A Call For Help And He Was Th...

By Alternitive_Wonder

5.6K 121 14

im not good at this....... just a creepypast eyeless jack love story.....hope you like it! More

A Call For Help And He Was There
chapter 2
chapter 3
chaoter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16

chapter 4

309 5 0
By Alternitive_Wonder

jacks pov

i lay JC on the couch,and sit next to her. i dont want to wake her up,and i dont want her to sleep in her wet cloths. i sigh,and shake her awake. she opens her eyes,and sits up. "go change." "what about you?" i shrug. "i brought some things last night. im fine." she nods,and runs up the stairs. jeff anf maskie went out to kill,and i strip down till im in my boxers. "jack!" JC yells from the top of the stairs. i walk to her room,and jump onto her on the bed. she groans,and i lay on her,kissing her neck. she messes with the hem of my boxers,and kisses my head,pushing me off her. i lay next to her,and watch her fall asleep holding my hand.

when i wake up,JC isnt next to me. i get up,and walk down the stairs anf look in the kitchen. maskie lays on the floor,and JC looks at him,a pan in her hand. i take it from her,and give her a 'wtf?' look. "he kept kissing mg neck and touching me!" she whines,stomping her foot. "oh,my poor baby." o say blankly,wrapping my arms around her. "yeah,feel sorry for me." i smile,and kiss her cheek. i brush her hair back,and see a dark purple spot on her neck.i point at it,and she points at me. "you mister,would not stop messing with me in your sleep." she moves her hair to one side of her neck,and her neck is lined with them. "damn im good." i whisper, pocking her neck. i lift up her shirt to look at the gash,and see its fine. i kiss her softly,and hold her tighter against me. "just eat each other already." i look up,and see jeff. i look st JC and see shes a bright red,and shrug. i lick her cheek,and they both give me weird looks. "i blame you! you and your cuteness turned me all.....mushy." she smiles,and sits on the counter. i havnt made a kill in three days. three days!

jeff grabs his knife,and swings it in my face. "im out to KILL because my GIRLFRIEND isnt holding me against my will." he walks out the door,and i look at JC. "i guess i have been keeping you from killing." i shake my head,and take her hand. "no,no i like being here with you. i need to know that your ok and you wont get hurt again. i wouldnt be able to live with myself if you got hurt. dont feel bad ok?" she nods, and i kiss her forehead. "love you ok?" she nods,and leans against me. "ill always be here. ill never leave."

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