exchanging body heat in the p...

By cookiecrisp305

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Introduction "Hurry your ugly ass up, you're so slow and stupid." Yah that's what I have to wake up to. While... More

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chapter 1
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 2
exchanging body heat in the passneger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 4
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 5 part 1
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 5 part 2
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 6
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 7
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 8
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 9
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 10
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 11
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 13
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 14
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 15
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 16 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 16 part 2
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky!Chpt 17
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chapter 18
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chpt 19 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chpt19 part2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 19 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 20
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 21 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 21 part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt21 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky!chpt22 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 4
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 23 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 23 Part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 24
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 25 part 1

exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 12

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By cookiecrisp305

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?!

Chapter 12

Amberlee productions

I tried to act calm about the party tonight but I wasn’t able to. It would be my first high school party yet, Charles was going to pick me up at seven. It was only twelve I had to finish up some geometry homework and see what I was going to do with my hair. My father and his wife had left early this morning to a resort in L.A. and they wouldn’t get back till Tuesday. Maygan had left to a friend’s house so I was alone in the house. Seconds later I get a txt from Danielo asking what I was going to do today, I told him I was staying home to study and then he ended the conversation. I then finished up my homework and took a nap. Hours flew by it was now four I had to do my hair which could take about an hour since it needed a perm (a.k.a Creamy Crack lol)

Later on that night…

Charles and I were on our way towards the party but first we had to pick up his friend Gabriel. Gabriel looked like a thug but deep inside he was a sweet person I had met him a few days ago he came buy Charles house while I was leaving last week. We picked him up then we got to the party it was filled with loud music and teenagers. I had seen two kegs by the door where the dj was. I also spotted Maygan making out with some guy which wasn’t her boyfriend.

“Isn’t that Maygan?” Charles shouted over the music. “Yeah I think so” I nodded in agreement.  “Follow me” leading the way up stairs.

He had taken me to what seemed to be the master bedroom. He then locked the door and commenced to kiss my neck, then my lips. He grabs my waist and moved me towards the bed until he was on top of me kissing me gently. His hands where on my chest and from there they went to my back he was going to try to unhook my bra.

“Charles” I said pushing him off me.

“Huh?” he moaned as if he wasn’t aware of what he was doing.

“What are you doing?” I said but he was cutting me off with his lips.

“Shh babe don’t worry” he went to my bra again and succeeded unclipping.

“Charles I can’t” pushing his hands away

“Cant what?” he knew what I was talking about he wanted to act dumb.

“This Charles”

“I’m not going to do anything” kissing my lips then neck.

“Stop Charles!” now I was irritated

“Alright I wasn’t going to do anything anyways.” He said while sitting up.

“Yeah you were” from unclipping my bra it would be UN buttoning my pants.

“C’mon it was just your bra it’s not like I was going for your pants.”

“Whatever Charles” managing to clip back my bra.

“Look I’m sorry I guess I could wait until you’re ready” he said in a taunting voice.

“I am Charles”

“You are what” raising his eyebrow.

“I may be ready” I had no idea where this was coming from

“Then let’s go” motioning towards the bed

“No not here”

“Where then? Oh wait we can go to your house since my mom’s home today”

“U mm I’m not sure maybe it’s not a good idea.”

“Yeah it is anyway its eleven we have to go, we can decide at your house” 

“I guess”

“Okay lets go babe”

hey guys thanks for reading im going to attempt to start uploading more chpters of E.B.H.I.T.P.S.W.H.K.?!


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