My wrong tagged boyfriend

By jaymeslyn_

6.1K 120 56

What happens if instead of tagging a sweet status to your boyfriend, you tagged it on the schools' most popul... More

Prologue - I'm dead

Chapter 1 - Take it or leave it

1.7K 54 35
By jaymeslyn_

"If you're tired and not in the mood to talk, we can just sit here in silence. Being close to you is enough for me." -  Tumblr

Jane Smith

"What am I gonna' do now?!"

She just shrugs.

"Help me Alex please!" I beg her.

"I'm out of it sissy, I don't want the whole school to hate on me too. I suggest that you just ignore him or you can even ask help from your best friend." I nod in defeat. Yeah, she's right. I can just ask Ryan to accompany me to my first class!

After taking a quick  shower, brushing my teeth, combing my hair and drying it afterwards, I put on a simple red shirt and pairing it with a light wash pair of jeans. I put on a bit of lip balm because my lips are looking pretty nasty today. I put on my sneakers, grab my backpack and head downstairs just to see my best friend casually laying on the couch watching tv with a plate with probably more than 10 pancakes.

I roll my eyes, "Don't you think you're a bit too early?" I ask him. Nah, who am I kidding? He eats here almost every day.

"Nope. I'm just in time for breakfast! Thank you for the pancakes second mom!" He yells at my mom, washing the dishes.

"Hurry up, we're gonna' be late."

"Hey, it's so early. What's the rush?" He annoyingly asks.


"Oh really?" My annoying stepsister asks. Ryan raises his eyebrow at me.

"You're hiding something. I already know that face. What happened? Tell me everything. Do I need to beat up someone?" Oh, Ryan if only you knew who's that 'someone' is. I'm sure you won't even try laying a finger on him.

"I'll tell you later. Just hurry up." I gesture at mom. I don't want her to know that half the school are planning on killing me just because I accidentally tagged that àsshole on my status. She'll be worried sick.

I sigh, gosh, why am I so darn stupid? I prefer tagging that status on Obama than that jerk.

He sighs in defeat.

After almost half an hour, Ryan finally finished his pancakes. We kiss our mother goodbye and head to Ryan's car.

"So, tell me everything. Now." He says as he starts the car. I sigh, not really wanting to tell him how much of a stupid I am.

"I'm in trouble."

"A big trouble." Alex corrects me.

"I tagged a wrong person on a status instead of Jonas."

He raises his eyebrow looking at me on the mirror, "That's it?"

"Guess who's that person is." Alex says.

"Nick Jonas?"

"Hahaha no dumbass."

"Who then?"

"Nathan." I respond.

As expected, his jaw drops at my response, "The famous Nathan? Nathan Jones?"

I nod, "Nathan Jones, the biggest àsshole ever, yup."

"No, I can't believe you! Woah you're so stupid!" He laughs, shaking his head. Alex high fives him.

"Well, thank you for making me feel a lot better." I roll my eyes.

"Oh my god, so why are you such in a rush? If I were you, I won't even go to school anymore." Hah, told ya he won't even dare laying a finger on that jerk.

"Hey, I'm not going to miss my classes just because he threatened me this morning."

"He threatened you!?"

"Yup, Nathan Jones just called her on Messenger and said 'see you at school Janine. You need to pay for that status' ." Alex says, mimicking Nathan's voice  while re-applying her lipstick.

"You're really dead my friend." He says, concern clear in his voice.

"Can you help me?" I ask him. He looks at me like I grew another head, "Are you serious?"

I look at him with my famous puppy eyes begging him, "Please?"

"Okay, okay. Explain to me how I'm going to help you without him beating me up."

As you can see, boys are scared of Nathan Jones. That's because there were rumors that he was a street fighter. You know, beating up people for money? I don't know if that rumor is true because, Nathan Jones street fighting for money? Their family is one of the most known families here because of their successful companies. So that doesn't make any sense because he was born rich. Nathan is very mysterious.

And hot?

My subconscious is so annoying.

Of course not...

Yes maybe he is but he's still a jerk.

"I was planning on ignoring him the whole day. That's why I was rushing. I wanted to go straight in the girls' bathroom and wait till the bell rings so he won't see me."

Alex snorts, "Nice plan there sis." I just ignore her. Hey, it's a nice plan. Right?

"So you want me to accompany you to the bathroom?" He wrinkles his nose.

"No stupid. I want you to accompany me to class. You know, just in case he'll see me, you can just cover me up?"

"Fine." He sighs.

"I love you!" I kiss him on the cheek. He just rolls his eyes.

After parking his car, I immediately get out not even bothering on closing the door. My heart drops when I see the huge group of girls blocking the entrance. Oh crap. I look at Nathan Jones' usual parking spot and see his car. He's already here! He comes out of his BMW looking badass as ever with his Ray Bans, leather jacket, white tshirt.. Like why is he even wearing a jacket? I'm freaking sweating here.

