Beautiful Slayer // l.s.

By CharlieWritess

50.9K 3K 3K

"Screw whoever says feminine guys are weak." _________ In an eerie town full of strange demonic activity, dem... More

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Beautiful Slayer [l.s.]

6.2K 232 10
By CharlieWritess

Title: Beautiful Slayer

Pairing: Harry Styles/ Louis Tomlinson (a.k.a. Larry Stylinson)

Hello gorgeous! Thank you for finding interest in this story of mine. Quick heads up, this story involves things like demons, angels, killing, blood, gore, and all that jazz. If you can't read things like people burning alive and cracking skulls open, this isn't the story for you.
Also it contains a very feminine Harry. He's not exactly transgender, it's kind of just his style and personality. He's also a skilled assassin so gotcha there.

This is of course a male x male fan fiction (with smut) so if you're not comfortable with that stuff...DON'T READ blah blah bleh

Anyway if that all sounds good to you, then enjoy :)

This story's playlist will mostly have music from the 'Chill Nation' YouTube channel. So it's electro and remixes.

First chapter coming soon

Oddly scheduled updates


P.S. At the beginning of some chapter there will be a name of a character which doesn't necessarily mean P.O.V. Well sort of but not really. Some parts of this story will be in third person so not very many "I's" and "Me's" that aren't dialouge. THAT'S ONLY IF I DON'T SAY SO AT THE BEGINNING. I may put it in third person for mystery reason. This will but an odd story but bare with me. Again. Thank You ;)

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