Catch me if You Can

By Random-Hearts

636 9 0

Pandora runs from many things, for one, her name, her mother, her feelings, her friends, so when life throws... More

Catch me if You Can
Betty Vs Underwear
Dancing like a random
out of or into trouble?
Lunch, Please!
Human Needs


73 1 0
By Random-Hearts

A/N: this chapter is a bit longer hopefully, have fun reading vote comment wateva i really dont care :P the pic is meant to be Ashley, I think Ashley would be well for lack of a better word clean cut, looking, is that weird?, probably



Time seemed so slow, waiting and waiting and waiting, tick tok BORING, I just wanna go already, ok I don't wanna go, I've never been on a plane before let alone gone out of the country on one, I just don't want to be stuck waiting forever. And what is with security, like I'm a terrorist I just want to sleep, eight in the morning is too early for anyone to be awake.

My flight was finally boarding, and my luggage had been taken away, all I had was my backpack with me for the flight, I wasn't gonna bring a flimsy purse I expected the flight to take forever, well at least a day, which is funny because I'll arrive in America on the same day I left because of the time differance, at least I think it works that way. After boarding the passengers had to listen to an emergency procedure, after two seconds I tuned out, I mean please if the plane starts going down I'm grabbing a life vest and jumping out the door, well hopefully we'll be over the ocean.

I was giddy about flying for about an hour , but I soon got bored and turned on my ipod, listening to it on full volume, not caring that the old lady next to me was offended about the music I had playing. I starred out the window only seeing clouds and blue morning sky, I felt like sleeping.

Ashely's P.O.V-

I remembered the phone call again, I'm sure the newest addition to the 'family' is going to be a bitch, with the way she talked, I mean the phone got taken off her because she wasn't 'polite' and then James had to listen to some old lady for ages, Iactually left when it got boring. Everyone was shocked about "Cj" there was a full on family disscussion about her coming. 

Although mum wasn't thrilled about the Idea even she wanted Cj to come, theres no more guest room, it's now Cj's, she hasn't even come here yet.

"we don't need another kid in the house, why is she coming?" Sammy whinned,

she was the least happy about Cj, I guess she liked being the only girl out of the four of us. 

"Because, honey, James is her daddy" mum explained for the thousand-th time.

Mum would never admit it, but I think if James wasn't our STEP-father she'd never let Cj come, speaking of which we have been waiting at the airport for like half an hour and this is seriously boring.

"I'm gonna go look around" I stated casually, but Sammy held onto my sleeve,

"Nuh-unh, you don't get to go 'look' around if I don't, besides you just want to hit on hot girls you see" she whispered playfully.

"So what I'm older, I can do what I want" I sneered,

"No you don't Ashley" mum inserted, while holding onto James's hand.

"Fine!" I sighed,

and began to look through the crowds of people at the airport, James was holding a sign saying "Cj Hall" so she'd know what to look for. For some reason there were allot of teenagers around the airport, I personally think it's weird, it's so boring, I saw a chick looking around lost, and she was hot, I could so take advantage of that.

"Quit checking her out, she's obviously a slut, no-one walks around in an offshoulder top and short-shorts with hair like that if she totatlly didn't just screw someone in the plane bathroom!" Sammy hissed.

Like she could talk, I've seen her dressed way worse, the lost chick was now glaring in this direction, I looked at Sammy to reply.

"Oh and you dress sooo nicely Samantha"

"whatever, what if that's Cj" she said her name with such a conceited voice.

"There's no way that's her" I whisper yelled back.

"Do you expect her to show up in a shirt that says I"M AUSTRALIAN on it, while waving an Australian flag, with a totally unrealistic accent" a new voice from next to me said, with a surprising accent.

I looked to my side to see the chick who I was checking out before, somehow she had snuck up behind us and now had a cart fulll of luggage which she was casually leaning on.

Cj P.O.V-

The kid totally shit himself when he heard me say that, ahh America is already proving to be hilarious, I smiled casually, and had gained the attention of the two adults standing next to the arguing teens.

"And what would you know?" Said the nasally girl,

"well seeing that I'm Cj Hall, well I do think I know what I'm gonna wear when I show up"I sighed loudly.

The teen guy, who from the papers I had, I knew was Ashley, shuddered and must be mentally kicking himself, the lady behing them had clasped her hands together in surprise, she looked the same from the photo only not pregnant and James well he was kind of standing there in shock.

"Oh sweetie!" exclaimed, aw what did the papers say her name was, Alice, I think it was,

"great the plane didn't crash" the girl next to Ashley muttered under her breath,

my memory totally sucks, I so don't know her name. James suddenly wrapped me up in a hug and I screamed.


"Sorry" he said while letting me go,

"its okay I'm just not a hugger..." 

Okay I am totally a hugger but that was awkard, just like the silence now...



"Um?" I said quietly.

