
By Lincoln4460

127K 5.4K 2.3K

Loving can hurt sometimes but it is often the only thing that makes us feel alive. For Ben and Cara the chall... More

1 - That Was Unexpected
2 - I Know I'm Not The Only One
3 - Cold Shower
4 - What's Happening Here?
5 - Unofficial Secrets Act
6 - I Feel A Sin Comin' On
7 - She Thought He Thought
8 - Later
9 - La Famiglia
10 - One Bad Apple
11 - It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know It
12 - Almost-Coitus Interruptus
13 - Yankees or Mets?
14 - When You Don't Know What To Say
15 - Brandysnaps and Buttercake
16 - Am I Safe in the Water?
17 - All That I Am
18 - Hitting The Fan
19 - Birthday Girl
20 - If Music Be The Food Of Love
21 - Just Grow A Pair
22 - To Sing or Not To Sing, That is the Question
23 - A Complete Mess
24 - All For One
25 - Awakenings
26 - What If
27 - Humpty Dumpty
28 - Curiosity Killed The Cat
29 - The Two Mr Darcys
30 - In Dublin's Fair City
31 - Meant To Be
32 - Surprises
33 - Pinch Me Please
34 - Distractions
35 - Taking The Plunge
36 - At The Door
38 - One Fan, Two Fans
39 - Grecian Getaway
40 - Thank You Colin
41 - Nine Tenths of the Law
42 - Two
43 - Today is Friday
44 - Noodles and Dumplings?
45 - An Unexpected Arrival
46 - Battles and Scars
47 - Out of the Pan and Into the Fire
48 - The Needs of the Many
49 - The Sins of the Father
50 - Silver Linings
51 - The Calm before the Storm
52 - Big Night Out
53 - The Evening that Bombed
54 - Down Under
55 - Caveman Ben
56 - Windy City
57 - My Precious
58 - Tiki Tour
59 - What's In a Date
60 - Never a Good Sign
61 - The Waiting Game
62 - Ave
63 - Rainy Days and Mondays
64 - What I Really, Really Want
65 - Just One
66 - There's Only One Thing Wrong
67 - Hens and Princesses
68 - Make No Promises
69 - James Was Right
70 - Forever Isn't Long Enough

37 - In The Studio

1.4K 61 22
By Lincoln4460

"I love it," Mick stated over the microphone. "If you're happy with it, let's get it down."

Barely believing how great my song sounded with Mick's magical touches added, I told him I was happy and turned back to my guitar.

"Okay boys and girls, best behaviour this time; we're laying this baby down on track."

Once everyone was ready I counted myself in, plucking the first few chords. Jake, Rick and Marcus were all here with me; it was one of the stipulations I had made with Mick - I wanted them to be my band for the single at least, even if Mick added other musicians as well. After that, the guys could opt out if they wished, but if all of them were happy, they'd be with me for the album as well. They had to take time from their day jobs but I would make sure they were well paid to cover it - even if the album didn't sell; I'd find the money somehow. In my darkest moments when I had my doubts about its success, I tried to stay optimistic by telling myself at least I would have plenty of presents to give friends and family for Christmas.

When the last note died away, Mick gave me a grin and a thumbs-up through the glass window and Marcus made a joyful 'whoop' and came over to grab me for a hug.

"Your first single, Cara! Bloody ace!" I laughed and accepted congratulations from everyone before Jake called to Mick to play it back for us. We sat and listened and I felt as I imagined a mother would when seeing her child graduate and go off into the big wide world; my song was my baby and I was sending it out into the great unknown, hoping it would survive and thrive. I was exhilarated and terrified at the same time.

"Course, you know Cara," Rick said, putting an arm around my shoulder. "If the single does well we'll need to make a music video and get it up on YouTube."

"A video? You're kidding, right?"

He shook his head. "How many hit singles of the last twenty years don't have a video?" Dammit, he was right. I groaned and he laughed softly. "Cheer up, we'll keep it simple and let the song speak for itself - no weird gimmicks or anything. Class on a budget."

Slightly mollified, I told him, "All right - but if I'm going to be in a video, you three are too." Annoyingly, they didn't seem to be anyway near as daunted by the idea as I was.


"What do you think about Greece?"

"Mmm, ambivalent I guess. It can be a bit tricky to get rid of, depending on the surface, but nonna swears by a mix of lemon juice and baking soda." I peered at Ben but couldn't see any stains on his shirt, jeans or visible body parts. "Turn around," I told him, spinning my hand to illustrate. He looked rather nonplussed but obediently turned on the spot for me. "Again, slower please."

