Undead Apocalypse Complete

By AbelElizabethWalker

399 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... More

First Letter to Emma
Chapter one
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Chapter Five
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
Chapter 6
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
the end posible sequel

chapter twelve

4 1 0
By AbelElizabethWalker

I slide the hand cuffs across the pip my wrist hitting it making my skin sizzle and me bit back a yelp. I inch closer to the clip board making sure not to burnt on the pip again. I knee close to the cart that had the clip board and paper clip and us my foot to scoot it closer to my. Once close enough I bend over it and pick up the paper with my teeth. I hold it down to my hands and pull off the paper clip. I set the paper back down and scoot the cart back to where it was. I slide back to where I have been sitting and set to working to unlock the cuffs.
  I hear them release causing my right hand to fall to my side and I shack it awake. My arm always seems to go limp and numb after it has been pull out of the socked and forced back in. I set my left hand in my lap that is still locked in the hand cuff and rest for a second waiting for my right arm to work. Finally I am able to unlock my other hand and I rest my right hand in my lap. Slowly I crawl across the floor to Jason's bed first and pull myself up on his bed. I sit down next to him and pull the IV's from hid hand and arm. I look at the door knowing they will not be back to late tonight to give us scraps to eat and a bottle of water to share.
  I stand stumbling to Renee's bed and take her ivs out of her arm. Slowly the begin to wake up from their drug induced slumber. I sit on Jason's bed with my head back resting for a few moments while I wait for them to wake up more. I hear Jason sigh next to my an hour later and grabs a hold of me pulling me close to him.
   "Plan?" Renee asK groggy.
  "Use what we have here to get out and hopefully get our gear back in the process." I say and pat Jason and get up walking to the scalpel and other surgical knives. I take them all, pass them out, and sit down next to Jason again.
  "Renee did they bring you in wake unlike us?" I ask and she looks over to me.
  "Yes," she says and spits on the floor.
"Alright when drake comes back I want you to to pretend you are still out while I sit back over there. We He comes to check your vitals we will jump him at once. Now don't kill me but I have to put the needles back in." I say as I clamp the four sets of iv bags off and put them back in Jason while Renee does her own.
"Alright we have a few minutes give or take. Get ready." I say and head over to my spot. I place the hand cuffs back on loosely and wait for Drake to enter. Some time later Drake comes in with a few apples and a banana and one bottle water. He sets it down on the cart and walk over to Jason first. He leans over checking his pulse and Renee, and I jump him from behind while Jason slices up his arm. Renee and I place our blades on either side of his throat and Jason pushes the tip of his against the skin of Drake's throat between ours.
"How many in the facility?" I asK.
  "Three counting me. Did you really kill all of Daniel's men?" he asks in disbelief.
"Yes but most where ki by their own coming back." I state knowing he is going to play a trump card on us. Use sympathy for another means to get us to let him go.
  "If that is true then V, our family and I and get out of here. Daniel found us staying here helping survivors and took advantage of our hospitality a couple of months back. He is holding our family hostage so we do as he asks. Please let me go and me and V will never bother you again. Please." he says pleading with us. They look to me for an answer.
"Take us to your family and we Will think about it." I say in hulstering his two guns and hold one pointed at back of his head. I node to them to step back. "Back up slowly with your hands up where I can see them." I say and he raises his hands backing away. Jason stands up standing close to Renee and I point to the door. "Now walk to the door." I signal for Jason and Renee to stand behind him next to me and hand Jason the other gun. Renee takes more of the surgical knives on our way out and shrubs off a hook next to the door. She dresses as Drake show us where his family is being held. He leads us down the hall to the stairs and down them two floors to a door way marked D. He leads us through the dppr and I signal for Renee and Jason to be on guard we do not know what he is bringing us into. We head down the hall and to a room with glass walls. The drapes are pulled so we can't see what lyes with in.
"You first." I says and Drake drops his head.
"I can't unlock it Daniel has the keys. But I can show you." he says and taps on the glass three Times. The drapes fly open and an old woman pears out at us. If not for the emergency lights and back up generated the place should not be up and running.
"Drake, who are these people?" she says as a little boy no older then five grabs her hand rubbing his tired eyes.
  "They have come to help us momma." he say placing his hand on the glass.
  "Drake where are our weapons. We will take care of Daniel. You get them out of here. Go to the Wal-Mart here in town. They Will take you in." I say and he nodes. "Now take us to our weapons then after we know for sure this is not a trick you may take your family and go. Trust me I know the evil out there. I have seen far to much of it since the beginning of this damned apocalypse." he nodes his head and we fallow down the corador to the last door on the left. It is the old supply closet and Drake opens it to reveal our weapons and so much more. "Now daniel is asleep right through that door. Take him out and this hole thing is over." Drake whispers and I node he heads back to his family.  We get our gear and dress in our cloths. I head out first with my pistol in hand and open Daniel's door quietly. The room is the old sleeping qourters for the worker who had to work double shift. I find Daniel asleep with a naked and bleeding Jake next to him hand cuffed to the railing.
His eyes widen when the fall on me and a grin spreads across his face. I slowly walk over to Daniel being careful of any bootstraps. After finding none I shot his brains out onto the bed and wall.    I find the key to the hand cuffs in daniel pocket and unlock Jake. Renee comes in with Jake's gear and I help his clean all the cakes blood off his rugged body. After making sure he is Not to bad off he dresses and we head out. We walk past the room where Drake'd family was and find them gone. Renee shows us the way out. I stand at the entrance covering my eyes from the dawn and look out over the parking lot. Nature has taken most of this one back and the few vehicles are left in ruin. I watch the Sun rise feeling something I haven't felt in so long. I feel we will make it to see tomorrow that we will beat this and out live the apocalypse. For once I so not feel scared and on content alert. Jason and the others turn to me with wide smile feeling the same as I. We head off and find a working vehicle with enough gas to make it home. We drive about thirty minutes and stop dead in our tracked as we come up onto a hill over looking Wal-Mart from the south side. A hord is headed straight for them. More zombies then I have ever seen are between me and my family. Despare settled over us as we know this would be the end of us but I refused to give in. I will not watch my family fall.

*second to last chapter. *

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