She Is Home To Me (Corey Tayl...

By knjgloss

44.5K 1.5K 321

Autumn Mayer has been Sid Wilson's best friend since childhood. Living together for five years has had it's u... More

The Other Me is Dead (1)
Aphid Attraction (2)
Perfectly Imperfect (3)
The Solemn Hypnotic (4)
Give Me a Sign (5)
I Wish So Hard (6)
Sensation, Deprivation (7)
Absolute Zero (8)
I Wanted You (10)
Through Glass (11)
I Never Needed More (12)
I'm Not Jesus (13)
Dead Memories (14)
People = Shit (15)
See It, Feel It (16)
Entertain My Faith (17)
Hold a Little Tighter (18)
I've Lost My Only Way (19)
Still Kicking, Still Alive (20)
The Fake Sound of Progress (21)
Forever Endeavor (22)
A Sadness Runs Through Him (23)

She Isn't Real (9)

1.9K 66 3
By knjgloss

I sit in Mick's car, since the first day I met him he's been the one I trust the most (apart from Sid of course). We don't talk for the whole journey, we just think. I can sense him wanting to speak but words aren't coming from his mouth. When we finally arrive he lets me inside. He shows me where I can sleep and where everything else is and I thank him.

"Everything okay?" He asks me, before he leaves me to be alone. I nod and he shuts the door to the room I'm staying in. I don't want to talk to or see anyone after what happened. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see a text from Sid,
'Sorry. Call me.' I sigh and put my phone down.

I notice the sound of people shouting downstairs, I sigh and use the pillow to cover my ears. Finally I sense it has stopped and let out a sigh as I stand up. I tie my hair up and walk quickly down the stairs. I find Mick with Chris in the living room.

"Oh, hi," Chris says upon seeing me. I give him a weak smile and sit down. I just hope nobody mentions anything about what happened yesterday. They don't act any different, or act as if they had just argued. They just seem to pretend like everything is fine. Mick walks out, and I am left with Chris. We don't speak, my eyes fall to my feet.

"Autumn?" Mick calls from the other room,


"Come here," I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and stand up to go to Mick. He smiles at me as I join him in the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I feel myself start to tear up but nod my head anyway. He sighs, "Sorry, stupid question." He then hugs me and that's when it hits me. I start sobbing into his chest. He sits me down at the table and he sits opposite me,

"Just tell me what happened, Aut."


"Autumn?" I hear my name but choose to ignore it. "Don't you dare ignore me." My eyes widen as I realise who it is. Lucas grabs my arm and drags me into the bar. I start to panic but convince myself I'll be okay. He pulls me through the crowds of people and practically throws me into a seat. Opposite me, sit two girls talking quietly together, I assume about me. Lucas sits dangerously close to me and as I try to move away he pulls me closer to him.

"C'mon, Aut, I'm your boyfriend remember," he says into my ear.

"Don't call me that." I say through gritted teeth. The girls continue to talk, occasionally looking at me. Lucas stands up and I brace myself for whatever he might do next, but he just walks away. I cross my arms over my body, looking anywhere but at him or the two girls.

"You're Lucas's bitch?" One sniggers. I look up to meet her eyes and shake my head.

"Hear that Luc? She said she's not yours," the other says, just as Lucas comes back. I shiver in fear as he pushes me towards the wall,

"Don't say that. Don't you dare." He shouts into my ear. I whimper slightly but fight the tears threatening to spill. He forces me to drink whatever alcohol he gives me.

"Hey, remember that Sid Wilson kid?" I raise my head upon hearing this,

"Yeah? What about him?" I feel myself begin to shake, as I just listen to the two girls talking about him.

"He's got amazingly good looking since we last spoke to him," one winked to the other,

"Can't be as hot as his friend Corey though." The other replies. I feel myself tense up upon hearing this.

"Yeah, but Sid's single, Corey isn't. Easier to go for Sid than the married one." She winks at her friend and looks at me as I feel sick rise in me.

She just gives me an odd look and continues to talk about people she used to know. How does she even know Corey? Why did Corey kiss me when he's fucking married? So many thoughts are going through my mind and I start to feel dizzy due to the alcohol and confusion.

Lucas proceeds to grab my wrist and pull me to my feet roughly. He drags me to a small cloak room and throws me on the ground. As he pulls off my clothes instead of crying I mentally tell myself I deserve this. I shouldn't have left him when he was the only one who cared about me. I let him do whatever he wants to me, I'm too intoxicated to stop him. I can hardly think. Soon I am just faced with black, as I pass out. Luckily causing me to not remember the horrible details of Lucas forcing me to have sex with him like he always used to.


I'm crying now and Mick looks at me, speechless, with sad eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He says quietly. I shake my head,

"Why did no one think to tell me that he's married?" Instead of being sad, I am filled with anger,

"It's complicated Autumn, he's not happy with her. He doesn't want to be with her. None of us guys knew his intentions, we didn't know he liked you that much." He says helplessly. I nod slightly and stand up. I walk towards the door and I feel Mick touch my arm slightly,

"Autumn, wait," I sigh and stop, turning to face him. "Where are you going?"

"Home." I say going to walk to the door again,

"No you're not, you can't walk to your house. It's too far. Please, Autumn, where are you going?" I sigh and stop, looking at the ground.

"Can you drive me home please." I mumble. He says nothing, just walks infront of me to open the door and leads me to his car. Once we get in, I stare out the window, not attempting to start any conversation.

"Thank you, Mick." I say, getting out the car. He nods and smiles at me as I make my way towards my house. I curse quietly to myself as I remember I left my bike at Jim's. I unlock the door and walk in.

"Autumn?" Sid says. I walk upstairs into his room to find him sitting down on his bed. I smile at him,


"Hi." He smiles, and stands up to hug me. "I'm sorry about earlier, I was just being stupid and protective but I just don't want you to get hurt." He says into my hair. I nod and break away,

"It's fine,"

"You sure?"

"I promise."

Woo new part! I'm sorry if it's not good or anything but I just really hate writing abuse/rape scenes so the bit with Lucas was hard to write but I needed it to explain the story!❤❤tell me what you think!

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