It's Not My Style (EXO Kris f...

By MinionBlehBleh

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If you think your life is messed up, then you haven't seen the half of mine. I'm a 25 year old female named... More

Bad Luck
First Day
Work WorkWork
Hell Began
I'm Broke
Let's Date
Our First Date
You're Embarassing
Sixth- Sense
You Again
My Sassy Boss
I Love You
Heart Dont Do This
Somewhere Really Far
Somwhere Really Far, part 2
I Won't Give Up
Why I Love You
Maybe You're Wrong
My Style Day!
A Different Side Of You
Our Relationship Is A Secret
This is not an update, but you still have to read it!!!
It Was Her
Happy Birthday
Stay Out Of It
You're Scared
Not an Update.
Not An Update.....Again
Not An Update....Again part 2
Whenever I'm Sad
Who Are You?
I'm Your Boyfriend
Make It Up!
She'll Be Alright.
The Things She Left
The Sheep Phone
Detective Henry
Book Review
Makes No Sense
Got You
Picture Tag
The Code
Slipping Through My Fingers.
'I Don't Give Two Shits About Your Name'
Not an Update
An Unexpected Visit
Caroline Connahan
I Never Got to Say I Love you
It Was Fun Though
Strange Caller
A Heart and A Kiss
Engagement Party
Catching The Culprits
Catching The Culprits part:2
The Last Fight
I'll Miss You
See You Later


654 46 23
By MinionBlehBleh

~A female stands facing the wall. Water is dripping down her bare back. Every drop that hits her wounds only adds to their pain. Her breath is heavy and her heartbeat's fast --- TIME'S UP!~

'Peep......peep......peep...' Hmmmm, 'Peep ......... peep.....' What's that sound? I'm not supposed to hear, aren't I dead? 'Peep....peep....peep..' Why am I hearing this?I force my heavy eyelids open and observe my surrounding.

Why am I on a bed? Why is there a bp monitor attached to me? And is that.......a TV? Heavens don't have TV! That means I'm not in Heaven. Which means I'm alive. But if I'm......alive then.........


I rapidly sit up and see six blinking faces staring straight at me.

Diane, Alex, Mia, Jae, April and Ted. Each of their eyes widen as they surround me, and their mouths open simultaneously, "You're awake!", "Thank God!" , "You know how worried-" , "David!" , "I thought-", "and you?" , "What if he hadn't caught you?" , "That bridge." , "What were you thinking?" , "Pulp!" I can't understand a thing they're saying.

"What happened?" I ask breaking through their words, "Where's Kris? Is he-"
"Easy now tiger," Alex places a hand on my shoulder, "You fell off a bridge."
"More like jumped off a bridge," Mia corrects him, "if that guy hadn't caught you, you'd be dead by now, not just injured."
"Huh? Someone caught me? Who was it?" I ask slightly confused.
"I don't know, he was gone as soon as the police got there."
"Probably was scared to death poor fellow, getting his fingerprints all over the corpse. Who wouldn't run away?" Alex interrupts Mia.
"Exactly! She was so stupid to jump off!" Diane scoffs and the three of them are immersed in their own argument about the guy that saved me, my stupidity and jail.

I can hear slight weeping and so glance to the side. April is wiping off tears with Jae comforting her. 'April's so emotional' I think to myself and feel a pair of arms around me. "I'm glad you're okay....." Ted breathes those words out and hugs me tighter. His embrace is soft and comforting, it makes me feel at ease, "....David..." He sweetly says and backs away.

"Where's Kris?" I ask immediately and they all move away from the bed allowing me to see the door. The door, against which he was leaning with his arms crossed and furrowed eyebrows.

"You're alive." I breathe out in relief and feel my heart a thousand tons lighter. The lump that stood in my throat for so long is now gone and a smile spreads across my face. I don't care if he doesn't want to see me, or if he hates me, right now these don't matter. What matters is that he's alive.

I look at him with a calm smile but his face expression doesn't change. He's still wearing the same frown, with angry eyes and a frustrated look.

He pushes himself off the door and storms towards me with his hands in the pockets of his black pants. His shirt collar is standing straight up only adding to his furious image.

As he gets closer, my smile fades and I squint at the sight of him raising his hands. Preparing for impact I turn my face, but to my surprise I'm pulled into a hug.

My eyes widen in shock and my breath stops, as I see his wide body leaning over and feel him squeezing me tightly. His touch isn't as soft as Ted's, in fact it's very rough, but it sure is warm. "Idiot." He harshly whispers.
"I hated why-?"
"Oh I hate you," he interrupts embracing me even tighter, "I hate you so much."

"Ahem." He pulls back at the sound of Diane clearing her throat, "now that prince charming is here could someone finally explain what the hell happened?"
"That's what I'D LIKE TO KNOW!" Kris yells crossing his arms at me.
"HEY!" I yell back at him, "I'm as confused as you are. Why are you alive?"
"What?" He asks clearly surprised by my words.
"April told me you needed a heart donor. That you only had a couple hours left."

"Huh? WHAT HEART DONOR? I JUST SCRAPED MY ARM A BIT!" He shouts and then we all turn to April who looks a little frightened, "That's what the Doctor told me."

