The Legend of Zelda: The Sage...

By landon_shacklette

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When Link is defeated by Ganondorf, he must do whatever it takes to keep Zelda safe. Even if it means joining... More

Prologue: The Fall
Chapter 1: The Son
Chapter 2: The Dark Knights
Chapter 3: Snitch
Chapter 4: Once Upon a Time
Chapter 5: The Search Begins
Chapter 6: Waterworld
Chapter 7: Spirit
Chapter 9: Terra
Chapter 10: Biohazard
Chapter 11: The Great Fairy
Chapter 12: The Darkness
Chapter 13: The Sword Sleeps
Epilogue: Tomb Raider

Chapter 8: Ghost

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By landon_shacklette


We approach the tunnel, made out of an old, fallen tree, to Kokiri Forest.

"We won't need the horses here." Mom says.

We tie the horses to a tree just outside the tunnel. We walk through a small portion of darkness only to enter into the forest.

"What is this place?" I ask, looking up in awe.

"This is the Lost Woods. Just a very small area of it, but don't worry, we'll go through a larger part of it to get to the Forest Temple." Mom answers.

We walk through a second tunnel and enter Kokiri Forest. Well, what was my father's home.

Nothing is left of the Forest. Everything is charcoal black. Someone torched this place. No doubt the Sage of Darkness had the Dark Knights destroy it because it reminded him of who he once was. Bodies of the children are scattered everywhere.

Beth drops to her knees on the charred grass. She begins to cry.

"I did this." She mutters.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I was a Dark Knight. Before you two came to Kakariko Village. Link ordered us to kill everyone and everything here. So we did. First, we executed the children. Then, we set fire to the Great Deku Tree and let the fire spread from there." Beth explains. "I'm so sorry. I was just following orders. I didn't even remember doing this. I did so many horrible things."

"It's all in the past, Beth." Mom comforts her. "Let's just go to the Forest Temple and get the final piece of the Light Arrows. After that, you can get revenge on Link and Ganondorf for making you do those things."

Beth wipes her eyes. "You're right. Let's go!"

The Lost Woods

We enter the Lost Woods via the tunnel atop the lookout point. We hear Saria's Song playing throughout the Woods. The road splits into three different paths.

"Which way do we go?" Beth asks.

"The question is 'How do we now which to go?'" Casey says.

"You can't just go any way. You have to listen which path has Saria's Song playing the loudest." I answer.

We find our way to the Forest Temple. We encountered several Moblins when we walked through the Sacred Forest Meadow. Other than that, we got here without an problem.

The stairs to the Forest Temple have long been destroyed. I cast a spell that makes a staircase appear for us to enter.

We enter the great hall of the Temple. Four torches are lit around the elevator to the basement, where Link defeated Phantom Ganon and the Guardian of the Temple awaits.

Casey, Beth, and I step onto the elevator. It drops down into the basement.

A large door stands open. We stand in the doorway.

"Get ready!" I whisper to Casey and Beth.

The three of us draw our swords. We go in. We walk up the small staircase to the platform. Kneeling in the middle of it is a ghostly figure. He looks awfully familiar.

"Link?" I gasp.

"I am what is left of the man Link was." He says. "I am but a remnant."

"He's the Guardian?" Casey asks.

"Yes." I answer.

Link's Remnant stands up. We raise our swords.

"I will not fight all of you. I will fight one. Casey!" He says, pointing to my son.

Casey looks at me, then at Beth. He steps forward and onto the platform. A magic barrier rises from the floor to keep Beth and I out.


I stand face to face with my father. I never thought I'd see him the way that he used to be. Before he became the Sage of Darkness.

Remnant of Link

Dad's Remnant swings at me. I put my sword up to block the swing. I push his sword into the air and stab him in the heart. My sword passes right through his chest.


Casey's sword passes through Link's chest.

"How's that possible?" I ask Zelda.

"He's a remnant. Ghosts, basically. Nothing physical can hurt them. Only magic." She responds.

"But Casey doesn't-" She cuts me off.

"I know Casey doesn't have magic, but maybe we can bring it out of him." She says. "Offensive magic appears from anger, so we have to get Casey angry. There's only one way to do that."

"You can't bring her up! You saw how he got when I MENTIONED the day. Who knows how he'll act when you say her name." I plead.

"We have to try." Zelda says.


"Casey, I know you blame yourself for Terra being captured!" I shout through the barrier.

Terra was Casey's older sister. She was captured by Link and Ganondorf the last time we attacked Hyrule Castle.

"Mom, don't bring her up!" Casey yells back, blocking an attack from Link's Remnant.

"It's not your fault! She volunteered to fight with us!" I continue.

"Mom!" I can hear the anger in his voice.

"It's working." Beth says to me.

"You need to say something about Terra. He's already mad at me. If he hears it from you-" I begin.

"It'll be his breaking point." Beth finishes.

Casey holds his sword in one hand. In his free hand, I can see a spark.

"Casey, your sister was my best friend! I loved her like she was my sister! I feel as guilty as you do for her being captured!" Beth says. "But you have to forgive yourself!"

"Enough!" Casey yells and throws a fireball at Beth and I, but the barrier stops it.

Casey looks at his hand in confusion. He clenches his fist. He turns towards Link's Remnant. He drops his sword. A fireball appears in both of Casey's hands.

"You are not him and you never were him!" Casey yells. He unleashes the power of the Goddess's Flame, the hottest fire and only one that can destroy a spirit like Link's Remnant.

Link's Remnant is engulfed in flames. Casey stops the stream of fire. The sizzling body of Link's Remnant falls to the ground and then vanishes. The magic barrier drops.

Beth runs into Casey's arms. "That was amazing!"

"Mom, I thought you said I couldn't use magic." Casey says.

"Well, I was wrong. It came to you when you needed it." I say.

A flash comes where Link's Remnant was lying. We shield our eyes. When the flash disappears and we uncover our eyes, a bow floats above us.

"The Bow of Light." Beth gasps.

"This is the final piece to the Light Arrows?" Casey asks.

"Yes, it's the only weapon that can fire them." I answer.

I grab the Bow of Light.

A blue light shines down on us and we are instantly transported back to Kokiri Forest.


We stand in front of the tunnel. Mom and Beth start walking out. I stop and look back at the torched village.

"Casey." Mom says. I join her and Beth outside.

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