A Different Reality (Percy Ja...

By RahCol

337K 14.7K 13.2K

What if our favorites demigods went to sleep one night, just to wake up in another reality? One where there a... More

A/N (probably my only one, so read)
Chp 1 - Percy's POV
Chp 2 - Percy's POV
Chp 3 - Percy's POV
Chp 4 - Percy's POV
Chp 5 - Jason's POV
Chp 6 - Percy's POV
Chp 7 - Piper's POV
Chp 8 - Jason's POV
Chp 9 - Piper's POV
Chp 10 - Jason's POV
Chp 11 - Piper's POV
Chp 12 - Frank's POV
Chp 13 - Jason's POV
Chp 14 - Percy's POV
Chp 15 - Frank's POV
Chp 16 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 17 - Percy's POV
Chp 18 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 19 - Percy's POV
Chp 20 - Piper's POV
Chp 21 - Percy's POV
Chp 22 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 23 - Frank's POV
Chp 24 - Percy's POV
Chp 25 - Reyna's POV
Chp 26 - Hazel's POV
Chp 27 - Nico's POV
Chp 28 - Hazel's POV
Chp 29 - Jason's POV
Chp 30 - Leo's POV
Chp 31 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 32 - Piper's POV
Chp 33 - Will's POV
Chp 34 - Piper's POV
Chp 35 - Reyna's POV
Chp 36 - Hazel's POV
Chp 37 - Nico's POV
Chp 38 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 39 - Will's POV
Chp 40 - Reyna's POV
Chp 41 - Frank's POV
Chp 42 - Nico's POV
Chp 43 - Hazel's POV
Chp 44 - Will's POV
Chp 45 - Leo's POV
Chp 46 - Piper's POV
Chp 47 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 48 - Reyna's POV
Chp 49 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 50 - Jason's POV
Chp 51 - Frank's POV
Chp 52 - Percy's POV
Chp 53 - Reyna's POV
Chp 54 - Leo's POV
Chp 55 - Will's POV
Chp 56 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 57 - Piper's POV
Chp 58 - Jason's POV
Chp 59 - Piper's POV
Chp 60 - Will's POV
Chp 61 - Reyna's POV
Chp 62 - Hazel's POV
Chp 63 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 64 - Nico's POV
Chp 65 - Frank's POV
Chp 66 - Will's POV
Chp 67 - Hazel's POV
Chp 68 - Leo's POV
Chp 69 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 70 - Percy's POV
Chp 71 - Leo's POV
Chp 72 - Jason's POV
Chp 73 -Reyna's POV
Chp 74 - Will's POV
Chp 75 - Nico's POV
Chp 77 - Piper's POV
Chp 78 - Percy's POV
Chp 79 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 80 - Frank's POV
Chp 81 - Will's POV
Chp 82 - Hazel's POV
Chp 83 - Piper's POV
Chp 84 - Leo's POV
Chp 85 - Nico's POV
Chp 86 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 87 - Piper's POV
Chp 88 - Jason's POV
Chp 89 - Frank's POV
Chp 90 - Reyna's POV
Chp 91 - Nico's POV
Chp 92 - Leo's POV
Chp 93 - Will's POV
Chp 94 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 95 - Percy's POV
Chp 96 - Hazel's POV
Chp 97 - Frank's POV
Chp 98 - Nico's POV
Chp 99 - Leo's POV
Chp 100 - Niel's POV
Chp 101 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 102 - Nico's POV
Chp 103 - Leo's POV
Chp 104 - Hazel's POV
Chp 105 - Reyna's POV
Chp 106 - Jason's POV
Chp 107 - Will's POV
Chp 108 - Piper's POV
Chp 109 - Frank's POV
Chp 110 - Piper's POV
Chp 111 - Nico's POV
Chp 112 - Percy's POV
Chp 113 - Jason's POV
Chp 114 - Hazel's POV
Chp 115 - Frank's POV
Chp 116 - Leo's POV
Chp 117 - Reyna's POV
Chp 118 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 119 - Will's POV
Chp 120 - Percy's POV
Chp 121 - Reyna's POV
Chp 122 - Frank's POV
Chp 123 - Jason's POV
Chp 124 - Leo's POV
Chp 125 - Sierra's POV
Chp 126 - Hazel's POV
Chp 127 - Nico's POV
Chp 128 - Leo's POV
Chp 129 - Frank's POV
Chp 130 - Jason's POV
Chp 131 - Reyna's POV
Chp 132 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 133 - Will's POV
Chp 134 - Piper's POV
Chp 135 - Percy's POV
Chp 136 - Nico's POV
Chp 137 - Reyna's POV
Chp 138 - Frank's POV
Chp 139 - Leo's POV
Chp 140 - Hazel's POV
Chp 141 - Percy's POV
Chp 142 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 143 - Hazel's POV
Chp 144 - Leo's POV
Chp 145 - Will's POV
Chp 146 - Reyna's POV
Chp 147 - Frank's POV
Chp 148 - Percy's POV
Chp 149 - Jason's POV
Chp 150 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 151 - Leo's POV
Chp152 - Nico's POV
Chp 153 - Piper's POV
Chp 154 - Will's POV
Chp 155 - Hazel's POV
Chp 156 - Nico's POV
Chp 157 - Jason's POV
Chp 158 - Frank's POV
Chp 159 - Reyna's POV
Chp 160 - Percy's POV
Chp 161 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 162 - Will's POV
Chp 163 - Leo's POV
Chp 164 - Piper's POV
Chp 165 - Valentine's pt. I
Chp 166 - Valentine's pt.II
Chp 167 - Reyna's POV
Chp 168 - Frank's POV
Chp 169 - Piper's POV
Chp 170 - Annabeth's POV
Chp 171 - Jason's POV
Chp 172 - Hazel's POV
Chp 173 - Leo's POV
Chp 174 - Nico's POV
Chp 175 - Will's POV

