Star Wars The Clone Wars (Fan...

By Silentx13

8.8K 300 185

What if order 66 never existed? What if Cont Doku was in charge not The Emperor? Ok this is my first Fan-fic... More

Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 1
Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 2
Ally and Ghosts
The Bomb
Where are they?
Punishment part one
Punishment part two
By Blood It Will Be Free...
Found Them
Keep Them Alive
Ash's Heart Part 1
Ash's Heart Part 2
The new Adviser
Secrets and Lies part 1
Secrets and Lies part 2
Secrets and Lies part 3
Ash and Rex
The Meeting
Character Profiles
Character profile 2#
agree to train
Day One Of Training
Guardian Powers
Guardian Training
Only More Questions
Who are you?
Whos side are you on?
I'm sorry
The Last Battle

Confused Is An Understatement

34 3 6
By Silentx13

Shatter's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes I found myself on bed, not a cold hard floor. I sat up and the memory of what happened came back to me. I had no chain's on my wrists or ankles, the only thing I did have was a metal band around my wrists. I looked around the room, it was small the walls were painted gray and there was no door or windows. There was a table and two chairs, there was also a bookshelf with some books. There was also a large box in the corner of the of the room. I got out of the bed and fell backwards, my head was pounding. I sat up again and relaxed. I stood up slowly and walked around the room.

I walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out a book, I opened it to a random page, "It's called a spell book." Said someone behind me. I turned around to see Redblood.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said with a creepy smile.

"No! After everything went threw, after every you did to me I think I deserve a lest..." I started to say but Redblood held up his hand and I couldn't talk.

"Listen, I'll tell you when I tell you and if you don't like it then don't say anything. But I'm feeling nice to day, ask a question and I'll answer it." He said.

I thought for a few moments, and then said "Why am I so special to you? And don't lie or make something up. I figured out that my power color or what ever is called is not normal and neither are my powers."

"That's a very good question. And as for my answer, your right they aren't. Your ora, or your power color is not normal at all. Power colors connects to your personality or inner energy. And black and white means balance, it means that your perfectly balanced between light and dark. And as for your powers well there are certain powers that only people can do if they had dark oras."

"So your saying that I can do dark magic because of my powers." I said.

"Right." He replied.

"Wait does that mean I can turn evil?" I ask.

"Smart boy." He said with a smile.

"Hey I thought you said you'll only anwser one question." I said. He just looked at me and sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"You just said something that reminders me of someone. Anyway I have to go, so I'll check in on you later." He said then he disappeared. I sighed and brought the book back to my bed, if I'm going to be in here a long time its a good thing I have something to read and it might help with my powers. I thought to myself.

Rex's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and groaned slightly. I looked over and saw Ash a sleep on the chair beside my hospital bed. I sighed and winced in pain and then I realized that I couldn't feel my legs; at all.

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