!Sex Shop(Mindless behavior L...

By Deannasuper

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This is how Deanna gets out of the sex shop with the help of prodigy he is not from mb but he is a model for... More

!Sex Shop(Mindless behavior Love)
Cast call
For the cast
You have to understand
I can get you out of here
Dates,mates and Drama
Dates,mates and Drama part 2
Better lives
It's Official
Job Job Job
Should we?
Am i?
The Dresses
Wedding Day
Pressing Charges
The crash
The truth
Getting close to each other
Lil Za
The return of Crystal
Happy Birthday
I'm killing all of you
I know what you did
What really happend
Just Memories

It's your choice

199 5 3
By Deannasuper

Julio's pov

I woke up Deanna was still sleep as so i went to make her breakfast.

Deanna:I'm not sleeping

Julio:Oh i thought you were asleep

Deanna:I gotta go call prod*Deanna calls prodigy*

Phone Convo

Prod:Hey beautiful

Deanna:Hey, i just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for breakfast.

Prod:Ok I'll be their in half an hour

Deanna:Ok bye


Prod's pov

Because of Deanna i left all my side hoe's i just can't wait for her to be my girl.

Deanna's pov

Me and Julio were making stakes of pancakes,fresh fruit salad and fresh orange jus and don't forget bacon then i heard the door bell ring,i went to the door.

Deanna:Hey prodigy

Prod:Hey*hugs her*

Prod's pov

Damn she smells good

Deanna:Come in

Julio:Hi i'm julio

Prod:Hi i'm-

Julio:Prodigy but everyone calls you prod

Prod:How did-

Julio:Deanna talksabout you all the time

Prod:I see aren't you Princetons girl

Julio:Yeah how did you know him

Prod:Oh we work together

Julio:Oh i see your a model to


Julio:Anyway i have to go to school bye yall



Julio leaves

Deanna:You wanna watch a movie


They Start Watching After Earth.



Prod:I know we only meet for a few days but will you be my girl

Deanna:Of course *kisses him*

Prod:*kisses back*

They go upstairs

Prod:Umm..i think we should wait

Deanna pulls of his boxers

Prod:Never Mind

She starts sucking his dick.


He flips her over and takes of her clothes.

Deanna:I miss this

He inserts her slowly

Deanna:Don't tease me

He stars raming into her

Deanna:Fuck! Harder

Deanna flips him over and stars riding him

Prod:You riding it like a pro

Deanna:Prod your so big!

Prod:You like that


Deanna gets off of him and they go cuddle and fall asleep.


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