"Jamie Smith!"

He just shouted my name wrong.




I grab my backpack and use it to cover my face, I try my hardest to push myself through the squealing girls.

Why are they squealing so much anyway? They see him everyday.
If I don't get inside the school building soon, my eardrums will break, I'm sure.

"Jamaica Smith!" He doesn't even know  my name.

I accidentally step on a girls foot, "Sorry!"

"There she is! Jane Smith!" The girl shouted, all the girls stop squealing and turn their heads to me.

Oh my god.

"There you are." Nathan smirks.

I push all the girls on my way and run towards the girls' bathroom. I look back and see him chasing me.

My heart is pounding and I can barely  breathe. I finally reach the girls' bathroom, I grab the doorknob with my shaking hands. After a minute, I finally open the door and slam it close.

I sigh in relief. He can't enter here, he can't hurt me.  Thank god there's no one inside the bathroom. I turn around and lock the door just in case he asks one of his supporters to get me. I don't think Nathan will waste his time waiting for me to come out.

After almost half an hour of waiting, the bell finally rings. Someone knocks on the door, "Ryan." I mutter to myself.

I unlock the door and glance myself in the mirror and fix my hair a bit. I was about to open it but I back up when someone outside opens it first.

"Can't you just wait outside?" I ask Ryan but my eyes widen when I see Nathan instead, smirking at me. He closes the door and locks it.

"Hello Jasmine."

"Wha-what are you doing here?" I stutter. He can't just enter a girls' bathroom!

He chuckles, "I should be the one asking you that question Smith."

"I'll re-report you to the school's principal, y-you entered the girls' bathroom."

"You're the one who needs to be reported."

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're in a boys' bathroom Smith."


Am I that stupid that I didn't check the sign before entering?

God, Jane another stupidity.

"I'm so-sorry." I'm pretty sure my face is already red like a tomato right now.

I try to walk past him and open the door but he stops me. He looks at me directly in the eyes, he slowly leans his face to mine..

Oh my god, he's going to kiss me.

When his lips are only inches away from mine, he smirks.

That freakin' smirk is pissing me off.

He whispers something to my ear, "Not so fast, you still need to pay for that status remember?"


Oh my god.

Is he going to kill me now?

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Too bad Nathan Jones never accepts apologies." He says, with the most annoying  fake concern face I've ever seen in my entire existence.

"What? Are you going to hurt me?" I raise my brow, slowly gaining confidence.

"No, I don't hurt girls physically." I roll my eyes from the word 'physically'.

"Why, because you only hurt them emotionally?"

"You're a one feisty girl." He smirks.

"Can you move out the way so I can go to my first class?"

He shakes his head, "You're not going anywhere. Why did you call me prince?" He asks, his tone dead serious.

"My status wasn't meant for you. I clicked your name on accident. I didn't mean it and I'm sorry. Okay? Happy now? Can I go to my class? I'm late." I tell him, pointing at my wristwatch.

"Aren't you listening? Sorry is not on my vocabulary. You don't have no choice but to pay for that stupid mistake." I look at him shocked, is he serious?

"Are you kidding me? You want me to pay you just because I tagged you on my status?"

"Only? I lost a very hot girl because of your dàmn status. She thought you were my girlfriend."

This boy is really out of his mind.

"Well? That's not my problem anymore." I huff, I grab him by his shoulder to try and push him away but he only grabs my hand and almost gently, slam me against the door.

"A girl like you doesn't have the right to call me prince." He says, making me angry and slightly offended.

"Didn't you hear me? My status wasn't meant for you. I would rather die than tag that status on a jerk like you."

He chuckles, shaking his head.

"I don't think you heard all the popular rumors about me princess. Every single one of this school knows what I'm capable of--"

I cut off whatever he was saying and knee him in his private part. He falls to his knees, clutching his little friend.

"Don't you dare call me princess again, àsshole."

I open the door, revealing all his supporters glaring at me like they want to eat me alive. I ignore them and run to my first class. I'm fifteen minutes late already, all because of him.


The bell rings, indicating it's lunchtime already. All the students are already heading in the cafeteria while I'm still finishing on copying the notes the teacher wrote on the board.Luckily, my English teacher didn't send me to detention because I'm late. I was always one of his favorite students.

  I fix my books and put them inside my bag. I was about to stand up from my seat when someone suddenly grabs a handful of my hair. I turn around and see Samantha smirking at me.

Samantha is the school's brat, well at least for us girls. All of the boys here at school are crazy for her. I don't know why, she's not even that nice. Well, yeah she's got all the curves I don't have but her personality is trash. Hah, I think I'm the only one left that cares about personality nowadays, everyone only cares about the physical appearance. Oh and she also happens to be Nathan Jones latest flavor of the week. Great.

"What do you want?" I ask her, struggling to take her hands off my hair.

"Get away from Nathan, he's mine."

