Catch me if You Can

By Random-Hearts

636 9 0

Pandora runs from many things, for one, her name, her mother, her feelings, her friends, so when life throws... More

Catch me if You Can
Dancing like a random
out of or into trouble?
Lunch, Please!
Human Needs

Betty Vs Underwear

108 1 0
By Random-Hearts

A/N: hey i hope you guys like it so far and tell me your thoughts about it, I mean how bitchy is Cj,come on XP hahah comment, vote whateva makes you happy, you get a little more depth in this chapter :) the pic is of Cj


I stared down at the flismy papers, maybe I shoulda' thought about it more before now, a sly grin creeped onto my face, who was I kidding a clean slate was just what i needed, no more mummy... 

"Dude look out she's got that creepy smile again!" Nick called out to the guys.

"Aww come on can't I be happy without hurting anyone?" I asked them,

"NO" they shouted, I sighed.

"you know I'm paying you guys to help me pack and you're meant to be my friends!"

"you're only our friend when you want something" Ace exclaimed,

"You're only my friends when you want something" I retorted.

"True that" they agreed,

"Hey Cj?"

"yeah?" I said breathlessly

"you didn't have to pay me to help you pack these" Jack said with a cheecky grin while holding up a pair of my underwear.


I screeched with a flushed face and grabbed the underwear off him and slammed my draws shut. I sighed,

"guys I wanted you to help pack my shoes not my-" I was cut off

"your shoes are you kidding me, you have tons of shoes I don't wanna pack them" Ace whined.

I guess that's a true statement, the amount of clothes I have is tiny compared to the amount of shoes I have, what can I say shoes are the happy things in my life, when I figured out that my mother's bank account was loaded, I still don't know why though, I occasionally went shopping. So what if I liked being a shoe collector and besides after cleaning out a converse store I decided I had enough shoes.

"Come on between the four of us it'll take a couple of hours tops, I'm not even bothering to bring all my clothes I only really wanna take my shoes my board and Betty, but I can't take her so I'm giving here to you guys" 

"YOU'RE WHAT!" they all exclaimed

 "Yeah, yeah I can't take her, I'm lucky to even take my surf board so I don't wanna sell her so she's yours" I explained.

You see shoes weren't the only thing I spent my mother's money on, Betty as we all called her  is my or was my, dirt bike, one of the five important things in my life was dirt biking, actually my list of important things in my life was

1. music

2.making sure my dad didn't know me, EPIC FAIL

4.dirt biking


Notice how school doesn't come into that, it was so sucky I couldn't bring Betty, but I knew that Ace and Jack at least would take care of her, Nick well I probably should trst him a hell of a lot more than Jack but Nick was a surfer the others were the guys I'd go biking with.

"Ok well that sucks for you, but come on BETTY, I'd seriously prefer a pair of those undies cause they were hot!" Jack grinned.

Just eww, no, eww, I shook my head in disgust,

"come on, I wear those"

"Which brings my next question, who are you trying to impress with those lacy undies, that's so not like you, you could kick our asses" Jack continued.

"Yeah I could and I will if you don't drop it now come on we have work to do" I ordered. 


They helped me with my clothes and shoes but not my underwear, never, ever, I'll pack that on my own.

"Okay guys thanks for the help"

"Yeah yeah, it's a shame you're going to America, we won't be able to blame all the pranks on you now" Ace cheeckily smiled.

"On the brightside its California so there is at least beaches, but the waves will suck compared to here" said Nick.

"So true I mean this is the GOLD COAST, of Australia, it's the best surfing spot ever, and its home"I smiled wistfully in agreement.

"At least there's meant to be hot chicks in California" of course Jack had said that the perv.

I hugged them one by one as they left, Jack last, however I forgot to expect him to be dirty like always and he squeezed my ass.

"DUDE!" I exclaimed and he flinched I'd normally beat the crud out of him right now.

"You know what, I'm not gonna kill you"

"You're not?" the boys all asked at the same time.

"No, its last time you'll be able to do that so I hope you got a good feel, now scram before I change my mind"I laughed.

I probably seemed a little slutty right now, but normally I would never put up with Jack even if he was one of my better friends, and besides I shouldn't really be insulted by him doing that, its more like he thinks my ass is nice enough to grab, right? Ah well, thats what I'm telling myself.

"Dont come back to Australia to soon" Nick cheered as they left in his car, he was the only one who had hiw own car out of the four of us.


The rest of the night was log and tiring as I dragged all of my stuff packed up in suit cases to the front door ready for the flight tomorrow.

It had actually been a week since the phone call to my father, I could tell how much I made him squirm, I actually batted my eye-lashes when I said 'daddy' I shouldn't resent him as much as I do but I can't help it, I'm probably as crazy as my mum. I looked back at the papers, two pages were the court order about how he was my guardian and I had to stay in his care for so long, but the last page was what made me the most uncomfortable, it had a family photo and basic information about who I was gonna live with.

The photo looked a couple years old, it showed my dad, his wife, two tween aged kids a boy and a girl and the wife was obviously pregnant, I'd obviously intruding on a happy family, I guess my dad wasn't a drunk man-whore like I had percieved him to be, but it made me feel a little dissapointed.

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