I'm No Angel (A Dean Winchest...

By stevergxrs

18.1K 542 147

Ten years after the gruesome death of her mother, Alex Marlowe a young huntress works a case at a local schoo... More

Chapter One: Meeting Alex Marlowe
Chapter Two: Meeting the Winchesters
Chapter Three: School Dance
Chapter Four: Heads Will Roll
Chapter Five: Colette
Chapter Six: Alex's Decision
Chapter Seven: BladeRunners Pt.1
Chapter Eight: BladeRunners Pt. 2
Chapter Nine: The First Blade
Chapter Ten: Magnus
Chapter Twelve: Destinations
Chapter Thirteen: King of the Damned Pt. 1
Chapter Fourteen: King of the Damned Pt. 2
Chapter Fifteen: Uncovered
Chapter Sixteen: Do You Believe in Miracles? Part 1
Chapter Seventeen: Do You Believe in Miracles? Pt. 2

Chapter Eleven: Undisclosed Desires

921 34 7
By stevergxrs


After Sam, Dean, Alex and Crowley snagged the First Blade, Abaddon's henchmen raided the Impala in hopes of finding the blade. However before anyone could react, Crowley swiped the blade from Sam and disappeared.

"You okay?" Alex asked the elder Winchester as she carefully wiped the blood off her cheek.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna gank the sons of bitches that did this to Baby." Dean grumbled as he sat in the passenger side and leaned his head against the window.

"How are you feeling, Alex? You're banged up pretty bad." Sam asked in concern as he looked at her through the mirror.

"I'll live." She assured him as she wiped some of her blood off the corner of her lip.

The three of them rode in silence for about a half hour until they finally reached the bunker.

"Well it's been nice hangin' with you boys but I am gonna take a shower then go to sleep for four days." Alex said as she slid down the railing of the staircase.

As she walked into the library, she jumped when a woman with fiery red hair suddenly lunged forward and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Charlie... y-you're crushing me." Alex gasped for air as she managed to pull away.

"Oh my gosh Harley are you okay?" Charlie asked and the boys stood there in confusion.

"Harley? I thought your name is Alex?" Sam asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"It is." Answered Charlie. "But I met her at Comic-Con a couple years back."

"And I'm just spitballin' here but I'm guessing you were dressed as Harley Quinn right?" Dean raised an eyebrow at her.

Alex noticed a sudden gleam in his emerald green eyes. "You betcha B-Man." Alex replied with a wink.

"Geez! get a room you two." Charlie teased as both Dean and Alex rolled their eyes.

"Anyways, how are you boys doing?" The redhead asked as she hugged the Winchesters.

"Oh you know, same old same old. You?" Sam asked as he hugged her back.

"Oh the usual." She giggled.

"Well, I'm sorry to cut this reunion short but those showers are a callin'" Alex announced before walking into the hallway and into her room.

She grabbed a towel and some pajamas and headed to the bathroom before running into Dean.

"Hey Alex, Sam and Charlie are going out to pick up some food from the diner nearby, do you want anything?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure whatever you're getting Dean-o." She replied with a weak smile which was quickly followed by an awkward silence between them. "How are you feeling?" She leaned against her doorway, breaking the silence.

"Fine. Hell, I'm fan freakintastic." Dean replied as he grabbed his forearm.

Alex eyed him for a moment. He's lying. Alex thought to herself.

"What about you? You sure you okay? You got banged up pretty bad." Dean said as he gently cupped her face and examined the cuts.

"Like I said Dean, I'm fine." She answered softly as she leaned into his touch.

He didn't let go of her face immediately. Instead, his eyes slowly gazed down to her lips then back up to her eyes, almost as if he was contemplating making a move on her.

"I'm gonna go take that shower now." Alex said as she backed away from him and walked into the bathroom.

She quickly shut the door behind her and sighed heavily. Did Dean try to make a move on me? Fuck! Why didn't I let him kiss me? She banged her head against the door in frustration. She quickly undressed and stepped into one of the showers, letting the water cascade on her.

The boys are right, the water pressure here is amazing. Alex thought as she grabbed her shampoo, squeezed some on her head and began massaging her scalp. After her shower she turned off the faucet, quickly wrapped herself with a towel and walked towards one of the mirrors.

What the hell does he see in me? She thought to herself as she slipped on Dean's Def Leppard shirt he had given her all those months ago, then slipped on some black boy shorts.

"Hey Harley! Food's here!" Alex heard Sam call out as he knocked on the door.

"Be right out!" Alex shouted back as she grabbed her stuff and dropped it in the hamper.

As she walked to the library she saw Sam, Dean and Charlie sitting with their food and catching up with one another. She grabbed an empty chair and sat in between Sam and Charile and reached for the brown paper bag.

"So Harley, how'd you meet the boys?" Asked Charlie as she bit into her sandwich.

"Met em' while working a Vamp case at a high school." She responded as she took a sip of her soda.

"Yeah, turns out the entire high school was a vampire nest and Alex got hurt pretty bad." Dean replied as he took a giant bite from his burger.

"Only because I had to save your ass, Winchester." She defended, making Sam and Charlie laugh.

"Sam! You need to lock it up." Dean grunted as he glared at his younger brother, but it only made him laugh harder.

"Alright ladies settle down." Alex giggled before turning to Charlie. "So Ivy, what brings you here?" She asked.

"No reason. I like dropping in from time to time to see the boys."


"Hey Dean can you help me install this DVD player to the TV? I can't reach it." Charlie called out from under the table.

"Sure kid what do you need?" Dean asked as he grabbed the cables from her hand.

