The Date From Fate

By psychvtic

8.2K 357 160

❝You can stop me from talking, but you can't control the bulge that is forming in my pants,❞ He winks as his... More

0/ hershey bars & corny jokes
1/ pimpinghart
2/ wvlfer's smirk
3/ hashtag the dating life didn't choose me
4/ apparently vampires live in libraries
5/ big bad wolf's social status is in stake
6/ piper's weird parentals
7/ introducing vincent the spy
8/ kidnapped for food
9/ he was more satan like than shakespeare
10/ blackmailing till freedom
tag challenge
11// are we really being civilized?
13// shits bout to go down
14// he's like the pedophile sparkling vampire
15// date from fate take two!
bonus// a very merry christmas indeed!
16// tattoo obsession
17// skinny spiked lemonade
18// holymotheroffudgecakes

12// the smile which made my knees wobble

306 16 2
By psychvtic

P I P E R //

"Cara what did you draw for Art?" I asked as I tried to delicately put my canvas in my locker. So far it wasn't working as my locker was a warzone.

She faced her canvas to me and I rolled my eyes at what she drew, "Really? A heart? Cara I expected more from you." I pretended to scold her acting like a parent who caught their daughter doing something wrong.

"What?" She defended hugging the enormous canvas, "I was in the mood of love so I drew a heart."

"Whatever you say," I muttered pushing the huge stack of papers towards the corner of my locker.

"What did you draw huh? Probably another Hershey bar."

"Contrary to your belief, I actually drew something else," I stated as I turned around to face her, my canvas still in my hand.

"Like what?" She challenged raising her brows.

"A wolf" I stated in a matter of fact.

Her eyes bulged out of her sockets and I rolled my eyes once again at her dramatic theatrics, "Really?!" She started jumping up and down.

"Can I see?!" She squealed acting like a five year old on a sugar rush. "Chill sugar rush, here." I turned my canvas around so it was facing her.

Her eyebrows scrunched up as she examined what I drew and I leaned against my locker, eyes closed, waiting for her to finish.

"Oh my god-" Cara started and I was waiting for her squeaky voice to start yelling about what I drew,

"That is amazing!" Her voice suddenly sounded deeper and huskier and I opened my eyes in confusion and looked at Cara who suddenly shut up and motioned me to look next to her.

I rubbed my eyes and looked to see Vincent gazing at my canvas in awe and I suddenly felt uncomfortable and exposed because he saw what I drew. My cheeks started to flush and I cursed under my breath blowing air out of my mouth trying to cool my cheeks.

"Oh uh-um," Frick, I started to stutter. I quickly turned my canvas so it facing the lockers which made Vincent's attention on my face.

I quickly drew a huge breath and smiled at him, "Thank you."

He flashed me a smile, a smile.

No, not a smirk, not the 'I wanna bang you face' but an actual smile and I would be lying if I didn't say that his smile made my knees wobble. When he smiled, he actually looked innocent and dare I say cute?

He cleared his throat and I snapped out of my gaze realizing I was staring at his face for good minute. I looked at Cara and suddenly remembered she was still here my cheeks started to flush again and I groaned internally.

Great he thinks I'm a creep for staring at him and now I'm blushing like a little girl who saw pads for the first time.

"Why'd you draw a wolf Pip?" Cara oh so innocently asked but I could see through that little smirk she was putting up. The girl was slowly transforming into Satan and would ruin my existence in front of Vincent.

Okay so I may be exaggerating, but with Cara you'll never know.

Vincent's attention turned back to me as he suddenly remembered that he should've asked that question, "Oh yea, why did you?"

Please don't put the pieces together.

I shrugged casually but threw Cara a swift glare in which she gave me a cheeky smile.

Satan she was indeed.

"I was watching Teen Wolf." The lie seemed believable as I was a die-hard fan of Teen Wolf.

Vincent's eyebrows rose up in disbelief as he didn't believe me, "Oh really?" He tutted his chin out forward and crossed his arms.

I scrunched up my face knowing he figured it out.

Curse you Cara.

I nodded quickly then realized how much of an idiot I looked like and stopped.

"So this drawing of a wolf, had nothing to do with the phone call last night?" I shook my head slowly keeping a poker face. I glanced at Cara briefly and she was silently squealing at the mention of the phone call.

Vincent took a step closer and I instinctively walked back but cursed when I was already against the lockers. I shielded myself with my canvas and held in my breath.

"Or the fact that my last name is Wolf?" He cocked his head and took one more step forward.

I gulped unconsciously and shook my head once again, I tried to tear my gaze from his mesmerizing eyes but couldn't.

He stepped closer and I felt his breath on my face, my heart rate started to fasten and I gripped on my canvas for dear life.

"Or maybe the fact that," He stooped down, until our noses were touching and I quickly shut my eyes closed and my lips parted much to my dismay.

"Teen Wolf doesn't have any real wolves in it, but werewolves?" I snapped my eyes open quickly and Vincent's presence was gone. He was now stood five feet away from me and my mouth open in disbelief.

"You watch Teen Wolf?!" Cara beat me to the question I was going to ask and instead I took a deep breath. I actually thought he was going to kiss me.

I grumbled internally knowing Cara would never let me live this down. I looked at Vincent and there was his panty dropping smirk and I realized he wouldn't let me live this down either.

There goes seventeen years of my life.

"When you have a little sister, there are some things that you have to watch even if you don't want to." Vincent answered Cara and turned back to me, "See you later, red cheeks." And with that he walked away.

No, no, no.

I would never be able to live this down.

"YOU LITTLE SATAN!" I screeched at Cara because she started all this. I forcefully put the canvas in my locker not caring if it bended or creased anymore and slammed my locker shut.

I turned back to Cara and she stopped laughing knowing full on well I was about plummet her to death.

She gulped and raised her hand in defense, "Slow down cowboy. No need to get mad."

I scrunched my hands in fists and gave her my death stare.

I would never kill Cara despite all the crazy things she made me go through, for example going on blind date, but that didn't stop me from acting all psychotic thinking I would kill her.

"BLOODY MURDER!" Cara suddenly yelled and quickly dashed away.

I started to laugh at her theatrics and jogged to the cafeteria knowing full well that's where she was headed.


Updates will be sporadic from now on due to school stress, pressure and let's not forget the tests I get every single day.



Now I remember being a belieber in my fetus days and then stopped because I thought his songs were trash and I'm not ashamed to admit it, but now his songs are amazing and no I'm no belieber or whatever anymore but I do like his songs so whatever go call me fake. I just enjoy listening to some good music.




I started to binge watch so much, I finished scream queens and how to get away with murder season 2 yesterday and im currently watch Quantico.

Maybe that's why I'm failing COMPUTER. The easiest subject in my school and im failing.

Pray for me guys.

Also pray for the world and all the havoc and chaos that are being created. I wrote a huge ass rant in my message board so if you want you can go check that.

Can't wait for Troye Sivan's Blue Neighbourhood also!!

Vote follow & comment <3

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