Jensen And Misha


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"I'm can't go noo" misha pouts at the front door with his bag.
"I love you and I'll see you tomorrow" I say holding his hand.
"How am I suppose to sleep without you?" He asks.
"Atleast you'll have somebody in the house"
"I'm going to miss you" he says opening the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I walk him to the cab and put his bag in the trunk. "Call me when you get there" I say inching closer to his face.
"I will" he pushes his lips to mine. His mom is in the hospital and she wants him to come visit for a day so yay..... No misha to cuddle next to or talk to or make breakfast for. "I love you" he whispers placing his hand on my cheek.
"I love you too" I smile and kiss his nose. I go inside and put on a movie. I've never liked staying home alone. Especially when you play around with demons and stuff...yeah..MISHA COME BACK?!
"A kid is huge bro you can't do that?" My buddy Hansel says.
"I know but I love misha and I can't betray him because he has a kid?"
"Just do get involved with the kid?"
"No no I want to. Like I want a kid just I wish we were a little more prepared" I tell him.
"I like misha but really? He's dragging you down"
"Why do you say that?!" I ask annoyed.
"Because you're doing things you don't want to do yet"
"By having a kid like a year or two early then planned is not dragging me down"
"Whatever dude" he scoffs. I feel my phone vibrate,
"Hey!" I answer.
"Hey! So I'm here!" Misha says.
"Good, are you at the hospital?" I ask
"I'm in the cab right now. I wish you were here its boring by myself"
"I agree" I chuckle.
"Hey I love you and I'll call you tonight but I'm here"
"Okay I love you too bye" I hang up and sit back down.
"Lover boy?"
"Yes lover boy because we love each other"
"He's having a kid with another girl that's not love."
"It happened before us and it's not like he snuck out of the house to see some strippers." Yeah he did that. He had a girlfriend once and he would sneak out to party's and stuff I don't even know why I'm friends with him he's a total ass.
"They were strippers...I like strippers" "dude whatever no I love misha and I'm not going to leave him because of something he can't change"
"Okay fine"
"Now get out" I point to the door.
"What?" He asks disgusted.
"It was fun when we both were single but I'm serious about misha. And you telling me things that aren't true and stuff won't help"
"Oh you're serious about misha like you were serious about Daneel?" He asks.
"I love him in a way that I can't live anybody else"
"You love his cock Jensen! We've both known since middle school you were into boys" he spits
"So what if I like boys! I like this one boy!"
"Should I tell Misha about Jack?" He asks. "The boy you tried to have sex with but he turned you down because you're a filthy fucking slut?"
"Leave. Now"
"Fuck you Jensen you faggot" he slams the door. I throw myself back onto the couch. Misha won't care about jack? It was like 8 years ago that he's so going to care. He's going to think I'm a hooker and not! Why did he have to ruin this?!?! Do I tell misha? Or do I keep it silent? Of course I have to tell him! I grab my phone and call him.
"Hey what's wrong?" He answers.
"I uh I think I need to tell you something"
"You're scaring me..."
"8 years ago...I met a guy named jack"
"I liked him...I tried dating him for months and he never said yes. I really like him. So I grabbed some money.."
"Jensen...?" I can just hear him freaking out. This sucks! I hate hansel! I hate myself! I hate jack!
"I asked him to fuck me for 500$ and he said ok"
"I..I wasn't your first guy?" He asks.
"You were. Because I couldn't go through with it. I almost did I got into bed and all but as he was taking my cloths off...I freaked..I thought about my future whoever I would end up with and I left."
"I don't know what to say?"
"I needed to tell you. I'm sorry."
"Its gross yeah but nothing happened and in okay with that"
"Thank you! Thank you." I sigh of relief excepts my mouth.
"Why'd you tell me?" He asks.
"Remember Hansel? He came over and things happened he brought that up and I couldn't help but think of it so I had to tell you."
"So you've known you've liked boys?"
"A little yeah.."
"I have good news" he says changing the subject. "My mom is out of the hospital and there's suppose to be a big snow storm here tonight so I'm leaving today. Like now"
"Oh my god! Good!"
"Yeah I don't be home until very early morning like 3am though"
"I'll stay up" I smile.
"Okay see you soon"

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