Skelly Love (A Sans x Reader...

By DotDips

4.1K 199 77


Chapter 1: Grillby's
Chapter 3: Staying the Night
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: The Date
Chapter 6: A Tale of Two Humans
Chapter 7: Game Over
Chapter 8: Resetting
Chapter 9: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 10: Meeting Once Again
Chapter 11: Something Familiar
A Quick Update
Chapter 12: The Story
Untitled Story Part
Last update I swear
Chapter 13: Resetting?
Update: important to read
Chapter 14: Welcome to the new World

Chapter 2: Hanging out

330 15 7
By DotDips

Just a quick reminder: y/n = your name. h/c = hair color. e/c = eye color

Just for the future, remember. 


Teleporting is a strange feeling. It feels like thousands and thousands of cells in your body vibrating. Kinda like when you're about to give a big speech, and your body gets a million butterflies. That's how it felt taking a "shortcut" with Sans.

Though it had only been seconds, it felt like eons to you. 

"Here we are, my humble home." Sans claimed, jumping onto his comfortable green couch. You gave a small smile, remembering the first time you set foot into his house. It was when you went on a "date" with Papyrus. Good ol' times. Glancing at Sans, you noticed he was taking up the whole couch by lying down, even though he was short.

"Move over bonehead. I wanna sit down." you chuckled, moving his legs off the couch. Unfortunately, he just put them back up, not giving a care in the world.

"Tell me a joke."


The skeleton looked up, grinning.  "Tell me a joke, and I'll give you some room."

"Sans, I'm not gonna tel-"

"Then I guess you can't sit down kid." he chimed.

"Y/'s y/n.."

He opened one eye, staring into your {e/c} eyes. It gave you the butterflies whenever he stared at you like that. 

"Y'know what? I'll give you a deal. Tell me a joke I haven't heard before, and I'll move over, AND call you y/n, okay kid?" 

You nod, trying to prepare a clever joke or pun in your mind. What would be something he hasn't heard of before? 'This is impossible...' you thought quietly to yourself.

"I hope you know Sans, that I know you're lying about moving." You chimed in, a small grin on your face. Sans, sitting up, raised an eye at you.

"And why is that kid?"

"Because.....I can see right through you!"

The both of you laughed like little children, enjoying yourselves.

"Good one kid. But, you gotta try harder than that." He yawned, laying back down. You groaned. This was going to take a while.

[ A few moments later. ]

"...because nothing gets under their skins!"

"I think that was one of my jokes kiddo," Sans chuckled softly. "Fine ya own." Were any of these jokes even working on him?

Sans looked up, as if he knew what you were thinking. "And by the way, none are working. I've heard them before."

"B-But that was the 15th joke I've told!" You stumbled. How couldn't any of your jokes or puns worked?! This skeleton was a tough nut to crack! Sans shrugged, stretching his arm and leg bones.

"Sorry kid. Guess none worked. But hey, there's always next time, huh?" He looked up at you, and he could see the frustration in your eyes. Instead of having a fit, you just sat in front of the couch, pouting. The skeleton, chuckling, ruffled your {h/c} hair. You pouted, crossing your arms.


I chuckled, ruffling the kid's hair. Her jokes were hilarious. I probably should've moved over to make room for her after the fifth joke, but I was enjoying this way too much. Messing with her hair, a thought came to my skull.

Had her hair always been this soft? I mean, I know hair is soft, but {y/n}' was different. Despite my lack of nerves, I felt the warmth of y/n's hair, the softness. I chuckled as she started to be flustered.

"H-Hey! My hair!" { Y/n } grumbled, puffing out her cheeks. I grinned and messed it up even more.

"It already was messy to begin with kid."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! My amazing friend helped me edit it, and I owe her thanks for it! (^ w ^ ) 

Thank you Purplesliceoflife! 

- BadTimeSans

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