Lullabies for Styles (Third b...

By byebyemsamericanpie

53.3K 3.2K 1.1K

"Daddy? I'm scared." "Why, love?" She crawled into my lap and cuddled into me. "The storm. It's scary." "Yo... More

Christmas Special
character ask


1.4K 101 16
By byebyemsamericanpie


I laid down in mine and Harry's bed a couple of nights later. Harry had been acting very strange since he called me on the phone the other day, and I couldn't figure it out. He wouldn't act this way over a stupid chick flick. If a chick flick was bothering him then he would talk about it with me and complain until I watched it with him.

I sighed and looked over and watched Harry come into the bedroom with a tooth brush in his mouth. "Have you seen my cell phone, I can't find it." Harry said with a mouth fool of tooth paste and his tooth brush. He was looking under piles of a clothes and even the pillows.

"Why do you need your cell phone?" I asked. Harry looked up at me with a cold look and I said, "I mean, why do you need your cell phone while you're brushing your teeth?"

"I just do. Have you seen it?" He growled while lifting up blankets and more pillows.

"No, I haven't." I mumbled. Harry sighed before going back into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth. I picked up my cell phone and logged onto Facebook so i could see what all my friends and family were up to and what they were sharing.

It was a very boring process.

I could hear Harry spit and rinse out the sink before he gargled his mouth wash and spit that out as well. I waited in the sheets while Harry came back to bed with out a shirt on. He seemed rather distant and I didn't like it, I wanted to know what was wrong with him.

He crawled into bed and reached for the remote on his side of the bed and pointed it towards the tv before turning it on. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off as soon as some cooking show came on.

"What the hell?" He whined.

"Pay attention to me." I said. Harry sighed and rolled his eyes while running a hand over his face. I did the same as him just to show him what an idiot he looked like.

"Come on, Harry. When was the last time we really had some alone time together?" I said while slowly slipping on top of him so I could straddle his lap.

"Niall," He sighed.


"We sleep alone every night."

"Yeah but all we do is sleep." I pouted while running my hands up his toned chest. I couldn't even feel him growing hard when I grinned against him... what was his deal?

"Sleep sounds pretty good right now." Harry sighed. I frowned before sitting up straighter and crossing my arms.

"What?" He asked.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm just really tired."

"Then wake up." I smirked before leaning down onto him again so I could press our lips together. He kissed me back of course but he kissed back after a couple seconds into me kissing him. I pulled away and grabbed his face, pressing our lips together again and grinding our lower halves together.

Harry placed his hands on my waist and I smiled a little to myself because he started to grind against me; now we were getting somewhere.

"Come on, Harry. I want you to give it to me." I said as I ground my hips with his. I had my hands on his neck, pulling at his hair while I breathed heavily; our foreheads pressed together.

"Niall," Harry mumbled.

"Yeah?" I said as sexy as I could.


"You're what? Tell me, baby." I whispered to him while leaving kisses along his neck.

"N-niall. Niall stop. Stop." He said as he gripped my waist firmly and held me in place. I gave him a confused look as I sat up straight. What the hell was his problem.


"I'm sorry okay? I'm just not in the mood."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Harry? You've been acting weird for days now."

"Nothing, Niall. I'm tired, please understand. I'm just really tired."

"Why? It's not like you've been training or anything?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" He snapped.

"Just tell me what's wrong! I'm your husband for crying out loud!" I laughed out of anger. Harry sighed before gently pushing me off of his lap. I laid back down in my spot while he got up, sitting on the edge of the mattress with his head down and his hands gripping the sheets.

"Niall, I'm scared for my kids." He mumbled after a while.

"I am, too, Harry. But nothing bad is going to happen to them. Chris will never lay a finger on them."

"He will if I don't-" He stopped mid sentence and I felt my heart literally stop.

"If you don't what?" I dared to ask.

"If I don't sign with him." He said barley above a whisper. I could hardly hear him.

"What?" My eyes were literally bugging out of my head at this point. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Niall, I don't know what to do." Harry started to cry and that's when I crawled over to him so I could hold him close to me.

"Is that why you were crying on the phone the other day?" I asked him. He nodded before inhaling a hug breath of air and letting out a couple more sobs.

"Harry, he's bluffing."

"He's not. You know what he had on his desk? I a picture of Bambi and Oliver, Niall. He hired someone to come to their school, that wasn't him. He's a sick man and I have to do what ever it takes to protect my kids."

"No. We'll find something else for you to do, Harry. You can get a different job, we can hire body guards, we can move!" I started spitting out suggestions but Harry only shook his head.

"Niall, what do I do? I love our kids so much, I love them so fucking much." He cried into my shoulder while I played with his hair.

"I don't know, babe. I really don't know." I sighed. I had no idea what we were going to do but we had to think of something and we had to think of it quick.

"I can't work for him again, Niall. I just can't."

"I know, baby. I know." I said while soothing him.

"We have to do what's best for the kids."

"We can go to the cops. I'll call Daniel." I suggested.

"We have no proof, Niall. There is no proof of anything."

"We have witnesses." I said.

"No one saw who tried to get the kids from school, and the kids wouldn't even remember who it was, no one saw them so that is useless. I could talk my head off all I want about what Chris said to me and ow he threatened me but he could easily deny it, Niall. We have no case here." Harry rambled. What sucked about the whole thing was he was right. We didn't have a case here and even if we did, we didn't have the money to possibly lose a court case.

"Why do bad things happen to us?" Harry mumbled.

"No, don't say that," I shook my head at him. Harry looked up at me and I spoke again.

"We have two beautiful children, Harry. Two perfect, healthy kids and we both have jobs, a roof over our heads, family... we have it good, Harry. And think, if it wasn't for Chris... we would have never met." I pointed out.

"Don't make Chris out to be a match maker okay?"

"I'm not. I'm just saying that everything happens for a reason and even though it seems bad right now, in the end it'll be worth it."

"I guess you're right. Everything we've put up with so far has been worth it." Harry said. I smiled a little before kissing his cheek and holding him close to me again.

"Tomorrow is a new day okay? We're just going to take this thing one day at a time okay?"

"Okay." He sighed.

"Let's go to bed." I said while pulling him back into the covers with me.

Harry kissed my lips tenderly and told me he loved me before rolling over so I could pull him close to me. I did love being the little spoon sometimes, but Harry and I both knew he was the real little spoon.

We fit.


{A/N} BANG! Quick update? I think so. The chapter is short and I am sorry for that but heyyyyy at least Niall knows about the problem now.

SO! I need to get something off my chest.

I'm sorry, for starters, that this story has conflict. I realize that most of you, including my co writer, don't want conflict and Chris is stressing you guys out. I'm sorry.

But in order to have a story, you have to have a conflict whether it's a fanfic or not, it's still a fictional story and with out a conflict, you have really nothing to write around....

I didn't even have a plot for this third book, I only decided with Ari to write one because you guys loved the series so much and I had fun writing them and I didn't really want it to end just yet. So this story is completely jumbled and the plot and conflict has been bounced around too much and it's stressing you guys out and it's stressing me out, too and for that I apologize.

But Chris will remain apart of this fanfic since he is a big character and it's easy to have problems when he's around.

I know that this is suppose to be Ari's chapter but I took it upon myself to write it for her. She has a lot of stuff to deal with right now and she doesn't need something else added to her plate.

So there's my rant, thank you for listening and I hope you like this chapter.


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