Chp 76 - Hazel's POV

1.6K 83 20
By RahCol

Hazel's Flashback


Frank, being the sweet boyfriend he was, was walking Hazel home.

We need to draw something new today.


Because I need to make a halloween special upd... drawning.

Oh, okay.

And if your boyfriend could be so sweet and come over tomorrow to help you with the printer...

"Frank? Do you think you could come over tomorrow and help us with the printer so Hannah can put a halloween drawning on her account?"

You didn't need to give him all the details at once...

"Sure. Felix is asking what are you two drawning"

What are we drawning?

Hum... surprise.

How can I draw if I don't know what it is?

No, you tell them it's a surprise.

"It's a surprise"

So, what are we drawning?

No idea.


I have no idea.

How can we draw nothing?

I'm just hoping the muses will smile to me.

So... we're depending on minor goddesses that doesn't exist in your reality, just in mine.




"You were distracted, did you hear anything I said?"

"No, sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked if you have any more plans for Halloween, a party or something"

"Do you?"

"Not officially. I heard the 3J talking about, but nothing official yet. Maybe you could go with us"

I don't know about you... but I wouldn't feel comfortable. Too many strangers.

I know, I don't feel good in large groups of people either. Took me a while to trust and feel comfortable among the Seven.

"I don't know, Frank. I'm not comfortable with large groups of people. And they're your friends, not mine"

"What if it was just you and me?"

"I don't want to ruin your party with your friends"

"I rather go with you. We can go to a party, and if you don't like it, we leave"

"I'm not very fond of parties..."

"I know, I'm not either. Let's just try it. It's going to be good to go out without monsters tracking us"

What do you say? It's your body, after all.

I don't know... what should we wear as costume?

I don't know, it's my first time. Maybe Piper can help.

Can he promise that we'll leave as soon as we want?

Of course, Frank always want me to feel comfortable.

Then I want to go. It's my first time too, let's enjoy it!

"I accept!"



Frank was with Hazel when they met Piper, who was excited, almost jumpingin the same place.

What happened to her?

Maybe she won the lottery?

She's rich, she doesn't need it. And Piper is not the kind of girl to be happy for something like that.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I have no idea. Trish, Halloween, Jason, costumes, Claire, everything combined somehow made me excited to go shopping"

Frank was surprised.


Piper nodded and started to tick her fingers out.

"Yes, and I need to buy my costume, Jason's, Claire's and choose something for you two. So, couple costume?"

Hazel just blinked.


Piper started to explain.

