Without You (Trilogy to AAM)

By SpookyNicole

117K 4.8K 1.6K

It's Rayna's time to shine. She's no longer with August. She's focused on her career. She's going to get to w... More

Moving On..
Life Looking Up
Not an Update
Fix Me
Baby or Not
She's Hood
Unwanted Feelings

Playing Games

8.3K 368 64
By SpookyNicole

Ruben and I dropped Anthony off at Kurrency's so we could go on our date at the carnival. I wasn't dressed and neither was he so he dropped me off at home and said he would pick me up in an hour. I went inside and stripped of my clothes from last night. 

We had slept over Ruben's last night and I didn't have clothes there. I showered and put on my favorite lotion. It was sugar cookie scented. I put on a gray dress that went mid thigh, a black crossbody bag, and white high top Forces. (Cover) 

I dried my hair and left it down. After doing my makeup, I heard Ruben knock on the door. But my phone had rang. On the way down to the door I answered it. 


"Rayna I'm gonna see my son. If not, you're gonna know how angry I am. Better watch yo ass at the carnival. I got people. So worry about what rides you ride and if they're safe or not." Beep. Beep. Beep. 

I put my phone in my purse. I felt sick. Ruben knocked on the door again bringing me back to reality. I shook the thought of something actually happening and opened the door. I smiled at my new man. The only one I should be thinking about. Not August and his sinical ways. I gave him a hug and locked up the house.

"Let's go have some fun." I stated. We got in his car and he drove to the carnival. I could smell the delicious food a mile away. He bought our tickets and we went inside. The thought of what might happen was in the back of my mind. I was focused on Ruben and having fun. 

We went to the elephant rides first. I had never rode one before so we decided to get on one together. This was more of a circus rather than a carnival and I was definitely okay with that.

I held Ruben's hands in front of me while we rode the elephant around the track. August and I had never did anything fun like this so I was hopefully doing it right this time.

After the ride, we went and got a lemonade. We sat at a bench and talked. I felt like a high school girl. He just made me happy.

We went to ride some more rides then got some food. Really good food.

"Ray are you having fun?" Ruben asked with his arm around me. I looked up at him confused.

"Of course I'm having fun. Why wouldn't I be?" I said back.

"You just seem like something else is on your mind. Wanna ride the ferris wheel?" He asked pointing at it.

"Yeah lets go." Maybe I was thinking about August but for now it was out of my mind. We got on the ferris wheel and talked some more while looking at the setting sun.

"So how was life as a child?" He asked playing with my ear. My smile faded and I just shook my head.

"I don't even want to think about that. I was raised to be a maid. A good one at that. Grew up malnourished. It was basically horrible." I explained.

"A maid?" I forgot that I had never told him.

"Yeah. That's how I met August. I was his maid. I wish that never happened. But Anthony is the love of my life so I'm okay now. I'm over all the shit that happened before." I proclaimed. I truly was. Except for August and Samara. Those two keep making me mad so it was just an ongoing thing.

"Wow. I had no idea. Maybe that's why you clean so good." He said. I glared at him and he laughed.

"I'm kidding Rayna calm down. Come here." I looked at him again and he kissed me pulling me closer. If only I had been Ruben's maid. Then I could see us being married with a baby and a dog. With no drama. No one getting killed or raped or hurt. A lowkey type thing would have been perfect.

But now people recognize me and ask questions. They know me. I'm online as August Alsina's ex fiancee. I'm just glad Ruben wasn't annoyed by that.

After the ferris wheel, we went to a haunted house thing. Ruben just about made me go in. While we were walking through he was basically dragging me through. Then I felt someone push me. I ended up in a black box with Ruben.

"Rayna what's going on?" Ruben asked holding me close to him.

"I don't know. Someone pushed us in!" There was no way out. All of a sudden Ruben started screaming. I felt something wet. I took my phone out and turned on the flash. There was a knife in the side of Ruben's chest.

I screamed and held him up on the wall as best as I could. I called the cops. We couldn't get out of the box at all.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I need help. I'm at the haunted house in the carnival. My boyfriend got stabbed and we're trapped inside a box. Please hurry!!" I said while crying. If Ruben dies it would be my fault.

I'm sure this was the work of August's friend. I couldn't really hear anything after that. I sat on the floor with Ruben and made sure he didn't pass out.

Minutes later, I heard the police. I screamed for them and heard a lock being broken off of the box. Finally, the door opened and they helped us out. The haunted house was shut down and Ruben was taken to the hospital. I rode in the ambulance with him holding his hand on the way there.

I explained everything to the cop inside with us and when we got to the hospital, August called me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said standing outside.

"I want to see my son. Make it happen and your lil boyfriend won't die. Just do it." He said. He hung up and I sat there thinking. August can see Anthony but he won't be able to have him under no supervision. Meaning me or Kurrency. Never.

Ruben just better be okay.

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