"Darling, I was referring to the country. What on earth am I doing this for?" He looked puzzled as he slowly turned 360 degrees.

"The first time I was checking for signs of grease stains, but the second spin I have to admit, I was just admiring the scenery."

When he burst out laughing I felt a grin spread across my face and a tug in my chest. He laughed with the whole of his upper body; eyes sparkling and crinkling, lips drawn wide, shoulders shaking - even his fingers curled. It was adorable and sexy at the same time.

"Incorrigible wench," murmured his voice suddenly close to my ear, so deep and sensuous I'd swear my goosebumps had goosebumps. "My incorrigible wench," he gathered me into his arms, raining kisses all over my still grinning face before doing things to my neck that turned the grin into a gasp as I ran my fingers through the hair at his nape. "If we weren't going to my parents' for lunch, I'd..."

"You'd what? Don't stop there, you tease!"

Now we were both grinning, but instead of answering he kissed me and said, "I'll show you later," before releasing me. "Come on, wench, grab your things and on the way you can tell me how you feel about a few days holiday in Greece."

"Well goodness, Cumbers, if you'd said holiday in Greece in the first place I would have known what you were talking about and we wouldn't have had the whole baking soda conversation," I complained, obediently collecting my handbag and heading out the door towards the car. "Though it did give me the perfect opportunity to check out your lusciously admirable backside, so it wasn't a complete waste of time."

He shook his head and I'm sure I heard him mutter "bum fetish" under his breath as he opened my door for me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to plant my lips on his briefly before sliding into my seat, giggling. As we drove to his parents' house he told me he had a holiday home in Greece and thought perhaps we could get away for a short break as soon as I'd finished recording the album. It wouldn't be long after that we would both get very busy - him shooting a film and me promoting my single. "What do you think?"

Without hesitation I replied, "I think I'd better make sure my passport is still valid."

"You'll come?" His eyes were bright as they left the road briefly to shine in my direction.

He looked so boyishly hopeful that I swallowed back the cheeky retort I had planned to say, telling him instead, "I'd love to," and was rewarded by a happy smile that lit his face and made my heart perform cartwheels.


"How's your new song coming along? Will it be ready to put on the album?" Mick and I were alone in the studio after a long day of working.

"I'm almost there, just got to get a last verse sorted."

"Can I hear what you've got so far?"


As I walked over to my stool I took a sip from my coffee cup and pushed my hair back from my face. Someone had turned the air off prematurely and it was warming up in here; it was definitely time to go home and shower off. Putting the cup down, I settled my guitar on my lap, closed my eyes and picked out the tune for the song I'd been writing.

I've never had anyone

That I could count on

I've been let down so many times

I was tired of hurting

So tired of searching

Till you walked in to my life

It was a feeling

I'd never known

And for the first time

I didn't feel alone

You're more than a lover

There could never be another

To make me feel the way you do

Oh, we just get closer

I fall in love all over

Every time I look at you

I don't know where I'd be

Without you here with me

Life with you makes perfect sense

You're my best friend

You're my best friend, oh yeah

"What do you think?" I asked after the second verse and chorus.

"I think it's ready," Mick surprised me. "If you really feel it needs another verse, go ahead, but I think it's okay as it is."

I thought about it and decided he might just be right.

"We'll try it tomorrow and see what you think," he suggested, and I happily agreed. "Now come on, let's get out of here before I turn into a werewolf."

I laughed, not having noticed it was a full moon outside. "It's probably about time they remade 'An American Werewolf in London'," I quipped as we turned off the studio lights and headed down the corridor towards the exit. "How's your American accent?"

"They sure wouldn't get me to play the lead," he responded, chuckling. "I'm far too old and grey - they'd need someone much younger and sexier." There was a brief pause before he added, "Maybe that Benedict Cumberbatch chap I hear so much about - he can do a good American accent."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him, jaw dropping open. "How did..."

Mick stopped too and looked at me with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

"Eleanor told you," I accused.

He nodded. "She did. I haven't told anyone, I promise you..."

I waved a hand. "It's okay, I know you wouldn't." I'd grown very fond of Mick in the short time we'd been working together and each day was more and more sure I had done the right thing to trust him to produce my album. Now I looped my arm through his as we continued walking. "I should suggest it to Ben - he can look quite wolfish at times."

We both laughed then as we emerged from the building to be bathed in bright moonlight; looking up at the sky, I grinned and shook my head. Ben would make a good werewolf.

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