
By louweedxblunt

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When Jade starts to get Direct Messages from one of her twitter followers, @Singer_boy1, she starts to talk t... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:

Chapter Six:

13 0 0
By louweedxblunt

I groaned as I heard One Direction playing on the radio in the middle of the shops which had earned me quite a few, glares and weird looks.

"Jade! Shh.." Samantha scolded.

"Fine." I said reluctantly, dragging out the word, 'fine.'

I had noticed Sam shook her head un-approvingly, "Okay, whatever." She ha muttered to herself.

"Sam, why are like this? You are never like this. I don't get it.." I had also muttered to myself.

Sam turned around and pointed her eyebrow upwards. Guess she heard me then.. Great.

"Like what?" She asked.

I sighed, "Never mind. Lets just get this over with... I have to be at that gig 'Singer_boy1' told me to go in a few hours."

"And you trust him? What if he is a pedo?"

"For the last time Sam, he is not a pedo!"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "And you know that how? Have you ever met him?"

"And how do you know he is? Have you met him?"

"No, and this is why I wouldn't trust him. You know what? I'm forbidding you to go."

"What? I can do what ever the hell I want! Your not my mum! So don't act like it, Sam. Your meant to be my best friend."

"Exactly! I am being your best friend! I am protecting you, I would be the worst best friend if I let you go!"

I scoffed, "Your not forbidding me, I'm going whether you like it or not Sam! Let me do this!"

"Fine. But if you get raped, kidnapped and murdered, don't blame me!"

I laughed, "Okay. But if I don't then you owe me the biggest apology ever! Deal?"

She laughed too, "Deal."


I took a deep breath as I pushed open the doors to strangely a concert building... Maybe he is the opening act?

Oh well, I'm here for my twitter bestie! I can't actually believe that in less then 3 hours I am actually going to meet him, he had told me he had got me two backstage passes but I had no idea who to give the other one too.

Sam refused because she was busy and I knew mum wouldn't want to, my other friends had all moved away from L.A so that would pointless.

Oh my god. Ear-pricing screams filled the room. Suddenly five boys came on stage and I had immediately recognized them... Wait, what?

Why are they on stage? I thought my TB (A/N: TB= Twitter Bestie) was supposed to be performing.

After a whole two hours of awkwardly standing there it was now time for me to meet my TB!

I was actually now officially excited to meet my 'online crush' as I called him.

I walked towards where all the girls were walking who all had the exact same backstage pass as me.

Soon we had encountered a huge, scary, intimidating security guard.

"Back stage passes?" He asked us all in a gruff voice.

We had all formed a line and were waiting forever, so when it was my turn I was ecstatic.

"Pass?" He asked.

I silently laughed, wow I am a dirty person...

I smiled and flashed him my backstage pass.

He nodded and showed me where to go. Alrighty then, lets go!

I opened the door and saw the exact same five guys as I had saw on the stage just a few minutes ago.

Confused I asked the question that had received an answer that shocked me the most, "Umm, I'm looking for '@Singer_boy1'? He told me to meet him here."

Suddenly a head shot up and I had immediately recognized him as Louis.

"'@Itz_Me'?" Were the only two words that left his mouth.

I was talking to Louis Tomlinson? The boy from the band I had despised so much? Let alone had a crush on him?

Wait, let me correct that;

Have a crush on


Woah, she finally met him! Oh my gosh!

Anyhow, I would just love to say that you guys are the best! Thank you for reading! Love you!! Aha ~Sharni.


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