"Couple costume. Like you dress as Beauty and Frank as Beast, or Batman and Batgirl or... gods, that's digusting!!!"

Frank was startled by Piper.

"What is digusting?"

Piper just waved a hand, dismissing it.

"Sorry, Trish telling some weird couple costume. Anyway, couple costume is when you have the same theme. Any idea what do you want as costume?"

Frank and Hazel looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"No... that's wh..."

Piper interrupted with a excited voice.

"Good thing that I have! I was thinking about it yesterday after you called, and I think I found the perfect theme! We won't go to costume stores for it, but I think where to start looking. Come, we need to go!"

She took off without looking back, and Hazel just stared.

"Someone is really excited..."

Frank pulled her by the hand.

"Let's go, before we lose sight of her"


MONDAY- morning

When Hazel entered the classroom, she saw Lucy right away.

Should we talk to her or not?

I want to know why she's befriending my brother.


No, just concerned. It was too sudden.

Hazel sat beside Lucy, and smiled at her. Lucy smiled back with a little wave.

"Hi there. Hannah, right?"


"So, what are you doing for Halloween?"

"I'm going out with my bo... my friend"

Lucy smirked.

"Was it a boyfriend you almost let slip?"

Hazel blushed. Lucy just laughed.

"No worries, your secret is safe with me. Wait. Is it Nanni?"

"What!? No, of course not!"

Lucy scowled.

"No need to sound so horrified, he's not that bad"

Did she just defended him?

I think so.

What's their background?

"No, he's not that bad, I just think of him like a brother. And I'm sure he feels the same way"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know"

"That's fine"

The teacher started class and they stopped talking.


When the class ended, Hazel hurried to walk beside Lucy.

"Hi again, can I ask you a question?"


"Why are you friends with Nanni? I'm not complaining, it's just... I can't see someone like you wanting to be friends with him"

Have you thought about easing your way to such a personal and possible offensive question?

What did I do wrong?

You were too blunt!

Hum, sorry. I'm used in being a demigod, we don't have much time to ease our way to question. If we wait too much, we probably get eaten.

In the human world, if you don't get careful about what you ask and to who you ask, you might get chewed.

Lucy looked at the distance, not saying anything, for almost a minute.

"It started as a favor to a friend, you wouldn't know who. Anyway, the idea was just to keep an eye on him, to see if he was cutting himself or something like this. But now..."

What? Why did she stop?

Hazel pushed.


"I don't know, it was easier to not worry about him while keeping distance. I went to his house last week. It's so cold, gloomy and lonely. I felt like I was surrounded my death, pain and misery. It was horrible. If he lives in that house, I'm surprised he's still alive, it had such a suicidal vibe in those walls"

We wouldn't know, he never let us go there.

"Since I went there, it's not so easy to turn a blind eye to his emotional state. So I decided to keep an eye on him, doesn't matter if he wants it or not"

Lucy turned to Hazel with a hard face, daring the other to say something. Hazel just smiled.

"Thank you. And you can count on me, I worry about him too"

Lucy smiled back.

"Good. I knew we could be friends when I first saw you Friday!"

Flashback over, back to present

Hazel opened Hannah's wardrobe and looked herself in the mirror attached to the door. Her dress, purple with pink little flowers, had a free-flowing skirt attached to a form-fitting bodice with sweetheart neckline and roomy sleeves. She wore black slippers in her feet, necklace and earrings of fake pearls, her hair in a ponytail with a pink bow and light pink lace gloves. She smiled happy, doing a twirl in front of the mirror and watching her skirt opening.

Piper is a genious.

It's perfect! We're so pretty!

Yes, we are!

The bell rang. Grabbing her black purse, Hazel ran to open the door. Frank was there, dressed in dark green suit trousers, a white collared dress shirt, and brown suspenders matching the Fedora hat and the lace up oxford. The last touch was a necktie, purple with elephants. He smiled and tipped his hat to her. She giggled when he offered her his arm and accepted. They left the building smiling, like a sweet and perfect couple from the 40's.

(A/N: Honestly, this was my favorite costume. I totally see Hazel happy for wearing something from her time and Frank matching just to make her happy. Their ship is not the most exciting one to write, but they're sooooo adorable)

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