"Oh were are our manners, I'm Aliceson, and these two are Ashley and Sammy my kids"

Aliceson, not Alice, said as she tapped Ashley and Sammy in turn as she said their names. they both awkwardly said hello.

"Well you must be tired fom your flight we should take you home" James stuttered a little.

"Oh, I'm not that tired I slept through the whole flight" I said with a small smile.

Sammy glared at me, I guess princess doesn't want any compettition for attention.

"Is that your luggagge?" Aliceson asked.

"Yeah I got it before finding you guys, sorry it took so long, it was forever before I could find my surfboard" I explained.

"You surf?" Ashley asked,

"not as much as I dirt bike, but I wasn't allowed to bring it with me" I smiled saldly

"Good, no offence, err Cj, its just that isn't very safe is it?" James stated softly

"It's okay my mother was against it too" I shuddered for effect when I said mother,

their eyes softened, this is going to be awkward but the situation is... workable.


"Sorry your room is so small" James apologized,

as I stared at the king sized bed in the room that was classified as "mine"

"You guys must be freaking loaded if you think this is small" I managed to say in shock,

I had dropped the bags of luggage I had carried, the room was at least twice as big as my old room.

"we arn't... loaded, this house cost allot and we work hard to keep it" Aliceson said as she picked one of the bags I had dropped.

"It's my dream house" she sighed.

"Sorry sweetie, I have to go pick up the twins I'll be back soon" James said to me as he left.

"Twins?" I asked.

"yes my two little rugrats, they're turning four soon" Aliceson said, that photo was four years out dated then.

As we brought the rest of my luggage into my room, she had offered to help me unpack, and I wasn't gonna turn down the offer, last time I had to pay three guys to help me PACK, so unpacking would take just as much effort. 

"you just keep pumping them out don't you?" I commented with a cheeky grin

"Hahah, Tyler and Scott were meant to be the last, untill you" she joked back

"hey I was born first"

"well you showed up last" her smile was genuine, it was... un-nerving

and then she opened the biggest suitcase I had and her face turned to shock

""  was all she mustered.

"I know my two blue suitcases are clothes the rest is mostly shoes" I explained.

I fit my entire life into 7 suitcases and a bacpack, excluding my surfboard, I still think thats impressive, seriusly 7, my entire life. I had kind of forgotten about Ashley and Sammy because they had went to do their own thing after the awkward car ride, I would have totally forgotten if Sammy hadn't walked walked in and screamed about my shoes and how she'd be my sister if I lent her my shoes, I calmly said no thanks and pushed her out of my room, I like that word, my, my my, selfish and greedy is what I am  I guess.

"You seem allfully mature about that" Aliceson eyed me up while still putting away shoes with me.

"THEY ARE MINE AND THOUGHT SHALL NEVER BE THYS" I shouted in a shakespearian tone, 

totally erradicating Aliceson's thoughts of me being mature.


I was tackled from behind as I reached the bottom of the stairs after unpacking, Aliceson had to make dinner had left ages ago to do so and now it was early evening. I rolled around on the floor as two little kids wouldn't let go of me they were giggling balls of hyperactiveness, oh joy, I'm not a little kid person.

"Off, get OFFF"  I laughed as they tickled me,

"never" they giggled in unison.

"Scott, Tyler, let her up" James said as he picked one of them up and put him down next to me.

As I got up they hugged my legs and said in unison

"we're happy you arriveded" 

"Arriveded? I'm happy I arriveded too" I replied back, laughing and mimicing there misspronouciation of words.


Dinner was awkward and I went to bed straight afterwards, wanting to avoid more questions, James and Aliceson were really trying hard to be nice and get to know me but it was a little too crowded and I was getting really uncomfortable. Aliceson said it was school vacation right now and it was roughly a week and a half until school went back, but I wasn't going to start until the second week back so I could get to know the area.

That was a total relief, the less school the better, on the downside I'd be going to the same school as Ashley and Sammy, I'd be in Ashley's grade, that's not the bad thing. the bad thing is its the same school James and my mum went two. I shuddered at the thought at the stories my mother had told me of the school. Never I repeat NEVER am I gonna go near the janitor's closets, I don't know which one it was that she told me about so I'm avoiding them ALL.

I was sleeping uneasily in the huge bed that was mine until about three in the morning when my ribs began getting poked by two sets of little hands.

"What?" I moaned barely opening an eye to see Tyler and Scott.

"we wanna sleep with you" Tyler said

"bad drweams" cried scott

"Fine, whatever" I grumbled, their cutness not affecting me at this ungodly hour.

they began arguing about who would sleep next to me, when I finally got sick of being awake.

"Look, I'll be in the middle so you can both be next to me now shut it!" I growled.

they nodded and complied, I thought me yelling would scare them but it seemed to make them think I could stop the bad dreams or something because they both smiled 'thank yous' and I was able to sleep again when they had stopped moving about in the bed.

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