At that moment the door opens and 'The Doctor' walks in. We all immediately place our questions attack on him, and the room gets so loud in 0.1 second time difference, that it's hard to say that we're in a hospital anymore. More like a market.

"Calm down. Please!" He urges us and doesn't speak until silence fills the room. Well everyone went silent immediately except Alex, who kept cursing in Spanish until Diane stepped on his foot.

"First of all, David, you are surprisingly fine. Usually after experiencing such a hard collision, patients end up in a coma or with some sort of disability. But you just have a couple scratches and your vital signs seem normal. You will be discharged today but you must come for a check-up after 3 days." The Doctor explains, "Now to clear this issue, I might..........have......confused the patients
......and mixed Mr. Jones's diagnosis with....someone else's."

"WHAT?" And once again the room erupts into a market, with everyone including myself, how do I put this.....'expressing our emotions'.

"I deeply apologize." The Doctor says looking frightened at April, who threatens to sue him. While inside of my head, I was bashing that Doctor's brain with a hammer, I tried to be a good a person and told her that it was okay and I won't press charges.

After a couple more check-ups everyone left, except Kris and Ted who were busy discussing something while the nurse gave me my prescription.
                             Kris's (POV)

"This time I'll let it go because it was her." I tell Ted while rubbing my jaw, "but next time, I won't be as generous."

Flashback to the time before David woke up

A man with a crazy look in both his eyes bursts into one of the rooms. His shirt is disheveled and his shoes muddy, from all the running he's done. His coat is slightly torn and  his hands that are placed in the pockets of it, are evidently shaking.

"Where is he?" He yells surprising both the doctor and the patient who just had his arm stitched. "You!" His eyes lay on Kris and he storms up to him.

He grabs Kris by the collar of his shirt and lands a hard punch on his face.

"What the f- Ted?" Kris spits out surprised by the sudden action of his brother. The doctor immediately tries to interfere but is pushed away by Ted's strong body.

Ted then lands another punch on Kris, followed by many more. His constant punches cause blood to flow from Kris's mouth, but he doesn't stop. He continues landing a few more punches before throwing the half unconscious Kris off the bed.

"You BASTARD!" Ted screams pushing through the security that are now holding him back, "It's YOUR FAULT IT HAPPENED!"
he continues to yell at Kris, who's sitting on the floor spitting blood.

"I'm a patient. How could you do-" Kris starts complaining, regaining his arrogance and self confidence, but Ted doesn't let him finish. He slipped through the security's grip and ran to Kris, violently grabbing his shirt he threatens him with teary eyes.
"If something happens to her.........I'll mess you up."

End of flashback

"Hmph!" Ted smirks and then smiles as David approaches us.
"I'm-" she starts addressing my brother but I interrupt her, "Okay bye!" I grab her hand and pull her after me as fast as possible.

Since I can read minds now, I had to get David out of there, before Ted's thoughts get any dirtier.

                          David's (POV)

This is very awkward. Kris hasn't said a word to me since we left the hospital. He looks pissed but that's how he always I don't really know what's happening.

"Ummm.." I try to start a conversation but,
"Shut up! Or I'll break your neck." He threatens me, gripping the steering wheel tight. We are now in one of his many cars, since my favorite one got damaged in the accident.

"Oh....I'd like to see you try." I tease him, while glaring. Why is he like that? Is he still mad about the whole incident that happened at his house? He probably is.......but why did he hug me at the hospital? "Listen Kris, if you're still pissed about what happened at your house, let me explain-"

The car suddenly stops and he gets out of it slamming the door. We're already at his house? That was fast. I get out of the car as well and run after him.

"Kris listen!" I call after him but he just ignores me, storming directly upstairs. "KRIS!" I grab his arm and he furiously turns around. "You're so stupid!" He yells poking my head hard, "Suiciding! For what? For fun?"
"FOR YOU! I thought you needed a donor! I couldn't let YOU DIE!"
"So you decided to kill yourself?"
"Yes.......because I love you."
"IDIOT! People don't kill for love! They live for it!!!" He shouts pulling me hard into an embrace, "You're not allowed to hurt yourself for someone else, unless I give you permission, YOU UNDERSTAND? If you do that I'll bury you myself in the backyard!" He threatens me and I push him away, "WHY? Why is it always your backyard?" I yell finally asking what I've been wondering about for days now, "if you're going to bury me, why can't it be in a cemetery? Or somewhere normal?"

"Because I might miss you!" He says pulling me back into his embrace, "If you're buried here, I'll have you close and can visit you anytime. This way you'll be mine forever." He whispers kissing me on my forehead.

What? Is......he normal? Who conveys their feelings this way? "This is the strangest've ever said!" I tell him still trying to process his way of thinking, "Are you-"
"Awesome? Yes!" He interrupts me.
"I was gonna say mental."
"I know...... I know.....I'm that irresistible." He boasts and I just wanna know, does he even hear what I say?

I'm about to argue with him a bit more, but I decided to just keep shut and enjoy his irresistible embrace.

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