I raise my brow, "How dare you tell me what to do?" Not that I want to be with Nathan, I don't like it when people tell me what to do, unless they're my parents of course.

"Because, if you don't do what I tell you to, I will--" Someone cuts her off, "What are you doing to my girlfriend?" My eyes widen.

Samantha immediately lets go of my hair. I turn around where the voice came from and see Nathan walking towards me. What the fu..

"Gi--girlfriend? I--I'm sorry."Samantha stutters.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, holding my face. I don't respond. I just look at him, shocked of what he just called me.

"No! You're lying. You don't do relationshi--"

"Samantha, if you hurt her again, I'm gonna' let you pay. Do you understand?" Nathan cuts her off, his hands gripping her arms harshly. She nods, fear clear on her face.

I don't do anything but stare at this jerk while he puts me into more trouble.

"He--he is not.." Before I finish what I was about to say, he cuts me off by grabing my arm.

"Let's go princess." He tells me, emphasizing the last word.

I didn't even realize the students from the cafeteria are all watching us. Some of them are shocked like me, some are amused because Samantha just got busted from Nathan and most of them are glaring at me.

"The show is over!" Nathan shouts, causing the students to immediately walk away.

He brought me to the old music room and he closes the door.

"What the hell was that?" I shout at him. Pulling my arm away from his hold.

"Hey, hey. Is that your way to say thank you? I just saved your ass right there even though you just kneed me this morning."

I let out a fake laugh, "Saved? Are you kidding me? You called me your girlfriend in front of the whole school! Didn't you see how your pathetic supporters were glaring at me?"

"So? What's the big deal? And didn't you see how Samantha was scared when I told her your my girlfriend?"

"What? I'ts nothing to you? I.. I thought you don't date?" I ask, taken aback.

He raises his brow, "I don't."

"Yeah I know but now the whole school is thinking you're dating me." I point out.

"So? I don't date just because I want to look independent to people. I don't date because I don't want to." He explains.


"Now the whole school is thinking I'm dating you!"

"Now they're talking about how lucky you are to be my girlfriend!" He smirks.

I roll my eyes. He's so full of himself.

The bell rings again, indicating lunchtime is over.

"I need to go." I mumble.

He grabs my arm, "Not so fast baby."

Did he just call me baby..?

"Let's talk about how you're gonna pay for the status."

"Why can't you just accept my apology so we can both get over that status and we can continue living our own lives?"

He chuckles, "It's not that easy princess."

"Stop calling me that!" I groan.

"Listen here, wether you like it or not, you're still gonna' pay for that status. If you do what I want, I'll make sure my supporters won't lay even a finger on you, if you don't then I have no choice but to do to you what I do to those who messes with me." I gulp, remembering my old friends Justin and Tyla that changed school only a few weeks ago because of Nathan's torturing. There wasn't a day without  Nathan messing with them by throwing them things and bullying them. Justin was the only one who did something that Nathan didn't like but Nathan decided to involve his sister Tyla. I'm afraid that he might involve my friends and sister too if I don't do whatever he wants me to do.

I sigh in defeat,"Just don't make me do something that involves sexual stuffs." I warn him.

He snorts, "It's not like I want to do some sexual things to you."

Being confident is not a bad thing but he's confidence is making me sick.

"So, what I want you to do is to give me three wishes."

I snort, "What am I a genie?"

He rolls his eyes,  "Are you in or not?"

Three wishes? That should be easy right? I'll give him his wishes now so that he won't bother me again.

"Fine. What are your wishes Aladdin?"

"Wait I'm not done yet, I won't tell you my wishes all at once. I'll tell them one by one. To be specific, I get to decide when will I ask them and when will you do them."

My eyes widen. No, no, no.  This means he gets to decide when to finish this stupid payment.

"No. I changed my mind. I won't give you any wishes." I say, shaking my head.

"There's no turning back. You already agreed." He smirks.

Can I just knee him in the balls again?

"Ready for my first wish, my genie?" He asks in the most annoying tone ever. I don't respond, I just wait for him to continue. I've got no choice, I already agreed. I'm gonna' do this to protect my friends.

"I want you to be my girlfriend."


He can't be serious.

"Sorry? Can you repeat? I think i might misheard it."

Please tell me I just misheard it..


"You heard it right princess. I want you to be my girlfriend." He smirks.

My jaw drops.


Sorry if i haven't updated for like 2 months!

I've been very busy at school these months, so please forgive me!

School you got me damnèd you got me stressed out..

Yup I just changed the lyrics of Drake's Hotline Bling haha!

Thank you for the nice comments and votes on the last chapter! And also for adding this story in  your library/reading list, I really do appreciate it! 

Did you like this chapter? Vote and comment please!

CHAPTER 2: The first day - TEASER

"Tomorrow I'll be presenting you to my grandma so you better fix yourself up and try to look a bit more like a human "

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