Always Watching

By Hamartophilia

425K 10.6K 2.2K

You might be alive now, but just wait until you break his illusion. **This story contains: sexual content, ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

12.9K 348 57
By Hamartophilia

He leaves the room and when he comes back with a key in his hand I'm beyond relieved. He sits down next to me and unlock the cuffs.

I want to ask him what time it is when he stands up from the bed pulling me with him. But I don't when I think of the opportunities I could have with him drunk and I don't wanna give him an excuse not to drink. Maybe I can even escape earlier than I thought. Well that's if alcohol makes him vulnerable and not violent, like him hoping.

I follow him to the kitchen, where he goes to a cabinet and pulls out a bottle whiskey. I don't really like it but I'll have a glass of it if it makes him drink more.

He pours two glasses with a way too generous amount. I pick it up and accidentally smell it as I take a sip. I've always hated the smell, it makes me want to vomit.

I gently place the glass down on the table and he does the same, the only difference is that his is empty.

He pours himself another glass and quickly down that on as well.

He places his hands on the edge of the table and hunches over. Slowly so he doesn't notice, I grab the bottle and fills his glass once more. My eyes don't leave him as I do so.

He looks tense standing there, and I think of something to say to either make him tell me something about him or where we are, or get him to trust me.

"Are y-you okay" I curse under my breath when I stutter again. It's something I haven't done since I was little and I hate him for bringing it back.

Without lifting his head he answers me: "yeah I'm just so tired. It's like I've been walking around with this burden for two years and only now when it's gone, I know how heavy it really was"

"Here this will help" I push his full glass towards him and he also downs this one in seconds.

"You know" he starts "When you were gone I tried imagining the possibility that you would never be mine again and I just couldn't. That was when I knew I had to get you back no matter what"

Before I get a change to talk he continues: "I went looking for you and when I found you. The first time I saw you after you left, you were hanging out with a bunch of people, I guess they were your new friends. You were laughing and smiling and all the guys were hanging on to every word you spoke. At first I was jealous, but when I saw how you didn't even give them a second look, I knew you still only had eyes for me"

He must be even more delusional than I thought in the first place. He definitely doesn't know what he's talking about.
He filled his glass again and held it up, signaling for me to drink with him this time. I took a sip and he took a mouthful.

His word started getting slower and more slurred the longer we stood there. When the bottle is half empty and his eyelids start becoming droopy he starts telling me of how he had been waiting for the right time to take me.

It scares me to death but one thing was clear, he had been watching me for some time.

"Then you went to a party that night and I watched you drink shot after shot and dancing like there was no tomorrow. I knew you were trying to forget about everything and you did"

I remember the day he's talking about, I remember how my friends had dragged me to a party I didn't even want to go to. I remember how I kept drinking because I didn't feel a thing and then my memories stop, I don't remember anything else.

"You came stumbling out onto the road and you were too drunk I even recognize me. You were talking about how you wanted to go home and I knew what you meant. But when I led you to my car you started freaking out, you got cold feet. So I gave you something to help you relax and brought you home"

Hearing his story makes me not even wanting to be me any more. It was all my fault. If I hadn't been that drunk I would have had my guard up and I would never have gone to a strange car. I practically gave myself up on a silver platter. I really am worthless.

He empties his glass once again, but I stopped counting long ago. I need to get away from him, and even if now isn't the time to escape I need some space.

"I think you should go to bed, you need to sleep" I take the bottle out of his reach and motion towards the door.

He smiles a lazy smile and walks closer to me.
"Look at you caring about me, I knew you still did" he says as he starts walking away a little confidently.

I shake my head but walk after him wanting to make sure that he goes to sleep.

"You know you're not like before" he slurs as he stumbles down the hall "you've changed"

His words makes me frown. If he notice that I'm not like her, why can't he see it's because I'm not her?

"I don't know exactly what it is yet, but I like it" I stop at his words but he continues into the room and plops down on the bed.

"You're drunk and need to sleep" I say as he goes under the sheets. I don't move from my spot. his words playing over and over in my mind.

I know I wanted him to see that I wasn't her, but now I'm actually more terrified that he will than I am for anything else.

"Sleep with me" he says and a cheeky grin covers his face, making a dimple appear.

Even though I don't know if his words have another meaning I still don't want to share a bed with him, not after today. And besides, I need to use the time wisely.

I turn around to leave the room, but his low voice stops me.

"I fell harder this time" I turn back around looking at him. I don't know what he means. "I don't know how you managed it, but you've made my love for you even deeper"

And suddenly it's clear that I shouldn't be worried that he would get mad, if he found out I wasn't her. This is what I should be scared of; him starting to have this crazy obsession with me instead.

He gives me one last look before he turns over. And even with his back to me I can see how broken he is but it isn't my job to fix him.

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