"Can you connect that HDMI cable to the back of the television?" She asked.

"So, what's up with you and Alex?" She whispered out of the blue, catching Dean off guard.

"Uh what?" Dean replied with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, I see you the way you look at her. You like her don't you?" Charlie teased.

"Let me make one thing clear." Dean harshly whispered so that Alex and Sam couldn't hear. "I, Do not, Like, Alex."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Winchester. But I know for a fact She, Likes, You, too." She responded in the same manner Dean spoke, with a pause in between each word.

"Really? And how do you know that?" He asked.

"Because she doesn't flirt with just anyone." She answered, getting up from the floor.

"Hey! What's taking you guys so long?" Sam shouted.

"Come on old man! How long does it take you to set up a TV?" Alex giggled.

"Take my word for it Dean. Make a move." Charlie advised him.


After Charlie left, Dean started replaying the conversation he had with her in his head. What if Charlie's wrong about this? He began to question himself but was quickly shaken back to reality by Alex.

"Dean? I'm asking you a question." Alex snapped her fingers, trying to get his attention.

"Sorry, spaced out for a bit. What was the question?" Dean asked.

"I asked if you wanted to be my sparring partner since Sammy went to sleep." She asked as she folded her arms across her chest. 

He gets up from his spot on the couch and gives her a sly smirk. "You really think you can take down a guy like me?"

"Oh you mean sleazy douchebags? Taken plenty of 'em down." She smirked just as cocky as he did.

"Honey, there ain't no other men like me." He replied.

He watched as she walked towards the hallway. "We'll see about that. I'll meet you in the dungeon in ten." She said as she walked away.

Dean quickly made his way down the bunker's hallway and into his bedroom. He stripped off his brown plaid flannel, his dark wash jeans and boots, then quickly slipped on black sweatpants and sneakers.

As Dean approached the room of the dungeon, he heard a strange noise echoing into the hallway. He stopped at the foot of the door, peered in and noticed Alex dressed in a tight, black shirt with a Batman logo across her chest, along with dark gray sweatpants that clung to her body. He noticed that the strange sound was music as he watched her move so fluid and graceful with the melody.

"Never took you for a dancer." Dean finally piped up, snapping Alex from her trance.

"What took you so long Dean-o?" Alex responded as she went over to the little music doc and turned it off.

"Got a little caught up. That was quite a show there Marlowe." He answered as he entered the dungeon. "Funny, I thought you hated dancing." He added as he went over by the wall, pulled out a black training mat and placed it on the floor.

"My mother was a ballet dancer so she taught me when I was five." Alex replied as she started stretching her limbs. "You ready old man?" She teased as she got into her fighting stance.

"Very funny. Marlowe." Dean grumbled as he got into his fighting stance.

"So how are we gonna do this? First one to get pinned to the mat loses?" Dean asked, giving her a shit-eating smirk.

"Bring it on Winchester." Alex smirked back as Dean lunged forward, swinging his fist at her.

Thinking quickly, Alex moved out of the way and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back and pushed him against the wall.

"You getting a little rusty, eh Dean-o?" Alex chirped.

Dean quickly wriggled himself free and in a flash he pushed her against the wall. "Guess again, sweetheart." He smirked. 

He could've sworn he heard her breath hitch as he pinned her hands above the concrete wall. "Gotta keep up, twinkle toes!" He teased as he let her go and taunted her.

"You kidding?" Alex replied as she cracked her knuckles, surprising Dean. "I'm just getting started, sweetheart." She said as she got back into her fighting stance. 

He noticed a change in her demeanor. Her big brown eyes turned a shade darker and her demeanor was no longer a fun one. Dean charged at her again, swinging his fists at her. She dodged each of his punches and she punches him in the gut.He stumbled back a bit and out of nowhere, she ducks and swings her leg around, making contact with his ankles and Dean falls back onto mat with a huff. 

Quickly, she jumped on top of him, holding his hands above his head. Fuck, she's so hot. Dean thought to himself. He couldn't help but get turned on by her body on top of his.

"You're good, Marlowe." Dean said as he bucked his hips up, flipping her on her back with him on top, holding both her hands above her head. "But I'm better." He noticed Alex's cheeks flush into a bright pink.

"Take my word for it, Dean. Make a move." Charlie's words echoed through his head as his eyes slowly roamed Alex's features. Her brown hair fanned out on the mat, big bourbon colored eyes staring into his own, face flushed and parted lips. He couldn't restrain himself any longer, he slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.

It was everything he imagined it to be, her lips were warm and soft. He let go of her hands and cupped her face, deepening the kiss. He felt her trap his bottom lip and pull back gently. He let out a shallow groan and pulled back for air, opening his eyes.

"What was that for?" Alex asked, her eyes still closed, trying to regain her composure.

"I—I'm sorry." Dean said, quickly jumping off her and headed straight for the door.

"Dean!" Alex called out as she hopped up on her feet and ran after him, catching him by his elbow.

"Look Alex I said that I w-"

Alex slammed her lips against his, not allowing him to finish speaking. His body tingled, feeling the fire of passion burn inside him and pushed Alex against the wall gently. A quick steamy make out session unfolded and even though Dean didn't want to pull away from the perfect moment he pulled away and pressed his forehead on hers. "You wanna go for a drive?"

"Sure Dean, I'd like that."

A/N: Announcements!!!: Sorry I haven't updated in a while but life happened and my depression got the best of me. Ironically on my 21st birthday no less. Anyways, looks like things are heating up Dean and Alex. Are they gonna get together soon? Who knows? Oh wait... 

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