Family Secrets (Avengers Harr...

By demiwitch1

93.9K 2.6K 734

{sequel to What Really Happened in Budapest} Kendra Barton had finally sorted out her life. She knew about he... More

I Hate Flats
The Return
The Flying Car
The Howler
At Least It Wasn't My Cat
Halloween Party (Finally)
The Snake
Winter Break
The Glowing Eyes
New Book Is Out

The Breakout

7.5K 206 80
By demiwitch1

I plopped the mission report down on Fury's desk.

"Agent Kendra,"
He said.

"Director Fury."
I replied.

"I trust that you left out any use of your magic from the file. I would like to keep this while development under wraps."

"Understood sir,"
I said shortly.

He said, ending the conversation.

"Sir, I was ment to ask this before, but something school related has come up. So I am requesting the the rest the day as Well as tommorow. Then a the week before school starts off."
I said, swallowing the nervouse lump in my throat.

Fury intimidates me, I only started working at S.H.I.E.L.D this year. I was only training before.

He looked up at my with a raised eyebrow. He thought about it for a few minutes.

"Ok, I will grant you the rest of the day off as well as tommorow. We will discusses the week off before school when you get back. But if you are not back by 8:00 pm or earlier then you will not have the week before school off."
He said stiffly.

"Thank you Sir!"
I said and rushed out of his office.

I ran out of HQ and into an ally, the place I told Ron, Gorge and Fred to meet me.

I whipped out my wand and muttered a spell that turned it into a communicator.

"Ron, I'm ready. Pick me up, lets go break Harry outta his house."
I said into my wand.

"We're coming to get you."
Ron said.

I looked around not knowing what to expect. I glanced up and saw a car hovering above the ally, and slowly lower itself on the ground in front of me.

"Hey Ron, and people I don't really know."
I said as I hopped in the back.

"Bloody hell Kendra, why are we picking you up in a ally?"
Ron exclaimed as the car took off.

"Because Ron and others, I had no idea how you were going to meet me. Good thing I thought of that considering I am in a flying car."
I replied, slipping out of my proffessinal stance.

"Could you please-"
One of the twins started.

"Stop calling us 'others-'"
The other finished.

"We have-"


"I'm Fred-"

"And I'm George"

"Ok" I said "Hello Fred, hello George."

"Thank you."
They said in unison

I laughed.

"So Ron, what's the plan? Do we just park, or hover, or whatever this car does, in front of Harry's bedroom window. Then play it by ear from there?"

"Pretty much."
Ron said.

"Well you aren't very fun are you?.
Fred commented.

"Yeah who says we need a plan?"
George added.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Weasley family as far as I could tell.

Fred drove on.

We finally reached the house Harry stayed in.

"What do we do now? If we honk we could wake up the whole house."
Ron asked hurriedly.

"So much for playing it by ear."
I muttered.

Before we could discuss the issue further, Fred honked the horn.

"Really Fred?!"
I exclaimed

"I'm not Fred, I'm George. We lied."

Before I could come up with a retort, Harry's face appeared at the window.

"What are you doing here?"
Harry whisper shouted.

"You never answered your letters, so we decided, Hermione and I, that if you didn't answer in a few more weeks we would come and get you."

"Um... Ron..."
I said guestering to the jail bars on Harry's window.

"Oh right-"
George said

"We prepared for that."
Fred finished.

I said deciding not to question it.

Fred tied a chain to a bar and the other end to the car.

"Start her up!"
Fred called.

George started the car, and the bars came flying off.

I cast the levitating spell to make it land softly on the ground.

"You could use magic this while time? We could have left already."
Harry exclaimed.

"I was told I could only use it in emergancies. If I hadn't done that someone could have seen a flying car."
I said.

"Besides, it wouldn't have been as fun."
I said with a wink.

Ron gave me a look, Harry shrugged, I heard Fred and George chuckle.

"Wait, all my magical things are locked in the cubbered down stairs."

Fred and George went through the window at got Harry's stuff.
They loaded up the car, but the Harry forgot his owl.

"Just hurry Harry, your uncle could wake up any minute."
I said

He went back through his window and a few minutes later he came running out with Hedwigs cage.

Harry passed it to me, and I put it in the trunk. Harry was half way into the car, when his uncle grabbed his feet and tried to pull him back into the house.

We all grabbed Harry's arms and tried to pull him back inside.

Harry tumbled into the backseat on top of Ron and I.

Ron Harry and I yelled.

The car bulted away.

"That was a close one,"
Harry said.

"Sorry mate, but you have to go in the middle."
Ron said.

Harry reluctantly say down.


"We have to be very quiet."
Fred said once he parked the car.

We snuck back into the living room.

"We are just going to back into our rooms and pretend to be asleep."
George whispered.

Yelled who I assume is Mrs. Weasley.

"Mum, we just went to get Harry."
Fred said.

"Yeah, they were keeping him locked up."
George said.

"Not another word, your father will know about this when he gets home."

" But it was cloudy mum, no one saw us."
Fred pleaded

" Not another word."
She said in a deadly whisper.

"Go de-gnomb the hedges. Both of you!"
She turned to Harry and I.

"Hello Harry,"
Then She turned to me.

"Hello dear, who are you?"
She asked.

"I'm Kendra, I'm a friend of Harry's and Ron's."
I said awkwardly.

"It's nice to meet you. You can stay with Hermione in Ginny's room."
She offered.

"Oh, Um... Well I wasn't intending on staying really. Not that I don't appreciate the offer...I uh... Sort of have a few things I need to... Um take care of before school starts..."
I stammered.

Ron have me a look, knowing what things I had to take care of included.

"Well at least stay for breakfast."

"Uh ok, I just have to be back to America by 8:00 pm today."
I said.

While the boys went to trimb the hedges, I decided to enjoy my day off and sit down with a cup of tea.

"Kendra, how have you been?"
Hermione asked as she came down the stairs and saw me in living room.

"Good. What about you?"
I replied

"Ron said you might come, but you had to ask premission, so I had no idea is you were coming.
I thought that your mom might want you -"
She lowered her voice,

"To focus on your training, instead of coming to stay with us."
She continued.

"Well, I am not technically training anymore. I am still practicing, but now I am a level one agent. So it's called practice."
I corrected.

"Well still. Doesn't that mean you would have to ask whoever runs S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Yeah I have till 8:00 pm today to get back to base."
I said.

"Oh, so you can't stay?"
She asked.


Breakfast was fairly awkward, Ginny was fawning over Harry the whole time and I had to say I could only come the last week of summer.

Mr. Weasley had shown me how to use the foo network to get home.

Because there was no fire place at HQ, I had landed in the air cent, right next to a heater. Lucky for me it was above my room.


Hey readers, how did you like the long chapter, it was kinda a filler. I might not be able to update for a little while, schools been hectic.

Forever and always,


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