puppy-dog-like.

- “Are you walking back?” He asked bringing you back to reality.

- “Yeah, my flat isn’t far.”

- “Well it's pretty cold and I'd be more than happy to drop you off if you like.” 

- “I don't mind walking.” You replied. “It really isn’t far.”

- “Honestly it's no problem. And this way, I can make sure you get home okay.” 

- “If you’re sure?” You half stated and half asked.

- “Of course.” He insisted once again. “My car's only a two minute walk from here”. 

- “Okay.” 

You walked next to George until you got to his car. He opened the door for you (such a gentleman) before walking round to the driver’s seat and started the engine. You drove in silence for a minute before George interrupted the silence.

- “So... Y/N are you um... Seeing anyone at the moment?”

- “No. You?” You asked hoping he'd say no but doubting it. 

- “No.” You breathed a sigh of relief. “Though there is someone I like…” He paused. “But I don't know how she feels.” Your heart sank. 

- “Is she a good friend?” You asked trying to offer some friendly advice.

- “I'd like to think so but I hadn't seen her for a long time until recently.” He stopped then added. “She's very beautiful though.” 

Your heart sank even further of course she would be, she was probably perfect. You tried to put your feelings aside and continue the conversation.

- “And does she know how you feel?” You asked him. 

- “No.” He shook his head. “Do you think I should tell her?”

- “Well, I guess if I were in her shoes, I’d probably want to know”. 

- “Sure.” He replied not sounding sure at all before returning back to silence. You noticed you were close to your flat and told George to pull over as he wouldn’t be able to park any closer. Hu pulled over and you went to open the car door.

- “Wait, Y/N I really like you, I did when we were at school and when I saw you yesterday I realised just how much I liked you still and have missed you. I know you probably don't feel the same but...”

- “You... You like me?” You asked interrupting him not really believing what you heard. 

- “Yes, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. Now I’ve ruined it, you won’t even want to be friends.” He apologised looking down avoiding eye contact his voice sounding hurt.

- “No you haven't, I really like you too George. I have since we were at school together and I had no idea you felt the same.” You blushed.

- “You do?” He asked looking up a smile creeping across his face. You nodded.

- “So what happens now?” You asked. 

- “What would you like to happen?”

- “I don't know…”

But before you could finish your sentence you felt his lips against yours his kiss soft and gentle. You closed your eyes and kissed him back losing all your thoughts. After a couple of minutes he pulled away and smiled.

-“What we’re you saying?” He asked grinning.

- “I don’t remember.” You said leaning closer, looking directly into his eyes. “Can’t have been that important.” You added before placing your lips against his and kissing him again not wanting to waste any more time.

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