The moon doesn't lie (A Marau...

By RedTears

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Sady Benett is a witch. Her father was a wizard. Her mother isn't. He died, and left her to live with her lit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

523 50 37
By RedTears

Chapter 10

After a day Madame Pomfrey had released me out of the prison called the hospital wing. With other words, I got on her nerves so badly that she sent me out, refusing to even let me go to the toilet before I went.

As I walked into the great hall for dinner, I received more weird glares than usual. I was the hot topic at the moment. I wasn’t sure if I liked that.

‘SADY!!!!’ Macy yelled, pulling more attention to us.

‘MACY!!!!’ I yelled back. Everyone realized this was going to continue for a while and they ignored us again.

‘SADY!!!!’ Emily yelled. ‘EMILY!!!!’ I yelled back.

I looked at Lily as I walked over to them, expecting her to yell at me too, but she did not. ‘Hi,’ she simply said.

‘Oh come on Lily, why are you ruining the moment?’ I asked as I sat down next to Macy. ‘Yes Evans, why?’ James asked as he joined the conversation.

I looked at Sirius, who was sitting next to Lily, protecting her from James. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

‘Okay, what is going on between you two?’ James asked as he looked at us. Macy looked at us too, which made me realize even more I had made the right decision. Oh my god, so many signs that I’m doing good!

James yelped and my best guess was that Sirius had kicked James. Maybe even had stood on his foot. As James looked at Sirius with this “What the hell dude?!” glare, I looked at Remus who sat next to me.

‘And how are you doing today?’ I asked him. I hadn’t really spoken to him last night, or the day before, or the day before that…  I never really spoke to him, I realized.

Remus, who didn’t expect me to talk to him, almost choked on his soup. As he was coughing, he tried to say something. ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What were you saying?’ I asked, looking at him with concern. He wasn’t going to die, was he?

‘I’m good, thanks,’ he said when the coughing finally had stopped. Nope, not dead yet.

How can you choke on soup anyways? That’s a bit weird, isn’t it? Well, in fact it is not, but just let me believe it is okay? Where is this thought going…

‘Sady?’ Remus asked. I shook my head as if to shake off the thought before looking at him. ‘Yes?’ I asked him. ‘I asked you how you were doing…’ he said, almost staring to the ground.

Remus was such an emotionally awkward turtle! I should give him Sady super powers… I really should you know. That would make him just as awesome as I am…

Remus was looking at me with a questioning glare in his eyes, and I realized that I still hadn’t answered his question.

‘Oh, I’m good! Thank god Madame Pomfrey let me go early because the Quidditch match is tomorrow!’ I said. That was the moment I actually remembered the Quidditch match was tomorrow. ‘Shoot, the Quidditch match is tomorrow!’ I said, almost jumping up from the bench.

Remus couldn’t suppress a small smile as he looked at me. ‘I totally forgot! Until I just said it and I remembered… Which is kind of odd… I AM GOING TO DIE OH MY GOD I DO NOT WANT TO DIE YET! I’M TOO YOUNG AND AWESOME!’ I started to “yell”. It wasn’t very hard, you see, so that’s why yell is in between those quotes. Just because I can.

‘Why would you die?’ Remus asked, his face still looking a bit happy even though the smile had left again.

‘Because A) Sirius is beater, which says enough, B) James is a chaser and he is going to throw the quaffle in my face and C) Emily and Macy are totally going to burn me up there,’ I said, naming all the things I was scared of for tomorrow.

Remus couldn’t suppress another smile. ‘You’ll be fine! You’re one of the toughest people around here! And you’re a keeper, I mean, they just fly there and protect the hoops…’ he said.

‘But then I get the quaffle in my face! That would be a complete disaster!’ I said, my eyes widening in fear. I really didn’t want another bleeding nose. That sucked.

‘Well, seeing the odds, yes, you are going to die,’ Remus said with a real bright smile. 3 smiles in one conversation. BUYAH!

‘Well thank you very much Remus John Lupin!’ I snapped. He just shook his head, still smiling, as he continued to eat his food.

I grabbed food too before I started to eat it. I mean, I can’t start to eat without grabbing food, that would be really weird and impossible. James, Sirius and Peter were having a conversation about Quidditch whilst Emily, Macy and Lily were discussing the homework for transfigurations they apparently had made when I was gone.

I wasn’t really listening to any of the conversations because I didn’t feel like it. I was just eating my dinner, alone like the nono I am…

For the people that clearly aren’t up to date with the latest thoughts in my head, a nono is another word for loner. So. Eating dinner like the nono that I am.

I almost choked on a potato when Macy kicked me from next to me. ‘What?!’ I hissed at her, clearly not amused.

‘Full moon tonight!’ she squealed. On the other side next to me I heard Remus choking on his pumpkin juice. I looked at him.

‘Are you okay? Not dying again are you?’ I asked him. He wildly stared at me, clearly trying to find words. ‘Dying? What? Nobodies dying!’ he rapidly said.

Then he got up and stormed out of the hall.

I looked at the boys who stared at the spot Remus just had been sitting on. ‘What’s wrong with him?’ I asked.

Sirius shrugged. ‘We’d better check on him’ he muttered before he got up. James and Peter quickly followed and they rushed after Remus. Completely stunned they left me.

James’ POV

‘Oh shit, it’s full moon tonight!’ I whispered as we tried to catch up with Moony. Sirius started to curse under his breath.

‘How could we forget?!’ I whispered. ‘The whole thing with Sady, I suppose’ Peter replied. I nodded to him. Of course, he was right.

‘We got to find Moony before it’s too late!’ Sirius said.

That was when the first moonshine appeared through the window.



I haven't uploaded in AGES, I know! I am so sorry!

I just never found myself in the mood to write..

And about 15 minutes ago I was reading a story and in the middle of a chapter, I was like, f*ck it, I'M GONNA WRITE THE MOON DOESN'T LIE

So, here I am xD

I rather enjoyed this chapter, but I know I'll enjoy the next chapter even more. LET'S ALL HOWL TO THE MOON! LETS ALL DOO ITTT xD

I will upload more, I hope. No promise, a hope/wish. Let's hope (whaha) it'll come true xD

Please Vote, Comment, Fan and Enjoy

PS: Is it possible for a werewolf to turn into an animagus? Just wondering... Would that be a wolf or their "own" animal? HMM? Just curious xD

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